- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- fastAnalysis.py for use during UT testbeam data taking
- To use:
- 1. Set up TbUT running environment (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCb/TbUT)
- 2. Edit this script to point to your current eos mount point and the data dir for current testbeam, or use the command line options
- 3. From Tb/TbUT directory, run scripts/fastAnalysis.py with the following required options:
- -b board : Letter+number combination, e.g. 'A8'
- -p pednum : run number of the pedestal run to use (UT run number)
- -r runnum : run number to analyze (UT run number) -- enter 0 for pedestal analysis only
- 4. These are optional arguments:
- -n nevmax : number of events to analyze
- -f force : Force overwrite of any output files existing
- -t senstype : sensor type ('PType' or 'NType')
- -e eosmount : eos mount point for data to use (uses as a simple path)
- -i indir : input path relative to eosmount point to find data
- -o outdir : Directory to put the monitoring in
- 5. Inside outdir it will make monitoring directories, and save the pedestal .dat, root files, and defined plots there
- 6. It will not re-run the analysis if the files exist already unless you use -f
- 7. After running it will pop open a window to view the new plots, and exit when that window is closed
- """
- ############################################################
- ##Modify this to change defaults:
- nevdef=100000
- eosmount='/afs/cern.ch/work/m/mrudolph/private/nov_testbeam/eos'
- indir='lhcb/testbeam/ut/OfficialData/October2015'
- outdir='.'
- ############################################################
- ############################################################
- ##Define all the draw commands for simple monitoring plots from Cluster tuple here
- ##Noise mean and width are automatically created as the first 2 plots
- ##The last plot will be the ADC in the fiducial region (that gets defined based on previous draw command postprocessing)
- #Potential TODO: create a new module file with the plot configuration to make extension a bit easier
- class draw_command():
- """draw command skeleton for a TTree
- Need at least command, cut, option, title for histogram to make
- Can also bind postprocessor functions to draw more stuff or
- to return to the list of fiducial cuts for the final plot
- """
- def __init__(self, command, cut, option, title, postprocessor=None):
- self.command = command
- self.cut = cut
- self.option = option
- self.title = title
- self.postprocessor = postprocessor
- ##Post processing functions for histograms defined in draw commands -- expect TPad, TTree, TH1 parameters
- ## Code below could be used for a couple things -- you have the pad so you can process the hist and draw more things,
- ## or you can return a cut string that will be used to define the fiducial region later on
- def post_nostat( pad, tree, hist ):
- """Generic postprocessor to remove stat box"""
- hist.SetStats(False)
- def post_clusterpos( pad, tree, hist ):
- """Process the cluster position histogram and find beam area"""
- post_nostat( pad, tree, hist)
- maxbin = hist.GetMaximumBin()
- maxval = hist.GetBinContent(maxbin)
- thresh = 0.25
- #look to the left and then to the right
- currbin = maxbin
- while( hist.GetBinContent(currbin) > thresh*maxval ):
- currbin -= 1
- left = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(currbin)
- currbin = maxbin
- while( hist.GetBinContent(currbin) > thresh*maxval ):
- currbin += 1
- right = hist.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge(currbin)
- hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0,maxval*1.1)
- from ROOT import TLine
- l1 = TLine( left ,0, left,maxval*1.1)
- pad.posl1=l1
- l1.Draw()
- l2 = TLine( right,0,right,maxval*1.1)
- pad.posl2=l2
- l2.Draw()
- pad.Update()
- return "clustersPosition > {} && clustersPosition < {}".format(left,right)
- def post_tdc_prof( pad, tree, hist ):
- """Process the charge v. TDC profile and find timing cut"""
- ymin = hist.GetMinimum()
- if ymin < 0:
- ymin *= 1.2
- else:
- ymin *= 0.8
- ymax = hist.GetMaximum()
- if ymax < 0:
- ymax *= 0.8
- else:
- ymax *= 1.2
- hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(ymin,ymax)
- isneg = (ymax < 0) or ( ymin < 0 and abs(ymin) > abs(ymax) )
- if isneg:
- b = hist.GetMinimumBin()
- else:
- b = hist.GetMaximumBin()
- from ROOT import TLine
- l1 = TLine( b - 1.5 ,ymin, b - 1.5,ymax)
- pad.tdcl1=l1
- l1.Draw()
- l2 = TLine( b+1.5,ymin,b+1.5,ymax)
- pad.tdcl2=l2
- l2.Draw()
- return "abs(clustersTDC - {}) <= 1.5".format(b)
- ############################################################
- ##The list of draw commands to run
- ##Make sure for each command if you specify anything about the histogram to draw to, give it a unique name!
