Lecture_repo / Lectures_my / NumMet / 2016 / Lecture4 / lecture4.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 12 Oct 2016 21 KB fixed small things
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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}} 
			\flushright%\fontspec{Trebuchet MS}
			\bfseries \Huge {Root Finding}
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    \large Marcin Chrzaszcz, Danny van Dyk\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}, \href{}{}}


	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{Numerical Methods, \\ 26. September, 2016}

\begin{frame}{Plan for today}
        \item \alert{General problem of finding the root of a function}\\
            $\xi$ is a root of $f$ iff $f(\xi) = 0$.
        \item \alert{Begin with $D=1$}\\
            What properties of $f(x)$ can we use to find one, any, or all roots
            of $f$? What are the requirements on $f(x)$?
        \item \alert{How about $D>1$?}\\
            Can we generalize root finding from $D=1$ do arbitrary $D$?

\begin{frame}{General iterative procedure}
    Let's assume that
        \item $f(x)$ is a our function of interest,
        \item $\xi$ is the only root of $f$,
        \item we have a point $x_0$ close to $\xi$
    We now want to find a sequence $\lbrace x_0, x_1, \dots \rbrace$ that
        \item converges toward $\xi$: $\lim_{k\to \infty} x_k = \xi$,
        \item is iterative: $x_{k + 1} = \Phi[f](x_k)$
    We can attempt to Taylor expand $f$ around $x_0$ to order $N$, in order
    to obtain the generator $\Phi[f]$ for the iteration:
    \begin{block}{Expansion around $x_0$}
        f(\xi) = 0 = \sum_{n=0}^N \frac{(\xi - x_0)^n}{n!} f^{(n)}(x_0)
    where $f^{(n)}(x_0)$ is the $n$th derivative of $f$ at the position $x_0$.

\begin{frame}{Newton-Raphson method \hfill ($N=1$)}
    \begin{block}{Expansion for $N=1$}
            f(\xi) = 0 = f(x_0) + (\xi - x_0) \cdot f'(x_0) + \mathcal{O}((\xi - x_0)^2)
        \item start with index $k=0$
        \item solve equation (*), assuming a vanshing approximation error:
                x_{k + 1} \leftarrow x_k - \frac{f(x_k)}{f'(x_k)} \approx \xi + \mathcal{O}((\xi - x_k)^2)\\
                \Phi[f](x) \equiv x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}
        \item if $f(x_{k + 1}) \leq t$, where $t$ is an a-prior threshold, then stop; otherwise
            jump back to step \#2.

\begin{frame}{Illustration of Newton-Raphson}
            x_0 := 1
                x_0     & = 1 &
                f(x_0)  & = +0.54 \\
                        &     &
                f'(x_0) & = -0.84 \\
                {\color{red} x_1 \leftarrow 1.64}
                x_1     & = 1.64 &
                f(x_0)  & = -0.07 \\
                        &     &
                f'(x_0) & = -0.997 \\
                {\color{red} x_2 \leftarrow 1.57}
            axis x line=center,
            axis y line=center,
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=0:3.14] {
                \addplot[thick,blue,only marks,mark=+,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( 1, 0.54030 )
                \addplot+[thick,blue,domain=0:3.14,mark=none] {
                    0.54030 - 0.84147 * (x - 1)
                \addplot[thick,red,only marks,mark=o,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( 1.6421, 0.0 )
                \draw[thick,red] (axis cs:1.6421, 0) -- (axis cs:1.6421, -0.0712);
                \addplot[thick,blue,only marks,mark=+,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( 1.6421, -0.0712 )
                \addplot+[thick,blue,domain=0:3.14,mark=none] {
                    -0.0712 - 0.99746 * (x - 1.6421)
                \addplot[thick,red,only marks,mark=o,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( 1.5707, 7.8e-5 )
            $k$ & $x_k$ & $f(x_k)$\\
            $0$ & $1.00$ & $+0.54$\\
            $1$ & $1.64$ & $-0.07$\\
            $2$ & $1.57$ & $+0.00$\\
            $\xi$&$1.5708$ & $0$

