- #include <cmath>
- // AIDA
- // #include "AIDA/IAxis.h"
- // Gaudi
- #include "GaudiKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"
- #include "GaudiUtils/Aida2ROOT.h"
- #include "GaudiUtils/HistoLabels.h"
- // Tb/TbEvent
- #include "Event/TbHit.h"
- // Tb/TbKernel
- #include "TbKernel/TbModule.h"
- // Local
- #include "TbClusterPlots.h"
- using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos;
- //=============================================================================
- // Standard constructor.
- //=============================================================================
- TbClusterPlots::TbClusterPlots(const std::string& name,
- ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
- : TbAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
- m_parToT("", 0.5, 1024.5, 1024),
- m_parCharge("", 0., 60000., 200),
- m_parXY("", -25., 25., 200),
- m_parTime("", 0., 300000., 1000),
- m_parDifferenceXY("", -2., 2., 200),
- m_parDifferenceRot("", -0.1, 0.1, 200),
- m_parDifferenceT("", -1000., 1000., 1000),
- m_parSamples(0, 100000, 1),
- m_clusterFinder(nullptr),
- m_event(0) {
- declareProperty("ClusterLocation",
- m_clusterLocation = LHCb::TbClusterLocation::Default);
- declareProperty("ReferencePlane", m_referencePlane = 0);
- declareProperty("TimeWindow", m_twindow = 250. * Gaudi::Units::ns);
- declareProperty("ParametersToT", m_parToT);
- declareProperty("ParametersCharge", m_parCharge);
- declareProperty("ParametersXY", m_parXY);
- declareProperty("ParametersTime", m_parTime);
- declareProperty("ParametersDifferenceXY", m_parDifferenceXY);
- declareProperty("ParametersDifferenceRot", m_parDifferenceRot);
- declareProperty("ParametersDifferenceT", m_parDifferenceT);
- declareProperty("FillSamples", m_fillSamples = false);
- declareProperty("FillComparisonPlots", m_fillComparisonPlots = false);
- declareProperty("FillTrackingEfficiency", m_fillTrackingEfficiency = false);
- declareProperty("ParametersSamples", m_parSamples);
- declareProperty("ChargeCutLow", m_chargeCutLow = 0);
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Destructor
- //=============================================================================
- TbClusterPlots::~TbClusterPlots() {}
- //=============================================================================
- // Initialization.
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbClusterPlots::initialize() {
- // Initialise the base class.
- StatusCode sc = TbAlgorithm::initialize();
- if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
- // Initialise the plots.
- setupPlots();
- // Setup the cluster finder.
- m_clusterFinder =
- tool<ITbClusterFinder>("TbClusterFinder", "ClusterFinder", this);
- if (!m_clusterFinder) {
- return Error("Cannot retrieve cluster finder tool.");
- }
- m_clusterFinder->setSearchAlgorithm("adap_seq");
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Finalization.
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbClusterPlots::finalize() {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- double num = m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy->binHeight(
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy->coordToIndex(i));
- double denom = m_nClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy->binHeight(
- m_nClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy->coordToIndex(i));
- double frac = num / denom;
- if (denom > 0) m_fractionTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy->fill(i, frac);
- num = m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge->binHeight(
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge->coordToIndex(i));
- denom = m_nClusters_vs_telCharge->binHeight(
- m_nClusters_vs_telCharge->coordToIndex(i));
- frac = num / denom;
- if (denom > 0) m_fractionTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge->fill(i, frac);
- }
- return TbAlgorithm::finalize();
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Main execution.
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbClusterPlots::execute() {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- // Skip masked planes.
- if (masked(i)) continue;
- // Get the clusters for this plane.
- const std::string clusterLocation = m_clusterLocation + std::to_string(i);
- LHCb::TbClusters* clusters = getIfExists<LHCb::TbClusters>(clusterLocation);
- if (!clusters) return Error("No clusters in " + clusterLocation);
- // Fill the plots depending on just these clusters.
- fillPerChipPlots(clusters);
- fillClusterVisuals(clusters);
- // Store the iterators in the cluster finder.
- m_clusterFinder->setClusters(clusters, i);
- }
- if (m_fillTrackingEfficiency) fillTrackingEfficiency();
- if (m_fillComparisonPlots) fillComparisonPlots();
- m_event++;
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Fill "event displays".