- ## Fiducial adc name is "fidadc", noise are called "meanNoise" and "widthNoise"
- drawcommands = [ draw_command("clusterNumberPerEvent","","","Number of clusters;N_{clusters};Events"),
- draw_command("clustersCharge>>charge(200,-1200,0)","clustersSize > 0","","Cluster charge;Tot. charge [ADC];Clusters"),
- draw_command("clustersPosition","clustersSize > 0","","Cluster position;Channel;Clusters",postprocessor=post_clusterpos),
- draw_command("clustersSize","clustersSize > 0", "","Cluster size;N_{strips};Clusters"),
- draw_command("clustersTDC>>tdc(10,0.5,10.5)","","","TDC;TDC;Events",postprocessor=post_nostat),
- draw_command("clustersCharge:clustersTDC>>tdcp(10,0.5,10.5)","clustersSize > 0","prof","Charge v TDC;TDC;<charge> [ADC]",postprocessor=post_tdc_prof),
- ]
- ##Should be possible to hook into an external file with TTree::MakeProxy using these commands as well if needed, though it hasn't been tested.
- ##If you have other histograms to calculate from available inputs, there are two lists (hlist_pre and hlist_post) in the plotting loop they can be added to;
- ## see where the noise histograms are created. Pre goes before the ttree command and post afterwards
- ############################################################
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description = "Fast analysis of UT testbeam data for quality monitoring",
- formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,)
- parser.add_argument('-b','--board',type=str,required=True,
- help="Letter+number combination, e.g. 'A8'")
- parser.add_argument('-p','--pednum',type=int,required=True,
- help="Run number of the pedestal run to use (UT run number)")
- parser.add_argument('-r','--runnum',type=int,required=True,
- help="Run number to analyze (UT run number); use 0 to analyze pedestal only")
- parser.add_argument('-n','--nevmax',type=int,required=False,default=nevdef,
- help="Max number of events to analyze")
- parser.add_argument('-f','--force',required=False,action='store_true',
- help="Force overwrite of any output files existing")
- parser.add_argument('-t','--senstype',type=str,required=False,default='PType',
- help="Sensor type ('PType' or 'NType')")
- parser.add_argument('-e','--eosmount',type=str,required=False,default=eosmount,
- help="Eos mount point")
- parser.add_argument('-i','--indir',type=str,required=False,default=indir,
- help='Input data directory path relative to eosmount')
- parser.add_argument('-o','--outdir', type=str, required=False,default=outdir,
- help="Output directory for root files and plots")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- import sys
- import os
- import subprocess
- #make sure I have places for output
- pedestaldir = args.outdir + '/Pedestal-Board{}-{}'.format( args.board, args.pednum )
- monitordir = args.outdir + '/Monitoring-Board{}-{}'.format( args.board, args.runnum )
- def ensuredir(dir):
- try:
- os.makedirs(dir)
- except OSError:
- if not os.path.isdir(dir):
- raise
- ensuredir(pedestaldir)
- if(args.runnum!=0):
- ensuredir(monitordir)
- #Run pedestal if it does not already exist
- didPedestal = False
- if(args.force or not os.path.isfile("{}/Fast-Pedestal-Board{}-{}.dat".format( pedestaldir, args.board, args.pednum ) ) ):
- print "================================================================"
- print "==ANALYZE PEDESTAL FOR BOARD {} RUN {}=========================".format( args.board, args.pednum )
- print "================================================================"
- didPedestal = True
- ##Set up the gaudi config for running the pedestal
- pedCode = ("import sys\n"
- "sys.path.append( 'options/python' )\n"
- "from TbUTPedestalRunner import TbUTPedestalRunner\n"
- "app=TbUTPedestalRunner()\n"
- "# set parameter\n"
- "app.inputData= '{}/{}/Board{}/RawData/Pedestal-B{}-{}-{}-.dat'\n"
