FCC / Tau23Mu_pythia / xmldoc / worksheet.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 18 Mar 2018 70 KB started fuckign pytia simulation


%define page size

%define math alphabets for teletype, roman, overline
%some frequent math symbols

\newcommand{\pTo}{p_{\perp 0}}
%roman names for particles in math mode
\renewcommand{\a}{{\mathrm a}}
\renewcommand{\b}{{\mathrm b}}
\renewcommand{\c}{{\mathrm c}}
\renewcommand{\d}{{\mathrm d}}
\newcommand{\e}{{\mathrm e}}
\newcommand{\f}{{\mathrm f}}
\newcommand{\g}{{\mathrm g}}
\newcommand{\hrm}{{\mathrm h}}
\newcommand{\lrm}{{\mathrm l}}
\newcommand{\n}{{\mathrm n}}
\newcommand{\p}{{\mathrm p}}
\newcommand{\q}{{\mathrm q}}
\newcommand{\s}{{\mathrm s}}
\renewcommand{\t}{{\mathrm t}}
\renewcommand{\u}{{\mathrm u}}
\newcommand{\A}{{\mathrm A}}
\newcommand{\B}{{\mathrm B}}
\newcommand{\D}{{\mathrm D}}
\newcommand{\F}{{\mathrm F}}
\renewcommand{\H}{{\mathrm H}}
\newcommand{\J}{{\mathrm J}}
\newcommand{\K}{{\mathrm K}}
\renewcommand{\L}{{\mathrm L}}
\newcommand{\Q}{{\mathrm Q}}
\newcommand{\R}{{\mathrm R}}
\newcommand{\T}{{\mathrm T}}
\newcommand{\W}{{\mathrm W}}
\newcommand{\Z}{{\mathrm Z}}
\newcommand{\bbar}{\overline{\mathrm b}}
\newcommand{\cbar}{\overline{\mathrm c}}
\newcommand{\dbar}{\overline{\mathrm d}}
\newcommand{\fbar}{\overline{\mathrm f}}
\newcommand{\pbar}{\overline{\mathrm p}}
\newcommand{\qbar}{\overline{\mathrm q}}
\newcommand{\sbar}{\overline{\mathrm s}}
\newcommand{\tbar}{\overline{\mathrm t}}
\newcommand{\ubar}{\overline{\mathrm u}}
\newcommand{\Bbar}{\overline{\mathrm B}}
\newcommand{\Fbar}{\overline{\mathrm F}}
\newcommand{\Qbar}{\overline{\mathrm Q}}
\newcommand{\tms}{\ensuremath{t_{\textnormal{\tiny MS}}}}

%new list environments to replace itemize and enumerate

%set sloppy attitude to line breaks

For tutorials\\
at Summer Schools\\
or self-study\\
January 2014


{\LARGE\bf PYTHIA 8 Worksheet}\\[10mm]
{\large Torbj\"orn Sj\"ostrand}\\[1mm]
Department of Astronomy and Theoretical Physics, Lund University\\[4mm]
{\large Peter Skands}\\[1mm]
Theoretical Physics, CERN\\[4mm]
{\large Stefan Prestel}\\[1mm]
Theory group, DESY



The \textsc{Pythia}~8.1 program is a standard tool for the generation of
high-energy collisions (specifically, it focuses on centre-of-mass
energies greater than about 10 GeV), comprising a coherent set of
physics models for the evolution from a few-body high-energy (``hard'')
scattering process to a complex multihadronic final state. The
particles are produced in vacuum. Simulation of the interaction of the
produced particles with detector material is not included in
\textsc{Pythia} but can, if needed, be done by interfacing to external 
detector-simulation codes.

The \textsc{Pythia}~8.1 code package contains a library of hard
interactions and models for initial- and final-state parton showers,
multiple parton-parton interactions, beam remnants, string
fragmentation and particle decays. It also has a set of utilities and
interfaces to external programs.

The objective of this exercise is to teach you the basics of how to
use the \textsc{Pythia}~8.1 event generator to study various physics
aspects.  As you become more familiar you will better understand the
tools at your disposal, and can develop your own style to use
them. Within this first exercise it is not possible to describe the
physics models used in the program; for this we refer to the
\textsc{Pythia}~8.1 brief introduction \cite{pythiaeight}, to the full
\textsc{Pythia}~6.4 physics description \cite{pythiasix}, and to all
the further references found in them.

\textsc{Pythia}~8 is, by today's standards, a small package.
It is completely self-contained, and is therefore easy to install for
standalone usage, e.g. if you want to have it on your own laptop,
or if you want to explore physics or debug code without any danger 
of destructive interference between different libraries. Section 2 
describes the installation procedure, which is what we will need for 
this introductory session. It does presuppose a working Unix-style
environment with C++ compilers and the like; check Appendix~D if in doubt.

When you use \textsc{Pythia} you are expected to write the main program
yourself, for maximal flexibility and power. Several examples of such
main programs are included with the code, to illustrate common tasks
and help getting started. Section 3 gives you a simple step-by-step 
recipe how to write a minimal main program, that can then gradually 
be expanded in different directions, e.g.\ as in Section 4.

In Section 5 you will see how the parameters of a run can be read in 
from a file, so that the main program can be kept fixed. Many of the 
provided main programs therefore allow you to create executables that 
can be used for different physics studies without recompilation,
but potentially at the cost of some flexibility.  

The final three sections provide suggestions for optional further studies,
and can be addressed in any order. Section 6 deals with the important 
topic of merging of external matrix-element input of different orders,
introducing the {\smaller CKKW-L} scheme as a suitable starting point.
Section 7 describes how you can explore various physics aspects of the
Standard Model Higgs production and decay. Section 8, finally, collects
suggestions for a few diverse studies.    

While \textsc{Pythia} can be run standalone, it can also be interfaced 
with a set of other libraries. One example is \textsc{HepMC}, which 
is the standard format used by experimentalists to store generated 
events. Since the \textsc{HepMC} library location is 
installation-dependent it is not possible to give a fool-proof linking 
procedure, but some hints are provided for the interested in Appendix~C. 
Further main programs included with the \textsc{Pythia} code provide 
examples of linking, e.g., to \textsc{AlpGen}, \textsc{MadGraph}, 
\textsc{PowHeg}, \textsc{FastJet}, \textsc{ProMC}, \textsc{Root},
and the Les Houches Accords LHEF, LHAPDF and SLHA.

Appendix~A contains a brief summary of the event-record structure, 
and Appendix~B some notes on simple histogramming and jet finding.
Appendices C and D have already been mentioned.

\section{Installation \label{sec:installation}}

Denoting a generic \textsc{Pythia}~8 version \texttt{pythia81xx}
(at the time of writing \texttt{xx} = 83), here is how to install 
\textsc{Pythia}~8 on a Linux/Unix/MacOSX system as a standalone package
(assuming you have standard Unix-family tools installed, see Appendix~D). 

\item In a browser, go to\\
\item Download the (current) program package\\
to a directory of your choice (e.g. by right-clicking on the link).
\item In a terminal window, \texttt{cd} to where \texttt{pythia81xx.tgz} 
was downloaded, and type\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{tar xvfz pythia81xx.tgz}\\
This will create a new (sub)directory \texttt{pythia81xx} where all
the \textsc{Pythia} source files are now ready and unpacked.
\item Move to this directory (\texttt{cd pythia81xx}) and do a
\texttt{make}. This will take $\sim$3 minutes
(computer-dependent). The \textsc{Pythia}~8 libraries are now
compiled and ready for physics. 
\item For test runs, \texttt{cd} to the \texttt{examples/} subdirectory. 
An \texttt{ls} reveals a list of programs, \texttt{mainNN}, with
\texttt{NN} from \texttt{01} through \texttt{28} (and beyond). These 
example programs each illustrate an aspect of \textsc{Pythia}~8. 
For a list of what they do, see the ``Sample Main Programs'' page 
in the online manual (point 6 below).\\ 
Initially only use one or two of them to check that the installation
 works. Once you have worked your way though the introductory exercises 
in the next sections you can return and study the programs and their 
output in more detail.\\
To execute one of the test programs, do\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{make mainNN}\\
The output is now just written to the terminal, \texttt{stdout}. 
To save the output to a file instead, do 
\texttt{./mainNN.exe >  mainNN.out}, after which you can study the 
test output at leisure by opening \texttt{mainNN.out}. See Appendix~A 
for an explanation of the event record that is listed in several of 
the runs.
\item If you use a web browser to open the file\\
you will gain access to the online manual, where all available methods 
and parameters are described. Use the left-column index to navigate among 
the topics, which are then displayed in the larger right-hand field. 

