- // from TbEvent
- #include "Event/TbState.h"
- #include "Event/TbCluster.h"
- #include "Event/ChiSquare.h"
- // forward declarations
- namespace LHCb { class TbKalmanTrack; }
- namespace LHCb {
- /** @class TbKalmanFitNode TbKalmanFitNode.h Event/TbKalmanFitNode.h
- *
- * This File contains the declaration of the TbKalmanFitNode.
- *
- * A TbKalmanFitNode represents a node in the kalman fit.
- *
- */
- class TbKalmanNode {
- public:
- // important note: for the Forward fit, smoothed means
- // 'classical'. for the backward fit, it means 'bidirectional'.
- enum FilterStatus {
- Uninitialized,
- Initialized,
- Predicted,
- Filtered,
- Smoothed
- };
- enum Direction {
- Forward = 0,
- Backward = 1
- };
- enum Type {
- Reference,
- Measurement,
- Outlier
- };
- enum CachedBool {
- False = 0,
- True = 1,
- Unknown = 2
- };
- typedef LHCb::TbState State;
- typedef Gaudi::Vector4 StateParameters;
- typedef Gaudi::SymMatrix4x4 StateCovariance;
- // helper class that contains data for forward fit
- /* struct ForwardFitState { */
- /* ForwardFitState() : */
- /* deltaChi2(0), status(Initialized) {} */
- /* typedef */
- /* enum FilterStatus {Initialized, Predicted, Filtered, Smoothed } ; */
- /* enum CachedBool {False=0, True=1, Unknown=2;} ; */
- /* TbState predictedState ; ///< predicted state of
- * forward/backward filter */
- /* TbState filteredState ; ///< filtered state of forward filter
- */
- /* double deltaChi2 ; ///< chisq contribution in forward
- * filter */
- /* FilterStatus status ; ///< Status of the Node in the fit
- * process */
- /* } ; */
- /// Default constructor
- TbKalmanNode();
- /// Constructor from a z position
- TbKalmanNode(TbKalmanTrack& parent, double zPos);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~TbKalmanNode();
- /// Clone the Node
- //virtual TbKalmanNode* clone() const;
- /// set the seed matrix
- void setSeedCovariance(const StateCovariance& cov) {
- m_predictedState[Forward].covariance() = cov;
- m_predictedState[Backward].covariance() = cov;
- resetFilterStatus();
- }
- /// set the seed
- void setSeed(const State& seedstate) {
- // just copy covariance (assuming it to be rather meaningless), but
- // transport the state
- State astate(seedstate);
- double dz = z() - seedstate.z();
- astate.parameters()(0) += dz * astate.parameters()(2);
- astate.parameters()(1) += dz * astate.parameters()(3);
- astate.setZ(z());
- m_predictedState[Forward] = astate;
- m_predictedState[Backward] = astate;
- resetFilterStatus();
- }
- /// retrieve chisq contribution in upstream filter
- const LHCb::ChiSquare& deltaChi2(int direction) const {
- filteredState(direction);
- return m_deltaChi2[direction];
- }
- /// get the z
- double z() const { return m_state.z(); }
- /// get the filter status (only useful for debugging)
- FilterStatus filterStatus(int direction) const {
- return m_filterStatus[direction];
- }
- /// return whether or not this node has active nodes upstream
- bool hasInfoUpstream(int direction) const;
- /// Get the index of this node. For debugging only.
- int index() const;
- /// Unlink this node
- void unLink() {
- m_prevNode = m_nextNode = 0;
- m_parent = 0;
- }
- void link(TbKalmanNode* prevnode) {
- m_prevNode = prevnode;
- if (m_prevNode) m_prevNode->m_nextNode = this;
- m_nextNode = 0;
- }
- /// set the parent
- void setParent(TbKalmanTrack* p) { m_parent = p; }
- /// get the parent
- TbKalmanTrack* parent() { return m_parent; }
- public:
- const TbKalmanNode* prevNode(int direction) const {
- return direction == Forward ? m_prevNode : m_nextNode;
- }
- const TbKalmanNode* nextNode(int direction) const {
- return direction == Forward ? m_nextNode : m_prevNode;
- }
- /// retrieve the predicted state
- const State& predictedState(int direction) const {
- if (m_filterStatus[direction] < Predicted)
- unConst().computePredictedState(direction);
- return m_predictedState[direction];
- }
- /// retrieve the filtered state
- const State& filteredState(int direction) const {
- if (m_filterStatus[direction] < Filtered)
- unConst().computeFilteredState(direction);
- return m_filteredState[direction];
- }
- /// retrieve the bismoothed state
- const State& state() const {
- if (m_filterStatus[Backward] < Smoothed) unConst().computeBiSmoothedState();
- return m_state;
- }
- /// This is used from the projectors (or from any set method?)
- void resetFilterStatus(FilterStatus s = Initialized) {
- resetFilterStatus(Forward, s);
- resetFilterStatus(Backward, s);
- }
- /// Set the noise term
- void setNoise2(double noise2) { m_Q = noise2; }
- protected:
- /// virtual function to be overloaded by Measurement implementations
- virtual void updateResidual(const State& /* state */) {}
- virtual LHCb::ChiSquare filter(State& /* state */) const {
- return LHCb::ChiSquare();
- }
- virtual bool hasInfo() const { return false; }
- virtual void deactivateMeasurement(bool /* deactivate */) {}
- private:
- void computePredictedState(int direction);
- void computeFilteredState(int direction);
- void computeBiSmoothedState();
- void computeClassicalSmoothedState();
- TbKalmanNode& unConst() const { return const_cast<TbKalmanNode&>(*this); }
- protected:
- /// reset the cache for the previous function
- void resetHasInfoUpstream(int direction);
- /// reset the filter status
- void resetFilterStatus(int direction, FilterStatus s = Initialized);
- private:
- TbKalmanTrack* m_parent; ///< Owner
- FilterStatus m_filterStatus[2]; ///< Status of the Node in the fit process
- CachedBool m_hasInfoUpstream[
- 2]; ///< Are the nodes with active measurement upstream of this node?
- State m_predictedState[2]; ///< predicted state of forward/backward filter
- State m_filteredState[2]; ///< filtered state of forward filter
- State m_state; ///< Smoothed state
- LHCb::ChiSquare m_deltaChi2[2]; ///< chisq contribution in forward filter
- //LHCb::ChiSquare m_totalChi2[2]; ///< total chi2 after this
- //filterstep
- //Gaudi::TrackMatrix m_smootherGainMatrix ; ///< smoother gain matrix
- //(smoothedfit only)
- TbKalmanNode* m_prevNode; ///< Previous Node
- TbKalmanNode* m_nextNode; ///< Next Node
- double m_Q; ///< noise between this node and the next node
- };
- } // namespace LHCb