# Basic configuration file. # Execute with: gaudirun.py $KEPLERROOT/options/combatExample.py from Gaudi.Configuration import * from Configurables import Kepler # Set the path to the directory/files to be processed #Kepler().InputFiles = ["/afs/cern.ch/user/v/vifranco/cmtuser/KEPLER/KEPLER_HEAD/"] # Set the alignment file Kepler().AlignmentFile = "/afs/cern.ch/user/v/vifranco/public/CombatAlignment_2arms.dat" # Set the masked pixels file Kepler().PixelConfigFile = "Tb/Kepler/options/EmptyPixelMask.dat" # Set the number of events to run over Kepler().EvtMax = 10000 # Set the configuration of the individual algorithms from Configurables import TbClustering TbClustering().PrintConfiguration = True from Configurables import TbTracking TbTracking().PrintConfiguration = True # Combat specific. #CombatInputFile 0 is for the lower arm and File1 for the higher File2 (if using one arm, use comat File0) #Keep the alignment file consistent, use the same number of planes everywhere, also change the number of arms. def combatRun(): from Configurables import TbCombatBuilder TbCombatBuilder().CombatInputFile0 = "/afs/cern.ch/user/v/vifranco/public/Run31100003_SAMPLE.txt" TbCombatBuilder().ReadoutFormat = "RelaxD" # TbCombatBuilder().CombatInputFile1 = "/afs/cern.ch/user/v/vifranco/cmtuser/KEPLER/KEPLER_HEAD/240614_30V_TH500_100ms_merge.dat" seq = GaudiSequencer("Telescope") seq.Members = [TbCombatBuilder(), TbClustering(), TbTracking()] TbCombatBuilder().PrintFreq = 5000 TbCombatBuilder().NumberArms = 2 TbTracking().MinNClusters = 6 TbTracking().SearchRadius = 2 TbTracking().VolumeAngle = 0.0015 TbTracking().SearchPlanes = [3,5] TbTracking().SearchVolume = "diabolo" TbTracking().MaxChi2 = 2000000. TbTracking().ViewerEventNum = 100 TbTracking().ViewerTimeLow = 0 TbTracking().ViewerTimeUp = 2000000 #TbTracking().ViewerOutput = True TbTracking().CombatRun = True seq = GaudiSequencer("Monitoring") from Configurables import TbHitMonitor, TbClusterPlots, TbTrackPlots seq.Members = [TbHitMonitor(), TbClusterPlots(),TbTrackPlots()] TbTrackPlots().ParametersResidualsXY = ("", -1.0, 1.0, 200) TbTrackPlots().ParametersXY = ("", -2, 16, 200) TbClusterPlots().ParametersXY = ("", -2, 16, 200) appendPostConfigAction(combatRun)