\section{A ``Hello World'' program}

We will now generate a single $\g \g \to \t \tbar$ event at the LHC,
using \textsc{Pythia} standalone.

Open a new file \texttt{} in the \texttt{examples} subdirectory 
with a text editor, e.g.\ Emacs. Then type the following lines 
(here with explanatory comments added):
     // Headers and Namespaces.
     #include "Pythia8/Pythia.h" // Include Pythia headers.
     using namespace Pythia8;    // Let Pythia8:: be implicit.

     int main() {                // Begin main program.

       // Set up generation.
       Pythia pythia;            // Declare Pythia object
       pythia.readString("Top:gg2ttbar = on"); // Switch on process.
       pythia.readString("Beams:eCM = 8000."); // 8 TeV CM energy.      
       pythia.init(); // Initialize; incoming pp beams is default.

       // Generate event(s).; // Generate an(other) event. Fill event record.

       return 0;
     }                // End main program with error-free return.

Next you need to edit the \texttt{Makefile} (the one in the \texttt{examples} 
subdirectory) so it knows what to do with \texttt{}.
The lines\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{\# Create an executable for one of the normal test 
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{main00  main01 main02 main03 ... main09 main10 
main10}~\verb+\+ \\
and the four next enumerate the main programs that do not need any 
external libraries. Edit the last of these lines to include also 
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{main80 mymain:}~\verb+\+

Now it should work as before with the other examples:\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{make mymain}\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{./mymain.exe > mymain.out}\\
whereafter you can study \texttt{mymain.out}, especially the 
example of a complete event record (preceded by initialization information,
and by kinematical-variable and hard-process listing for the same event). 
At this point you need to turn to Appendix~A for a brief overview of the 
information stored in the event record. 

An important part of the event record is that many copies of the same
particle may exist, but only those with a positive status code are still
present in the final state. To exemplify, consider a top quark
produced in the hard interaction, initially with positive status code. When
later a shower branching $\t \to \t \g$ occurs, the new $\t$ and $\g$ are
added at the bottom of the then-current event record, but the old $\t$ is
not removed. It is marked as decayed, however, by negating its status code.
At any stage of the shower there is thus only one ``current'' copy of the
top. After the shower, when the final top decays, $\t \to \b \W^+$, also
that copy receives a negative status code. When you understand the basic
principles, see if you can find several copies of the top quarks, and check
the status codes to figure out why each new copy has been added. Also note
how the mother/daughter indices tie together the various copies.

\section{A first realistic analysis}

We will now gradually expand the skeleton \texttt{mymain} program from
above, towards what would be needed for a more realistic analysis setup.
\item Often, we wish to mix several processes together. 
To add the process $\q \qbar \to \t \tbar$ to the above example, 
just include a second \texttt{pythia.readString} call\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pythia.readString("Top:qqbar2ttbar = on");}
\item Now we wish to generate more than one event. To do this, introduce a
loop around \texttt{}, so the
code now reads\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < 5; ++iEvent) \{ }\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{; }\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{\} }\\
Hereafter, we will call this the \textit{event loop}. The program will
now generate 5 events; each call to \texttt{} 
resets the event record and fills it with a new event. To list
more of the events, you also need to add\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pythia.readString("Next:numberShowEvent = 5");}\\
along with the other \texttt{pythia.readString} commands. 

\item To obtain statistics on the number of events generated of the 
different kinds, and the estimated cross sections, add a \\
just before the end of the program.
\item During the run you may receive problem messages. These come in
three kinds:
\item a \textit{warning} is a minor problem that is automatically fixed by 
the program, at least approximately;
\item an \textit{error} is a bigger problem, that is normally still 
automatically fixed by the program, by backing up and trying again;
\item an \textit{abort} is such a major problem that the current
 event could not be completed; in such a rare case \texttt{} 
is \texttt{false} and the event should be skipped.  
Thus the user need only be on the lookout for aborts. During event
generation, a problem message is printed only the first time it occurs
(except for a few special cases). 
The above-mentioned \texttt{pythia.stat()} will then tell you how many
times each problem was encountered over the entire run.
\item Studying the event listing for a few events
at the beginning of each run is useful to make sure you are generating the
right kind of events, at the right energies, etc. For real analyses,
however, you need automated access to the event record. The Pythia event
record provides many utilities to make this as simple and efficient as
possible. To access all the particles in the event record, insert the
following loop after \texttt{} (but fully enclosed by the
event loop) \\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{for (int i = 0; i < pythia.event.size(); ++i) \{ }\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{~~cout << "i = " << i << ", id = " }\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{~~~~~~~<< pythia.event[i].id() << endl; }\\ 
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{\} }\\
which we will call the \textit{particle loop}. Inside this loop, you
can access the properties of each particle \texttt{pythia.event[i]}. For
instance, the method \texttt{id()} returns the PDG identity code of a
particle (see Appendix~A.1). The \texttt{cout} statement, therefore, will
give a list of the PDG code of every particle in the event record.
\item As mentioned above, the event listing contains all partons and
particles, traced through a number of intermediate steps. Eventually, the
top will decay ($\t \to \W \b$), and by implication it is the last top copy
in the event record that defines the definitive top production kinematics,
just before the decay. You can obtain the location of this final top 
e.g.\ by a line just before the particle loop \\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{int iTop = 0;} \\
and a line inside the particle loop \\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{if (pythia.event[i].id() == 6) iTop = i;} \\ 
The value of \texttt{iTop} will be set every time a top is found in the
event record. When the particle loop is complete, \texttt{iTop}
will now point to the final top in the event record (which can be accessed
as \texttt{pythia.event[iTop]}).
\item In addition to the particle properties in the event listing,  
there are also methods that return many derived quantities for a 
particle, such as transverse momentum, \texttt{pythia.event[iTop].pT()},
and pseudorapidity, \texttt{pythia.event[iTop].eta()}. Use these methods
to print out the values for the final top found above. 
\item We now want to generate more events, say 1000, to view the shape
of these distributions. Inside \textsc{Pythia} is a very simple
histogramming class, see Appendix~B.1, that can be used for rapid 
check/debug purposes. To book the histograms, insert before the 
event loop \\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Hist pT("top transverse momentum", 100, 0., 200.);}\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Hist eta("top pseudorapidity", 100, -5., 5.);}\\
where the last three arguments are the number of bins, the lower edge and
the upper edge of the histogram, respectively. Now we want to fill the
histograms in each event, so before the end of the event loop
insert \\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pT.fill( pythia.event[iTop].pT() );}\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{eta.fill( pythia.event[iTop].eta() );}\\
Finally, to write out the histograms, after the event loop we need
a line like\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{cout << pT << eta;}\\
Do you understand why the $\eta$ distribution looks the way it does?
Propose and study a related but alternative measure and compare.
\item As a final standalone exercise, consider plotting the charged 
multiplicity of events. You then need to have a counter set to zero
for each new event. Inside the particle loop this counter should
be incremented whenever the particle \texttt{isCharged()} and
\texttt{isFinal()}. For the histogram, note that it can be treacherous to
have bin limits at integers, where roundoff errors decide whichever way
they go. In this particular case only even numbers are possible, so 100
bins from $-1$ to 399 would still be acceptable.

