- // ROOT
- #include <TH1D.h>
- #include <TProfile.h>
- #include <TFitResult.h>
- #include <TFitResultPtr.h>
- // AIDA
- #include "AIDA/IHistogram1D.h"
- #include "AIDA/IProfile1D.h"
- // Gaudi
- #include "GaudiUtils/Aida2ROOT.h"
- // Local
- #include "TbAlignmentBase.h"
- //=============================================================================
- // Standard constructor, initializes variables
- //=============================================================================
- TbAlignmentBase::TbAlignmentBase(const std::string& type,
- const std::string& name,
- const IInterface* parent)
- : GaudiHistoTool(type, name, parent),
- m_trackFit(nullptr),
- m_geomSvc(nullptr) {
- declareInterface<TbAlignmentBase>(this);
- declareProperty("TrackLocation",
- m_trackLocation = LHCb::TbTrackLocation::Default);
- declareProperty("DOFs", m_dofs = {});
- declareProperty("ClearTracks", m_clearTracks = true);
- declareProperty("MaskedPlanes", m_maskedPlanes = {});
- declareProperty("Monitoring", m_monitoring = false);
- declareProperty("MaxChi2", m_maxChi2 = 100.);
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Initialization
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbAlignmentBase::initialize() {
- // Initialise the base class.
- StatusCode sc = GaudiHistoTool::initialize();
- if (sc.isFailure()) return sc;
- m_modules = geomSvc()->modules();
- m_nPlanes = m_modules.size();
- m_masked.resize(m_nPlanes, false);
- for (const unsigned int plane : m_maskedPlanes) m_masked[plane] = true;
- // Set the degrees of freedom.
- if (m_dofs.size() != 6) {
- info() << "Using the default degrees of freedom:" << endmsg;
- if (m_dofsDefault.size() != 6) {
- // Default DoFs are not defined. Set them.
- m_dofsDefault = {true, true, false, true, true, true};
- }
- m_dofs = m_dofsDefault;
- } else {
- info() << "Using the following degrees of freedom:" << endmsg;
- }
- // Print the degrees of freedom.
- const std::vector<std::string> labels = {"Translation X", "Translation Y",
- "Translation Z", "Rotation X",
- "Rotation Y", "Rotation Z"};
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
- const std::string on = m_dofs[i] ? "ON" : "OFF";
- info() << format(" %-14s %-3s", labels[i].c_str(), on.c_str()) << endmsg;
- }
- // Set up the track fit tool.
- m_trackFit = tool<ITbTrackFit>("TbTrackFit", "Fitter", this);
- if (!m_trackFit) {
- return Error("Failed to initialise track fit.");
- }
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }
- void TbAlignmentBase::plotResiduals(std::vector<TbAlignmentTrack*>& tracks,
- const std::string& tag) {
- if (!m_monitoring) return;
- // Book histograms.
- std::vector<AIDA::IHistogram1D*> hResGlobalX;
- std::vector<AIDA::IHistogram1D*> hResGlobalY;
- std::vector<AIDA::IProfile1D*> hResGlobalXvsGlobalX;
- std::vector<AIDA::IProfile1D*> hResGlobalYvsGlobalY;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- const std::string plane = std::to_string(i);
- const std::string title = "Plane " + plane;
- // Distribution of unbiased global x-residuals.
- std::string name = tag + "/UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalX/Plane" + plane;
- double low(-0.2);
- double high(0.2);
- unsigned int bins(200);
- hResGlobalX.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- // Distribution of unbiased global y-residuals.
- name = tag + "/UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalY/Plane" + plane;
- hResGlobalY.push_back(book1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- // Profile of unbiased global x-residuals as function of global x.
- low = -20.;
- high = 20.;
- bins = 200;
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalResXvsGlobalX/Plane" + plane;
- hResGlobalXvsGlobalX.push_back(
- bookProfile1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- // Profile of unbiased global y-residuals as function of global y.
- name = "UnbiasedResiduals/GlobalResYvsGlobalY/Plane" + plane;
- hResGlobalYvsGlobalY.push_back(
- bookProfile1D(name, title, low, high, bins));
- }
- std::vector<double> ty(m_nPlanes, 0.);
- std::vector<double> yty(m_nPlanes, 0.);
- std::vector<double> y(m_nPlanes, 0.);
- std::vector<double> yy(m_nPlanes, 0.);
- std::vector<double> tyty(m_nPlanes, 0.);
- for (auto& at : tracks) {
- // Get the track object.
- LHCb::TbTrack* track = at->track();
- // Loop over the clusters on the track.
- auto clusters = track->clusters();
- for (auto ic = clusters.cbegin(), end = clusters.cend(); ic != end; ++ic) {
- const unsigned int plane = (*ic)->plane();
- const LHCb::TbCluster* cluster = *ic;
- // Refit the track without this cluster.
- m_trackFit->maskPlane(plane);
- m_trackFit->fit(track);
- // Calculate the global x and y residuals.
