FCC / Tau23Mu_pythia / xmldoc / ROOTusage.xml
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 18 Mar 2018 9 KB started fuckign pytia simulation
<chapter name="ROOT usage"> 
<h2>ROOT usage</h2> 
Many PYTHIA users wish to use <a href="">ROOT</a> 
to produce histograms, or even to run PYTHIA as a plugin to ROOT. 
This is possible. It is not a task supported by the PYTHIA team, 
however. All issues involving ROOT usage should be directed to the 
ROOT team, or to the local support team of your collaboration. 
Below some helpful hints have been collected. The text is based on 
contributions by Rene Brun, Andreas Morsch and Axel Naumann. 
Another example may be found in the 
<a href="">VINCIA</a> 
add-on program for parton showers, but this should also work for 
a PYTHIA standalone run. 
Note that in all that follows, a Linux-type system with a Bash shell 
and GNU Make is assumed. In particular, for Mac OS X, the 
<code>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</code> should be replaced with 
<code>DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH</code> and the extension for shared libraries 
<code>.so</code> should be replaced with <code>.dylib</code>. 
<h3>Standalone usage</h3> 
One can perform the generation and analysis of events in a completely 
standalone fashion, and only use ROOT to process the completed events. 
Some example programs are provided in the <code>rootexamples</code> 
directory, with details provided below and in the <code>README</code> 
The examples assume that you have already compiled the PYTHIA library, 
ROOT is installed, and that all paths have been setup correctly (e.g. 
PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH). If these paths are not already set, ROOT 
typically comes with a shell script to set these paths, which can be 
run with 
    source /path_to_ROOT_installation/bin/ 
<h4>Histogramming with ROOT</h4> 
An example of histogramming with ROOT is provided in 
<code>rootexamples/</code>. It may be compiled and run 
with the following commands 
    make hist 
After PYTHIA has run, a ROOT histogram of the charged multiplicity in 
the events will be shown. This is now stored in the 
<code>hist.root</code> file. 
<h4>Storing PYTHIA events in ROOT trees</h4> 
Instead of only generating histograms, it is possible to store entire 
PYTHIA events in ROOT trees. The <code>tree</code> example in the 
<code>rootexamples</code> subdirectory provides an example of this and 
is comprised of the following files 
  <li><code></code> is the main example program showing how 
  PYTHIA events can be stored in ROOT trees.</li> 
  <li><code>pythiaLinkdef.h</code> is used by Makefile to generate the 
  dictionary for all PYTHIA classes involved in the IO, as needed for 
  the example.</li> 
  <li><code>pythiaROOT.h</code> is a small include declaring the 
  <code>Pythia8</code> namespace as default.</li> 
The example may be compiled and run with 
    make tree 
After the example has run, the <code>pytree.root</code> file will now 
be present containing the PYTHIA events. Note that files can become 
quite large when many events are generated. 
<h3>PYTHIA as a plugin to ROOT</h3> 
In more ROOT-centric applications, PYTHIA can be run as a ROOT plug-in. 
This requires a version of ROOT that has been 
<a href=""> 
installed from source</a>. The reason is that the interfaces depend on 
PYTHIA header files that are not distributed with ROOT. Installing ROOT 
is not more difficult than the PYTHIA installation, and some 
guidelines are provided below. 
To be run as a plugin, PYTHIA must be compiled as a shared library. 
This is achieved by running the PYTHIA <code>configure</code> script 
with the <code>--enable-shared</code> option before <code>make</code> 
is run.<br/><br/> 
Define an environment variable for the path to your 
PYTHIA installation directory 
    export PYTHIA8=path_to_PYTHIA8_installation 
Before compiling ROOT, 
<a href=""> 
configure ROOT</a> by running the <code>configure</code> command 
including the following options 
In case ROOT has already been compiled before, it will only recompile 
the PYTHIA module and build the library <code>libEGPythia8</code>. 