\section{Input files}

With the \texttt{} structure developed above it is necessary to
recompile the main program for each minor change, e.g. if you want to
rerun with more statistics. This is not time-consuming for a simple 
standalone run, but may become so for more realistic applications.
Therefore, parameters can be put in special input ``card'' files
that are read by the main program. 

We will now create such a file, with the same settings used in the
\texttt{mymain} example program. Open a new file, \texttt{mymain.cmnd}, and
input the following
     ! t tbar production at the LHC
     Beams:idA = 2212     ! first incoming beam is a 2212, i.e. a proton.  
     Beams:idB = 2212     ! second beam is also a proton. 
     Beams:eCM = 8000.    ! the cm energy of collisions. 
     Top:gg2ttbar = on    ! switch on the process g g -> t tbar.  
     Top:qqbar2ttbar = on ! switch on the process q qbar -> t tbar.  

The \texttt{mymain.cmnd} file can contain one command per line,
of the type\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{variable = value}\\
All variable names are case-insensitive (the mixing of cases has been
chosen purely to improve readability) and non-alphanumeric characters
(such as !, \# or \$) will be interpreted as the start of a comment. All
valid variables are listed in the online manual (see Section 2, point 6,
above). Cut-and-paste of variable names can be used to avoid spelling

The final step is to modify our program to use this input file. The name of
this input file can be hardcoded in the main program, but for more
flexibility, it can also be provided as a command-line argument. To do
this, replace the \texttt{int main() \{} line by \\
\hspace*{10mm} \texttt{int main(int argc, char* argv[]) \{}\\
and replace all \texttt{pythia.readString(...)} commands with the single

The executable \texttt{mymain.exe} is then run with a command line like\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{./mymain.exe mymain.cmnd > mymain.out}\\
and should give the same output as before.

In addition to all the internal \texttt{Pythia} variables there exist a
few defined in the database but not actually used. These are intended to 
be useful in the main program, and thus begin with \texttt{Main:}.
The most basic of those is \texttt{Main:numberOfEvents}, which you can 
use to specify how many events you want to generate. To make this have
any effect, you need to read it in the main program, after
the \texttt{pythia.readFile(...)} command, by a line like\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{int nEvent = pythia.mode("Main:numberOfEvents");}\\
and set up the event loop like\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) \{ }

You are now free to play with further options in the input file, such as:
\item \texttt{6:m0 = 175.}\\  
change the top mass, which by default is 171 GeV.
\item \texttt{PartonLevel:FSR = off}\\  
switch off final-state radiation.
\item \texttt{PartonLevel:ISR = off}\\  
switch off initial-state radiation.
\item \texttt{PartonLevel:MPI = off}\\
switch off multiparton interactions.  
\item \texttt{Tune:pp = 3} (or other values between 1 and 13) \\
different combined tunes, in particular to radiation and multiparton 
interactions parameters. In part this reflects that no generator 
is perfect, and also not all data is perfect, so different emphasis 
will result in different optima. In addition, detailed tuning of 
\texttt{Pythia}~8 is still in its infancy.  
\item \texttt{Random:setSeed = on}\\
\texttt{Random:seed = 123456789}\\
all runs by default use the same random-number sequence, for reproducibility,
but you can pick any number between 1 and 900,000,000 to obtain a unique
For instance, check the importance of FSR, ISR and MPI on the charged 
multiplicity of events by switching off one component at a time.

The usage of further \texttt{Main:} variables is illustrated e.g.\ in
\texttt{}, and the possibility to use command-line input
files in \texttt{} and \texttt{}. 

The online manual also exists in an interactive variant, where you
semi-automatically can construct a file with all the command lines you
wish to have. This requires that somebody installs the 
\texttt{pythia81xx/phpdoc} directory in a webserver. If you lack a local
installation you can use the one at\\
This is not a commercial-quality product, however, and requires some
user discipline. Full instructions are provided on the ``Save Settings''

You have now completed the core part of the worksheet --- congratulations! 
From now on you should be able to take off in different directions, 
depending on your interests. The following three sections contain 
examples of further possible studies, and can be addressed in any order.  

\section{CKKW-L merging}

The main programs we have constructed and studied in the previous sections 
have one common drawback: all start from the \textsc{Pythia}~8 internal
library of lowest-order processes, and then add higher-order corrections
entirely by the internal parton-shower machinery. This will give
reliable results for soft and collinear configurations, but less so for 
multiple hard, well-separated jets. To model the latter similarly well 
we need to include external input from higher-order calculations, 
at least at tree level, but where feasible also at one-loop level. 
A number of different external programs can provide such input, using 
the LHA/LHEF standard format \cite{leshouchesaccord,leshoucheseventfiles} 
to transfer information, usually as LHE files. The hard-process events 
stored in these files will be accepted or rejected in such a way that 
doublecounting between different parton multiplicities is removed, 
resulting in a smooth transition between the multiplicities, and 
between the external input and the internal handling of parton showers. 
These two tasks usually go hand in hand.

Many different schemes have been proposed for matrix element + parton 
shower merging (MEPS), and a comprehensive selection of such schemes 
is available with the \textsc{Pythia}~8 distribution, including
\item tree-level merging: {\smaller MLM} jet matching \cite{mlm} 
or \textsc{AlpGen}-style), {\smaller CKKW-L} merging \cite{ckkwl}, and 
unitarised {\smaller ME}+{\smaller PS} merging ({\smaller UMEPS})
\cite{umeps}; and
\item next-to-leading order merging: \textsc{NL$^3$} merging and
unitarised NLO+PS merging \mbox{({\smaller UNLOPS})} \cite{unlops}.
The setup of such merging schemes is documented in the online manual,
heading ``Link to Other Programs'', page ``Matching and Merging'' with
further subpages, and is illustrated in several of the example main 

Here we will experiment with the {\smaller CKKW-L} scheme, which was 
the first merging scheme available in \textsc{Pythia}~8, and also
is among the simpler to work with. We will take the \texttt{main80}
example main program as a starting point for our studies. In its
general structure it closely resembles the main program(s) we already
constructed step by step, so we will only need to comment on aspects
that are new for the merging game. The process $\W^+ + \leq 2$~jets 
will be taken as an example. It uses the LHE files\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{w+\_production\_lhc\_0.lhe} for $\W^+ + 0$ partons\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{w+\_production\_lhc\_1.lhe} for $\W^+ + 1$ parton\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{w+\_production\_lhc\_2.lhe} for $\W^+ + 2$ partons\\
in the \texttt{examples} directory to produce a result that simultaneously 
describes $\W^+ + 0,1,2$ jet observables with leading-order matrix 
elements, while also including arbitrarily many shower emissions.
Jets are here defined by a clustering procedure on the partons thus 
generated. (We omit other effects from consideration, such as MPIs or 

