TestStandRepository / Software / Arduino / libraries / Arduino-Libraries / CmdMessenger / CSharp / CommandMessenger / CmdMessenger.cs
#region CmdMessenger - MIT - (c) 2014 Thijs Elenbaas.
  CmdMessenger - library that provides command based messaging

  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
  the following conditions:

  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

  Copyright 2014 - Thijs Elenbaas

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using CommandMessenger.TransportLayer;
using ThreadState = System.Diagnostics.ThreadState;

namespace CommandMessenger
    public enum SendQueue

    public enum ReceiveQueue

    public enum UseQueue

    public enum BoardType

    /// <summary> Command messenger main class  </summary>
    public class CmdMessenger : DisposableObject
        public event NewLineEvent.NewLineHandler NewLineReceived;           // Event handler for new lines received
        public event NewLineEvent.NewLineHandler NewLineSent;               // Event handler for a new line received
        private CommunicationManager _communicationManager;                 // The communication manager
        private Sender _sender;                                             // The command sender

        private char _fieldSeparator;                                       // The field separator
        private char _commandSeparator;                                     // The command separator
        private bool _printLfCr;                                            // Add Linefeed + CarriageReturn 
        private BoardType _boardType;
        private MessengerCallbackFunction _defaultCallback;                 // The default callback
        private Dictionary<int, MessengerCallbackFunction> _callbackList;   // List of callbacks

        private SendCommandQueue _sendCommandQueue;                         // The queue of commands to be sent
        private ReceiveCommandQueue _receiveCommandQueue;                   // The queue of commands to be processed

        //private Logger _sendCommandLogger = new Logger(@"d:\sendCommands.txt");
        /// <summary> Definition of the messenger callback function. </summary>
        /// <param name="receivedCommand"> The received command. </param>
        public delegate void MessengerCallbackFunction(ReceivedCommand receivedCommand);

        /// <summary> Embedded Processor type. Needed to translate variables between sides. </summary>
        /// <value> The current received line. </value>
        public BoardType BoardType {
            get { return _boardType;  }
                _boardType = value;
                Command.BoardType = _boardType;

        /// <summary> Gets or sets a whether to print a line feed carriage return after each command. </summary>
        /// <value> true if print line feed carriage return, false if not. </value>
        public bool PrintLfCr { 
            get { return _printLfCr; } 
            set {
                _printLfCr = value;
                Command.PrintLfCr = _printLfCr;
                _sender.PrintLfCr = _printLfCr;

        /// <summary> Gets or sets the current received command line. </summary>
        /// <value> The current received line. </value>
        public String CurrentReceivedLine { get; private set; }

        /// <summary> Gets or sets the currently sent line. </summary>
        /// <value> The currently sent line. </value>
        //public String CurrentSentLine { get; private set; }

        // Enable logging send commands to file
        //public bool LogSendCommandsEnabled
        //    get { return _sendCommandLogger.isEnabled; }
        //    set { 
        //        _sendCommandLogger.isEnabled = value;
        //        if  (!_sendCommandLogger.isOpen) {
        //            _sendCommandLogger.Open();
        //        }
        //    }

        /// <summary> Gets or sets the log file of send commands. </summary>
        /// <value> The logfile name for send commands. </value>
        //public String LogFileSendCommands
        //    get { return _sendCommandLogger.LogFileName; }
        //    set { _sendCommandLogger.LogFileName = value; }


        /// <summary> Gets or sets the log file of receive commands. </summary>
        /// <value> The logfile name for receive commands. </value>
        //public String LogFileReceiveCommands { get; set; }

        // The control to invoke the callback on
        private Control _controlToInvokeOn;
        /// <summary> Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="transport"> The transport layer. </param>
        public CmdMessenger(ITransport transport)
            Init(transport, ',', ';', '/', 60);

        /// <summary> Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="transport"> The transport layer. </param>
        /// <param name="sendBufferMaxLength"> The maximum size of the send buffer</param>
        public CmdMessenger(ITransport transport, int sendBufferMaxLength)
            Init(transport, ',', ';', '/', sendBufferMaxLength);

