- package Kepler
- version v3r0
- branches doc cmt options tests
- # Packages needed to compile and link the application
- use GaudiConf v* -no_auto_imports
- use GaudiKernel v*
- # Packages needed to resolve external dependencies at run time
- use Python v* LCG_Interfaces -no_auto_imports
- # The rest are needed only to set up environment variables for job options
- # and to give a cmt broadcast dependency for user checked out component packages
- # From GAUDI project
- use GaudiSvc v* -no_auto_imports
- use GaudiPython v* -no_auto_imports
- use Gaudi v* -no_auto_imports
- #use GaudiOnline v* Online -no_auto_imports
- # Testbeam specific packages
- use TbAlgorithms v* Tb -no_auto_imports
- use TbIO v* Tb -no_auto_imports
- use TbKernel v* Tb
- # Requirements to use Ganga
- use DDDB v* Det -no_auto_imports
- use LHCbAlgs v* Kernel -no_auto_imports
- # Setup the application
- apply_pattern application_path
- apply_pattern install_python_modules
- apply_pattern GaudiApp
- apply_pattern QMTest