\begin{frame}{Modified Newton-Raphson method \hfill ($N=2$)}
    \begin{block}{Expansion for $N=2$}
            f(\xi) = 0 = f(x_0) + (\xi - x_0) \cdot f'(x_0) + \frac{1}{2} (\xi - x_0)^2 f''(x_0) + \mathcal{O}((\xi - x_0)^3)
        \item start with index $k=0$
        \item solve equation (*), assuming a vanshing approximation error:
                    & \leftarrow x_k - \frac{f'(x_k) \pm \sqrt{[f'(x_k)]^2 - 2 f(x_k) f''(x_k)}}{f''(x_k)}\\
                    & \approx \xi + \mathcal{O}((\xi - x_k)^3)
        \item if $|f(a_+)| < |f(a_-)|$, then $x_{k + 1} \leftarrow a_+$; otherwise $x_{k + 1} \leftarrow a_-$
        \item if $f(x_{k + 1}) \leq t$, where $t$ is an a-priori threshold, then stop; otherwise
            jump back to step \#2.

\begin{frame}{Rate of convergence}
    Does this iterative procedure converge? If yes, how fast? How can we quantify the rate of convergence?

        \item we have \alert{local} convergence of order $p \geq 1$, if for all $x \in U(\xi)$
            || \Phi[f](x) - \xi|| \leq C \cdot || x - \xi||^p\,,\quad\text{with}\quad C \geq 0\,.
        Note: if $p = 1$ then we must have $C < 1$.
        \item we have \alert{global} convergence if $U(\xi) = \mathbb{R}$
        \item for $D=1$ we can calculate $p$ if $\Phi[f](x)$ is differentiable to sufficient degree:
            \Phi(x) - \xi = \Phi(x) - \Phi(\xi) = \frac{(x - \xi)^p}{p!} + o(||x - \xi||^p)

\begin{frame}{Rate of convergence for Newton-Raphson}
    We have $\Phi(x) \equiv \Phi[f](x)$:
        \item $\Phi(\xi) = \xi$ by construction
        \item $\Phi'(\xi) = \frac{f(\xi) \cdot f''(\xi)}{[f'(\xi)]^2} = 0$ \alert{(*)} by construction
        \item $\Phi''(\xi) = \frac{f''(\xi)}{f'(\xi)}$
    We can therefore write
        \Phi(x) - \Phi(\xi) = \frac{(x - \xi)^2}{2!} \Phi''(\xi) + o(||x - \xi||^2)\,.
    The Newton-Raphson method converges therefore \emph{at least quadratically}, i.e.: it is a
    second-order method.
    \alert{(*): only if $f'(\xi) \neq 0$}, which is equivalent to $\xi$ is a simple root of $f$.

\begin{frame}{Pathological Example}
            x_0 := 0.5
                x_0     & = 0.5 &
                f(x_0)  & = +0.707 \\
                        &     &
                f'(x_0) & = -0.707 \\
                {\color{red} x_1 \leftarrow -0.5}
                x_1     & = -0.5 &
                f(x_0)  & = +0.707 \\
                        &     &
                f'(x_0) & = -0.707 \\
                {\color{red} x_2 \leftarrow +0.5}
            axis x line=center,
            axis y line=center,
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=-1:+0] {
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=-0:+1] {
                \addplot[thick,blue,only marks,mark=+,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( +0.5, 0.707 )
                \addplot+[thick,blue,domain=-1:1,mark=none] {
                    0.707 + 0.707 * (x - 0.5)
                \addplot[thick,red,only marks,mark=o,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( -0.5, 0.707 )
                \draw[thick,red] (axis cs:-0.5, 0) -- (axis cs:-0.5, +0.707);
                \addplot[thick,blue,only marks,mark=+,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( -0.5, 0.707 )
                \addplot+[thick,blue,domain=-1:1,mark=none] {
                    0.707 - 0.707 * (x + 0.5)
                \addplot[thick,red,only marks,mark=o,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                    ( 0.5, 0.707 )
                \draw[thick,red] (axis cs:+0.5, 0) -- (axis cs:+0.5, +0.707);
        endless loop

\begin{frame}{Pitfalls of Newton-Raphson}
    We had previously discussed that Newton-Raphson is guaranteed to converge
    in an environment $U(\xi)$ of the root $\xi$.\\ \medskip

