- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE gdd SYSTEM "gdd.dtd" >
- <gdd>
- <package name = "TbEvent">
- <class name = "TbVertex"
- id = "4515"
- author = "D. Saunders"
- desc = "Reconstructed telescope vertex"
- serializers = "FALSE">
- <location name = "Default" place = "Rec/Tb/TbVertices"/>
- <import name = "Event/TbTrack"/>
- <base name = "KeyedObject<int>"/>
- &KeyedObject;
- <relation name = 'tracks'
- type = 'LHCb::TbTrack'
- desc = 'tracks connecting at the vertex'
- multiplicity = 'm'/>
- <attribute name = "x"
- type = "double"
- desc = "x position of the vertex"/>
- <attribute name = "y"
- type = "double"
- desc = "y position of the vertex"/>
- <attribute name = "z"
- type = "double"
- desc = "z position of the vertex"/>
- <attribute name = "htime"
- type = "double"
- desc = "htime position of the vertex"/>
- <attribute name = "interactionPlane"
- type = "unsigned int"
- desc = "plane forming the vertex"/>
- </class>
- </package>
- </gdd>