Say we want to study a one-jet observable, e.g. the transverse 
momentum of the jet $j$ in events with \emph{exactly} one jet. In this case, 
we want to take ``hard'' jets from the $\p\p \to \W j$ matrix element 
(ME), while ``soft'' jets should be modelled by parton-shower (PS) 
emissions off the $\p\p \to \W$ states. In order to smoothly merge these 
two samples, we have to know in which measure ``hard'' is defined, and 
which value of this measure separates the hard and soft regions. In 
\texttt{main80.cmnd}, these definitions are\\ 
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Merging:doKTMerging = on}\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Merging:ktType~~~~~~= 2}\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Merging:TMS~~~~~~~~~= 30.}\\
This will enable the merging procedure, with the merging scale defined by 
the minimal longitudinally invariant $k_\perp$ separation between partons
(there are many other possibilities, by \texttt{ktType} value or by your
own choice of merging procedure), with a merging scale $\tms = 30$~GeV. 
Such a definition fixes what we mean when we talk about ``hard'' 
and ``soft'' jets:
\begin{tabular}{l l}
Hard jets:  & $\min\{$Any relative $k_{\perp}$ between sets of 
partons$\} > \tms$\\
Soft jets:  & $\min\{$Any relative $k_{\perp}$ between sets of 
partons$\} < \tms$
Thus, in order for the merging prescription to work, we need to remove
phase space regions with $\min\{$Any $k_{\perp}\} < \tms$
from the W+1-parton matrix element calculation. Otherwise, there would
be an overlap between the ``soft jet'' and ``hard jet'' samples. 
This requirement means that the merging-scale definition should be 
implemented as a \emph{cut in the matrix element generator}. 
Alternatively, it is possible to enforce the cut in \textsc{Pythia}~8 
internally, assuming that the ME is calculated with more inclusive 
(i.e.\ loose) cuts. This is illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:pythia-tms-cut}, 
in which the triangle depicts the whole phase space, with soft or 
collinear divergences located on the edges. The yellow area symbolises 
the phase-space region used for the generation of the LHEF events, 
while the green area represents the phase space after \textsc{Pythia}~8 
has enforced the merging-scale cut on the input events. In order to 
correctly apply the merging-scale cut, the green area has to be fully 
contained inside the yellow one, i.e.\ the cut in the ME generator has 
to be more inclusive than the $\tms$-cut. For optimal efficiency, the 
yellow and green areas should be identical. This can be the case in 
\textsc{MadGraph}~5 \cite{madgraphfive}, when using the generation cuts 
\texttt{ktdurham} (corresponding to \texttt{Merging:doKTMerging = on}) 
and \texttt{ptpythia} (corresponding to 
\texttt{Merging:doPTLundMerging = on}).

\caption{Schematic illustration of how the phase space covered by the 
external matrix-element generator, yellow region, has to enclose the 
region passing the \textsc{Pythia}~8 cuts, green region.

After the merging-scale definition, we define the underlying process.
To tell \textsc{Pythia}~8 that we want to merge additional jets
in W-boson production, we specify which is the core process, using
\textsc{MadGraph} notation, where the final state is defined by the 
$\W^+$ decay products rather than by the $\W^+$ itself:\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Merging:Process~~~~~~~~~= pp>e+ve}\\
in \texttt{main80.cmnd}. Finally, the setting\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Merging:nJetMax~~~~~~~~~= 2}\\
tells the program to include the pre-generated ME events for up to two 
additional jets.

In \texttt{}, the input file \texttt{main80.cmnd} is read early on
by the \texttt{pythia.readFile(\dots)} command. This gives access to the 
number of events to be read from each LHE file, and the number of LHE files
to be processed. The \textit{subrun loop} then handles each LHE file,
one at a time. Specifically, the\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pythia.readFile("main80.cmnd", iMerge);}\\  
uses the \texttt{iMerge} argument when reading the \texttt{main80.cmnd} 
file, so that only those commands following the respective 
\texttt{Main:subrun = iMerge} label are read. (Plus that everything 
before the first \texttt{Main:subrun} is re-read, but that does not 
matter since it stays the same.) Thus the proper LHE file is picked up for
each jet multiplicity. The\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Beams:frameType~~~~~~~~~= 4}\\
also informs \textsc{Pythia} that beam parameters should be read from the
header section of the LHE file, and not set by the user.    

Then we enter the event loop. The already-discussed difference in 
phase-space coverage can lead to a fair fraction of all input events 
being rejected. Thus the number of produced events can be lower than 
the requested \texttt{Main:numberOfEvents} one if the file is not
large enough. (When no further events can be read the
\texttt{} command will return \texttt{false}, so that
the event loop can be exited at the end of the LHE file.)
Those events that survive come with a weight\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{double weight =;}\\
which contains Sudakov factors (to remove the double counting between 
samples of different multiplicity), $\as$ ratios (to incorporate the
$\as$ running not available in matrix element generators), and 
ratios of parton distributions (to include variable factorization scales). 
This weight \textit{must} be used when filling histogram bins, as is e.g.\ 
done by\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pTWnow.fill( pTW, weight);}\\
for the $p_{\perp}$ of the $\W$\ boson. The sum of weights also goes into
the calculation of the total generated cross section. 

After the event loop, the contribution to the $p_{\perp}$ of the 
$\W$ boson from this particular multiplicity is normalised by\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pTWnow *= 1e9*
where the ratio of the two \texttt{} numbers is the weight per 
event, the \texttt{1e9} is for conversion from mb to pb, and the \texttt{2.}
compensates for the bin width to give cross section per GeV.
This number and more detailed statistics are printed to the terminal. 
As a final step, the contribution of the current subrun is added to 
the total histogram\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pTWsum += pTWnow;}\\
and the subrun loop begins over with the next LHE file. The complete 
histogram, combining all multiplicities, is printed after the sub-run 
loop has concluded. 

You can compile and run \texttt{} by issuing the commands\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{make main80}\\
When you run the program, note that some warning messages are issued 
routinely as part of the merging machinery, in the steps where a 
clustering history is found and where it is decided whether an event
fails the merging scale cuts. Warnings from the SLHA interface also
are irrelevant. So no reason to worry about any of that.

After the first run with the main program as is, you can try different 
\item Convince yourself that the variation of the ``merging weight'' 
is moderate.
 \item Check in which $p_\perp$ regions which jet multiplicity
contributes most.
\item Study how the individual contributions and the sum changes when
you run with a maximum of 1 or 0 jets, instead of the default 2.
\item Compare the $p_\perp$ spectrum of the $\W$ with what you get 
from running the internal \textsc{Pythia} production process, by 
straightforward modifications of your \texttt{mymain} program.
\item A major limitation is the size of the event files that come with 
the standard \textsc{Pythia} distribution, for space reasons. If you 
have a decent Internet connection you can download larger files, 
with 100\,000 events for each multiplicity up to $\W + 4$~partons. 
Do this from the \textsc{Pythia} home page, in the ``Tutorials'' section of 
it, files \texttt{wp\_tree\_0.lhe.gz} through \texttt{wp\_tree\_4.lhe.gz}.
You should \texttt{gunzip} them after downloading. (It is also possible 
to configure \textsc{Pythia} so that it can read \texttt{gzip}ped files,
see the \texttt{README} in the \textsc{Pythia} main directory, but this 
is less trivial.) With these files you can repeat the exercise above, 
and in particular check how much is gained by including the further 
$\W + 3$ and $\W + 4$ samples. To run through all events in the files
takes a while, so check with a fraction of the sample to begin with,
and be prepared to do something else while you wait for the full run to 
\item Alternatively, if you are already a \textsc{MadGraph} user,
you could generate your own LHE files and merge them. This would
take some time, however, in particular for the higher multiplicities,
so may not be an option.
\item Use a jet finder to analyze the final state, and plot the 
$\pT$ spectra for the first, second, and third hardest jets,
combining separate contributions similarly to what is done in
\texttt{} for the $\W$ $\pT$ spectrum. Instructions how 
to use the built-in \texttt{SlowJet} jet finder can be found in 
\item Check the variation of merged predictions with $\tms$. You can 
do this by using an ``inclusive'' event sample, and having 
\textsc{Pythia} enforce a stronger $\tms$ cut. In which phase-space 
region is the $\tms$ variation most visible?
\item Switch between ``wimpy'' and ``power'' showers by choosing 
values for \texttt{TimeShower:pTmaxMatch} and 
\texttt{SpaceShower:pTmaxMatch}. Are the effects more visible in 
merged or non-merged predictions?