    However, it may fail to converge or converge only very slowly\dots
        \item if $U(\xi)$ is a small interval and the initial point lies outside of $U$,
        \item if the algorithm encounters a stationary point $\chi$ of $f$ (i.e. $f'(\chi) = 0$),
        \item if $\xi$ is a $m$-multiple root of $f$ (i.e. $f(x) \sim (x - \xi)^m \dots$)

    The last point can be accomodated for: If you know the mulitplicity $m$ of the root,
    modify the Newton-Raphson step to read:
        x_{k + 1} \leftarrow x_{k} - m \frac{f(x_k)}{f'(x_k)}
    Basically, this rescales the derivative from $f'(x) \to f'(x) / m$.

\begin{frame}{Honorable mention: Horner Scheme}
    If $f(x) \equiv p_n(x)$ is a polynomial of degree $n$ in $x$, there might be multiple roots of $f$, i.e.
    roots $\xi_{n}$ with $f'(\xi_n) = 0$.\\
    The Horner Scheme allows to efficiently calculate all the (multiple) roots
    of the polynomial $p_n(x)$.\\
    However, this is of limited use: The polynomials dominantly arise in numerical computations
    as the characteric polynomial $\chi_M$ of a matrix $M$. In these cases, the roots of $\chi_M$
    correspond to eigenvalue of $M$. However, the are better/more stables ways to \alert{numerically} compute
    all eigenvalues of $M$, instead of finding all root of $\chi_M$.

\begin{frame}{Intermission: Derivatives}
    Both the original and the modified Newton-Raphson methods involve taking
    the derivative $f'$ of our target function $f$ at arbitrary points. Of
    course, if we can analytically calculate the derivative, there is no problem.\\


    What about functions that we can only evaluate numerically? (Think: Experiments,
    numerical calculations)\\


    Enter the field of \emph{numerical differentiation}!

\begin{frame}{Intermission: Derivatives}
    How can we obtain the derivative $f'(x)$ numerically? Let's start from an expansion of
    $f(x)$ close to the point of interest $x_0$:
        \node at (0,0) {
            f(x_0 + 2         h)  & = f(x_0) + f'(x_0) \cdot 2         h + \frac{f''(x_0)}{2} \cdot 4         h^2 + \dots\\
            f(x_0 + \phantom2 h)  & = f(x_0) + f'(x_0) \cdot \phantom2 h + \frac{f''(x_0)}{2} \cdot \phantom4 h^2 + \dots\\
            f(x_0 {\color{white}+ 2h}) & = f(x_0)\\
            f(x_0 - \phantom2 h)  & = f(x_0) - f'(x_0) \cdot \phantom2 h + \frac{f''(x_0)}{2} \cdot \phantom4 h^2 + \dots\\
            f(x_0 - 2         h)  & = f(x_0) - f'(x_0) \cdot 2         h + \frac{f''(x_0)}{2} \cdot 4         h^2 + \dots
        %\draw[step=0.50,black,thin] (-4.5,-2.0) grid (4.5,2.0);
        \draw[green!75!black,thick,rounded corners=5pt] (-4.5,+0.15) rectangle (+4.5,+1.05);
        \draw[red,           thick,rounded corners=5pt] (-4.5,-0.5) rectangle (+4.5,+0.1);
        \draw[red,           thick,rounded corners=5pt] (-4.5,-1.5) rectangle (+4.5,-0.5);