- //=============================================================================
- void TbClusterPlots::fillClusterVisuals(const LHCb::TbClusters* clusters) {
- for (const LHCb::TbCluster* cluster : *clusters) {
- if (cluster->htime() > m_parSamples.highEdge()) break;
- if (cluster->htime() < m_parSamples.lowEdge()) continue;
- if (cluster->associated()) continue;
- const unsigned int plane = cluster->plane();
- for (auto hit : cluster->hits()) {
- double xLocal = 0.;
- double yLocal = 0.;
- geomSvc()->pixelToPoint(hit->scol(), hit->row(), plane, xLocal, yLocal);
- Gaudi::XYZPoint pLocal(xLocal, yLocal, 0.);
- Gaudi::XYZPoint pGlobal = geomSvc()->localToGlobal(pLocal, plane);
- m_clusterVisuals[plane]->fill(pGlobal.x(), pGlobal.y());
- }
- }
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Fill plots.
- //=============================================================================
- void TbClusterPlots::fillPerChipPlots(const LHCb::TbClusters* clusters) {
- double tprev = 0.;
- bool first = true;
- for (const LHCb::TbCluster* cluster : *clusters) {
- const unsigned int plane = cluster->plane();
- const unsigned int tot = cluster->ToT();
- const double charge = cluster->charge();
- m_hToT[plane]->fill(tot);
- m_hCharge[plane]->fill(charge);
- const unsigned int size = cluster->size();
- if (size == 1) {
- m_hToTOnePixel[plane]->fill(tot);
- m_hChargeOnePixel[plane]->fill(charge);
- } else if (size == 2) {
- m_hToTTwoPixel[plane]->fill(tot);
- m_hChargeTwoPixel[plane]->fill(charge);
- } else if (size == 3) {
- m_hToTThreePixel[plane]->fill(tot);
- m_hChargeThreePixel[plane]->fill(charge);
- } else if (size == 4) {
- m_hToTFourPixel[plane]->fill(tot);
- m_hChargeFourPixel[plane]->fill(charge);
- }
- m_hSize[plane]->fill(size);
- // Hitmap.
- m_hHitMap[plane]->fill(cluster->x(), cluster->y());
- counter("effFractionAssociated" + std::to_string(plane)) +=
- cluster->associated();
- if (cluster->charge() > 50) {
- counter("effFractionAssociatedAbove50TOT" + std::to_string(plane)) +=
- cluster->associated();
- }
- const double t = cluster->htime();
- m_hTime[plane]->fill(t);
- if (!first) m_hTimeBetweenClusters[plane]->fill(t - tprev);
- first = false;
- tprev = t;
- if (cluster->associated()) {
- m_hHitMapAssociated[plane]->fill(cluster->x(), cluster->y());
- m_hSizeAssociated[plane]->fill(size);
- m_hToTAssociated[plane]->fill(tot);
- m_hChargeAssociated[plane]->fill(charge);
- m_hTimeAssociated[plane]->fill(t);
- } else {
- m_hHitMapNonAssociated[plane]->fill(cluster->x(), cluster->y());
- m_hSizeNonAssociated[plane]->fill(size);
- m_hToTNonAssociated[plane]->fill(tot);
- m_hChargeNonAssociated[plane]->fill(charge);
- m_hTimeNonAssociated[plane]->fill(t);
- }
- m_hWidthCol[plane]->fill(cluster->cols());
- m_hWidthRow[plane]->fill(cluster->rows());
- m_hGlobalXvsZ->fill(cluster->z(), cluster->x());
- m_hGlobalYvsZ->fill(cluster->z(), cluster->y());
- // Loop over the hits in the cluster.
- auto hits = cluster->hits();
- bool firstHit = true;
- double tSeed = 0.;
- for (const LHCb::TbHit* hit : hits) {
- if (firstHit) {
- tSeed = hit->htime();
- firstHit = false;
- } else {
- m_hTimeSeedMinusHit[plane]->fill(hit->htime() - tSeed);
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_fillSamples) fillSamples(clusters);
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Comparison windows (via scrolling window).
- //=============================================================================
- void TbClusterPlots::fillComparisonPlots() {
- // Make sure there are clusters on the reference plane.
- if (m_clusterFinder->empty(m_referencePlane)) return;
- // Scroll over clusters on the reference plane, then draw comparisons
- // between this cluster and those inside a time window on the other planes.
- const auto refBegin = m_clusterFinder->first(m_referencePlane);
- const auto refEnd = m_clusterFinder->end(m_referencePlane);
- for (auto itRef = refBegin; itRef != refEnd; ++itRef) {
- // Calculate the time window for this cluster.
- const auto tRef = (*itRef)->htime();
- const auto tMin = tRef - m_twindow;
- const auto tMax = tRef + m_twindow;
- const double xRef = (*itRef)->x();
- const double yRef = (*itRef)->y();
- // Loop over other the other planes.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- // Skip empty planes.
