- from Gaudi.Configuration import *
- from Configurables import Kepler
- # Add TbAlignment to the Telescope sequence.
- Kepler().Alignment = True
- # Set the number of events to process.
- Kepler().EvtMax = 100
- from Configurables import TbEventBuilder
- # Skip noise events.
- TbEventBuilder().MinPlanesWithHits = 5
- from Configurables import TbClusterPlots
- # Set the reference plane.
- TbClusterPlots().ReferencePlane = 3
- # Widen the range of the difference histograms if needed.
- TbClusterPlots().ParametersDifferenceXY = ('', -10., 10., 200)
- from Configurables import TbAlignment
- TbAlignment().AlignmentTechnique = "survey"