# Basic configuration file. # Execute with: gaudirun.py $KEPLERROOT/options/example.py from Gaudi.Configuration import * from Configurables import Kepler # Set the path to the directory/files to be processed path = 'eos/lhcb/testbeam/velo/timepix3/' RUN = '9187' if int(RUN) < 2000: path += 'July' elif int(RUN) < 2815: path += 'Oct' elif int(RUN) < 4000: path += 'Nov' else: path += 'Dec' path += '2014' Kepler().InputFiles = [path + '/RawData/Run' + RUN + '/'] Kepler().PixelConfigFile = ["eos/lhcb/testbeam/velo/timepix3/July2014/RootFiles/Run1236/Conditions/PixelConfig.dat"] Kepler().AlignmentFile = path + '/RootFiles/Run' + RUN + '/Conditions/Alignment' + RUN + 'mille.dat' #Kepler().AlignmentFile = 'ResStudies/Alignments/dut/Alignment2509.dat' Kepler().HistogramFile= 'Kepler_histos_' + RUN + '.root' # Set the number of events to run over Kepler().EvtMax = 1000 # Set the configuration of the individual algorithms, e. g. from Configurables import TbEventBuilder #TbEventBuilder().MinPlanesWithHits = 5 from Configurables import TbClustering TbClustering().PrintConfiguration = True from Configurables import TbTracking TbTracking().PrintConfiguration = True