- if (m_clusterFinder->empty(i)) continue;
- // Get the first cluster within the time range.
- const auto begin = m_clusterFinder->getIterator(tMin, i);
- const auto end = m_clusterFinder->end(i);
- // Loop over the clusters within the range.
- for (auto ic = begin; ic != end; ++ic) {
- // Stop when too far ahead.
- if ((*ic)->htime() >= tMax) break;
- // (Re)-check if inside the window.
- if ((*ic)->htime() >= tMin) {
- // Fill correlation plots.
- m_gx_correls[i]->fill((*ic)->x(), xRef);
- m_gy_correls[i]->fill((*ic)->y(), yRef);
- m_gt_correls[i]->fill((*ic)->htime(), tRef);
- // Fill difference plots.
- m_gx_diffs[i]->fill((*ic)->x() - xRef);
- m_gy_diffs[i]->fill((*ic)->y() - yRef);
- m_gt_diffs[i]->fill((*ic)->htime() - tRef);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Plot a set of clusters.
- //=============================================================================
- void TbClusterPlots::fillSamples(const LHCb::TbClusters* clusters) {
- // Takes a set number of clusters and plots their hits on a TH2, with
- // the bins weighted by ToT values. Clusters are spaced equally. A dot at
- // their reconstructed positions would be cool.
- const unsigned int nSamplesRoot = 6;
- const unsigned int nSamples = nSamplesRoot * nSamplesRoot;
- const unsigned int sampleSpacing = 6;
- const unsigned int n = nSamplesRoot * sampleSpacing;
- LHCb::TbClusters::const_iterator ic = clusters->begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSamples && i < clusters->size(); ++i) {
- // Modify later to not always visualize first few clusters.
- // Position of cluster seed on TH2.
- // Sequentially left to right, then down to up.
- const int c_col = (i % nSamplesRoot) * sampleSpacing;
- const int c_row = (i / nSamplesRoot) * sampleSpacing;
- const auto& hits = (*ic)->hits();
- const int seed_col = hits.front()->col();
- const int seed_row = hits.front()->row();
- for (auto it = hits.cbegin(), end = hits.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
- // Center the cluster on the seed hit, then shift to posn on TH2.
- const int col = ((*it)->col() - seed_col) + c_col;
- const int row = ((*it)->row() - seed_row) + c_row;
- plot2D(col, row, "ClusterSamples", "Cluster samples", 0, n, 0, n, n, n,
- (*it)->ToT());
- }
- ++ic;
- }
- // Switch off filling the samples plot after the first call.
- m_fillSamples = false;
- }
- //=============================================================================
- void TbClusterPlots::fillTrackingEfficiency() {
- std::string clusterLocation = m_clusterLocation + "0";
- LHCb::TbClusters* clusters_zero =
- getIfExists<LHCb::TbClusters>(clusterLocation);
- // Loop over clusters on plane 0.
- LHCb::TbClusters::const_iterator begin = clusters_zero->begin();
- LHCb::TbClusters::const_iterator end = clusters_zero->end();
- for (LHCb::TbClusters::const_iterator iSeed = begin; iSeed != end; ++iSeed) {
- double timeSeed = (*iSeed)->htime();
- double tWindow = 10;
- unsigned int nClusters = 0;
- unsigned int nTrackedClusters = 0;
- unsigned int nTelHits = 0;
- unsigned int nTelHits_tracked = 0;
- double telCharge = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- if (i == 4) continue;
- // Get the clusters for this plane.
