""" Author: Federica Lionetto Date: November 16th, 2015 Description: Define some useful functions to be used to accomplish common tasks with ROOT objects. - LHCbStyle() - InitCanvas(canvas,top,bottom,left,right) - InitHist(hist,title,x,y) - InitHist2(hist,title,x,y,z) - InitGraph(graph,title,x,y) - SetStyleObj(obj,markerColor,lineColor,fillColor,fillStyle,markerSize,markerStyle,lineWidth,lineStyle) - AdjustOffsets(hist,axis,labelOffset,titleOffset) - DrawObj(canvas,obj,leg,option,folder) - DrawOjbCompare(canvas,objList,optionDict,leg,folder) - CreateLegend(objList,labelDict,optionDict,x1,y1,x2,y2) - CreateStats(hist,option,x1,y1,x2,y2) - TestStyle() How to run it: Include it in the other python scripts. """ from array import array import numpy as np import ROOT def ColorList(n) : default_list = [ROOT.kViolet, ROOT.kTeal-5, ROOT.kRed, ROOT.kViolet+2, ROOT.kAzure+1, ROOT.kAzure-4, ROOT.kOrange, ROOT.kPink+9, ROOT.kOrange+8, ROOT.kGreen] result = [] if (n <= len(default_list)) : result = default_list[:n] else : mod = n%len(default_list) div = n/len(default_list) for i in range(div) : result = result + default_list result = result + default_list[:mod] print result return result def LineStyleList(n) : default_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] result = [] for i in range(n) : result.append(default_list[(i/10)%5]) print result return result def LHCbStyle() : ''' black = 1 red = 2 green = 3 blue = 4 yellow = 5 magenta = 6 cyan = 7 purple = 9 ''' lhcbFont = 132 lhcbWidth = 2 lhcbTSize = 0.06 # Fine. ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle('Plain') lhcbStyle = ROOT.TStyle('lhcbStyle','LHCb plots style') # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetFillColor(0) lhcbStyle.SetFillStyle(1001) lhcbStyle.SetFrameFillColor(0) lhcbStyle.SetFrameBorderMode(0) lhcbStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0) lhcbStyle.SetPadColor(0) lhcbStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0) lhcbStyle.SetCanvasColor(0) lhcbStyle.SetStatColor(0) lhcbStyle.SetLegendBorderSize(0) lhcbStyle.SetLegendFont(132) # Fine. # If you want the usual gradient palette (blue -> red) lhcbStyle.SetPalette(1) # If you want colors that correspond to gray scale in black and white # colors=array('i',[0,5,7,3,6,2,4,1]) # lhcbStyle.SetPalette(len(colors),colors) # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetPaperSize(20,26) lhcbStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.05) lhcbStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.05) lhcbStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.16) lhcbStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.14) # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetTextFont(lhcbFont) lhcbStyle.SetTextSize(lhcbTSize) lhcbStyle.SetLabelFont(lhcbFont,"x") lhcbStyle.SetLabelFont(lhcbFont,"y") lhcbStyle.SetLabelFont(lhcbFont,"z") lhcbStyle.SetLabelSize(lhcbTSize,"x") lhcbStyle.SetLabelSize(lhcbTSize,"y") lhcbStyle.SetLabelSize(lhcbTSize,"z") lhcbStyle.SetTitleFont(lhcbFont) lhcbStyle.SetTitleFont(lhcbFont,"x") lhcbStyle.SetTitleFont(lhcbFont,"y") lhcbStyle.SetTitleFont(lhcbFont,"z") lhcbStyle.SetTitleSize(1.2*lhcbTSize,"x") lhcbStyle.SetTitleSize(1.2*lhcbTSize,"y") lhcbStyle.SetTitleSize(1.2*lhcbTSize,"z") # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetLineWidth(lhcbWidth) lhcbStyle.SetFrameLineWidth(lhcbWidth) lhcbStyle.SetHistLineWidth(lhcbWidth) lhcbStyle.SetFuncWidth(lhcbWidth) lhcbStyle.SetGridWidth(lhcbWidth) lhcbStyle.SetLineStyleString(2,"[12 