/* * DCFSignal.ino - DCF77 debug Example * Thijs Elenbaas, 2012 * This example code is in the public domain. This simple example shows the raw signal coming from the DCF decoder. Pulse-to-Pulse is approximately 1000 ms and pulse with is approx 100ms or 200ms The axis underestimates the elapsed time slightly, because a single loop takes a bit longer than 10ms. */ #define BLINKPIN 13 #define DCF77PIN 2 int prevSensorValue=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(DCF77PIN, INPUT); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); Serial.println("0ms 100ms 200ms 300ms 400ms 500ms 600ms 700ms 800ms 900ms 1000ms 1100ms 1200ms"); } void loop() { int sensorValue = digitalRead(DCF77PIN); if (sensorValue==1 && prevSensorValue==0) { Serial.println(""); } digitalWrite(BLINKPIN, sensorValue); Serial.print(sensorValue); prevSensorValue = sensorValue; delay(10); }