- clusterLocation = m_clusterLocation + std::to_string(i);
- LHCb::TbClusters* clusters =
- getIfExists<LHCb::TbClusters>(clusterLocation);
- LHCb::TbClusters::const_iterator begin = clusters->begin();
- LHCb::TbClusters::const_iterator end = clusters->end();
- for (LHCb::TbClusters::const_iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
- double delT = timeSeed - (*it)->htime();
- if (fabs(delT) < tWindow) {
- nTelHits += (*it)->size();
- telCharge += (*it)->charge();
- if ((*it)->charge() > m_chargeCutLow) {
- nClusters++;
- if ((*it)->associated()) {
- nTrackedClusters++;
- nTelHits_tracked += (*it)->size();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // if (nClustersPerPlane > 4 && m_event == 1050)
- //std::cout<<nClustersPerPlane<<"\t"<<m_event<<"\t"<<(*iSeed)->htime()<<std::endl;
- m_telHitOccupancy->fill(nTelHits);
- m_telHitOccupancy_tracked->fill(nTelHits_tracked);
- m_nClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy->fill(nTelHits, nClusters);
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy->fill(nTelHits, nTrackedClusters);
- m_telCharge->fill(telCharge);
- m_nClusters_vs_telCharge->fill(telCharge, nClusters);
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge->fill(telCharge, nTrackedClusters);
- m_telClusterOccupancy->fill(nClusters);
- m_telClusterOccupancy_tracked->fill(nTrackedClusters);
- m_nClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy->fill(nClusters, nClusters);
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy->fill(nClusters,
- nTrackedClusters);
- // if (nClusters == 15 && m_event == 1050)
- // std::cout<<(*iSeed)->htime()<<"\t"<<nTelHits<<std::endl;
- }
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Initialization of plot objects
- //=============================================================================
- void TbClusterPlots::setupPlots() {
- unsigned int nBins = 60;
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy",
- "nTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy", 0, 250, nBins);
- m_fractionTrackedClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/fractionTrackedClusters_telHitOccupancy",
- "ffractionTrackedClusters_telHitOccupancy", 0, 250, nBins);
- m_nClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy",
- "nClusters_vs_telHitOccupancy", 0, 250, nBins);
- m_telHitOccupancy = book1D("TrackingEfficiency/telHitOccupancy",
- "telHitOccupancy", 0, 250, nBins);
- m_telHitOccupancy_tracked =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/telHitOccupancy_tracked",
- "telHitOccupancy_tracked", 0, 250, nBins);
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge",
- "nTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge", 0, 8000, nBins);
- m_fractionTrackedClusters_vs_telCharge =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/fractionTrackedClusters_telCharge",
- "ffractionTrackedClusters_telCharge", 0, 8000, nBins);
- m_nClusters_vs_telCharge = book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nClusters_vs_telCharge",
- "nClusters_vs_telCharge", 0, 8000, nBins);
- m_telCharge =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/telCharge", "telCharge", 0, 8000, nBins);
- m_nTrackedClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nTrackedClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy",
- "nTrackedClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy", 0, 60, nBins);
- m_fractionTrackedClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/fractionTrackedClusters_telClusterOccupancy",
- "ffractionTrackedClusters_telClusterOccupancy", 0, 60, nBins);
- m_nClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy",
- "nClusters_vs_telClusterOccupancy", 0, 60, nBins);
- m_telClusterOccupancy = book1D("TrackingEfficiency/telClusterOccupancy",
- "telClusterOccupancy", 0, 60, nBins);
- m_telClusterOccupancy_tracked =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/telClusterOccupancy_tracked",
- "telClusterOccupancy_tracked", 0, 60, nBins);
- const double zMin = geomSvc()->modules().front()->z() - 50.;
- const double zMax = geomSvc()->modules().back()->z() + 50.;
- unsigned int bins = m_parXY.bins();
- double low = m_parXY.lowEdge();
- double high = m_parXY.highEdge();
- m_hGlobalXvsZ =
- book2D("GlobalXvsZ", "GlobalXvsZ", zMin, zMax, 5000, low, high, bins);
- m_hGlobalYvsZ =
- book2D("GlobalYvsZ", "GlobalYvsZ", zMin, zMax, 5000, low, high, bins);
- setAxisLabels(m_hGlobalXvsZ, "global #it{z} [mm]", "global #it{x} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_hGlobalYvsZ, "global #it{z} [mm]", "global #it{y} [mm]");
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- const std::string plane = std::to_string(i);
- const std::string title = geomSvc()->modules().at(i)->id();
- // ToT distributions
- bins = m_parToT.bins();
- low = m_parToT.lowEdge();
- high = m_parToT.highEdge();
- std::string name = "ToT/All/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToT.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "ToT/OnePixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToTOnePixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "ToT/TwoPixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToTTwoPixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "ToT/ThreePixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToTThreePixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "ToT/FourPixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToTFourPixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "ToT/Associated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToTAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "ToT/NonAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToTNonAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hToT[i], "ToT", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hToTOnePixel[i], "ToT", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hToTTwoPixel[i], "ToT", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hToTThreePixel[i], "ToT", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hToTFourPixel[i], "ToT", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hToTAssociated[i], "ToT", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hToTNonAssociated[i], "ToT", "entries");