    \begin{block}{Variant \#1: Forward difference quotient}
            \frac{{\color{green!75!black}f(x_0 + h)} - {\color{red!90!black}f(x_0)}}{h} = f'(x_0) + \frac{f''(x_0)}{2} \cdot h = f'(x_0) + o(h)
    \begin{block}{Variant \#2: Central difference quotient}
            \frac{{\color{green!75!black}f(x_0 + h)} - {\color{red!90!black}f(x_0 - h)}}{2h} = f'(x_0) + \frac{f'''(x_0)}{3} h^2 = f'(x_0) + o(h^2)

\begin{frame}{Intermission: How to choose $h$?}
        {\tiny \hfill source: Wikipedia}
            \item two sources of numerical errors compete:
                \item formula errors, and
                \item round-off (finite precision) errors
            \item formula error can be reduced through ``intelligent formulae''
            \item round-off error can be reduced through (schematically):
                    & \leftarrow x + h\\
                    & \leftarrow x_\text{approx} - x\\
                f'  & \leftarrow \frac{f(x_\text{approx}) - f(x)}{h_\text{approx}}
            \item optimal choice of $h$ will be close to
                h \sim \sqrt{\varepsilon} \cdot x
            with $\varepsilon$: working precision

\begin{frame}{Intermission: Higher derivatives}
    What about $f''(x_0)$, $f^{(3)}(x_0)$ or even higher derivatives?\\
    \begin{block}{Central difference quotient for $f^{(n)}$}
            \sum_{k=0}^n (-1)^k \binom{n}{k} \frac{f(x_0 + (n - 2 k) h)}{(2 h)^n}
                & = f^{(n)}(x_0) + o(h^2)

\begin{frame}{Intermission: Multiple partial derivatives}
    What about (multiple) partial derivatives $\del_x \del_y f(x, y)$?\\
    \begin{block}{Central difference ``stencil'' for $\del_x \del_y f(x, y)$}
        Combine what we learned previously:
            \frac{\only<1>{a}\only<2>{+} f(+ h_x, + h_y) \only<1>{+b}\only<2>{-} f(+ h_x, - h_y) \only<1>{+c}\only<2>{-} f(- h_x, + h_y) \only<1>{+d}\only<2>{+} f(- h_x, - h_y)}{4 h_x h_y}\\
            = \only<1>{\dots}\only<2>{\del x\del_y f(x,y)|_{x=0,y=0} + o(h_x^2) + o(h_y^2)}
    \only<2>{End of intermission.}

\begin{frame}{Newton-Raphson for $D > 1$?}
    What happens if we generalize to $D > 1$?\\
    Let's consider the case $D=2$ first, for a polynomial of degree $1$
        f(x_1, x_2) = (1 - x) \cdot (2 - y)
    $f$ has infinitely many roots:
        \item $x = 1$ and $y$ arbitrary
        \item $y = 2$ and $x$ arbitrary
    In order to pin-point only one point in $D=2$, we need to solve $2$
        f_1(x_1, x_2) & = 0, &
        f_2(x_1, x_2) & = 0
    In $D$ dimensions, we will need to solve $D$ simultaneous equations!

\begin{frame}{Generalization to $D > 1$}
        f(x) \in \mathbb{R} \quad  & \to \quad f(x) \in \mathbb{R}^D\\
        x \in \mathbb{R} \quad     & \to \quad x \in \mathbb{R}^D\\
        f'(x) \in \mathbb{R} \quad & \to \quad [D_f]_{ij} \equiv \frac{\del f_i(x)}{\del x_j} \in \mathbb{R}^{D\times D}

    Then the Newton-Raphson steps reads
        x^{(k+1)} \leftarrow x^{(k)} - \left[D_f(x^{(k)})\right]^{-1} f(x^{(k)})\,.
        \item the functional matrix $D_f(x^{(k)})$ might be singular, or numerically close to being
        \item inverting $D_f$ is generally computationally expensive!

    In the next two lectures, Marcin will discuss how to solve systems of linear equations.
    These methods will also introduce you to methods to numerically compute the above $x^{(k + 1)}$
    from $D_f(x^{(k)})$.



