- #!/bin/bash
- . /etc/bashrc
- scratch=$(pwd)
- shopt -s expand_aliases
- export eospath=eos/lhcb/testbeam/velo/timepix3/
- if [ -z $KEPLERSYS ]; then . SetupProject.sh Kepler v3r0; fi
- tb=July2014
- if [ "$1" -gt "2000" ]; then tb=Oct2014; fi
- if [ "$1" -gt "3000" ]; then tb=Nov2014; fi
- if [ "$1" -gt "3999" ]; then tb=Dec2014; fi
- if [ "$1" -gt "4999" ]; then tb=May2015; fi
- if [ "$1" -gt "6733" ]; then tb=July2015; fi
- if [ "$1" -gt "12000" ]; then tb=Sep2015; fi
- if [ "$1" -gt "13509" ]; then tb=Nov2015; fi
- if [ -z "$DATADIR" ]; then
- echo "No output directory defined - define variable $DATADIR"
- fi
- mkdir -p $TBDATA/$tb/Run$1/
- RUN=$1
- echo "Processing Run $1"
- condFolder="$eospath/$tb/RootFiles/Run$1/Conditions/"
- input_option="Kepler().InputFiles=['$eospath/$tb/RawData/Run$RUN/']"
- alignment="Kepler().AlignmentFile='$condFolder/Alignment$1mille.dat'"
- job="../options/batch.py"
- histo_file="Kepler().HistogramFile='$TBDATA/$tb/Run$RUN/Kepler-histos.root'"
- tuple_file="Kepler().TupleFile='$TBDATA/$tb/Run$RUN/Kepler-tuple.root'"
- log_file=$TBDATA/$tb/Run$1/Run$1.std.out
- alignment_out="TbAlignment().OutputAlignmentFile='Alignment_out.dat'"
- while [[ $# > 1 ]]
- do
- key="$1"
- case $key in
- -o|--options) # specify the options file to use
- job="$2"
- shift # past argument
- ;;
- -a|--alignment) #specify an alignment file
- alignment="Kepler().AlignmentFile='$2'"
- shift # past argument
- ;;
- -ao|--alignmentOut) #specify alignment file output
- alignment_out="TbAlignment().OutputAlignmentFile='$2'"
- shift
- ;;
- -i|--input)
- input_option="Kepler().InputFiles=['$2']"
- shift
- ;;
- -h|--hist) #specify histogram output
- histo_file="Kepler().HistogramFile='$2'"
- shift
- ;;
- -t|--nTuple) #specify nTuple output
- tuple_file="Kepler().TupleFile='$2'"
- shift
- ;;
- -lg|--log) #specify text log location
- log_file=$2
- shift
- ;;
- -l|--local) #use "local" mode for H8 operations
- input_option="Kepler().InputFiles=["
- FILES=""
- for f in {0..10}; do
- for file in /mnt/DATA/Dev$f/Run$RUN/*.dat ; do
- FILES+="'$file',"
- done
- done
- input_option+=`echo $FILES | sed 's/.$//'`
- input_option+="]"
- echo $input_option
- ;;
- -n|--nEvents) #specify a number of events
- nEvents="Kepler().EvtMax=$2"
- shift
- ;;
- --default)
- ;;
- *)
- # unknown option
- ;;
- esac
- shift # past argument or value
- done
- gaudirun.py --option="from Configurables import Kepler, TbAlignment" --option=$histo_file --option=$tuple_file --option=$alignment_out --option=$nEvents --option=$alignment --option=$input_option $job |& tee $TBDATA/$tb/Run$1/Run$1.std.out