- // ROOT
- #include "TMath.h"
- // Gaudi
- #include "GaudiKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"
- #include "GaudiUtils/HistoLabels.h"
- // Tb/TbEvent
- #include "Event/TbHit.h"
- // Tb/TbKernel
- #include "TbKernel/TbConstants.h"
- #include "TbKernel/TbModule.h"
- #include "GaudiUtils/Aida2ROOT.h"
- #include "TH1D.h"
- #include "TF1.h"
- #include "TFile.h"
- // Local
- #include "TbTrackPlots.h"
- using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos;
- //=============================================================================
- // Standard constructor
- //=============================================================================
- TbTrackPlots::TbTrackPlots(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
- : TbAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
- m_parChi2("", 0., 30., 300),
- m_parResidualsXY("", -0.2, 0.2, 500),
- m_parResidualsT("", -50., 50., 2000),
- m_parXY("", -20, 20, 500),
- m_parSlope("", -0.0001, 0.0001, 500),
- m_parCentral("", 4, 10, 1),
- m_trackFit(nullptr) {
- declareProperty("TrackLocation",
- m_trackLocation = LHCb::TbTrackLocation::Default);
- declareProperty("ClusterLocation",
- m_clusterLocation = LHCb::TbClusterLocation::Default);
- declareProperty("TrackFitTool", m_trackFitTool = "TbTrackFit");
- declareProperty("ParametersChi2", m_parChi2);
- declareProperty("ParametersResidualsXY", m_parResidualsXY);
- declareProperty("ParametersResidualsT", m_parResidualsT);
- declareProperty("ParametersXY", m_parXY);
- declareProperty("ParametersSlope", m_parSlope);
- declareProperty("ParametersCentral", m_parCentral);
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Initialization
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbTrackPlots::initialize() {
- // Initialise the base class.
- StatusCode sc = TbAlgorithm::initialize();
- if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
- // Setup the track fit tool.
- m_trackFit = tool<ITbTrackFit>(m_trackFitTool, "Fitter", this);
- if (!m_trackFit) return Error("Cannot retrieve track fit tool.");
- setupPlots();
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Finalizer
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbTrackPlots::finalize() {
- // Fill plots used after all events have been evaluated.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- double num =
- m_hnTrackedClusters->binHeight(m_hnTrackedClusters->coordToIndex(i));
- double denom =
- m_hnClustersPerPlane->binHeight(m_hnClustersPerPlane->coordToIndex(i));
- double frac = num / denom;
- m_hFractionTrackedClusters->fill(i, frac);
- num = m_hnTracksInterceptCentral->binHeight(
- m_hnTracksInterceptCentral->coordToIndex(i));
- denom = m_hnClustersPerPlaneCentral->binHeight(
- m_hnClustersPerPlaneCentral->coordToIndex(i));
- frac = num / denom;
- m_hRatioTracksClustersCentral->fill(i, frac);
- }
- // Code for saving some residuals in a more useful format.
- // TFile * fOut = new TFile("UnbiasedLocalResolutionsPerPlane.root",
- // "RECREATE");
- // TH1F * xPerPlane = new TH1F("xPerPlane", "xPerPlane", m_nPlanes, 0,
- // m_nPlanes);
- // TH1F * yPerPlane = new TH1F("yPerPlane", "yPerPlane", m_nPlanes, 0,
- // m_nPlanes);
- //
- // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- // if (masked(i)) continue;
- // TH1D * proper_UnbiasedResLocalX =
- // Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root(m_hUnbiasedResLX[i]);
- // TH1D * proper_UnbiasedResLocalY =
- // Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root(m_hUnbiasedResLY[i]);
- //
- // proper_UnbiasedResLocalX->Fit("gaus");
- // proper_UnbiasedResLocalY->Fit("gaus");
- //
- // xPerPlane->SetBinContent(i+1,
- // proper_UnbiasedResLocalX->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2));
- // yPerPlane->SetBinContent(i+1,
- // proper_UnbiasedResLocalY->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2));
- // }
- //
- // xPerPlane->Write();
- // yPerPlane->Write();
- return TbAlgorithm::finalize();
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Main execution
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbTrackPlots::execute() {
- // Grab the tracks.
- LHCb::TbTracks* tracks = getIfExists<LHCb::TbTracks>(m_trackLocation);
- if (!tracks) {
- return Error("No tracks in " + m_trackLocation);
- }
- // Fill plots that loop over tracks.
- fillTrackLoopPlots(tracks);
- // Fill plots that loop over clusters (that have tracking information).
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- // Get the clusters for this plane.
- const std::string clusterLocation = m_clusterLocation + std::to_string(i);
- LHCb::TbClusters* clusters = getIfExists<LHCb::TbClusters>(clusterLocation);
- if (!clusters) continue;
- fillClusterLoopPlots(clusters, i);
- }
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Fill track loop plots.
- //=============================================================================
- void TbTrackPlots::fillTrackLoopPlots(LHCb::TbTracks* tracks) {
- for (LHCb::TbTrack* track : *tracks) {
- m_hChi2->fill(track->chi2PerNdof());
- m_hTrackSize->fill(track->size());
- m_hProb->fill(TMath::Prob(track->chi2(), track->ndof()));
- m_hSlopeXZ->fill(track->firstState().tx());
- m_hSlopeYZ->fill(track->firstState().ty());
- m_hFirstStateX->fill(track->firstState().x());
- m_hFirstStateY->fill(track->firstState().y());
- m_hSlopeXvsX->fill(track->firstState().tx(), track->firstState().x());
- m_hSlopeYvsY->fill(track->firstState().ty(), track->firstState().y());
- // Calculate the intercept of the track with the detector planes.
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- const Gaudi::XYZPoint intercept = geomSvc()->intercept(track, i);
- m_hIntercepts[i]->fill(intercept.x(), intercept.y());
- // Plot the intercepts of tracks with/without an associated trigger.
- if (track->triggers().empty()) {
- m_hInterceptsNonAssociated[i]->fill(intercept.x(), intercept.y());
- } else {
- m_hInterceptsAssociated[i]->fill(intercept.x(), intercept.y());
- }
- if (intercept.x() > m_parCentral.lowEdge() &&
- intercept.x() < m_parCentral.highEdge() &&
- intercept.y() > m_parCentral.lowEdge() &&
- intercept.y() < m_parCentral.highEdge())
- m_hnTracksInterceptCentral->fill(i);
- }
- const auto triggers = track->triggers();
- for (auto trigger : triggers) {
- m_hTimeDifferenceTrackTrigger->fill(trigger->htime() - track->htime());
- }
- fillResiduals(track);
- // Delta angle.
- LHCb::TbTrack track1, track2;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < track->clusters().size(); i++) {
- if (track->clusters()[i]->plane() < 4)
- track1.addToClusters(track->clusters()[i]);
- else
- track2.addToClusters(track->clusters()[i]);
- }
- if (track2.clusters().size() > 2 && track1.clusters().size() > 2) {
- m_trackFit->fit(&track1);
- m_trackFit->fit(&track2);
- const double dtx = track2.firstState().tx() - track1.firstState().tx();
- const double dty = track2.firstState().ty() - track1.firstState().ty();
- plot(dtx, "delAngleArmsX", "delAngleArmsX", -0.001, 0.001, 300);
- plot(dty, "delAngleArmsY", "delAngleArmsY", -0.001, 0.001, 300);
- }
- }
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Fill residual distributions.
- //=============================================================================
- void TbTrackPlots::fillResiduals(LHCb::TbTrack* track) {
- const auto clusters = track->clusters();
- for (auto it = clusters.cbegin(), end = clusters.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
- const unsigned int plane = (*it)->plane();
- // Mask the plane under consideration to calculate the unbiased residuals.
- m_trackFit->maskPlane(plane);
- m_trackFit->fit(track);
- // Calculate the global unbiased residuals.
- const auto interceptUG = geomSvc()->intercept(track, plane);
- const double dxug = (*it)->x() - interceptUG.x();
- const double dyug = (*it)->y() - interceptUG.y();
- m_hUnbiasedResGX[plane]->fill(dxug);
- m_hUnbiasedResGY[plane]->fill(dyug);
- // Calculate the local unbiased residuals.
- const auto interceptUL = geomSvc()->globalToLocal(interceptUG, plane);
- const double dxul = (*it)->xloc() - interceptUL.x();
- const double dyul = (*it)->yloc() - interceptUL.y();
- m_hUnbiasedResLX[plane]->fill(dxul);
- m_hUnbiasedResLY[plane]->fill(dyul);
- // Re-include the plane under consideration in the fit and refit.
- m_trackFit->unmaskPlane(plane);
- m_trackFit->fit(track);
- // Calculate the global biased residuals in x and y.
- const Gaudi::XYZPoint interceptG = geomSvc()->intercept(track, plane);
- const double dxg = (*it)->x() - interceptG.x();
- const double dyg = (*it)->y() - interceptG.y();
- m_hBiasedResGX[plane]->fill(dxg);
- m_hBiasedResGY[plane]->fill(dyg);
- // Calculate the local biased residuals.
- const auto interceptL = geomSvc()->globalToLocal(interceptG, plane);
- const double dxl = (*it)->xloc() - interceptL.x();
- const double dyl = (*it)->yloc() - interceptL.y();
- m_hBiasedResLX[plane]->fill(dxl);
- m_hBiasedResLY[plane]->fill(dyl);
- // Biased global residuals as function of local x/y.
- m_hBiasedResGXvsLX[plane]->fill((*it)->xloc(), dxg);
- m_hBiasedResGYvsLY[plane]->fill((*it)->yloc(), dyg);
- // Unbiased global residuals as function of global x/y.
- m_hUnbiasedResGXvsGX[plane]->fill((*it)->x(), dxug);
- m_hUnbiasedResGYvsGY[plane]->fill((*it)->y(), dyug);
- const double trprob = TMath::Prob(track->chi2(), track->ndof());
- m_hBiasedResGXvsTrackProb[plane]->fill(trprob, dxg);
- m_hBiasedResGYvsTrackProb[plane]->fill(trprob, dyg);
- // Time residuals.
- const double dt = (*it)->htime() - track->htime();
- m_hBiasedResT[plane]->fill(dt);
- m_hBiasedResTvsGX[plane]->fill((*it)->x(), dt);
- auto hits = (*it)->hits();
- for (auto ith = hits.cbegin(), hend = hits.cend(); ith != hend; ++ith) {
- const double delt = (*ith)->htime() - track->htime();
- m_hBiasedResPixelTvsColumn[plane]->fill((*ith)->col(), delt);
- }
- /// Fill time synchronisation histograms, with respect to chip zero,
- /// and also the synchronisation stability
- if (plane != 0) continue;
- for (auto jt = clusters.cbegin(); jt != end; ++jt) {
- const double dt0 = (*it)->htime() - (*jt)->htime();
- m_hSyncDifferences[(*jt)->plane()]->fill(dt0);
- m_syncInRun[(*jt)->plane()]->fill((*it)->time() / Tb::minute, dt0);
- }
- }
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Fill cluster loop plots.
- //=============================================================================
- void TbTrackPlots::fillClusterLoopPlots(const LHCb::TbClusters* clusters,
- const unsigned int plane) {
- unsigned int nTrackedClusters = 0;
- unsigned int nClustersCentral = 0;
- for (const LHCb::TbCluster* cluster : *clusters) {
- if (cluster->associated()) ++nTrackedClusters;
- if (cluster->x() > m_parCentral.lowEdge() &&
- cluster->x() < m_parCentral.highEdge() &&
- cluster->y() > m_parCentral.lowEdge() &&
- cluster->y() < m_parCentral.highEdge())
- nClustersCentral++;
- }
- m_hnTrackedClusters->fill(plane, nTrackedClusters);
- m_hnClustersPerPlane->fill(plane, clusters->size());
- m_hnClustersPerPlaneCentral->fill(plane, nClustersCentral);
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Setup plots
- //=============================================================================
- void TbTrackPlots::setupPlots() {
- unsigned int bins = m_parChi2.bins();
- double low = m_parChi2.lowEdge();
- double high = m_parChi2.highEdge();
- m_hChi2 = book1D("Chi2PerDof", low, high, bins);
- setAxisLabels(m_hChi2, "#chi^{2} / n_{dof}", "entries");
- m_hProb = book1D("Probability", 0., 1., 1000);
- setAxisLabels(m_hProb, "probability", "entries");
- m_hTrackSize = book1D("TrackSize", 0.5, 12.5, 12);
- setAxisLabels(m_hTrackSize, "number of clusters", "entries");
- m_hnClustersPerPlane = book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nClustersPerPlane",
- "nClustersPerPlane", -0.5, 12.5, 13);
- setAxisLabels(m_hnClustersPerPlane, "plane", "clusters");
- m_hnTrackedClusters = book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nTrackedClusters",
- "nTrackedClusters", -0.5, 12.5, 13);
- setAxisLabels(m_hnTrackedClusters, "plane", "clusters");