        /// <summary> Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="transport"> The transport layer. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldSeparator"> The field separator. </param>
        public CmdMessenger(ITransport transport, char fieldSeparator)
            Init(transport, fieldSeparator, ';', '/', 60);

        /// <summary> Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="transport"> The transport layer. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldSeparator"> The field separator. </param>
        /// <param name="sendBufferMaxLength"> The maximum size of the send buffer</param>
        public CmdMessenger(ITransport transport, char fieldSeparator, int sendBufferMaxLength)
            Init(transport, fieldSeparator, ';', '/', sendBufferMaxLength);

        /// <summary> Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="transport">   The transport layer. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldSeparator">   The field separator. </param>
        /// <param name="commandSeparator"> The command separator. </param>
        public CmdMessenger(ITransport transport, char fieldSeparator, char commandSeparator)
            Init(transport, fieldSeparator, commandSeparator, commandSeparator, 60);

        /// <summary> Constructor. </summary>
        /// <param name="transport">   The transport layer. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldSeparator">   The field separator. </param>
        /// <param name="commandSeparator"> The command separator. </param>
        /// <param name="escapeCharacter">  The escape character. </param>
        /// <param name="sendBufferMaxLength"> The maximum size of the send buffer</param>
        public CmdMessenger(ITransport transport, char fieldSeparator, char commandSeparator,
                            char escapeCharacter, int sendBufferMaxLength)
            Init(transport, fieldSeparator, commandSeparator, escapeCharacter, sendBufferMaxLength);

        /// <summary> Initializes this object. </summary>
        /// <param name="transport">   The transport layer. </param>
        /// <param name="fieldSeparator">   The field separator. </param>
        /// <param name="commandSeparator"> The command separator. </param>
        /// <param name="escapeCharacter">  The escape character. </param>
        /// <param name="sendBufferMaxLength"> The maximum size of the send buffer</param>
        private void Init(ITransport transport, char fieldSeparator, char commandSeparator,
                          char escapeCharacter, int sendBufferMaxLength)
            _controlToInvokeOn = null;
            _receiveCommandQueue  = new ReceiveCommandQueue(DisposeStack, this);
            _communicationManager = new CommunicationManager(DisposeStack, transport, _receiveCommandQueue, commandSeparator, fieldSeparator, escapeCharacter);
            _sender               = new Sender(_communicationManager, _receiveCommandQueue);
            _sendCommandQueue     = new SendCommandQueue(DisposeStack, this, _sender, sendBufferMaxLength);
            _receiveCommandQueue.NewLineReceived += (o, e) => InvokeNewLineEvent(NewLineReceived, e);
            _sendCommandQueue.NewLineSent        += (o, e) => InvokeNewLineEvent(NewLineSent, e);

            _fieldSeparator = fieldSeparator;
            _commandSeparator = commandSeparator;
            PrintLfCr = false;

            Command.FieldSeparator = _fieldSeparator;
            Command.CommandSeparator = _commandSeparator;
            Command.PrintLfCr = PrintLfCr;            

            Escaping.EscapeChars(_fieldSeparator, _commandSeparator, escapeCharacter);
            _callbackList = new Dictionary<int, MessengerCallbackFunction>();
            //CurrentSentLine = "";
            CurrentReceivedLine = "";

        //void ReceiveCommandQueueNewLineReceived(object sender, NewLineEvent.NewLineArgs e)
        //    InvokeNewLineEvent(NewLineReceived, e);

        public void SetSingleCore()
            var proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
            foreach (ProcessThread pt in proc.Threads)
                if (pt.ThreadState != ThreadState.Terminated)
                        pt.IdealProcessor = 0;
                        pt.ProcessorAffinity = (IntPtr) 1;
                    catch (Exception)

        /// <summary> Sets a control to invoke on. </summary>
        /// <param name="controlToInvokeOn"> The control to invoke on. </param>
        public void SetControlToInvokeOn(Control controlToInvokeOn)
            _controlToInvokeOn = controlToInvokeOn;

        /// <summary>  Stop listening and end serial port connection. </summary>
        /// <returns> true if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns>
        public bool Disconnect()
            return _communicationManager.Disconnect();

