TB_Chris / TbKernel / doc / release.notes
! Package     : Tb/TbKernel
! Responsible : 
! Purpose     : Tools and services for Timepix3 testbeam analysis

! 2016-02-23 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Move TbCondFile from src to src/lib (so it can be used by other packages).
 - Add eta config to TbDataSvc.

! 2015-11-17 - Tim Evans
 - Changed the behaviour of the pixel service to deal with bad fits in the 
   calibration. Now if the surrogate parameters are nan/inf, the average of
   the nearest neighbours in the column is taken. If the neighbour is also bad, or an
   edge, is not included. If no suitable neighbours are found, the pixel is masked 
   (in practice, this should probably not happen) 

! 2015-10-28 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbAlignmentTrack: also store the cloned clusters in m_clusters to avoid
   memory leaks.

! 2015-10-17 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Remove unused flag refitclusters from (I)TbTrackFit.

! 2015-08-11 - Tim Evans
 - Added TbGeomFunctions.

!========================= TbKernel v3r0 2015-05-19 ==========================

! 2015-05-01 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Move per-chip timing correction from TbTimingSvc to TbPixelSvc.

! 2015-03-24 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add TbKalmanTrackFit tool.
 - Adapt TbGeometrySvc::intercept function to handle multi-state tracks.

! 2015-03-09 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbGeometrySvc: remove unused functions, add function pointToPixel.

! 2015-03-04 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbTrackFit: add declareProperty for masked planes.

! 2015-01-22 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbModule: rename chip to TbChip, remove unused code.
 - (I)TbGeometrySvc: rename index to moduleIndex and deviceId to deviceIndex.
 - Remove unused code in TbTimingSvc, small tidying up in TbPixelSvc.

! 2015-01-20 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add function pixelToPoint to TbGeometrySvc. Cache pixel centres in 
   TbGeometrySvc instead of in each TbModule. 

! 2014-11-17 - Tim Evans
 - Added TbBufferedFile as general interface to remote Root files that supports 
   fast templated buffers, that can be used either by configuration files or 
   for raw data
 - Added TbDataSvc that handles all input files (data + configuration) in a 
   common way. 
 - Added TbCondFile and TbNetworkCondFile that inherit from ITbCondFile, 
   that make common the handling between local and network files. Also unifies
   the parsing in the configuration of the services.

!========================= TbKernel v2r1 2014-11-30 ==========================

! 2014-11-22 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add TbClusterFinder tool.

! 2014-10-17 - Tim Evans
 - Fixed a sign error in TbTimingSvc and added TrimDac functionality to TbPixelSvc

! 2014-10-08 - Hella Snoek
 - Added robustness against stdoperator[] feature

! 2014-10-8 - Tim Evans
 - Added configurable time offset per plane to the timing service.
   This is defined such that the 0th plane is the reference plane, i.e.
   does not have a time offset. Only affects hTime, not the time.

! 2014-10-4 - Tim Evans
 - Added column offsets to the pixel config service, changes the format 
   of the options file with Mask and Offset keywords

! 2014-09-29 - Dan Saunders
 - Change track fit to use errors assigned to each cluster.

!========================= TbKernel v2r0 2014-08-18 ==========================

! 2014-08-11 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Change format of pixel configuration file to use chip ID instead of plane.

! 2014-08-05 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbPixelSvc: fix compiler warning (inline function in abstract interface).

! 2014-07-27 - Tim Evans 
 - TbPixelSvc : Added service to mask pixels 

! 2014-07-22 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbTrackFit: add option to mask planes.

! 2014-07-21 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add TbConstants (global constants).
 - Update conversion factors between local and global timestamps.
 - Bugfix in TbTimingSvc for times < offset. 

! 2014-07-21 - Panagiotis Tsopelas
 - Calculate chi2 residuals using intercept method from TbGeometrySvc

! 2014-07-17 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add TbTimingSvc.

! 2014-07-08 - Tim Evans
 - Changes to reflect changes to naming in TbEvent

! 2014-07-03 - Angelo Di Canto
 - TbAlignmentTrack: clusters are stored within the TbTrack, added (x,y)
   position of the track on the reference plane as a member 

! 2014-06-27 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add functor for sorting by ToT value.
 - Add functor for sorting by plane and timestamp.

! 2014-06-24 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add function to calculate intercept of track and plane.
 - Remove globalToLocal/localToGlobal transformations with module label 
   as argument.

! 2014-06-06 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbGeometrySvc: delete message service in constructor.
 - TbTrackFit: fix warning from clang (implicit conversion NULL to int).

!========================= TbKernel v1r0 2014-05-30 ==========================

! 2014-05-29 - Heinrich Schindler
 - TbGeometrySvc: fix unitialised message service pointer. 
 - TbAlignmentTrack: delete the stored clusters.
 - TbGeometrySvc: sort modules by z-position.

! 2014-05-28 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add TbFunctors.

! 2014-05-26 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Trivial optimisations in TbTrackFit

! 2014-05-23 - Panagiotis Tsopelas
 - In TbTrackFit, TbAlignmentTrack :
   Renamed "chi2" -> "chi2PerNdof" after change in TbTrack.
   Changed every call to a first state parameter (x0, y0, tx, ty)
   to a call through the "firstState".

! 2014-05-21 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Remove TbClusterFinder helper class (now in TbAlgorithms).

! 2014-05-15 - Marco Clemencic
 - Fixed CMake configuration.

! 2014-05-06 - Panagiotis Tsopelas
 - Added straight line fit in TbTrackFit. 
   This method fills the first state of a TbTrack, its chi2 & ndof
 - Modified ITbTrackFit: removed const from fit()

! 2014-05-02 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add functions to retrieve TbModule(s) to ITbGeometrySvc interface.

! 2014-04-30 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Move TbModule from src to TbKernel.

! 2014-04-29 - Dan Saunders
 - Added TbClusterFinder.cpp (an object for retrieving clusters at 
   particular times).

! 2014-04-14 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Updates to TbGeometrySvc

! 2014-04-14 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Add TbTrackFit interface and dummy implementation. 

! 2014-04-11 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Run clang-format to get consistent formatting
 - Change class member functions to start with lower-case letters

! 2014-04-07 - Christoph Hombach
 - Added exception error in TbGeometrySvc in case Alignment-file is not found.

! 2014-04-07 - Christoph Hombach
 - Added TbModule class containing all information 
   (position, transformation, name, number) regarding modules. 
   Added vector of modules in TbGeometrySvc. 
   A int is given to each module when reading in ConditionsFile 
   (0 for first, 1 for second, etc..). 
   This vector can be called e.g. by geomSvc()->Modules() 
   or a specific module by geomSvc()->Module(<module id>) or 

! 2014-03-31 - Heinrich Schindler
 - Initial import