- // Charge distributions
- bins = m_parCharge.bins();
- low = m_parCharge.lowEdge();
- high = m_parCharge.highEdge();
- name = "Charge/All/Plane" + plane;
- m_hCharge.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "Charge/OnePixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hChargeOnePixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "Charge/TwoPixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hChargeTwoPixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "Charge/ThreePixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hChargeThreePixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "Charge/FourPixel/Plane" + plane;
- m_hChargeFourPixel.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "Charge/Associated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hChargeAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "Charge/NonAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hChargeNonAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hCharge[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hChargeOnePixel[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hChargeTwoPixel[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hChargeThreePixel[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hChargeFourPixel[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hChargeAssociated[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hChargeNonAssociated[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- // Cluster size distributions
- name = "Size/Plane" + plane;
- m_hSize.push_back(book1D(name, title, 0.5, 10.5, 10));
- name = "SizeAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hSizeAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, 0.5, 10.5, 10));
- name = "SizeNonAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hSizeNonAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, 0.5, 10.5, 10));
- setAxisLabels(m_hSize[i], "cluster size", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hSizeAssociated[i], "cluster size", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hSizeNonAssociated[i], "cluster size", "entries");
- // Cluster width along column and row directions
- name = "Width/col/Plane" + plane;
- m_hWidthCol.push_back(book1D(name, title, 0.5, 10.5, 10));
- name = "Width/row/Plane" + plane;
- m_hWidthRow.push_back(book1D(name, title, 0.5, 10.5, 10));
- setAxisLabels(m_hWidthCol[i], "columns", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hWidthRow[i], "rows", "entries");
- // Cluster position hit maps
- bins = m_parXY.bins();
- low = m_parXY.lowEdge();
- high = m_parXY.highEdge();
- name = "Positions/Plane" + plane;
- m_hHitMap.push_back(book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- name = "PositionsAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hHitMapAssociated.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- name = "PositionsNonAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hHitMapNonAssociated.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hHitMap[i], "global #it{x} [mm]", "global #it{y} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_hHitMapAssociated[i], "global #it{x} [mm]",
- "global #it{y} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_hHitMapNonAssociated[i], "global #it{x} [mm]",
- "global #it{y} [mm]");
- // Global x/y correlations
- name = "Correlations/x/Plane" + plane;
- m_gx_correls.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- name = "Correlations/y/Plane" + plane;
- m_gy_correls.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_gx_correls[i], "#it{x} [mm]", "#it{x}_{ref} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_gy_correls[i], "#it{y} [mm]", "#it{y}_{ref} [mm]");
- // Time distributions
- bins = m_parTime.bins();
- low = m_parTime.lowEdge();
- high = m_parTime.highEdge();
- name = "Time/Plane" + plane;
- m_hTime.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "TimeAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hTimeAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "TimeNonAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hTimeNonAssociated.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hTime[i], "time [ns]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hTimeAssociated[i], "time [ns]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hTimeNonAssociated[i], "time [ns]", "entries");
- // Time spread of hits within a cluster.
- name = "TimeHitMinusSeed/Plane" + plane;
- m_hTimeSeedMinusHit.push_back(book1D(name, title, 0., 500., 200));
- setAxisLabels(m_hTimeSeedMinusHit[i], "#it{t}_{hit} - #it{t}_{seed} [ns]",
- "entries");
- // Time correlations
- name = "Correlations/t/Plane" + plane;
- m_gt_correls.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_gt_correls[i], "#it{t}", "#it{t}_{ref}");
- // Global x/y differences
- bins = m_parDifferenceXY.bins();
- low = m_parDifferenceXY.lowEdge();
- high = m_parDifferenceXY.highEdge();
- name = "Differences/x/Plane" + plane;
- m_gx_diffs.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "Differences/y/Plane" + plane;
- m_gy_diffs.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- bins = m_parDifferenceRot.bins();
- low = m_parDifferenceRot.lowEdge();
- high = m_parDifferenceRot.highEdge();
- setAxisLabels(m_gx_diffs[i], "#it{x} - #it{x}_{ref} [mm]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_gy_diffs[i], "#it{y} - #it{y}_{ref} [mm]", "entries");
- // Time differences
- bins = m_parDifferenceT.bins();
- low = m_parDifferenceT.lowEdge();
- high = m_parDifferenceT.highEdge();
- name = "Differences/t/Plane" + plane;
- m_gt_diffs.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_gt_diffs[i], "#it{t} - #it{t}_{ref}", "entries");
- // Time between clusters
- name = "TimeBetweenClusters/Plane" + plane,
- m_hTimeBetweenClusters.push_back(book1D(name, title, 0., 1000., 50));
- setAxisLabels(m_hTimeBetweenClusters[i], "#Deltat [ns]", "entries");
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; i++) {
- std::string name = "ClusterVisuals/Sample" + std::to_string(i);
- m_clusterVisuals.push_back(
- book2D(name, name, 0, 14.08, 256, 0, 14.08, 256));
- }
- }