        /// <summary> Starts serial port connection and start listening. </summary>
        /// <returns> true if it succeeds, false if it fails. </returns>
        public bool Connect()
            if (_communicationManager.Connect())
                // Timestamp of this command is same as time stamp of serial line
                //LastReceivedCommandTimeStamp = _communicationManager.LastLineTimeStamp;
                return true;
            return false;

        /// <summary> Attaches default callback for unsupported commands. </summary>
        /// <param name="newFunction"> The callback function. </param>
        public void Attach(MessengerCallbackFunction newFunction)
            _defaultCallback = newFunction;

        /// <summary> Attaches default callback for certain Message ID. </summary>
        /// <param name="messageId">   Command ID. </param>
        /// <param name="newFunction"> The callback function. </param>
        public void Attach(int messageId, MessengerCallbackFunction newFunction)
            _callbackList[messageId] = newFunction;

        /// <summary> Gets or sets the time stamp of the last command line received. </summary>
        /// <value> The last line time stamp. </value>
        public long LastReceivedCommandTimeStamp
                return _communicationManager.LastLineTimeStamp;

        /// <summary> Handle message. </summary>
        /// <param name="receivedCommand"> The received command. </param>
        public void HandleMessage(ReceivedCommand receivedCommand)
            CurrentReceivedLine = receivedCommand.RawString;
            // Send message that a new line has been received and is due to be processed

            MessengerCallbackFunction callback = null;
            if (receivedCommand.Ok)
                if (_callbackList.ContainsKey(receivedCommand.CmdId))
                    callback = _callbackList[receivedCommand.CmdId];
                    if (_defaultCallback != null) callback = _defaultCallback;
                // Empty command
                receivedCommand = new ReceivedCommand();
            InvokeCallBack(callback, receivedCommand);

        /// <summary> Sends a command. 
        /// 		  If no command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send asynchronously: it will be put on the top of the send queue
        ///  		  If a  command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send synchronously:  the program will block until the acknowledge command 
        ///  		  has been received or the timeout has expired. </summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand"> The command to sent. </param>
        public ReceivedCommand SendCommand(SendCommand sendCommand)
            return SendCommand(sendCommand, SendQueue.InFrontQueue,ReceiveQueue.Default);

        /// <summary> Sends a command. 
        /// 		  If no command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send asynchronously: it will be put on the top of the send queue
        ///  		  If a  command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send synchronously:  the program will block until the acknowledge command 
        ///  		  has been received or the timeout has expired.
        ///  		  Based on ClearQueueState, the send- and receive-queues are left intact or are cleared</summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand">       The command to sent. </param>
        /// <param name="sendQueueState">    Property to optionally clear/wait the send queue</param>
        /// <param name="receiveQueueState"> Property to optionally clear/wait the send queue</param>
        /// <returns> A received command. The received command will only be valid if the ReqAc of the command is true. </returns>
        public ReceivedCommand SendCommand(SendCommand sendCommand, SendQueue sendQueueState, ReceiveQueue receiveQueueState)
            return SendCommand(sendCommand, sendQueueState, receiveQueueState, UseQueue.UseQueue);

        /// <summary> Sends a command. 
        /// 		  If no command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send asynchronously: it will be put on the top of the send queue
        ///  		  If a  command acknowledge is requested, the command will be send synchronously:  the program will block until the acknowledge command 
        ///  		  has been received or the timeout has expired.
        ///  		  Based on ClearQueueState, the send- and receive-queues are left intact or are cleared</summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand">       The command to sent. </param>
        /// <param name="sendQueueState">    Property to optionally clear/wait the send queue</param>
        /// <param name="receiveQueueState"> Property to optionally clear/wait the send queue</param>
        /// <param name="useQueue">          Property to optionally bypass the queue</param>
        /// <returns> A received command. The received command will only be valid if the ReqAc of the command is true. </returns>
        public ReceivedCommand SendCommand(SendCommand sendCommand, SendQueue sendQueueState, ReceiveQueue receiveQueueState, UseQueue useQueue)
            var synchronizedSend = (sendCommand.ReqAc || useQueue == UseQueue.BypassQueue);

            if (sendQueueState == SendQueue.ClearQueue )
                // Clear receive queue

            if (receiveQueueState == ReceiveQueue.ClearQueue )
                // Clear send queue