Once you have familiarised yourself with the example, you can experiment
with more advanced settings in \texttt{main80.cmnd}. Alternatively, 
try to use the example main program \texttt{}, which is intended 
as a general ``{\smaller CKKW-L} blackbox''. This program produces 
\textsc{HepMC} events that can directly be processed by standard plotting 
tools. You can also download the dedicated merging tutorial from the
\textsc{Pythia} home page to learn more.

\section{Some studies of Higgs production}

The discovery of the Higgs boson has been the main accomplishment
of the LHC to date. Generators have been part of that story, right from 
the early days when the ATLAS and CMS detectors were designed in such a
way as to permit that discovery. This section offers exercises 
intended to explore the physics of Higgs production from various aspects,
with \textsc{Pythia} as guide.

\subsection{Production kinematics}

The dominant production channel is $\g\g\to\H^0$. To study the 
kinematics distribution of the Higgs, the existing top production
program could easily be modified. Instead of switching on top
production, use\\  
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{HiggsSM:gg2H = on}\\
And instead of looking for the last top copy before decay, look
for the last Higgs copy \texttt{iH}, ie. the last particle with 
\texttt{id() == 25}. Once found the \texttt{pythia.event[iH]}
methods can be used to extract and histogram Higgs kinematics 
distributions, like for the top. In addition to the transverse
momentum \texttt{pT()} you can compare the distributions for 
true rapidity \texttt{y()} and for pseudorapidity \texttt{eta()}.

\subsection{Production processes}

While $\g\g \to \H^0$ is the main Higgs production channel,
it is not the only one. Do a run with \texttt{HiggsSM:all = on} 
to check which are implemented and their relative importance.
Also figure out how you could generate one of the less frequent 
processes on its own, either from the online manual or by making 
some deductions from the output with all processes.

In order to get decent cross-section statistics faster, you can use 
\texttt{PartonLevel:all = off} to switch off everything except the 
hard-process generation itself. One price to pay is that the 
kinematics distributions for the Higgs are not meaningful.

If instead complete events are generated you can study how the
transverse-momentum distribution varies between processes.
What are the reasons behind the significant differences? 

\subsection{Decay channels}

Also the decay channels and branching ratios in the Higgs
decay are of interest. Here no ready-made statistics routines
exist, so you have to do it yourself. You already have the location
\texttt{iH} of the decaying Higgs. Since the standard decay modes
are two-body, their locations are stored in\\  
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{int iDau1 = pythia.event[iH].daughter1();}\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{int iDau2 = pythia.event[iH].daughter2();}\\
and from that you can get the identities of the daughters.
Introduce counters for all the decay modes you come to think of,
that you use to derive and print branching ratios. Print the 
daughter identities in the leftover decays, where you did not yet 
have any counters, and iterate until you catch it all.
In this case, \texttt{PartonLevel:all = off} cannot be used, since 
then one does not get to the decays, at least not with the 
information in \texttt{pythia.event}. But you can combine\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{PartonLevel:ISR = off} to switch off 
initial-state radiation,\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{PartonLevel:FSR = off} to switch off 
final-state radiation,\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{PartonLevel:MPI = off} to switch off 
multiparton interactions, and\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{HadronLevel:all = off} to switch off 
hadronization and decays,\\
to get almost the same net time saving.

\subsection{Mass distribution}

By now the Higgs mass is pretty well pinned down, but you can 
check what the branching ratios would have been with another mass,
e.g.\ by \texttt{25:m0 = 150.} for a 150 GeV Higgs.

On a related note, the Higgs mass is generated according to a 
Breit-Wigner distribution, convoluted with parton densities.
Can you resolve this shape for the default Higgs mass?
How does it change had the Higgs been heavier, say at 400 GeV? 

\subsection{Associated jets}

Let's return to the different production channels, which 
give different event characteristics. Well-known is that the 
$\q \q \to \q \q \H^0$ processes give rise to jets at large
rapidities, that can be used for tagging purposes. This can be
studied as follows.

The two relevant processes are \texttt{HiggsSM:ff2Hff(t:ZZ)} and
\texttt{HiggsSM:ff2Hff(t:WW)} for $\Z^0 \Z^0$ and $\W^+ \W^-$
fusion ($\f$ here denotes a fermion; the same processes also exist
e.g. at $\e^+ \e^-$ colliders), that are to be compared with
the standard $\g\g \to \H^0$ one.

Find jets using the \texttt{SlowJet} class, see Appendix~B.2,
e.g.\ using the anti-$k_{\perp}$ algorithm with $R = 0.7$, 
$p_{\perp\mathrm{min}} = 30$~GeV and $\eta_{\mathrm{max}} = 5$.

One problem is that also the Higgs decay products can give jets, which
we are not interested in here. To avoid this, we can switch off Higgs 
decays by \texttt{25:mayDecay = off}. This still leaves the Higgs itself
in the event record. A call 
\texttt{pythia.event[iH].statusNeg()} will negate its status code, 
and since \texttt{slowJet.analyze(...)} only considers the final 
particles, i.e. those with positive status, the Higgs is thus

Now study the $\pT$ and rapidity spectrum of the hardest jets,
and compare those distributions for the two processes. Also study
how many jets are produced in the two cases.

\subsection{Underlying event}

Several mechanisms contribute to the overall particle production in
Higgs events. This can be studied e.g.\ by histogramming the charged 
particle distribution.    

You then need to have a counter set to zero for each new event. Inside 
the particle loop this counter should be incremented whenever 
the particle \texttt{isFinal()} and \texttt{isCharged()}. For the histogram, 
note that it can be treacherous to have bin limits at integers, where 
roundoff errors decide whichever way they go. In this particular case 
only even numbers are possible, so 100 bins from $-1$ to 399 would still 
be acceptable, for instance.

Once you have the distribution down for normal events, study what happens 
if you remove ISR, FSR and MPI one by one or all together. Also study 
the contribution of the Higgs decay itself to the multiplicity, e.g.\ by 
setting the Higgs stable. Reflect on why different combinations give 
the pattern they do, e.g.\ why ISR on/off makes a bigger difference
when MPI is on than off. 

\subsection{Decay properties}

The decay mode $\H^0 \to \Z^0 \Z^0 \to \ell^+ \ell^- \ell'^+ \ell'^-$,
$\ell, \ell' = \e, \mu$, is called the gold-plated one, since it stands
out so well from backgrounds. It also offers angular correlations that
probe the spin of a Higgs candidate.

For now consider a simpler, but still interesting, pair of distributions:
the mass spectra of the two $\Z^0$ decay products. Plot them for the 
lighter and the heavier of the two separately, and compare shapes and 
average values. To improve statistics, you can use \texttt{25:onMode = off}
to switch off all decay channels, and then \texttt{25:onIfMatch = 23 23}
to switch back on the decay to $\Z^0 \Z^0$ (and nothing else). Further, 
neither ISR, FSR, MPI nor hadronization affect the mass distributions, 
so this allows some speedup.

How can one qualitatively understand why the two masses tend to be
so far apart, rather than roughly comparable? 

\subsection{Comparison with $\Z^0$ production}

One of the key reference processes at hadron colliders is $\Z^0$ production.
To lowest order it only involves one process, $\q\qbar \to \gamma^*/\Z^0$,
accessible with \texttt{WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ = on}. One complication
is that the process involves $\gamma^*/\Z^0$ interference, and so a 
significiant enhancement at low masses, even if the combined particle
always is classified with code 23, however. 

Compare the two processes $\g\g \to \H^0$ and $\q\qbar \to \gamma^*/\Z^0$,
with respect to the $\pT$ distribution of the boson and the total charged
multiplicity of the events. So as to remove the dependence on the difference
in mass, you can set a specific mass range in the $\gamma^*/\Z^0$ 
generation with \texttt{PhaseSpace:mHatMin = 124} and 
\texttt{PhaseSpace:mHatMax = 126}, to agree with the $\H^0$ mass
to $\pm$ 1 GeV.

