- ## Note that the special string AppName will be replaced upon initialisation
- ## in all cases with the relavent app name (DaVinci, Gauss etc...)
- import os, tempfile, pprint, sys
- from GangaGaudi.Lib.Applications.Gaudi import Gaudi
- from GangaGaudi.Lib.Applications.GaudiUtils import fillPackedSandbox
- from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.AppsBaseUtils import available_apps, guess_version, available_packs
- from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.AppsBaseUtils import backend_handlers, activeSummaryItems
- from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.FileBuffer import FileBuffer
- from Ganga.GPIDev.Base.Proxy import GPIProxyObjectFactory
- from Ganga.GPIDev.Schema import *
- from Ganga.Utility.Shell import Shell
- from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.PythonOptionsParser import PythonOptionsParser
- from Ganga.GPIDev.Adapters.StandardJobConfig import StandardJobConfig
- from Ganga.Utility.Config import getConfig
- from Ganga.Utility.files import expandfilename
- from Ganga.Utility.execute import execute
- import Ganga.Utility.logging
- import GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications.CMTscript
- import pickle
- import subprocess
- from GangaLHCb.Lib.Applications import XMLPostProcessor
- from Ganga.Core.exceptions import ApplicationConfigurationError
- logger = Ganga.Utility.logging.getLogger()
- class Kepler(Gaudi):
- _name = 'Kepler'
- _category = 'applications'
- #__doc__ = GaudiDocString('AppName')
- _schema = Gaudi._schema.inherit_copy()
- docstr = 'The package the application belongs to (e.g. "Sim", "Phys")'
- _schema.datadict['package'] = SimpleItem(defvalue=None,
- typelist=['str','type(None)'],
- doc=docstr)
- docstr = 'The package where your top level requirements file is read ' \
- 'from. Can be written either as a path ' \
- '\"Tutorial/Analysis/v6r0\" or in a CMT style notation ' \
- '\"Analysis v6r0 Tutorial\"'
- _schema.datadict['masterpackage'] = SimpleItem(defvalue=None,
- typelist=['str','type(None)'],
- doc=docstr)
- _schema.datadict['platform'] = SimpleItem( defvalue="x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt" )
- docstr = 'Extra options to be passed onto the SetupProject command '\
- 'used for configuring the environment. As an example '\
- 'setting it to \'--dev\' will give access to the DEV area. '\
- 'For full documentation of the available options see '\
- 'https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/SetupProject'
- _schema.datadict['setupProjectOptions'] = SimpleItem(defvalue='',
- typelist=['str','type(None)'],
- doc=docstr)
- _exportmethods = Gaudi._exportmethods[:]
- _exportmethods += ['readInputData']
- def _get_default_version(self, gaudi_app):
- return guess_version(gaudi_app)
- def _auto__init__(self):
- self.appname='Kepler'
- # super(self.appname, self)._auto__init__()
- def postprocess(self):
- XMLPostProcessor.postprocess(self,logger)
- def readInputData(self,optsfiles,extraopts=False):
- def dummyfile():
- temp_fd,temp_filename=tempfile.mkstemp(text=True,suffix='.py')
- os.write(temp_fd,"Dummy file to keep the Optionsparser happy")
- os.close(temp_fd)
- return temp_filename
- if type(optsfiles)!=type([]): optsfiles=[optsfiles]
- if len(optsfiles)==0: optsfiles.append(dummyfile())
- if extraopts: extraopts=self.extraopts
- else: extraopts=""
- # parser = check_inputs(optsfiles, extraopts, self.env)
- try:
- parser = PythonOptionsParser(optsfiles,extraopts,self.getenv(False))
- except Exception, e:
- msg = 'Unable to parse the job options. Please check options ' \
- 'files and extraopts.'
- raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)
- return GPIProxyObjectFactory(parser.get_input_data())
- def getpack(self, options=''):
- """Performs a getpack on the package given within the environment
- of the application. The unix exit code is returned
- """
- command = 'getpack ' + options + '\n'
- if options == '':
- command = 'getpack -i'
- return CMTscript.CMTscript(self,command)
- def make(self, argument=None):
- """Performs a CMT make on the application. The unix exit code is
- returned. Any arguments given are passed onto CMT as in
- dv.make('clean').
- """
- config = Ganga.Utility.Config.getConfig('GAUDI')
- command = config['make_cmd']
- if argument:
- command+=' '+argument
- return CMTscript.CMTscript(self,command)
- def cmt(self, command):
- """Execute a cmt command in the cmt user area pointed to by the
- application. Will execute the command "cmt <command>" after the
- proper configuration. Do not include the word "cmt" yourself. The
- unix exit code is returned."""
