- //
- // S. Blusk, Oct 6, 2015
- // Updated April 21, 2016 -- S. Blusk
- This is a simple script to loop over a TB run that has ben processed by TbUT and has tracks added to the ntuple.
- To run interactively:
- <
- In you home area, create your own work area:
- > mkdir TBANAL/
- > cd TBANAL
- > mkdir Output
- > mkdir Plots/
- Set up ROOT environment (ROOT 5!) - code is not fully compliant with ROOT 6.
- >
- //> setenv CMTCONFIG x86_64-slc5-gcc46-opt
- LbLogin -c x86_64-slc6-gcc48-opt
- > SetupProject LHCb v36r2
- > root [0] .x runClusterWithTrackAna.C
- * Right now, it is set up to run over a file in the area:
- const TString m_fileIndir = "/afs/cern.ch/work/s/sblusk/public/TB/";
- and it picks up the file in subdirectory: "BoardA6/", set with:
- const TString m_board = "A6";
- * Only the files defined in ClusterWithTrackAna.h will run, so if you grab a different
- file, you need to check it is a good run and in the list of files. As of April 21, 2016,
- only the fgood 2015 test beam runs are included.
- [*] A set of plot should pop up after the script runs, and an output ROOT file called histOutput.root is created.
- [*] Until we have a more refinced processing scheme, files that you want to test should be put in by hand into
- ClusterWithTrackAna::getFileBase (follow the examples in there).
- [*] Input & output files directories are included in the Analysis_Inputs.h
- Once we have to process many runs, we should have a way of automatically providing the input file and the output file.
- This is being worked on...
- ------------
- * Array stripGap[4] need to be updated to depend on the particular sensor. Right now, it's assumed no gaps for Type A, and same gaps for all type D.