Can you explain what is driving the differences in the $\pT$ and 
$n_{\mrm{chg}}$ distributions between the two processes? 

\section{Further studies}

If you have time left, you should take the opportunity to try 
a few other processes or options. Below are given some examples, 
but feel free to pick something else that you would be more
interested in.  

\item One popular misconception is that the energy and momentum of a 
$\B$ meson has to be smaller than that of its mother $\b$ quark, and 
similarly for charm. The fallacy is twofold. Firstly, if the $\b$ 
quark is surrounded by nearby colour-connected gluons, the $\B$ meson 
may also pick up some of the momentum of these gluons. Secondly, the
concept of smaller momentum is not Lorentz-frame-independent:
if the other end of the $\b$ colour force field is a parton with a
higher momentum (such as a beam remnant) the ``drag'' of the 
hadronization process may imply an acceleration in the lab frame
(but a deceleration in the beam rest frame).\\
To study this, simulate $\b$ production, e.g.\ the process
\texttt{HardQCD:gg2bbbar}. Identify $\B / \B^*$ mesons that
come directly from the hadronization, for simplicity those with
status code $-83$ or $-84$. In the former case the mother $\b$
quark is in the \texttt{mother1()} position, in the latter in
\texttt{mother2()} (study a few event listings to see how it works).
Plot the ratio of $\B$ to $\b$ energy to see what it looks like.       

\item One of the characteristics of multiparton-interactions (MPI) models
is that they lead to strong long-range correlations, as observed in
data. That is, if many hadrons are produced in one rapidity range
of an event, then most likely this is an event where many MPI's
occurred (and the impact parameter between the two colliding protons
was small), and then one may expect a larger activity also at other
To study this, select two symmetrically located, one unit wide bins 
in rapidity (or pseudorapidity), with a variable central separation 
$\Delta y$: $\left[ \Delta y/2, \Delta y/2 + 1 \right]$ and 
$\left[ - \Delta y/2 - 1, - \Delta y/2 \right]$.
For each event you may find $n_F$ and $n_B$, the charged multiplicity 
in the ``forward'' and ``backward'' rapidity bins. Suitable averages 
over a sample of events then gives the forward--backward correlation 
\rho_{FB}(\Delta y) = \frac{\langle n_F \, n_B \rangle 
- \langle n_F \rangle \langle n_B \rangle}%
{\sqrt{(\langle n_F^2 \rangle - \langle n_F \rangle^2)
(\langle n_B^2 \rangle - \langle n_B \rangle^2)}} 
= \frac{\langle n_F \, n_B \rangle - \langle n_F \rangle^2}%
{\langle n_F^2 \rangle - \langle n_F \rangle^2} ~,
where the last equality holds for symmetric distributions such as
in $\p\p$ and $\pbar\p$.\\
Compare how $\rho_{FB}(\Delta y)$ changes for increasing
$\Delta y = 0, 1, 2, 3, \ldots$, with and without MPI switched on
(\texttt{PartonLevel:MPI = on/off}) for minimum-bias events
(\texttt{SoftQCD:minBias = on}).

\item $\Z^0$ production to lowest order only involves one process,
which is accessible with \texttt{WeakSingleBoson:ffbar2gmZ = on}. 
The problem here is that the process is $\f \fbar \to \gamma^*/\Z^0$ 
with full $\gamma^*/\Z^0$ interference and so a signficiant enhancement 
at low masses. The combined particle is always classified with code 23,
however. So generate events and study the $\gamma^*/\Z^0$ mass and
$\pT$ distributions. Then restrict to a more ``$\Z^0$-like''  
mass range with \texttt{PhaseSpace:mHatMin = 75.} and 
\texttt{PhaseSpace:mHatMax = 120.}

\item Use a jet clustering algorithm, e.g.\ one of the \texttt{SlowJet}
options described in Appendix~B.2, to study the number of jets found in 
association with the $\Z^0$ above. You can switch off $\Z^0$ decay with 
\texttt{23:mayDecay = no}, and negate its status code by
\texttt{pythia.event[iZ].statusNeg()}, so that it will not be included
in the jet finding. Here \texttt{iZ} is the last copy of the $\Z^0$,
cf.\ how the last top copy was found above.
Again check the importance of FSR/ISR/MPI. 

Note that the \textsc{Pythia} homepage contains two further tutorials,
in addition to older editions of the current one. These share some
of the introductory material, but then put the emphasis on two 
specific areas:
\item a merging tutorial, showing the step-by-step construction of 
a relevant main program, and more details on possible merging 
approaches than found in Section~6 of the current manual; and
\item a BSM tutorial, describing how you can input events from
Beyond-the-Standard-model scenarios into \textsc{Pythia}.

\section{The Event Record}

The event record is set up to store every step in the evolution from 
an initial low-multiplicity partonic process to a final high-multiplicity
hadronic state, in the order that new particles are generated. The record
is a vector of particles, that expands to fit the needs of the current 
event (plus some additional pieces of information not discussed here). 
Thus \texttt{event[i]} is the \texttt{i}'th particle of the current 
event, and you may study its properties by using various 
\texttt{event[i].method()} possibilities.

The \texttt{event.list()} listing provides the main properties of 
each particles, by column:
\item \texttt{no}, the index number of the particle (\texttt{i}
\item \texttt{id}, the PDG particle identity code 
(method \texttt{id()});
\item \texttt{name}, a plaintext rendering of the particle name 
(method \texttt{name()}), within brackets for initial or intermediate 
particles and without for final-state ones;
\item \texttt{status}, the reason why a new particle was added to 
the event record (method \texttt{status()});
\item \texttt{mothers} and \texttt{daughters}, documentation on
the event history (methods \texttt{mother1()}, \texttt{mother2()}, 
\texttt{daughter1()} and \texttt{daughter2()});
\item \texttt{colours}, the colour flow of the process (methods 
\texttt{col()} and \texttt{acol()});
\item \texttt{p\_x}, \texttt{p\_y}, \texttt{p\_z} and \texttt{e}, 
the components of the momentum four-vector $(p_x, p_y, p_z, E)$,
in units of GeV with $c = 1$ (methods \texttt{px()}, \texttt{py()}, 
\texttt{pz()} and \texttt{e()});
\item \texttt{m}, the mass, in units as above (method \texttt{m()}).
For a complete description of these and other particle properties 
(such as production and decay vertices, rapidity, $p_\perp$, etc), 
open the program's online documentation in a browser (see Section 2,
point 6, above), scroll down to the ``Study Output'' section, and follow
the ``Particle Properties'' link in the left-hand-side menu.  For brief
summaries on the less trivial of the ones above, read on.