- const Gaudi::XYZPoint intercept = geomSvc()->intercept(track, plane);
- const auto pLocal = Gaudi::XYZPoint(cluster->xloc(), cluster->yloc(), 0);
- const auto pGlobal = geomSvc()->localToGlobal(pLocal, plane);
- const double dxug = pGlobal.x() - intercept.x();
- const double dyug = pGlobal.y() - intercept.y();
- ty[plane] += track->firstState().ty();
- yty[plane] += track->firstState().ty() * pGlobal.y();
- y[plane] += pGlobal.y();
- yy[plane] += pGlobal.y() * pGlobal.y();
- tyty[plane] += track->firstState().ty() * track->firstState().ty();
- hResGlobalX[plane]->fill(dxug);
- hResGlobalY[plane]->fill(dyug);
- hResGlobalXvsGlobalX[plane]->fill(pGlobal.x(), dxug);
- hResGlobalYvsGlobalY[plane]->fill(pGlobal.y(), dyug);
- m_trackFit->unmaskPlane(plane);
- }
- m_trackFit->fit(track);
- // Loop over the associated clusters.
- auto aclusters = track->associatedClusters();
- for (auto it = aclusters.cbegin(), end = aclusters.cend(); it != end; ++it) {
- const unsigned int plane = (*it)->plane();
- // Calculate the global x and y residuals.
- const Gaudi::XYZPoint intercept = geomSvc()->intercept(track, plane);
- const auto pLocal = Gaudi::XYZPoint((*it)->xloc(), (*it)->yloc(), 0);
- const auto pGlobal = geomSvc()->localToGlobal(pLocal, plane);
- const double dxug = pGlobal.x() - intercept.x();
- const double dyug = pGlobal.y() - intercept.y();
- hResGlobalX[plane]->fill(dxug);
- hResGlobalY[plane]->fill(dyug);
- hResGlobalXvsGlobalX[plane]->fill(pGlobal.x(), dxug);
- hResGlobalYvsGlobalY[plane]->fill(pGlobal.y(), dyug);
- }
- }
- if (msgLevel(MSG::DEBUG)) {
- const unsigned int nTracks = tracks.size();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- y[i] /= nTracks;
- ty[i] /= nTracks;
- yty[i] /= nTracks;
- yy[i] /= nTracks;
- tyty[i] /= nTracks;
- info() << "Plane " << i << ": Pearson-coefficient = "
- << (yty[i] - y[i] * ty[i]) /
- (sqrt(yy[i] - y[i] * y[i]) *
- sqrt(tyty[i] - ty[i] * ty[i])) << endmsg;
- }
- }
- // Fit the residual distributions and print the fit results.
- const std::string line(85, '-');
- info() << line << endmsg;
- info() << "Plane Mean X [\u03bcm] Mean Y [\u03bcm] "
- << "Sigma X [\u03bcm] Sigma Y [\u03bcm]" << endmsg;
- info() << line << endmsg;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- auto hx = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root(hResGlobalX[i]);
- auto hy = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root(hResGlobalY[i]);
- if (hx->GetEntries() == 0 || hy->GetEntries() == 0) continue;
- TFitResultPtr rx = hx->Fit("gaus", "QS0");
- TFitResultPtr ry = hy->Fit("gaus", "QS0");
- if (!rx.Get() || !ry.Get()) continue;
- info() << std::setprecision(4);
- info() << format(" %3u % 5.3f +/- %4.3f % 5.3f +/- %4.3f ", i,
- 1.e3 * rx->Parameter(1), 1.e3 * rx->Error(1),
- 1.e3 * ry->Parameter(1), 1.e3 * ry->Error(1))
- << format(" %4.3f +/- %4.3f %4.3f +/- %4.3f",
- 1.e3 * rx->Parameter(2), 1.e3 * rx->Error(2),
- 1.e3 * ry->Parameter(2), 1.e3 * ry->Error(2)) << endmsg;
- }
- // Fit the profiles (x/y residuals vs. global x/y) and print the results.
- info() << line << endmsg;
- info() << "Plane Slope X [\u03bcm] Slope Y [\u03bcm]" << endmsg;
- info() << line << endmsg;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nPlanes; ++i) {
- auto xgx = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root(hResGlobalXvsGlobalX[i]);
- auto ygy = Gaudi::Utils::Aida2ROOT::aida2root(hResGlobalYvsGlobalY[i]);
- if (xgx->GetEntries() == 0 || ygy->GetEntries() == 0) continue;
- TFitResultPtr rbx = xgx->Fit("pol1", "QS0");
- TFitResultPtr rby = ygy->Fit("pol1", "QS0");
- if (!rbx.Get() || !rby.Get()) continue;
- info() << std::setprecision(4);
- info() << format(" %3u % 5.3f +/- %4.3f % 5.3f +/- %4.3f ", i,
- 1.e3 * rbx->Parameter(1), 1.e3 * rbx->Error(1),
- 1.e3 * rby->Parameter(1), 1.e3 * rby->Error(1))
- << endmsg;
- }
- info() << line << endmsg;
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Collect alignment tracks (called at each event).
- //=============================================================================
- StatusCode TbAlignmentBase::execute(
- std::vector<TbAlignmentTrack*>& alignmentTracks) {
- // Get the tracks.
- LHCb::TbTracks* tracks = getIfExists<LHCb::TbTracks>(m_trackLocation);
- if (!tracks) {
- return Error("No tracks in " + m_trackLocation);
- }
- // Add them to the alignment track store.
- for (LHCb::TbTrack* track : *tracks) {
- if (track->chi2() > m_maxChi2 || isEdge( track ) ) continue ;
- TbAlignmentTrack* alignmentTrack = new TbAlignmentTrack(track);
- alignmentTracks.push_back(alignmentTrack);
- }
- return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
- }