- "app.isAType={}\n"
- "# have to be more than 4k (~10k)\n"
- "app.eventMax={}\n"
- "# keep the pedestals files in $KEPLERROOT/../TbUT/options/UT/ directory !!!!!\n"
- "app.pedestalOutputData ='{}/Fast-Pedestal-Board{}-{}.dat'\n"
- "app.runPedestals()\n").format(args.eosmount,args.indir, args.board, args.board[1:], args.board[:1],args.pednum, (args.board[:1]=='A'), args.nevmax, pedestaldir, args.board,args.pednum)
- with open('myTempPedRun.py','w') as ftarget:
- ftarget.write(pedCode)
- ret = subprocess.call(['gaudirun.py','myTempPedRun.py'])
- os.remove('myTempPedRun.py')
- if(ret!=0):
- sys.exit("Bad return code from pedestal run")
- #Determine if we have a data run to process
- if( args.runnum != 0):
- #find the data file by run number
- dir_to_search = "{}/{}/Board{}/RawData/".format(args.eosmount,args.indir,args.board)
- paths = subprocess.check_output("find {} -iname '*-{}-*.dat'".format(dir_to_search,args.runnum), shell=True).splitlines()
- if( len(paths)==0):
- sys.exit("ERROR: no data file found for run number {}".format(args.runnum))
- elif( len(paths) > 1):
- print "WARNING: more than one file matching run number, using",paths[0]
- inpath = paths[0]
- #These are the output names used by TbUTClusterizator
- outnames = [ os.path.basename(inpath).replace('.dat','.root'), os.path.basename(inpath).replace('.dat','_Tuple.root') ]
- #Skip running if files exist unless forced
- if( args.force or not (os.path.isfile(monitordir+'/'+outnames[0]) and os.path.isfile(monitordir+'/'+outnames[1])) ):
- print "================================================================"
- print "==ANALYZE DATA FOR BOARD {} RUN {}=============================".format( args.board, args.runnum )
- print "================================================================"
- runCode = ("import sys\n"
- "sys.path.append('options/python')\n"
- "from TbUTClusterizator import TbUTClusterizator\n"
- "app = TbUTClusterizator()\n"
- "# set parameters\n"
- "app.inputData = '{}'\n"
- "app.isAType = {}\n"
- "app.sensorType = '{}'\n"
- "app.eventMax = {}\n"
- "app.pedestalInputData = '{}/Fast-Pedestal-Board{}-{}.dat'\n"
- "app.eventNumberDisplay = 1000\n"
- "app.runClusterization()\n").format(inpath,(args.board[:1]=='A'),args.senstype,args.nevmax,pedestaldir,args.board,args.pednum)
- with open('myTempRun.py','w') as ftarget:
- ftarget.write(runCode)
- #run twice because of noise input issue...
- ret = subprocess.call(['gaudirun.py','myTempRun.py'])
- ret = subprocess.call(['gaudirun.py','myTempRun.py'])
- #Move them since currently can't control output location from the run
- if( monitordir != '.' ):
- subprocess.call(['mv',outnames[0],monitordir+'/'])
- subprocess.call(['mv',outnames[1],monitordir+'/'])
- os.remove('myTempRun.py')
- if(ret!=0):
- sys.exit("Bad return code from analysis run")
- ########################################################
- ##Analysis part
- ########################################################
- print "================================================================"
- print "==PLOT DATA FOR BOARD {} RUN {}================================".format( args.board, args.runnum )
- print "================================================================"
- #Define what extensions to save plots with
- def saveall( c, outname ):
- for ext in '.png', '.pdf', '.C':
- c.SaveAs(outname+ext)
- #setup ROOT
- from ROOT import gROOT, TH1F, TCanvas, TFile, TTree, gStyle, TF1,gDirectory,gPad
- gROOT.SetBatch()
- gROOT.SetStyle("Plain")
- #keep track of plots we made to open at the end
- plotlist = []
- if( didPedestal ):
- c = TCanvas()
- #analyze the pedestal only
- #dat file is space separated list of pedestals by channel number
- peds = open("{}/Fast-Pedestal-Board{}-{}.dat".format(pedestaldir,args.board,args.pednum), "r")
- try:
- pedvals = [float(p) for p in peds.read().split()]
