- # Basic configuration file.
- # Execute with: gaudirun.py $KEPLERROOT/options/example.py
- from Gaudi.Configuration import *
- from Configurables import Kepler
- import pickle
- import ROOT
- # Set the path to the directory/files to be processed
- path = 'eos/lhcb/testbeam/velo/timepix3/'
- RUN = '9110'
- # if int(RUN) < 2000:
- # path += 'July'
- # elif int(RUN) < 2815:
- # path += 'Oct'
- # elif int(RUN) < 4000:
- # path += 'Nov'
- # else:
- # path += 'Dec'
- # path += '2014'
- path += 'July2015'
- Kepler().InputFiles = [path + '/RawData/Run' + RUN + '/']
- Kepler().PixelConfigFile = ["eos/lhcb/testbeam/velo/timepix3/July2014/RootFiles/Run1236/Conditions/PixelConfig.dat"]
- Kepler().AlignmentFile = path + '/RootFiles/Run' + RUN + '/Conditions/Alignment' + RUN + 'mille.dat'
- #Kepler().AlignmentFile = 'ResStudies/Alignments/dut/Alignment2509.dat'
- Kepler().HistogramFile= 'Kepler_histos_' + RUN + '.root'
- # Set the number of events to run over
- Kepler().EvtMax = 11000000
- #Kepler().TimingConfigFile = "myTimingConfig.dat"
- # Set the configuration of the individual algorithms, e. g.
- from Configurables import TbEventBuilder
- #TbEventBuilder().MinPlanesWithHits = 5
- from Configurables import TbClustering
- TbClustering().PrintConfiguration = True
- from Configurables import TbSimpleTracking
- TbSimpleTracking().PrintConfiguration = True
- from Configurables import TbVisualiserOutput
- TbVisualiserOutput().PrintConfiguration = True
- TbVisualiserOutput().ViewerEvent = 1049
- Kepler().UserAlgorithms = [TbVisualiserOutput()]
- DUT_id = pickle.load( open( "DUTnum.p", "rb" ) )
- #DUT_id = 3
- fResiduals = ROOT.TFile("UnbiasedLocalResolutionsPerPlane.root")
- gx = fResiduals.Get("xPerPlane")
- gy = fResiduals.Get("yPerPlane")
- scaling = 15
- print ((gx.GetBinContent(DUT_id+1)**2 + gy.GetBinContent(DUT_id+1)**2)**0.5)
- allowance = scaling * ((gx.GetBinContent(DUT_id+1)**2 + gy.GetBinContent(DUT_id+1)**2)**0.5)
- print 'DUT_id', DUT_id
- print 'allowance:', allowance
- def egRun():
- from Configurables import TbEventBuilder, TbTrackPlots, TbCalibration, TbVisualiserOutput
- from Configurables import TbClustering, TbClusterPlots, TbSimpleTracking, TbHitMonitor
- from Configurables import TbClusterAssociator, TbEfficiency, TbDUTMonitor
- TbEventBuilder().PrintFreq = 10
- TbSimpleTracking().TimeWindow = 6
- TbSimpleTracking().MaxDistance = 0
- TbSimpleTracking().MinPlanes = 7
- TbSimpleTracking().MaskedPlanes = [DUT_id, 4]
- TbSimpleTracking().MaxOpeningAngle = 0.005
- TbSimpleTracking().RecheckTrack = True
- TbSimpleTracking().ChargeCutLow = 0
- TbSimpleTracking().DoOccupancyCut = True
- TbSimpleTracking().MaxClusterSize = 20
- TbSimpleTracking().MaxOccupancy = 7 # not inclusive
- TbTrackPlots().MaskedPlanes = [DUT_id, 4]
- TbClusterAssociator().DUTs = [DUT_id]
- TbDUTMonitor().DUTs = [DUT_id]
- TbClusterAssociator().TimeWindow = 10
- TbClusterAssociator().XWindow = allowance
- TbEfficiency().CheckHitDUT = True
- TbEfficiency().CheckHitAlivePixel = True
- TbEfficiency().DUT = DUT_id
- TbEfficiency().TakeDeadPixelsFromFile = True
- TbEfficiency().nTotalTracks =500000
- TbEfficiency().MaxChi = 2
- seq = GaudiSequencer("Telescope")
- seq.Members = [TbEventBuilder(), TbClustering(), TbSimpleTracking(), TbClusterAssociator(), TbEfficiency()]
- #seq.Members = [TbEventBuilder()]
- seq = GaudiSequencer("Monitoring")
- from Configurables import TbHitMonitor, TbClusterPlots, TbTrackPlots
- #seq.Members = [TbHitMonitor(), TbClusterPlots(), TbTrackPlots(), TbDUTMonitor(), TbVisualiserOutput()]
- seq.Members = [TbDUTMonitor()]
- appendPostConfigAction(egRun)