- double nChan = 512.0;
- double stripPitch = 0.190;
- double z_DUT = 370;
- //double Rz = -0.0218;
- double Rz = -0.0218;
- double Ry = 0.00;
- double dxWin = 0.25;
- double xGloOff = -9.2;
- double yGloOff = -7.5;
- double xOff = -54.78;
- int kClusterChargeMin = 120;
- double ratioForHole = 0.05;
- double ratioForDeadStrip = 0.6;
- double ratioForNoisyStrip = 1.8;
- bool vetoDeadStripRegions = true;
- double k_DeadStrip = 0.12;
- bool writeEventsWithMissinhHitsToFile = false; // flag to write events to file with missing DUT hit
- double trackTriggerTimeDiffCut = 2.5;
- bool isPType = true;
- // Notes
- // For Rz alignment, one should SUBTRACT the slope found from the deltaX vs Y plot.
- // For Z alignment, one should ADD the slope found from the deltaX vs Y plot.
- //