- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Package : Tb/TbKernel
- ! Responsible :
- ! Purpose : Tools and services for Timepix3 testbeam analysis
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! 2016-02-23 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Move TbCondFile from src to src/lib (so it can be used by other packages).
- - Add eta config to TbDataSvc.
- ! 2015-11-17 - Tim Evans
- - Changed the behaviour of the pixel service to deal with bad fits in the
- calibration. Now if the surrogate parameters are nan/inf, the average of
- the nearest neighbours in the column is taken. If the neighbour is also bad, or an
- edge, is not included. If no suitable neighbours are found, the pixel is masked
- (in practice, this should probably not happen)
- ! 2015-10-28 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbAlignmentTrack: also store the cloned clusters in m_clusters to avoid
- memory leaks.
- ! 2015-10-17 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Remove unused flag refitclusters from (I)TbTrackFit.
- ! 2015-08-11 - Tim Evans
- - Added TbGeomFunctions.
- !========================= TbKernel v3r0 2015-05-19 ==========================
- ! 2015-05-01 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Move per-chip timing correction from TbTimingSvc to TbPixelSvc.
- ! 2015-03-24 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add TbKalmanTrackFit tool.
- - Adapt TbGeometrySvc::intercept function to handle multi-state tracks.
- ! 2015-03-09 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbGeometrySvc: remove unused functions, add function pointToPixel.
- ! 2015-03-04 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbTrackFit: add declareProperty for masked planes.
- ! 2015-01-22 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbModule: rename chip to TbChip, remove unused code.
- - (I)TbGeometrySvc: rename index to moduleIndex and deviceId to deviceIndex.
- - Remove unused code in TbTimingSvc, small tidying up in TbPixelSvc.
- ! 2015-01-20 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add function pixelToPoint to TbGeometrySvc. Cache pixel centres in
- TbGeometrySvc instead of in each TbModule.
- ! 2014-11-17 - Tim Evans
- - Added TbBufferedFile as general interface to remote Root files that supports
- fast templated buffers, that can be used either by configuration files or
- for raw data
- - Added TbDataSvc that handles all input files (data + configuration) in a
- common way.
- - Added TbCondFile and TbNetworkCondFile that inherit from ITbCondFile,
- that make common the handling between local and network files. Also unifies
- the parsing in the configuration of the services.
- !========================= TbKernel v2r1 2014-11-30 ==========================
- ! 2014-11-22 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add TbClusterFinder tool.
- ! 2014-10-17 - Tim Evans
- - Fixed a sign error in TbTimingSvc and added TrimDac functionality to TbPixelSvc
- ! 2014-10-08 - Hella Snoek
- - Added robustness against stdoperator[] feature
- ! 2014-10-8 - Tim Evans
- - Added configurable time offset per plane to the timing service.
- This is defined such that the 0th plane is the reference plane, i.e.
- does not have a time offset. Only affects hTime, not the time.
- ! 2014-10-4 - Tim Evans
- - Added column offsets to the pixel config service, changes the format
- of the options file with Mask and Offset keywords
- ! 2014-09-29 - Dan Saunders
- - Change track fit to use errors assigned to each cluster.
- !========================= TbKernel v2r0 2014-08-18 ==========================
- ! 2014-08-11 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Change format of pixel configuration file to use chip ID instead of plane.
- ! 2014-08-05 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbPixelSvc: fix compiler warning (inline function in abstract interface).
- ! 2014-07-27 - Tim Evans
- - TbPixelSvc : Added service to mask pixels
- ! 2014-07-22 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbTrackFit: add option to mask planes.
- ! 2014-07-21 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add TbConstants (global constants).
- - Update conversion factors between local and global timestamps.
- - Bugfix in TbTimingSvc for times < offset.
- ! 2014-07-21 - Panagiotis Tsopelas
- - Calculate chi2 residuals using intercept method from TbGeometrySvc
- ! 2014-07-17 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add TbTimingSvc.
- ! 2014-07-08 - Tim Evans
- - Changes to reflect changes to naming in TbEvent
- ! 2014-07-03 - Angelo Di Canto
- - TbAlignmentTrack: clusters are stored within the TbTrack, added (x,y)
- position of the track on the reference plane as a member
- ! 2014-06-27 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add functor for sorting by ToT value.
- - Add functor for sorting by plane and timestamp.
- ! 2014-06-24 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add function to calculate intercept of track and plane.
- - Remove globalToLocal/localToGlobal transformations with module label
- as argument.
- ! 2014-06-06 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbGeometrySvc: delete message service in constructor.
- - TbTrackFit: fix warning from clang (implicit conversion NULL to int).
- !========================= TbKernel v1r0 2014-05-30 ==========================
- ! 2014-05-29 - Heinrich Schindler
- - TbGeometrySvc: fix unitialised message service pointer.
- - TbAlignmentTrack: delete the stored clusters.
- - TbGeometrySvc: sort modules by z-position.
- ! 2014-05-28 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add TbFunctors.
- ! 2014-05-26 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Trivial optimisations in TbTrackFit
- ! 2014-05-23 - Panagiotis Tsopelas
- - In TbTrackFit, TbAlignmentTrack :
- Renamed "chi2" -> "chi2PerNdof" after change in TbTrack.
- Changed every call to a first state parameter (x0, y0, tx, ty)
- to a call through the "firstState".
- ! 2014-05-21 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Remove TbClusterFinder helper class (now in TbAlgorithms).
- ! 2014-05-15 - Marco Clemencic
- - Fixed CMake configuration.
- ! 2014-05-06 - Panagiotis Tsopelas
- - Added straight line fit in TbTrackFit.
- This method fills the first state of a TbTrack, its chi2 & ndof
- - Modified ITbTrackFit: removed const from fit()
- ! 2014-05-02 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add functions to retrieve TbModule(s) to ITbGeometrySvc interface.
- ! 2014-04-30 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Move TbModule from src to TbKernel.
- ! 2014-04-29 - Dan Saunders
- - Added TbClusterFinder.cpp (an object for retrieving clusters at
- particular times).
- ! 2014-04-14 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Updates to TbGeometrySvc
- ! 2014-04-14 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Add TbTrackFit interface and dummy implementation.
- ! 2014-04-11 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Run clang-format to get consistent formatting
- - Change class member functions to start with lower-case letters
- ! 2014-04-07 - Christoph Hombach
- - Added exception error in TbGeometrySvc in case Alignment-file is not found.
- ! 2014-04-07 - Christoph Hombach
- - Added TbModule class containing all information
- (position, transformation, name, number) regarding modules.
- Added vector of modules in TbGeometrySvc.
- A int is given to each module when reading in ConditionsFile
- (0 for first, 1 for second, etc..).
- This vector can be called e.g. by geomSvc()->Modules()
- or a specific module by geomSvc()->Module(<module id>) or
- geomSvc()->Module(<number>).
- ! 2014-03-31 - Heinrich Schindler
- - Initial import