- #include "TbRawStream.h"
- #include <cmath>
- const int64_t TbRawStream::m_tenSeconds = 256 * std::pow(10, 11);
- const int64_t TbRawStream::m_maxTimeDifference = pow(2, 40);
- //=============================================================================
- // Standard constructor
- //=============================================================================
- TbRawStream::TbRawStream(const std::string& type, const std::string& name,
- const IInterface* parent)
- : GaudiTool(type, name, parent),
- m_hitCache(), m_trgCache() {
- declareInterface<TbRawStream>(this);
- }
- bool TbRawStream::setMSB(uint64_t msb) {
- uint64_t currentTime = (m_lsb + (msb << 32)) << 12;
- const int64_t timeDifference = currentTime - m_timer;
- if (timeDifference > m_tenSeconds) {
- // Detected jump of greater than 10s
- // warning() << "Jump detected - this is okay, probably means "
- // << "a bit has been updated between LSB and MSB" << endmsg;
- if (msb > 0) msb -= 1;
- currentTime = (m_lsb + (msb << 32)) << 12;
- }
- if (timeDifference > m_maxTimeDifference ||
- timeDifference < -m_maxTimeDifference) {
- // warning << "Current global time = " <<
- // m_timer*25*pow(10,-6)/4096 << " clock is trying to update to " <<
- // currentTime*25*pow(10,-6)/4096 << endmsg;
- return false;
- }
- m_timer = currentTime;
- // info() << "Current global time: " <<
- // currentTime*25/(4096*pow(10,9)) << " s" <<endmsg;
- return true;
- }
- void TbRawStream::fastForward(const uint64_t timeToSkipTo) {
- // Go one second before we need to
- const double coarse_time = timeToSkipTo * 25 / (4096 * pow(10, 9));
- coarseFastForward(coarse_time);
- fineFastForward(timeToSkipTo);
- }
- //=============================================================================
- // Binary search of the stream to find a particular time
- //=============================================================================
- void TbRawStream::coarseFastForward(const double timeToSkipTo) {
- info() << "Skipping forward to time = " << timeToSkipTo << endmsg;
- // Need to work out which file to read first
- if (m_files.size() > 1) {
- for (auto it = m_files.begin(), end = m_files.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- m_currentFile = it;
- (*it)->initialise();
- const double timeInSeconds = getCurrentTime() * 25 / pow(10, 9);
- if (timeInSeconds > timeToSkipTo) {
- (*it)->reset();
- m_currentFile--;
- break;
- }
- (*it)->reset();
- }
- }
- (*m_currentFile)->initialise();
- uint64_t dt = (*m_currentFile)->nPackets() / 2;
- uint64_t pos = dt;
- uint64_t timer = 0;
- double timeInSeconds = 0;
- while (!eos() && fabs(timeToSkipTo - timeInSeconds) > 0.6 && dt > 1) {
- // Scroll to the new position
- (*m_currentFile)->setOffset(pos);
- dt /= 2;
- timer = getCurrentTime();
- timeInSeconds = timer * 25 / pow(10, 9);
- pos = timeToSkipTo > timeInSeconds ? (pos + dt) : (pos - dt);
- }
- if (dt <= 1) info() << "Binary search has failed!" << endmsg;
- m_timer = timer << 12;
- }
- void TbRawStream::fineFastForward(const uint64_t timeToSkipTo) {
- uint64_t currentTime(0);
- while (!eos() && currentTime < timeToSkipTo) {
- const uint64_t data_packet = getNext();
- const unsigned int header = data_packet >> 60;
- if (header == 0xA || header == 0xB) {
- uint64_t global_time = timer();
- uint64_t packet_time = (0xFFFF & data_packet) << 26;
- const int diff =
- (0x3 & (global_time >> 40)) - (0x3 & (packet_time >> 40));
- constexpr uint64_t one = (uint64_t)(1) << 40;
- if (diff == 1 || diff == -3)
- global_time = global_time - one;
- else if (diff == -1 || diff == 3)
- global_time = global_time + one;
- } else if (header == 0x4) {
- addTimingPacket(data_packet);
- currentTime = m_timer;
- }
- }
- }
- uint64_t TbRawStream::getCurrentTime() {
- m_lsb = 0;
- uint64_t currentTime = 0;
- bool gotTime = false;
- while (!eos() && !gotTime) {
- // measures the current time in the stream//
- const uint64_t data_packet = getNext();
- const unsigned int header = data_packet >> 60;
- if (header == 0x4 && (0xF & (data_packet >> 54)) != 0xF) {
- const unsigned int subheader = 0xF & (data_packet >> 56);
- if (subheader == 0x4) {
- m_lsb = 0xFFFFFFFF & (data_packet >> 16);
- } else if (subheader == 0x5 && m_lsb != 0) {
- const uint64_t msb = 0xFFFFFFFF & (data_packet >> 16);
- currentTime = (m_lsb + (msb << 32));
- gotTime = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return currentTime;
- }
- int TbRawStream::addTimingPacket(const uint64_t data_packet) {
- const unsigned int subheader = 0xF & (data_packet >> 56);
- int state = 1;
- if (subheader == 0x5) {
- // info() << "Current msb = Setting msb of clock: 0x" <<
- // std::hex << data_packet << std::dec <<endmsg;
- if (setMSB(0xFFFFFFFF & (data_packet >> 16)) == 0) state = 2;
- } else if (subheader == 0x4) {
- // info() << "Setting lsb of stream: 0x" << std::hex <<
- // data_packet << ", current = " << m_lsb << std::dec << endmsg;
- setLSB(0xFFFFFFFF & (data_packet >> 16));
- } else {
- state = 0;
- }
- return state;
- }
- void TbRawStream::prepare() {
- m_currentFile = m_files.begin();
- (*m_currentFile)->initialise();
- m_size = 0;
- for (const auto& raw_file : m_files) m_size = m_size + raw_file->nPackets();
- //info() << "Stream = " << m_size << " 8-byte packets" << endmsg;
- unsigned int header(0);
- // Find the first pixel hit
- unsigned int prep_packets(0);
- while (!eos() && !(header == 0xA || header == 0xB)) {
- uint64_t packet = getNext();
- // info() << std::hex << packet << endmsg;
- header = 0xF & (packet >> 60);
- ++prep_packets;
- }
- // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
- // info() << std::hex << "0x" << getNext() << std::dec << endmsg;
- // }
- // info() << "Number of prep packets skipped = " << prep_packets << endmsg;
- m_size = m_size - prep_packets + 1;
- getPrevious();
- }
- template <>
- std::vector<LHCb::TbHit*>* TbRawStream::cache() {
- return &m_hitCache;
- }
- template <>
- std::vector<LHCb::TbTrigger*>* TbRawStream::cache() {
- return &m_trgCache;
- }
- void TbRawStream::insert(LHCb::TbHit* packet) { m_hitCache.push_back(packet); }
- void TbRawStream::insert(LHCb::TbTrigger* packet) {
- m_trgCache.push_back(packet);
- }