- #include "TFile.h"
- #include "TH2.h"
- #include "TH1.h"
- #include "TF1.h"
- #include "TGraphErrors.h"
- #include "iostream"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "Riostream.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "TRandom.h"
- #include "TGraph.h"
- #include "TMultiGraph.h"
- #include "TCanvas.h"
- #include "TMath.h"
- #include "TLegend.h"
- //script opens the kepler-histograms sent by submitRes.py to the grid, specifically taking the unbiased residual for the DUT (plane 4) for both X and Y.
- //Fits a guassian to each of the residuals and stores the mean and rms.
- //Plots them as a function of Bias or Angle, where the bias and angle values are stored in runList.txt
- //stores them as a .png and .root file format (in LHCb style)
- //run as root -b if you dont want canvas printed to screen.
- //MAY need to change path in ~L62 to your own!!!!!
- //Emma Buchanan May 2015 (emma.buchanan@cern.ch)
- void res_analysis(){
- //-------Change Parameters Here------//
- const int job = 9; //job number
- const int run =5; //number of subjobs in this job
- const int beg= 13; //from runList.txt what is the range of the "Block" begining->end
- const int end= 17;
- int choice =0; //Is this an Bias or angle scan? (0 for Bias, 1 for angle)
- const int iplane =4; //number of the plane you wish to analyse (DUT =4)
- //saving the final plot as a .png, and/or root file
- char plot_bias[200]; //the name of the plot, will be printed to a .png at the end of this script.
- sprintf(plot_bias, "%s", "sensor_bias_scan.png");
- char plot_angle[200];
- sprintf(plot_angle, "%s", "sensor_angle_scan.png");
- char root_plotb[100]; //this .root file will contain the final plot/s
- sprintf(root_plotb, "%s", "sensor_bias_scan.root");
- char root_plota[100]; //this .root file will contain the final plot/s
- sprintf(root_plota, "%s", "sensor_angle_scan.root");
- //----------end of parameters--------//
- //Reading kepler histograms and fitting gaussian to DUT
- float DUT_meanX[run]; float DUT_rmsX[run]; //fit parameters for X
- float DUT_meanY[run]; float DUT_rmsY[run]; //fit parameters for Y
- TF1 *gauss = new TF1("gauss","gaus");
- TH1F *XDUT[run];
- TH1F *YDUT[run];
- TCanvas *Xcanvas[run];
- TCanvas *Ycanvas[run];
- //opening the DUT (plane 4) from the kepler-histos and fitting a gaussian to each.
- char filename[100];
- char locationX[100]; char locationY[100];
- TFile *openFile[100];
- for (int subjob =0; subjob<run; subjob++){
- sprintf(filename, "%s%d%s%d%s","/afs/cern.ch/user/e/ebuchana/gangadir/workspace/ebuchana/LocalXML/",job,"/",subjob,"/output/Kepler-histos.root "); //the location of each root file for each run
- sprintf(locationX, "%s%d", "Tb/TbTrackPlots/BiasedResiduals/GlobalX/Plane",iplane); //location of the biased residual of the DUT
- sprintf(locationY, "%s%d", "Tb/TbTrackPlots/BiasedResiduals/GlobalY/Plane",iplane); //location of the biased residual of the DUT
- cout << filename << endl;
- openFile[subjob] = new TFile(filename); //opening the root files
- //------------------ For X ------------------//
- cout << locationX << endl;
- Xcanvas[subjob] = new TCanvas(); //creating a canvas for each histogram
- Xcanvas[subjob]->SetTitle("X Biased Residal for DUT"); //setting canvas title
- XDUT[subjob] = (TH1F*)openFile[subjob]->Get(locationX); //getting each of the histograms from the kepler root files
- XDUT[subjob]->Fit("gauss", "R"); //fitting guassian
- DUT_meanX[subjob]=XDUT[subjob]->GetFunction("gauss")->GetParameter(1); //getting the mean of the postion
- DUT_rmsX[subjob]=XDUT[subjob]->GetFunction("gauss")->GetParameter(2); //this should be the RMS
- cout << "DUT mean X\t" << DUT_meanX[subjob] <<endl;
- cout << "DUT rms X\t" << DUT_rmsX[subjob] <<endl;
- //------------------ For Y ------------------//
- cout << locationY << endl;
- Ycanvas[subjob] = new TCanvas(); //creating a canvas for each histogram
- Ycanvas[subjob]->SetTitle("Y Biased Residal for DUT"); //setting canvas title
- YDUT[subjob] = (TH1F*)openFile[subjob]->Get(locationY); //getting each of the histograms from the kepler root files
- YDUT[subjob]->Fit("gauss", "R"); //fitting guassian
- DUT_meanY[subjob]=YDUT[subjob]->GetFunction("gauss")->GetParameter(1); //getting the mean of the postion
- DUT_rmsY[subjob]=YDUT[subjob]->GetFunction("gauss")->GetParameter(2); //this should be the RMS
- cout << "DUT mean Y\t" << DUT_meanY[subjob] <<endl;
- cout << "DUT rms Y\t" << DUT_rmsY[subjob] <<endl;
- }
- //Printing to the DUT histograms and gaussian fits to a new root file
- char rootFile[100];
- sprintf(rootFile, "%s", "root_res_analysis.root");
- cout << "creating\t" << rootFile << endl;
- TFile *myfile = new TFile(rootFile,"RECREATE"); // creating rootfile
- for (int subjob =0; subjob<run; subjob++){
- XDUT[subjob]->Write(); //writing the plots to file
- YDUT[subjob]->Write(); //writing the plots to file
- }
- //Reading in the parameters from runList.txt
- char runList[100];
- char str1[10],str2[10],str3[10],str4[10],str5[10],str6[10];
- float a,b,c,f; char d[100], e[100];
- float full_Angle[100], full_Bias[100], length[100];
- float Angle[run], Bias[run], rmsX[run];
- int r =0;
- sprintf(runList, "%s", "/afs/cern.ch/user/e/ebuchana/cmtuser/KEPLER/KEPLER_HEAD/Tb/Kepler/options/ResStudies/runList.txt");
- FILE * runFile = fopen (runList,"read");
- cout << "reading in runList.txt " << endl;
- fscanf(runFile, "%s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s \t %s", str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6);
- while (!feof(runFile)){
- fscanf(runFile,"%f \t %f \t %f \t %s \t %s \t %f", &a, &b, &c, d, e, &f);
- full_Angle[r]=b;// all angles in runList.txt
- full_Bias[r]=c; // all bias voltages in runList.txt
- length[r]=f; // number of line in runList.txt
- r++;
- }
- //initalisng arrays (may not be needed)
- for (int range =beg-1; range <end; range ++){
- Angle[range]=0;
- Bias[range]=0;
- }
- //saving the range of bias and angles that you need from the full set of parameters
- int in =0;
- for (int range =beg-1; range <end; range ++){
- Angle[in]=full_Angle[range];
- Bias[in]=full_Bias[range];
- in++;
- }
- //Plots after this line will be in the LHCb style format.
- gROOT-> ProcessLine(".x lhcbStyle.C");
- if (choice==0){ //if Bias scan
- //--------- for X ----------//
- TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Bias vs Xrms (DUT)");
- TGraph *g1 = new TGraph(run, Bias, DUT_rmsX);
- g1->Draw("ap");
- g1->SetTitle("Bias vs. DUT rms; Bias Voltage; DUT X spatial resolution ");
- c1->Print(plot_bias);
- c1->Print(root_plotb);
- //--------- for Y ----------//
- TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "Bias vs Yrms (DUT)");
- TGraph *g2 = new TGraph(run, Bias, DUT_rmsY);
- g2->Draw("ap");
- g2->SetTitle("Bias vs. DUT rms; Bias Voltage; DUT Y spatial resolution ");
- // c2->Print(plot_bias);
- // c2->Print(root_plotb);
- }
- else{ //if angle scan
- TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3", "Angle vs Xrms (DUT)");
- TGraph *g3 = new TGraph(run, Angle, DUT_rmsX);
- g3->Draw("ap");
- c3->Print(plot_angle);
- c3->Print(root_plota);
- TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4", "Angle vs Yrms (DUT)");
- TGraph *g4 = new TGraph(run, Angle, DUT_rmsY);
- g4->Draw("ap");
- // c4->Print(plot_angle);
- // c4->Print(root_plota);
- }
- }