- // Gaudi
- #include "GaudiUtils/HistoLabels.h"
- // Tb/TbEvent
- #include "Event/TbHit.h"
- // Tb/TbKernel
- #include "TbKernel/TbConstants.h"
- #include "TbKernel/TbModule.h"
- // Local
- #include "TbHitMonitor.h"
- using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos;
- //=============================================================================
- // Standard constructor
- //=============================================================================
- TbHitMonitor::TbHitMonitor(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
- : TbAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
- m_parToT("", 0.5, 1024.5, 1024),
- m_parCharge("", 0., 20000., 200),
- m_parHitsInEvent("", 0., 10000., 100),
- m_parDeltaT("", 0., 100., 200),
- m_nEvents(0) {
- declareProperty("HitLocation", m_hitLocation = LHCb::TbHitLocation::Default);
- declareProperty("ParametersToT", m_parToT);
- declareProperty("ParametersCharge", m_parCharge);
- declareProperty("ParametersHitsInEvent", m_parHitsInEvent);
- declareProperty("ParametersDeltaT", m_parDeltaT);
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Destructor
- //=============================================================================
- TbHitMonitor::~TbHitMonitor() {}
- //=============================================================================
- // Initialisation
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbHitMonitor::initialize() {
- // Initialise the base class.
- StatusCode sc = TbAlgorithm::initialize();
- if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
- // Setup the histograms.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- const std::string plane = std::to_string(i);
- const std::string title = geomSvc()->modules().at(i)->id();
- const unsigned int nRows = Tb::NRows;
- const unsigned int nCols = geomSvc()->modules().at(i)->cols();
- std::string name = "HitMap/Plane" + plane;
- m_hHitMap.push_back(book2D(name, title, -0.5, nCols - 0.5, nCols, -0.5,
- nRows - 0.5, nRows));
- setAxisLabels(m_hHitMap[i], "column", "row");
- int bins = m_parToT.bins();
- double low = m_parToT.lowEdge();
- double high = m_parToT.highEdge();
- name = "ToT/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToT.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hToT[i], "ToT", "entries");
- bins = m_parCharge.bins();
- low = m_parCharge.lowEdge();
- high = m_parCharge.highEdge();
- name = "Charge/Plane" + plane;
- m_hCharge.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hCharge[i], "charge [electrons]", "entries");
- name = "ToTvsCol/Plane" + plane;
- m_hToTvsCol.push_back(bookProfile1D(name, title,
- -0.5, nCols - 0.5, nCols));
- setAxisLabels(m_hToTvsCol[i], "column", "ToT");
- name = "ChargevsCol/Plane" + plane;
- m_hChargevsCol.push_back(bookProfile1D(name, title,
- -0.5, nCols - 0.5, nCols));
- setAxisLabels(m_hChargevsCol[i], "column", "charge [electrons]");
- bins = m_parHitsInEvent.bins();
- low = m_parHitsInEvent.lowEdge();
- high = m_parHitsInEvent.highEdge();
- name = "HitsInEvent/Plane" + plane;
- m_hHitsInEvent.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hHitsInEvent[i], "number of hits", "events");
- name = "HitsInEventTrend/Plane" + plane;
- m_hHitsInEventTrend.push_back(book1D(name, title, -0.5, 999.5, 1000));
- setAxisLabels(m_hHitsInEventTrend[i], "event", "number of hits");
- bins = m_parDeltaT.bins();
- low = m_parDeltaT.lowEdge();
- high = m_parDeltaT.highEdge();
- name = "TimeBetweenHits/Plane" + plane;
- m_hTimeBetweenHits.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hTimeBetweenHits[i], "#Deltat [ns]", "entries");
- }
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Main execution
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbHitMonitor::execute() {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- // Grab the hits.
- const std::string hitLocation = m_hitLocation + std::to_string(i);
- const LHCb::TbHits* hits = getIfExists<LHCb::TbHits>(hitLocation);
- if (!hits) continue;
- m_hHitsInEvent[i]->fill(hits->size());
- m_hHitsInEventTrend[i]->fill(m_nEvents, hits->size());
- if (hits->empty()) continue;
- double tprev = 0.;
- LHCb::TbHits::const_iterator begin = hits->begin();
- LHCb::TbHits::const_iterator end = hits->end();
- for (LHCb::TbHits::const_iterator ith = begin; ith != end; ++ith) {
- const LHCb::TbHit* hit = *ith;
- m_hToT[i]->fill(hit->ToT());
- m_hCharge[i]->fill(hit->charge());
- m_hToTvsCol[i]->fill(hit->scol(), hit->ToT());
- m_hChargevsCol[i]->fill(hit->scol(), hit->charge());
- m_hHitMap[i]->fill(hit->scol(), hit->row());
- const double t = hit->htime();
- if (ith != begin) m_hTimeBetweenHits[i]->fill(t - tprev);
- tprev = t;
- }
- }
- ++m_nEvents;
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }