TB_Chris / TbAlignment / doc / release.notes
! Package     : Tb/TbAlignment
! Responsible : 
! Purpose     : Algorithms for testbeam alignment

! 2015-11-02 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Re-include isEdge function in TbAlignmentBase.
 - Enclose fcn in namespace. Prettify monitoring output.
! 2015-10-28 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Remove TbAlignmentMinuit3 and TbAlignmentDeviceSurvey (functionality is now
   included in TbAlignmentMinuit2).

! 2015-10-28 - Tim Evans
 - Merge TbAlignmentMinuit2, TbAlignmentMinuit3, and TbAlignmentDeviceSurvey.

! 2015-10-21 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Rewrite parts of TbMillepede to improve readability.

! 2015-10-17 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Remove duplicated property MaxChi2 from TbMillepede.
 - Fix compiler warnings.

! 2015-07-21 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Tidy up. 

! 2015-07-16  - Tim Evans
 - Fixes in Millepede, fixed linking errors

! 2015-06-28 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Tidy up. Adapt "survey" technique to work from within a GaudiTool.

! 2015-06-25 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Rename files according to standard naming scheme.

! 2015-06-23 - Tim Evans 
 - First import of alignment algorithms from TbAlgorithms
 - Split the alignment algorithm between a single meta algorithm that arranges 
   a sequence of tools, and a collection of alignment tools that can be configured
   and run in a sequence