12]") lhcbStyle.SetMarkerStyle(20) lhcbStyle.SetMarkerSize(1.0) # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetLabelOffset(0.010,"X") lhcbStyle.SetLabelOffset(0.010,"Y") # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetOptStat(0) lhcbStyle.SetStatFormat("6.3g") lhcbStyle.SetOptTitle(0) lhcbStyle.SetOptFit(0) lhcbStyle.SetTitleOffset(0.95,"X") lhcbStyle.SetTitleOffset(0.95,"Y") lhcbStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.2,"Z") lhcbStyle.SetTitleFillColor(0) lhcbStyle.SetTitleStyle(0) lhcbStyle.SetTitleBorderSize(0) lhcbStyle.SetTitleFont(lhcbFont,"title") lhcbStyle.SetTitleX(0.0) lhcbStyle.SetTitleY(1.0) lhcbStyle.SetTitleW(1.0) lhcbStyle.SetTitleH(0.05) # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetStatBorderSize(0) lhcbStyle.SetStatFont(lhcbFont) lhcbStyle.SetStatFontSize(0.05) lhcbStyle.SetStatX(0.9) lhcbStyle.SetStatY(0.9) lhcbStyle.SetStatW(0.25) lhcbStyle.SetStatH(0.15) # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetPadTickX(1) lhcbStyle.SetPadTickY(1) # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetNdivisions(505,"x") lhcbStyle.SetNdivisions(510,"y") # Fine. lhcbStyle.SetPaintTextFormat("5.2f") # Fine. ROOT.gROOT.SetStyle("lhcbStyle") # ROOT.gStyle = ROOT.gROOT.GetGlobal('gStyle',1) ROOT.gROOT.ForceStyle() # Fine. lhcbName = ROOT.TPaveText(ROOT.gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin() + 0.05,0.87 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin(),ROOT.gStyle.GetPadLeftMargin() + 0.20,0.95 - ROOT.gStyle.GetPadTopMargin(),'BRNDC') lhcbName.AddText("LHCb") lhcbName.SetFillColor(0) lhcbName.SetTextAlign(12) lhcbName.SetBorderSize(0) # Fine. lhcbLabel = ROOT.TText() lhcbLabel.SetTextFont(lhcbFont) lhcbLabel.SetTextColor(1) lhcbLabel.SetTextSize(lhcbTSize) lhcbLabel.SetTextAlign(12) # Fine. lhcbLatex = ROOT.TLatex() lhcbLatex.SetTextFont(lhcbFont) lhcbLatex.SetTextColor(1) lhcbLatex.SetTextSize(lhcbTSize) lhcbLatex.SetTextAlign(12) print '-------------------------' print 'Set LHCb Style - Feb 2012' print '-------------------------' return lhcbStyle def InitCanvas(canvas,top=0.15,bottom=None,left=None,right=None) : """ Initialise canvas <canvas> with top margin <top>, bottom margin <bottom>, left margin <left> and right margin <right>. """ if top is not None : canvas.SetTopMargin(top) if bottom is not None : canvas.SetBottomMargin(bottom) if left is not None : canvas.SetLeftMargin(left) # Set the right margin to 0.19 for COLZ plots. if right is not None : canvas.SetRightMargin(right) return def InitHist(hist,title='',x='',y='') : """ Initialise 1D histogram <hist> with title <title>, x axis title <x>, and y axis title <y>. If <y> is not given, a y axis title based on the number of entries per bin is set. """ hist.SetTitle(title) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(x) if (y=='') : hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Entries / {0}'.format(round(hist.GetBinWidth(1),2))) else : hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(y) return def InitHist2(hist,title='',x='',y='',z='') : """ Initialise 2D histogram <hist> with title <title>, x axis title <x>, y axis title <y>, and z axis title <z>. If <z> is not given, a z axis title based on the number of entries per bin is set. """ hist.SetTitle(title) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(x) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(y) if (z=='') : hist.GetZaxis().SetTitle('Entries / ({0}*{1})'.format(round(hist.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(1),2),round(hist.GetYaxis().GetBinWidth(1),2))) else : hist.GetZaxis().SetTitle(z) return def InitGraph(graph,title='',x='',y='') : """ Initialise graph <graph> with title <title>, x axis title <x>, and y axis title <y>. """ graph.SetTitle(title) graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle(x) graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle(y) return def SetStyleObj(obj,markerColor=ROOT.kBlack,lineColor=ROOT.kMagenta,fillColor=None,fillStyle=1001,markerSize=1,markerStyle=20,lineWidth=2,lineStyle=1) : """ Set the style of object <obj>: - marker color - line color - fill color - marker size - marker style - line width - line style A default value exists for the last four. """ obj.SetMarkerColor(markerColor) obj.SetLineColor(lineColor) obj.SetFillStyle(fillStyle) if fillColor is not None : obj.SetFillColor(fillColor) obj.SetMarkerSize(markerSize) obj.SetMarkerStyle(markerStyle) obj.SetLineWidth(lineWidth) obj.SetLineStyle(lineStyle) return def AdjustOffsets(hist,axis,labelOffset=0.005,titleOffset=0.85) : """ Adjust the offsets of histogram <hist> along the axis <axis>, by setting the label offset <labelOffset> and the title offset <titleOffset>. The argument <axis> can be 'X', 'Y', or 'Z'. The default values are those used for a TH2 object one wants to draw with the COLZ option. """ hist.SetLabelOffset(labelOffset,axis) hist.SetTitleOffset(titleOffset,axis) return def DrawObj(canvas,obj,leg=None,option='',folder='./') : """ Draw object <obj> in canvas <canvas>, together with legend <leg> (if provided), with option <option> and save the result in a pdf file having the same name as the canvas, located in the folder <folder>. """ name=canvas.GetName() canvas.cd() obj.Draw(option) if ('A' in option) : canvas.SetTickx(1) canvas.SetTicky(1) if (leg is not None) : leg.Draw() canvas.Update() canvas.Write() canvas.Print(folder+name+'.pdf') canvas.Close() return def DrawObjCompare(canvas,objList,optionDict,leg,folder='./') : """ Draw list of objects <objList> in canvas <canvas>, together with legend <leg>, with option <optionDict> and save the result in a pdf file having the same name as the canvas, located in the folder <folder>. This allows to draw histograms, graphs, and functions in the same canvas. However, since graphs do not have a 'GetMaximum()' method, the object to be drawn first is searched for among histograms and functions only (whose names start with 'h' and 'f', respectively). The remaining objects are drawn after. """ # print 'DrawObjCompare, optionDict: ', optionDict name=canvas.GetName() canvas.cd() containsTMultiGraph = False maxList = [] for obj in objList : if (isinstance(obj,ROOT.TH1F) or isinstance(obj,ROOT.TF1)) : maxList.append(obj.GetMaximum()) if (isinstance(obj,ROOT.TMultiGraph)) : containsTMultiGraph = True # print 'DrawObjCompare, maxList: ', maxList # print 'DrawObjCompare, containsTMultiGraph: ', containsTMultiGraph if containsTMultiGraph : for obj in objList : if (isinstance(obj,ROOT.TMultiGraph)) : obj.Draw(optionDict[obj.GetName()]) if (len(maxList) != 0): firstDraw = int(maxList.index(max(maxList))) # print 'DrawObjCompare, firstDraw: ', firstDraw objList[firstDraw].Draw(optionDict[objList[firstDraw].GetName()]) # print 'DrawObjCompare, objList: ', objList for obj in objList : if (obj != objList[firstDraw] and not isinstance(obj,ROOT.TMultiGraph)) : obj.Draw(optionDict[obj.GetName()]+'SAME') # print 'DrawObjCompare, obj: ', obj # print 'DrawObjCompare, optionDict: ', optionDict if leg is not None : leg.Draw() canvas.Update() canvas.Write() canvas.SaveAs(folder+name+'.pdf') canvas.Close() return def CreateLegend(objList,labelDict,optionDict,x1=0.64,y1=0.59,x2=0.94,y2=0.89) : """ Create legend <leg> starting from list of objects <objList>, dictionary of labels <labelDict>, and dictionary of options <optionDict>. The legend is displayed in the position identified by <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, and <y2>. If the option 'w' is specified, the fill color is set to white. The text size is set to '0.05'. """ leg = ROOT.TLegend(x1,y1,x2,y2) leg.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) for obj in objList : label = labelDict[obj.GetName()] option = optionDict[obj.GetName()] leg.AddEntry(obj,label,option) leg.SetTextSize(0.05) return leg def CreateStats(hist,option,x1=0.64,y1=0.59,x2=0.94,y2=0.89) : """ Create stats <stats> of histogram <hist> depending on option <option>. The stats are displayed in the position identified by <x1>, <y1>, <x2>, and <y2>. """ stats = ROOT.TPaveStats(x1,y1,x2,y2,'brNDC') stats.SetName('stats') stats.SetBorderSize(1) stats.SetFillColor(0) stats.SetTextAlign(12) text = stats.AddText('Entries = {0}'.format(hist.GetEntries())) if ('I' in option) : text = stats.AddText('Integral = {0}'.format(hist.Integral())) N = hist.GetDimension() if (N == 1) : text = stats.AddText('Mean = {0}'.format(hist.GetMean())); text = stats.AddText('RMS = {0}'.format(hist.GetRMS())); if ('S' in option) : text = stats.AddText('Skewness = {0}'.format(hist.GetSkewness())) if ('K' in option) : text = stats.AddText('Kurtosis = {0}'.format(hist.GetKurtosis())) if ('U' in option) : text = stats.AddText('Underflow = {0}'.format(hist.GetBinContent(0))) if ('O' in option) : over = hist.GetNbinsX()+1 text = stats.AddText('Overflow = {0}'.format(hist.GetBinContent(over))) else : text = stats.AddText('Mean x = {0}'.format(hist.GetMean(1))) text = stats.AddText('Mean y = {0}'.format(hist.GetMean(2))) text = stats.AddText('RMS x = {0}'.format(hist.GetRMS(1))) text = stats.AddText('RMS y = {0}'.format(hist.GetRMS(2))) if ('S' in option) : text = stats.AddText('Skewness x = {0}'.format(hist.GetSkewness(1))) text = stats.AddText('Skewness y = {0}'.format(hist.GetSkewness(2))) if ('K' in option) : text = stats.AddText('Kurtosis x = {0}'.format(hist.GetKurtosis(1))) text = stats.AddText('Kurtosis y = {0}'.format(hist.GetKurtosis(2))) if ('U' in option or 'O' in option) : nbinsX = hist.GetNbinsX() nbinsY = hist.GetNbinsY() bl = hist.GetBinContent(0,0) bc = 0 for i in range(1,nbinsX+1) : bc += hist.GetBinContent(i,0) br = hist.GetBinContent(nbinsX+1,0) cl = 0 for i in range(1,nbinsY+1) : cl += hist.GetBinContent(0,i) cc = hist.GetEffectiveEntries() cr = 0 for i in range(1,nbinsX+1) : cr += hist.GetBinContent(nbinsX+1,i) tl = hist.GetBinContent(0,nbinsY+1) tc = 0 for i in range(1,nbinsX+1) : tc += hist.GetBinContent(i,nbinsY+1) tr = hist.GetBinContent(nbinsX+1,nbinsY+1) text = stats.AddText('{0}| {1}| {2}'.format(tl,tc,tr)) text = stats.AddText('{0}| {1}| {2}'.format(cl,cc,cr)) text = stats.AddText('{0}| {1}| {2}'.format(bl,bc,br)) return stats def TestStyle() : """ Test the functions defined above in a quick and automatic way. """ lhcbStyle = LHCbStyle() canvasDrawObj = ROOT.TCanvas('canvasDrawObj','canvasDrawObj',400,300) canvasDrawObjCompare = ROOT.TCanvas('canvasDrawObjCompare','canvasDrawObjCompare',400,300) canvasDrawObjCompare2 = ROOT.TCanvas('canvasDrawObjCompare2','canvasDrawObjCompare2',400,300) hist1 = ROOT.TH1F('hist1','hist1',100,0,10) hist2 = ROOT.TH1F('hist2','hist2',100,0,10) hist3 = ROOT.TH1F('hist3','hist3',100,0,10) hist2D = ROOT.TH2F('hist2D','hist2D',100,0,10,10,0,2) hist1.Fill(2,10) hist2.Fill(3,2) hist3.Fill(5,1) hist2D.Fill(2,1) hist2D.Fill(4,0) hist2D.Fill(5,2,10) ax = np.arange(0.,10.,2.) ay = ax*5. asize = len(ax) print ax print ay print asize graph = ROOT.TGraph(asize,ax,ay) graph.SetName('graph') # Test InitHist. InitHist(hist1,title='title for hist 1',x='x axis',y='y axis') InitHist(hist2,title='title for hist 2',x='x axis') InitHist(hist3,title='') # Test InitHist2. InitHist2(hist2D) # Test InitGraph. InitGraph(graph) markerColor=ROOT.kMagenta lineColor=ROOT.kMagenta fillColor=ROOT.kMagenta # Test SetStyleObj. SetStyleObj(hist1,markerColor,lineColor,fillColor) SetStyleObj(graph,markerColor,lineColor,fillColor) # Test AdjustOffsets. AdjustOffsets(hist2D,'Z') objList=[hist1,hist2,hist3] colorDict={hist1.GetName():ROOT.kRed,hist2.GetName():ROOT.kBlue,hist3.GetName():ROOT.kGreen} optionDrawDict={hist1.GetName():'E',hist2.GetName():'',hist3.GetName():'E'} labelDict={hist1.GetName():'first',hist2.GetName():'second',hist3.GetName():'third'} optionLegDict={hist1.GetName():'l',hist2.GetName():'p',hist3.GetName():'fw'} objList2=[hist1,graph] colorDict2={hist1.GetName():ROOT.kRed,graph.GetName():ROOT.kBlue} optionDrawDict2={hist1.GetName():'E',graph.GetName():'APC'} labelDict2={hist1.GetName():'first',graph.GetName():'second'} optionLegDict2={hist1.GetName():'l',graph.GetName():'pw'} print objList2 print colorDict2 print optionDrawDict2 print labelDict2 print optionLegDict2 # Test DrawObj. DrawObj(canvasDrawObj,hist1) # Test CreateLegend. leg = CreateLegend(objList,labelDict,optionLegDict,0.5,0.5,0.8,0.7) leg2 = CreateLegend(objList2,labelDict2,optionLegDict2,0.6,0.2,0.9,0.5) # Test DrawObjCompare. DrawObjCompare(canvasDrawObjCompare,objList,colorDict,optionDrawDict,leg) DrawObjCompare(canvasDrawObjCompare2,objList2,colorDict2,optionDrawDict2,leg2) option = 'IUO' # Test CreateStats. CreateStats(hist1,option) return LHCbStyle()