- m_hFractionTrackedClusters =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/FractionTrackedClusters",
- "FractionTrackedClusters", -0.5, 12.5, 13);
- setAxisLabels(m_hFractionTrackedClusters, "plane", "Fraction");
- m_hnClustersPerPlaneCentral =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nClustersPerPlaneCentral",
- "nClustersPerPlaneCentral", -0.5, 12.5, 13);
- setAxisLabels(m_hnClustersPerPlaneCentral, "plane", "clusters");
- m_hnTracksInterceptCentral =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/nTracksInterceptCentral",
- "nTracksInterceptCentral", -0.5, 12.5, 13);
- setAxisLabels(m_hnTracksInterceptCentral, "plane", "tracks");
- m_hRatioTracksClustersCentral =
- book1D("TrackingEfficiency/RatioTracksClustersCentral",
- "RatioTracksClustersCentral", -0.5, 12.5, 13);
- setAxisLabels(m_hRatioTracksClustersCentral, "plane", "Fraction");
- bins = m_parSlope.bins();
- low = m_parSlope.lowEdge();
- high = m_parSlope.highEdge();
- m_hSlopeXZ = book1D("SlopeXZ", low, high, bins);
- m_hSlopeYZ = book1D("SlopeYZ", low, high, bins);
- setAxisLabels(m_hSlopeXZ, "#it{t}_{x}", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hSlopeYZ, "#it{t}_{y}", "entries");
- bins = m_parXY.bins();
- low = m_parXY.lowEdge();
- high = m_parXY.highEdge();
- m_hFirstStateX = book1D("FirstStateX", low, high, bins);
- m_hFirstStateY = book1D("FirstStateY", low, high, bins);
- m_hSlopeXvsX =
- book2D("SlopeXZvsFirstStateX", "t_{x} vs x", m_parSlope.lowEdge(),
- m_parSlope.highEdge(), m_parSlope.bins(), low, high, bins);
- m_hSlopeYvsY =
- book2D("SlopeYZvsFirstStateY", "t_{y} vs y", m_parSlope.lowEdge(),
- m_parSlope.highEdge(), m_parSlope.bins(), low, high, bins);
- setAxisLabels(m_hSlopeXvsX, "#it{t}_{x}", "#it{x}_{0} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_hSlopeYvsY, "#it{t}_{y}", "#it{y}_{0} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_hFirstStateX, "#it{x}_{0} [mm]", "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hFirstStateY, "#it{y}_{0} [mm]", "entries");
- const std::string labelx = "#it{x} - #it{x}_{track} [mm]";
- const std::string labely = "#it{y} - #it{y}_{track} [mm]";
- const std::string labelt = "#it{t} - #it{t}_{track} [ns]";
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- const std::string plane = std::to_string(i);
- const std::string title = geomSvc()->modules().at(i)->id();
- // Track intercepts
- bins = m_parXY.bins();
- low = m_parXY.lowEdge();
- high = m_parXY.highEdge();
- std::string name = "Intercepts/Plane" + plane;
- m_hIntercepts.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- name = "InterceptsAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hInterceptsAssociated.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- name = "InterceptsNonAssociated/Plane" + plane;
- m_hInterceptsNonAssociated.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, low, high, bins, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hIntercepts[i], "global #it{x} [mm]", "global #it{y} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_hInterceptsAssociated[i], "global #it{x} [mm]",
- "global #it{y} [mm]");
- setAxisLabels(m_hInterceptsNonAssociated[i], "global #it{x} [mm]",
- "global #it{y} [mm]");
- // Biased x/y residuals
- bins = m_parResidualsXY.bins();
- low = m_parResidualsXY.lowEdge();
- high = m_parResidualsXY.highEdge();
- name = "BiasedResiduals/GlobalX/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResGX.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "BiasedResiduals/GlobalY/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResGY.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "BiasedResiduals/LocalX/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResLX.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "BiasedResiduals/LocalY/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResLY.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResGX[i], labelx, "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResGY[i], labely, "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResLX[i], labelx, "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResLY[i], labely, "entries");