\subsection{Identity codes}

A complete specification of the PDG codes is found in the
Review of Particle Physics \cite{rpp}. An online listing is 
available from\\

A short summary of the most common \texttt{id} codes would be\\[2mm] 
1 & $\d$ & 11 & $\e^-$      & 21  & $\g$ & 211 & $\pi^+$ 
& 111 & $\pi^0$ & 213 & $\rho^+$ & 2112 & $\n$ \\
2 & $\u$ & 12 & $\nu_{\e}$   & 22 & $\gamma$ & 311 & $\K^0$
& 221 & $\eta$ & 313 & $\K^{*0}$ & 2212 & $\p$  \\
3 & $\s$ & 13 & $\mu^-$     & 23 & $\Z^0$  & 321 & $\K^+$
& 331 & $\eta'$ & 323 & $\K^{*+}$ & 3122 & $\Lambda^0$ \\
4 & $\c$ & 14 & $\nu_{\mu}$  & 24 & $\W^+$ & 411 & $\D^+$
& 130 & $\K^0_{\mrm{L}}$ & 113 & $\rho^0$ & 3112 & $\Sigma^-$ \\
5 & $\b$ & 15 & $\tau^-$    & 25 & $\H^0$ & 421 & $\D^0$
& 310 & $\K^0_{\mrm{S}}$ & 223 & $\omega$ & 3212 & $\Sigma^0$  \\
6 & $\t$ & 16 & $\nu_{\tau}$ &  &  & 431 & $\D_{\s}^+$
& & & 333 & $\phi$ & 3222 & $\Sigma^+$ \\
Antiparticles to the above, where existing as separate entities, 
are given with a negative sign.\\
Note that simple meson and baryon codes are constructed from 
the constituent (anti)quark codes, with a final spin-state-counting digit 
$2 s + 1$ ($\K^0_{\mrm{L}}$ and $\K^0_{\mrm{S}}$ being exceptions), and with
a set of further rules to make the codes unambiguous.  

\subsection{Status codes}

When a new particle is added to the event record, it is assigned 
a positive status code that describes why it has been added,
as follows (see the online manual for the meaning of each specific
code range & explanation \\
11 -- 19 & beam particles\\
21 -- 29 & particles of the hardest subprocess\\
31 -- 39 & particles of subsequent subprocesses in multiparton interactions\\
41 -- 49 & particles produced by initial-state-showers\\
51 -- 59 & particles produced by final-state-showers\\
61 -- 69 & particles produced by beam-remnant treatment\\
71 -- 79 & partons in preparation of hadronization process\\
81 -- 89 & primary hadrons produced by hadronization process\\
91 -- 99 & particles produced in decay process, or by Bose-Einstein effects\\ 
Whenever a particle is allowed to branch or decay further its status 
code is negated (but it is \textit{never} removed from the event record), 
such that only particles in the final state remain with positive codes. The
\texttt{isFinal()} method returns \texttt{true/false} for
positive/negative status codes.

\subsection{History information}

The two mother and two daughter indices of each particle provide 
information on the history relationship between the different entries 
in the event record. The detailed rules depend on the particular physics 
step being described, as defined by the status code. As an example, 
in a $2 \to 2$ process $a b \to c d$, the locations of $a$ and $b$
would set the mothers of $c$ and $d$, with the reverse relationship
for daughters. When the two mother or daughter indices are not
consecutive they define a range between the first and last entry,
such as a string system consisting of several partons fragment into
several hadrons.

There are also several special cases. One such is when ``the same''
particle appears as a second copy, e.g. because its momentum has 
been shifted by it taking a recoil in the dipole picture of parton
showers. Then the original has both daughter indices pointing to the
same particle, which in its turn has both mother pointers referring
back to the original. Another special case is the description of 
ISR by backwards evolution, where the mother is constructed at a 
later stage than the daughter, and therefore appears below it in the 
event listing. 

If you get confused by the different special-case storage options, the 
two \texttt{motherList()} and \texttt{daughterList()} methods 
return a \texttt{vector} of all mother or daughter indices of 
a particle.

\subsection{Colour flow information}

The colour flow information is based on the Les Houches Accord
convention \cite{leshouchesaccord}. In it, the number of colours
is assumed infinite, so that each new colour line can be assigned
a new separate colour. These colours are given consecutive labels:
101, 102, 103, \ldots . A gluon has both a colour and an anticolour
label, an (anti)quark only (anti)colour. 

While colours are traced consistently through hard processes and 
parton showers, the subsequent beam-remnant-handling step often 
involves a drastic change of colour labels. Firstly, previously 
unrelated colours and anticolours taken from the beams may at this
stage be associated with each other, and be relabelled accordingly. 
Secondly, it appears that the close space--time overlap of many 
colour fields leads to reconnections, i.e. a swapping of colour labels, 
that tends to reduce the total length of field lines.

\section{Some facilities}

The \textsc{Pythia} package contains some facilities that are 
not part of the core generation mission, but are useful
for standalone running, notably at summer schools. Here we give
some brief info on histograms and jet finding.


For real-life applications you may want to use sophisticated 
histogramming programs like ROOT, which however take much time to
install and learn. Within the time at our disposal, we therefore 
stick with the very primitive \texttt{Hist} class. Here is a 
simple overview of what is involved. 

As a first step you need to declare a histogram, with name, title, 
number of bins and $x$ range (from, to), like\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Hist pTH("Higgs transverse momentum", 100, 0., 200.);}\\
Once declared, its contents can be added by repeated calls to fill,\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{pTH.fill( 22.7, 1.);}\\ 
where the first argument is the $x$ value and the second the weight. 
Since the weight defaults to 1 the last argument could have been omitted 
in this case.

A set of overloaded operators have been defined, so that histograms can be 
added, subtracted, divided or multiplied by each other. Then the contents 
are modified accordingly bin by bin. Thus the relative deviation between 
two histograms \texttt{data} and \texttt{theory} can be found as\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{diff = (data - theory) / (data + theory);}\\
assuming that \texttt{diff}, \texttt{data} and \texttt{theory} have been 
booked with the same number of bins and $x$ range. 

Also overloaded operations with double real numbers are available. Again 
these four operations are defined bin by bin, i.e.\ the corresponding 
amount is added to, subtracted from, multiplied by or divided by each bin. 
The double number can come before or after the histograms, with obvious 
results. Thus the inverse of a histogram result is given by 
\texttt{1./result}. The two kind of operations can be combined, e.g.\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{allpT = ZpT + 2. * WpT}

A histogram can be printed by making use of the overloaded 
\texttt{<<} operator, e.g.\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{cout << ZpT;}\\
The printout format is inspired by the old HBOOK one. To understand 
how to read it, consider the simplified example
        3.50*10^ 2  9                     
        3.00*10^ 2  X   7               
        2.50*10^ 2  X  1X               
        2.00*10^ 2  X6 XX                
        1.50*10^ 2  XX5XX                 
        1.00*10^ 2  XXXXX                
        0.50*10^ 2  XXXXX        

            *10^ 2  31122
            *10^ 1  47208
            *10^ 0  79373

          Low edge  -- 
            *10^ 1  10001 
            *10^ 0  05050
The key feature is that the \texttt{Contents} and \texttt{Low edge} 
have to be read vertically. For instance, the first bin has the 
contents $3 * 10^2 + 4 * 10^1 + 7 * 10^0 = 347$. Correspondingly, 
the other bins have contents 179, 123, 207 and 283. The first bin 
stretches from $-(1 * 10^1 + 0 * 10^0) = -10$ to the beginning 
of the second bin, at $-(0 * 10^1 + 5 * 10^0) = -5$.

The visual representation above the contents give a simple impression 
of the shape. An \texttt{X} means that the contents are filled up to 
this level, a digit in the topmost row the fraction to which the last 
level is filled. So the \texttt{9} of the first column indicates this 
bin is filled 9/10 of the way from $3.00*10^2 = 300$ to 
$3.50*10^2 = 350$, i.e. somewhere close to 345, or more precisely 
in the range 342.5 to 347.5.

The printout also provides some other information, such as the number 
of entries, i.e. how many times the histogram has been filled, the total 
weight inside the histogram, the total weight in underflow and overflow, 
and the mean value and root-mean-square width (disregarding underflow 
and overflow). The mean and width assumes that all the contents is in 
the middle of the respective bin. This is especially relevant when you 
plot a integer quantity, such as a multiplicity. Then it makes sense 
to book with limits that are half-integers, e.g.\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{Hist multMPI( "number of multiparton interactions", % 
20, -0.5, 19.5);}\\
so that the bins are centered at 0, 1, 2, ..., respectively. This also 
avoids ambiguities which bin gets to be filled if entries are exactly 
at the border between two bins. Also note that the \texttt{fill( xValue)} 
method automatically performs a cast to double precision where necessary, 
i.e. \texttt{xValue} can be an integer.

