- /*
- * TbUTPedestal.cpp
- *
- * Created on: Dec 31, 2014
- * Author: ADendek
- */
- #include "TbUTPedestal.h"
- #include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
- #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
- using namespace TbUT;
- using namespace std;
- Pedestal::Pedestal():
- m_normalization(1024),
- m_isNormalized(false)
- {
- int l_initialValue=0*m_normalization;// temporary change. until initial value of the pedestal stabilize
- int l_sensorNumber=RawData<>::getnChannelNumber();
- m_pedestals=DataVector(l_sensorNumber,l_initialValue);
- }
- int Pedestal::getPedestal(int p_channel)
- {
- //normalizePedestals();
- return m_pedestals[p_channel];
- }
- void Pedestal::setPedestal(int p_channel, int p_value)
- {
- m_pedestals[p_channel]=p_value;
- }
- void Pedestal::normalizePedestals()
- {
- if(!m_isNormalized){
- int i=0;
- BOOST_FOREACH(auto& l_pedestal, m_pedestals)
- {
- l_pedestal/=m_normalization;
- cout<<"channel: "<<i<<" pedestal: " <<l_pedestal<<endl;
- i++;
- m_isNormalized=true;
- }
- }
- }