When running PYTHIA as a plugin, the exact interface structure becomes 
very relevant. ROOT provides two simple interfaces (wrappers) for 
PYTHIA 8. The code for these interfaces are located in 
The two interfaces are 
  <li><a href=""> 
  <code>TPythia8</code></a> is an implementation of the 
  <a href=""> 
  <code>TGenerator</code></a> interface for PYTHIA 8.<br/> 
  It allows you to use PYTHIA within a ROOT macro or as a plug-in 
  for a general-purpose particle generator based on this interface. The 
  main methods of the interface are 
    <li><code>GenerateEvent()</code> which triggers the 
    generation of the next event, and </li> 
    <li><code>ImportParticles(TClonesArray* particles)</code> 
    which copies the native PYTHIA stack into a 
    <a href=""> 
    <code>TClonesArray</code></a> of 
    <a href=""> 
  In addition, some methods that are directly related to corresponding 
  PYTHIA methods are implemented 
    <li><code>ReadString(const char* string)</code> &rarr; 
    <li><code>ReadConfigFile(const char* string)</code> &rarr; 
    <li><code>Initialize(int idAin, int idBin, double ecms)</code> &rarr; 
    <li><code>EventListing()</code> &rarr; 
    <li><code>PrintStatistic()</code> &rarr; 
  These methods provide already the basic PYTHIA functionality 
  interactively from the ROOT command line. However, this does not mean 
  that the usage of PYTHIA from within ROOT is restricted to these methods. 
  In compiled code, one can always obtain a pointer to the 
  <code>Pythia</code> instance e.g. 
    TPythia8        *tp = new TPythia8(); 
    Pythia8::Pythia *p  = tp->Pythia8();</pre> 
  giving access to the full PYTHIA functionality. To access this 
  functionality in the CINT interpreter see the "Advanced usage" 
  section below.</li> 
  <li><a href=""> 
  <code>TPythia8Decayer</code></a> is an implementation of the 
  <a href=""> 
  <code>TVirtualMCDecayer</code></a> interface.<br/> 
  It allows you to use PYTHIA as a plug-in decayer for simulation 
  frameworks based on the Virtual Monte Carlo 
  (<a href="">VMC</a>) interface 
  classes. The main methods of the interface are 
    <li><code>TPythia8Decayer::Init()</code> for initialisation,</li> 
    <li><code>TPythia8Decayer::Decay(Int_t pdg, TLorentzVector* p)</code> 
    to decay a particle with PDG code <code>pdg</code> and 
    <a href=""> 
    4-momentum</a> <code>p</code>, and </li> 
    <li><code>ImportParticles(TClonesArray* particles)</code> 
    to retrieve the decay products as 
    <a href=""> 
    <code>TParticles</code></a> in the 
    <code><a href=""> 
    TClonesArray</a> particles</code>.</li> 
<h4>An example</h4> 
A <a href=""> 
basic example</a> for generating minimum-bias events with PYTHIA 8 inside 
a ROOT macro, and filling some histograms with the kinematics of the 
final-state particles is provided in either of the locations below 
Note that before executing this script 
  <li>the environment variables <code>PYTHIA8</code> and 
  <code>PYTHIA8DATA</code> must be setup correctly e.g. 
    export PYTHIA8=/path_to_PYTHIA_installation 
    export PYTHIA8DATA=$PYTHIA8/xmldoc 
  <li>your LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain the location of the 
  PYTHIA 8 shared library, e.g. 
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:path_to_PYTHIA8_installation/lib 
The script can then be run with ROOT 
    root pythia8.C 
After execution, ROOT will display some histograms from the event 
<h4>Advanced usage</h4> 
To access the full PYTHIA functionality from the CINT interpreter, 
a ROOT dictionary must be created. An example of creating this 
dictionary is contained in the <code>rootexamples</code> directory. 
The <code></code> library may be created by running 
    make dict 
This may then be loaded in ROOT giving full access to the full PYTHIA 8 
functionality, e.g. in an interactive session 
    Pythia8::Pythia *p = new Pythia8::Pythia(); 
    p->readString("SoftQCD:nonDiffractive = on"); 
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