- except:
- sys.exit("Bad pedestal data format")
- nc = len(pedvals)
- hped = TH1F("hped","Pedestal v. channel;Channel;Pedestal [ADC]",nc,-0.5, nc-0.5)
- for i,v in enumerate(pedvals):
- hped.SetBinContent(i+1, v)
- hped.Draw();
- saveall(c,"{}/pedestal".format(pedestaldir))
- plotlist += ["{}/pedestal.png".format(pedestaldir)]
- #analyze the run
- if( args.runnum != 0 ):
- fhists = TFile("{}/{}".format(monitordir,outnames[0]))
- ftrees = TFile("{}/{}".format(monitordir,outnames[1]))
- t = ftrees.Get("TbUT/Clusters")
- #make the rough noise plots -- use the range -120 to 120 ADC and ignore most of the signal contribution
- noise2d = fhists.Get("TbUT/CMSData_vs_channel")
- noise2d.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(-120,120)
- nc = noise2d.GetNbinsX()
- meanNoise = TH1F("meanNoise","Mean noise;Channel;<noise> [ADC]",nc,-0.5,nc-0.5)
- widthNoise = TH1F("widthNoise","Width noise;Channel;#sigma_{noise} [ADC]",nc,-0.5,nc-0.5)
- meanNoise.SetStats(False)
- widthNoise.SetStats(False)
- for b in range(1, nc+1):
- noise2d.GetXaxis().SetRange(b,b)
- meanNoise.SetBinContent(b, noise2d.GetMean(2))
- meanNoise.SetBinError(b, noise2d.GetMeanError(2))
- widthNoise.SetBinContent(b, noise2d.GetStdDev(2))
- widthNoise.SetBinError(b, noise2d.GetStdDevError(2))
- #hlist_pre is a list of histograms to draw
- hlist_pre = [meanNoise,widthNoise]
- npre = len(hlist_pre)
- #hlist_post, however, is a list of functions that create histograms; define some functions for post-draw histograms first:
- def fiducialADC( t, fidcut ):
- print "Use fiducial cut:", fidcut
- t.Draw("clustersCharge>>fidcharge(200,-1200,0)", fidcut)
- h = t.GetHistogram()
- h.SetTitle("Fiducial cluster charge;Tot. charge [ADC];Clusters")
- return h
- #the output ntuple has empty clusters saved in every event, so always cut those out
- fidcut = "clustersSize > 0"
- hlist_post = [fiducialADC]
- npost = len(hlist_post)
- #create the canvases
- #keep track of how many plots left to do
- ntreedraw = len(drawcommands)
- nplotall = npre + ntreedraw + npost
- #9 plots per canvas max
- ncanvas = nplotall/9
- #if not an exact divisor we need an extra one for the leftovers:
- if( nplotall % 9 != 0 ):
- ncanvas += 1
- #how many columns and rows we want for each number of plots per canvas
- colnums = [1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3]
- rownums = [1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3]
- clist = [TCanvas('c{}'.format(i)) for i in range(ncanvas)]
- plotidx = 0 #count the plots
- for c in clist:
- #how many plots on this canvas?
- #we'll use nplotall as a countdown
- if( nplotall >= 9):
- nplot=9
- nplotall -= 9
- else:
- nplot=nplotall
- #setup the canvas based on number of plots to draw
- ncols = colnums[nplot - 1]
- nrows = rownums[nplot - 1]
- c.SetCanvasSize( 600*ncols, 300*nrows )
- c.Divide(ncols,nrows)
- for i in range(nplot):
- #plotidx is overall iterator, i is current canvas iterator
- if (plotidx < npre):
- c.cd(i+1)
- hlist_pre[plotidx].Draw()
- elif(plotidx < npre + ntreedraw):
- c.cd(i+1)
- t.Draw( drawcommands[plotidx-npre].command, drawcommands[plotidx-npre].cut, drawcommands[plotidx-npre].option )
- h = t.GetHistogram()
- gPad.h = h
- h.SetTitle(drawcommands[plotidx-npre].title)
- if(drawcommands[plotidx-npre].postprocessor):
- newcut = drawcommands[plotidx-npre].postprocessor( gPad, t, h )
- if type(newcut) == str:
- fidcut += " && " + newcut
- else:
- c.cd(i+1)
- hlist_post[plotidx - npre - ntreedraw](t,fidcut).Draw()
- plotidx+=1
- plotpath = "{}/monitoring-{}".format( monitordir, c.GetName()[1:] )
- saveall(c, plotpath)
- plotlist += ["{}.png".format(plotpath)]
- #open up an eye of gnome window to look at the plots; use the next and previous arrows to navigate between them
- if( plotlist ):
- subprocess.call(["eog",]+plotlist)