- // Biased residuals vs. x/y
- const unsigned int binsXY = m_parXY.bins();
- const double lowXY = m_parXY.lowEdge();
- const double highXY = m_parXY.highEdge();
- name = "BiasedResiduals/GlobalResXvsLocalX/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResGXvsLX.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, lowXY, highXY, binsXY, low, high, bins));
- name = "BiasedResiduals/GlobalResYvsLocalY/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResGYvsLY.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, lowXY, highXY, binsXY, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResGXvsLX[i], "local #it{x} [mm]", labelx);
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResGYvsLY[i], "local #it{y} [mm]", labely);
- // Unbiased x/y residuals
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalX/Plane" + plane;
- m_hUnbiasedResGX.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalY/Plane" + plane;
- m_hUnbiasedResGY.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/LocalX/Plane" + plane;
- m_hUnbiasedResLX.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/LocalY/Plane" + plane;
- m_hUnbiasedResLY.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hUnbiasedResGX[i], labelx, "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hUnbiasedResGY[i], labely, "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hUnbiasedResLX[i], labelx, "entries");
- setAxisLabels(m_hUnbiasedResLY[i], labely, "entries");
- // Unbiased residuals vs. x/y
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalResXvsGlobalX/Plane" + plane;
- m_hUnbiasedResGXvsGX.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, lowXY, highXY, binsXY, low, high, bins));
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalResYvsGlobalY/Plane" + plane;
- m_hUnbiasedResGYvsGY.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, lowXY, highXY, binsXY, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hUnbiasedResGXvsGX[i], "global #it{x} [mm]", labelx);
- setAxisLabels(m_hUnbiasedResGYvsGY[i], "global #it{y} [mm]", labely);
- // Biased residuals vs. track probability
- name = "BiasedResiduals/GlobalXvsTrackProb/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResGXvsTrackProb.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, 0.0, 1.0, 1000, low, high, bins));
- name = "BiasedResiduals/GlobalYvsTrackProb/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResGYvsTrackProb.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, 0.0, 1.0, 1000, low, high, bins));
- // Time residuals
- bins = m_parResidualsT.bins();
- low = m_parResidualsT.lowEdge();
- high = m_parResidualsT.highEdge();
- name = "BiasedResiduals/Time/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResT.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResT[i], labelt, "entries");
- // Residuals with respect to plane zero
- name = "MisalignmentFrom0/Plane" + plane;
- m_hSyncDifferences.push_back(book1D(name, title, -35.0, 35.0, 2000));
- setAxisLabels(m_hSyncDifferences[i], labelt, "entries");
- name = "MisalignmentFrom0Profile/Plane" + plane;
- m_syncInRun.push_back(bookProfile1D(name, title, 0, 120.0, 120));
- setAxisLabels(m_syncInRun[i], "#it{t}_{track} [minutes]",
- "#LT #it{t} - #it{t}_{track} #GT [ns]");
- name = "BiasedResiduals/ResTimeVsGlobalX/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResTvsGX.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, -12, 3, 256, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResTvsGX[i], "#it{x} [mm]", labelt);
- name = "BiasedResiduals/ResHitTimeVsColumn/Plane" + plane;
- m_hBiasedResPixelTvsColumn.push_back(
- book2D(name, title, -0.5, 255.5, 256, low, high, bins));
- setAxisLabels(m_hBiasedResPixelTvsColumn[i], "column",
- "#it{t}_{hit} - #it{t}_{track} [ns]");
- // Time difference between tracks and triggers
- name = "TimeDifferenceTrackTriggers";
- m_hTimeDifferenceTrackTrigger = book1D(name, "#Deltat", -1000., 1000., 500);
- setAxisLabels(m_hTimeDifferenceTrackTrigger,
- "#it{t}_{trigger} - #it{t}_track [ns]", "entries");
- }
- }