- ########################################################################
- # script to submit resolution study jobs to grid
- # Define runs in runList.txt and combine those in a common block
- # Define z-position configuration of block in ZPos.txt
- # Define which block to run over and analysis step you want to perform
- # -survey : Survey alignment
- # -mille : Millepede alignmnet
- # -dut : DUT run
- # -run : Dry run using DUT alignment
- #
- # for questions: chris.hombach@gmail.com
- ########################################################################
- import pickle
- from sys import path
- from os.path import abspath
- PATH_TO_OPTS= abspath('$HOME/cmtuser/KEPLER/KEPLER_HEAD/Tb/Kepler/options/ResStudies/')
- path.append( PATH_TO_OPTS )
- import Runs
- #Set blocks to run over and alignment-method
- blocks = ['D1','D2']
- method = 'run' #survey, mille, dut, run
- ######
- optsdir = '$HOME/cmtuser/KEPLER/KEPLER_HEAD/Tb/Kepler/options/ResStudies/'
- opts = '%srestudies.py' % optsdir
- kepler = Kepler( optsfile=[ opts ] , version = 'HEAD' )
- BACKEND = Local()#LSF(queue='1nh')#Dirac()
- #BACKEND = Dirac()
- runs = Runs.Runs(blocks, method)
- pickled_runs = 'Runs.pkl'
- pickle.dump( runs, open( pickled_runs , 'wb' ) )
- for bl in blocks:
- alfs = {}
- tbruns = []
- for rn in runs.RUNS[bl]:
- r = rn.RUN
- a = rn.ANGLE
- b = rn.BIAS
- d = rn.DUT
- af = rn.ALIGNFILE
- tbruns.append( int(r) )
- if method == 'survey':
- rn.createAlignFile()
- alfs[int(r)] = af
- if tbruns[0] < 2000:
- m = 'July2014'
- elif tbruns[0] < 3000:
- m = 'Oct2014'
- elif tbruns[0] < 4000:
- m = 'Nov2014'
- else:
- m = 'Dec2014'
- tbds = TbDataset( m, tbruns )
- tbds.AlignmentFiles = alfs
- SPLITTER = tbds
- j = Job(application = kepler)
- j.backend = BACKEND
- j.splitter = SPLITTER
- j.outputfiles = ['*.dat']
- j.submit()