Histogram values can also be output to a file\\
which produces a two-column table, where the first column gives the 
center of each bin and the second one the corresponding bin content.
This may be used for plotting e.g. with Gnuplot.

\subsection{Jet finding}

The \texttt{SlowJet} class offer jet finding by the $\kT$,
Cambridge/Aachen and anti-$\kT$ algorithms. By default it is now 
a front end to the FJcore subset, extracted from the FastJet package 
\cite{fastjet} and distributed as part of the \textsc{Pythia} package, 
and is therefore 
no longer slow. It is good enough for basic jet studies, but does not 
allow for jet pruning or other more sophisticated applications. 
(An interface to the full FastJet package is available for such uses.)

You set up \texttt{SlowJet} initially with\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{SlowJet slowJet( pow, radius, pTjetMin, etaMax);}\\
where \texttt{pow = -1} for anti-$\kT$ (recommended), \texttt{pow = 0} 
for Cambridge/Aachen, \texttt{pow = 1} for $\kT$,  while \texttt{radius} 
is the $R$ parameter, \texttt{pTjetMin} the minimum $\pT$ of jets, and 
\texttt{etaMax} the maximum pseudorapidity of the detector coverage. 

Inside the event loop, you can analyze an event by a call\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{slowJet.analyze( pythia.event );}\\
The jets found can be listed by \texttt{slowJet.list();}, but this 
is only feasible for a few events. Instead you can use the following
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{slowJet.sizeJet()} gives the number of jets found,\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{slowJet.pT(i)} gives the $\pT$ for the 
\texttt{i}'th jet, and\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{slowJet.y(i)} gives the rapidity for the 
\texttt{i}'th jet.\\
The jets are ordered in falling $\pT$. 

\section{Interface to HepMC}

The standard \textsc{HepMC} event-record format is frequently used 
in the MCnet school training sessions, notably since it is required
for comparisons with experimental data analyses implemented in the  
Rivet package. Then a ready-made installation is used. However, 
for the ambitious, here is described how to set up the \textsc{Pythia} 
interface, assuming you already know where \textsc{HepMC} is installed.
A similar procedure is required for interfacing to other external 
libraries, so the points below may be of more general usefulness.\\
\textit{Note:} the interface to \textsc{HepMC} version 1 is no longer 
supported; you must use version 2. Preferably 2.04 or later.

To begin with, you need to go back to the installation procedure 
of section 2 and insert/redo some steps.
\item Move back to the main \texttt{pythia81xx} directory 
(\texttt{cd ..} if you are in \texttt{examples}).
\item Remove the currently compiled version with\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{make clean}
\item Configure the program in preparation for the compilation:\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{./configure --with-hepmc=path}\\
where the directory-tree \texttt{path} would depend on your local 
\item Should \texttt{configure} not recognise the version number 
you can supply that with an optional argument, like\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{./configure --with-hepmc=path %
\item Recompile the program, now including the \textsc{HepMC} interface, 
with \texttt{make} as before, and move back to the \texttt{examples} 
\item Do either of\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{source config.csh}\\
the former when you use the csh or tcsh shells, otherwise the latter.
(Use \texttt{echo \$SHELL} if uncertain. Or do both; the wrong one will 
have no effect.)  
\item You can now also use the \texttt{} and \texttt{}
examples to produce \textsc{HepMC} event files. The latter may be most useful;
it presents a slight generalisation of the command-line-driven main program
you constructed in Section 5. After you have built the executable you can 
run it with\\ 
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{./main42.exe infile hepmcfile > main42.out}\\
where \texttt{infile} is an input ``card'' file (e.g. \texttt{mymain.cmnd})
and \texttt{hepmcfile} is your chosen name for the output file with 
\textsc{HepMC} events.

Note that the above procedure is based on the assumption that you will
be running your main programs from the \texttt{examples} subdirectory.
If not you will have to create your own scripts and/or makefiles to handle
the linking. If you have no experience with such tasks then it is better
to use any existing instructions for your local installation. If you do
have such experience then a short summary of what you need to know
to get going is provided.

Before you run a \textsc{Pythia} program the \texttt{PYTHIA8DATA} 
environment variable needs to be set to point to the \texttt{xmldoc} 
subdirectory where all settings and particle data are stored. If you 
use the csh or tcsh shells this means a line like\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{setenv PYTHIA8DATA /path/pythia81xx/xmldoc}\\
or else\\   
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{export PYTHIA8DATA=/path/pythia81xx/xmldoc}\\
where the correct \texttt{path} has to be found by you. 
Similarly, to use \textsc{HepMC}, you also have to set or append its
location to the \texttt{LD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} (the 
\texttt{DYLD\_LIBRARY\_PATH} on Mac OSX); the \texttt{config.csh} 
and \texttt{} files generated above well illustrate the code
needed to achieve this. Finally, the necessary linking stage can
be understood from the relevant parts of the \texttt{examples/Makefile}. 

\section{Preparations before starting the tutorial}

Normally, you will run this tutorial on your own (laptop or desktop)
computer. It is therefore important to make sure that you will be able 
to extract, compile, and run the code. 

\textsc{Pythia} is not a particularly demanding package by modern 
standards, but some basic facilities such as emacs (or an equivalent 
editor), gcc (g++), make, and tar must be available on your system. 
Below, we give some very basic instructions for standard installations 
on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows platforms, respectively. 

In the context of summer schools, students are strongly recommended 
to make sure that the above-mentioned facilities have been properly 
installed before traveling to the school, especially if the school 
is in a location which is likely to offer limited bandwidth.

\subsection{Linux (Ubuntu)}

The default tutorial instructions are intended for Linux (or other 
Unix-based) platforms, so this should be the easiest type of system 
to work with. The presence of the required development tools should be
automatic on most Linux distributions. 

Nonetheless, it seems that at least default installations of 
Ubuntu 12 do not include the full set of tools. These can be obtained
by installing the ``build-essential'' package, by opening a terminal
window and typing\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{sudo apt-get install build-essential}

\subsection{Max OS X}

Mac OS X does not include code development tools by default, but they
can relatively easily be obtained by installing Apple's Xcode package,
which is free of charge from the App Store; just type ``xcode'' in the 
search field to find it. Once Xcode is installed, launch the application,
and then click your way from Xcode $>$ Preferences $>$ Downloads $>$
Components $>$ Command Line Tools. Note that downloading and installing
Xcode and the Command Line Tools can take quite some time, and if you
don't already have an Apple ID it will take even longer, so this 
should be done well before starting the tutorial.

With Xcode installed, you will also be able to use MacPorts 
(\texttt{}), a convenient package management system 
for Macs, which makes it very easy to install and maintain compiler 
suites, \LaTeX, \textsc{Root}, and many other packages. Emacs is not
part of the Xcode Command Line Tools, so is another useful example. 


For Windows users, the simplest solution is to run the tutorial on a
Virtual Machine (VM). We recommend downloading VirtualBox (free from
Oracle, \texttt{}) and installing either an Ubuntu 
or CernVM (Scientific Linux, \texttt{}) Virtual Machine. 
If you install an Ubuntu VM, please see the instructions above for 
Ubuntu systems. Verify that you are able to use the VM before 
starting the tutorial.

If you want to work natively under Windows, you are pretty much on your
own. If you have Win32/nmake installed, we do include a Makefile.msc,
so that the command\\
\hspace*{10mm}\texttt{nmake -f Makefile.msc CFG="Win32 Release"}\\
should be enough to compile the \textsc{Pythia} library (but no
guarantees), under Step 4 in section \ref{sec:installation}. 
Thereafter you have to figure out how to do the test runs. 


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