            // If synchronized sending, the only way to get command at end of queue is by waiting
            if (sendQueueState == SendQueue.WaitForEmptyQueue ||
                (synchronizedSend && sendQueueState == SendQueue.AtEndQueue)
                while (_sendCommandQueue.Count > 0) Thread.Sleep(1);
            if (receiveQueueState == ReceiveQueue.WaitForEmptyQueue)
                while (_receiveCommandQueue.Count>0) Thread.Sleep(1);

            if (synchronizedSend)
                return SendCommandSync(sendCommand, sendQueueState);
            if (sendQueueState != SendQueue.AtEndQueue)
                // Put command at top of command queue
                // Put command at bottom of command queue
            return new ReceivedCommand();

        /// <summary> Synchronized send a command. </summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand">    The command to sent. </param>
        /// <param name="sendQueueState"> Property to optionally clear/wait the send queue. </param>
        /// <returns> . </returns>
        public ReceivedCommand SendCommandSync(SendCommand sendCommand, SendQueue sendQueueState)
            // Directly call execute command
            var resultSendCommand = _sender.ExecuteSendCommand(sendCommand, sendQueueState);
            InvokeNewLineEvent(NewLineSent, new NewLineEvent.NewLineArgs(sendCommand));
            return resultSendCommand;            

        /// <summary> Put the command at the back of the sent queue.</summary>
        /// <param name="sendCommand"> The command to sent. </param>
        public void QueueCommand(SendCommand sendCommand)

        /// <summary> Put  a command wrapped in a strategy at the back of the sent queue.</summary>
        /// <param name="commandStrategy"> The command strategy. </param>
        public void QueueCommand(CommandStrategy commandStrategy)

        /// <summary> Adds a general command strategy to the receive queue. This will be executed on every enqueued and dequeued command.  </summary>
        /// <param name="generalStrategy"> The general strategy for the receive queue. </param>
        public void AddReceiveCommandStrategy(GeneralStrategy generalStrategy) 

        /// <summary> Adds a general command strategy to the send queue. This will be executed on every enqueued and dequeued command.  </summary>
        /// <param name="generalStrategy"> The general strategy for the send queue. </param>
        public void AddSendCommandStrategy(GeneralStrategy generalStrategy)

        /// <summary> Clears the receive queue. </summary>
        public void ClearReceiveQueue()

        /// <summary> Clears the send queue. </summary>
        public void ClearSendQueue()

        /// <summary> Helper function to Invoke or directly call event. </summary>
        /// <param name="newLineHandler"> The event handler. </param>
        /// <param name="newLineArgs"></param>
        private void InvokeNewLineEvent(NewLineEvent.NewLineHandler newLineHandler, NewLineEvent.NewLineArgs newLineArgs)
                if (newLineHandler == null) return;
                if (_controlToInvokeOn != null && _controlToInvokeOn.InvokeRequired)
                    //Asynchronously call on UI thread
                    _controlToInvokeOn.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => newLineHandler(this, newLineArgs)));
                    //Directly call
                    newLineHandler(this, newLineArgs);
            catch (Exception)

        /// <summary> Helper function to Invoke or directly call callback function. </summary>
        /// <param name="messengerCallbackFunction"> The messenger callback function. </param>
        /// <param name="command">                   The command. </param>
        private void InvokeCallBack(MessengerCallbackFunction messengerCallbackFunction, ReceivedCommand command)
                if (messengerCallbackFunction == null) return;

                if (_controlToInvokeOn != null && _controlToInvokeOn.InvokeRequired)
                    //Asynchronously call on UI thread
                    _controlToInvokeOn.Invoke(new MessengerCallbackFunction(messengerCallbackFunction), (object)command);
                    //Directly call
            catch (Exception)


        /// <summary> Finaliser. </summary>
            _controlToInvokeOn = null;
            _receiveCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Abort;
            _sendCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Abort;

        /// <summary> Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing"> true if resources should be disposed, false if not. </param>
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                _controlToInvokeOn = null;
                _receiveCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Abort;
                _sendCommandQueue.ThreadRunState = CommandQueue.ThreadRunStates.Abort;
               // _sendCommandLogger.Close();