- command = '###CMT### ' + command
- return CMTscript.CMTscript(self,command)
- def _getshell(self):
- opts = ''
- if self.setupProjectOptions: opts = self.setupProjectOptions
- fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- script = '#!/bin/sh\n'
- if self.user_release_area:
- script += 'User_release_area=%s; export User_release_area\n' % \
- expandfilename(self.user_release_area)
- if self.platform:
- script += '. `which LbLogin.sh` -c %s\n' % self.platform
- useflag = ''
- cmd = '. SetupProject.sh %s %s %s %s' % (useflag, opts, self.appname, self.version)
- script += '%s \n' % cmd
- fd.write(script)
- fd.flush()
- logger.debug(script)
- self.shell = Shell(setup=fd.name)
- if (not self.shell): raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'Shell not created.')
- logger.debug(pprint.pformat(self.shell.env))
- fd.close()
- app_ok = False
- ver_ok = False
- for var in self.shell.env:
- if var.find(self.appname) >= 0: app_ok = True
- if self.shell.env[var].find(self.version) >= 0: ver_ok = True
- if not app_ok or not ver_ok:
- msg = 'Command "%s" failed to properly setup environment.' % cmd
- logger.error(msg)
- raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)
- import copy
- self.env = copy.deepcopy( self.shell.env )
- return self.shell.env
- def _get_parser(self):
- optsfiles = [fileitem.name for fileitem in self.optsfile]
- # add on XML summary
- extraopts = ''
- if self.extraopts:
- extraopts += self.extraopts
- try:
- parser = PythonOptionsParser(optsfiles,extraopts,self.getenv(False))
- except ApplicationConfigurationError, e:
- # fix this when preparing not attached to job
- msg2=''
- try:
- debug_dir = self.getJobObject().getDebugWorkspace().getPath()
- msg2+='You can also view this from within ganga '\
- 'by doing job.peek(\'../debug/gaudirun.<whatever>\').'
- except:
- debug_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- messages = e.message.split('###SPLIT###')
- if len(messages) is 2:
- stdout = open(debug_dir + '/gaudirun.stdout','w')
- stderr = open(debug_dir + '/gaudirun.stderr','w')
- stdout.write(messages[0])
- stderr.write(messages[1])
- stdout.close()
- stderr.close()
- msg = 'Unable to parse job options! Please check options ' \
- 'files and extraopts. The output and error streams from gaudirun.py can be ' \
- 'found in %s and %s respectively . ' % (stdout.name, stderr.name)
- else:
- f = open(debug_dir + '/gaudirun.out','w')
- f.write(e.message)
- f.close()
- msg = 'Unable to parse job options! Please check options ' \
- 'files and extraopts. The output from gaudirun.py can be ' \
- 'found in %s . ' % f.name
- msg+=msg2
- # logger.error(msg)
- raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)
- return parser
- def _parse_options(self):
- try:
- parser = self._get_parser()
- except ApplicationConfigurationError, e:
- raise e
- share_dir = os.path.join(expandfilename(getConfig('Configuration')['gangadir']),
- 'shared',
- getConfig('Configuration')['user'],
- self.is_prepared.name)
- fillPackedSandbox([FileBuffer('options.pkl',parser.opts_pkl_str)],
- os.path.join(share_dir,
- 'inputsandbox',
- '_input_sandbox_%s.tar' % self.is_prepared.name))
- inputdata = parser.get_input_data()
- if len(inputdata.files) > 0:
- logger.warning('Found inputdataset defined in optsfile, '\
- 'this will get pickled up and stored in the '\
- 'prepared state. Any change to the options/data will '\
- 'therefore require an unprepare first.')
- logger.warning('NOTE: the prefered way of working '\
- 'is to define inputdata in the job.inputdata field. ')
- logger.warning('Data defined in job.inputdata will superseed optsfile data!')
- logger.warning('Inputdata can be transfered from optsfiles to the job.inputdata field '\
- 'using job.inputdata = job.application.readInputData(optsfiles)')
- share_path = os.path.join(share_dir,'inputdata')
- if not os.path.isdir(share_path): os.makedirs(share_path)
- f=open(os.path.join(share_path,'options_data.pkl'),'w+b')
- pickle.dump(inputdata, f)
- f.close()
- share_path = os.path.join(share_dir,'output')
- if not os.path.isdir(share_path): os.makedirs(share_path)
- f=open(os.path.join(share_path,'options_parser.pkl'),'w+b')
- pickle.dump(parser, f)
- f.close()
- from Ganga.GPIDev.Adapters.ApplicationRuntimeHandlers import allHandlers
- for (backend, handler) in backend_handlers().iteritems():
- allHandlers.add('Kepler', backend, handler)