Lecture_repo / Lectures_my / NumMet / 2016 / Lecture7 / lecture7.tex
@Danny van Dyk Danny van Dyk on 16 Oct 2016 9 KB add preliminary lecture 7
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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}} 
			\flushright%\fontspec{Trebuchet MS}
			\bfseries \Huge {Numerical Integration}
\flushright \vspace{-1.8em} {%\fontspec{Trebuchet MS}
    \large Marcin Chrzaszcz, Danny van Dyk\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}, \href{}{}}


	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{Numerical Methods, \\ 26. September, 2016}

\begin{frame}{Plan for today}
        \item \alert{General problem of estimating the integral of a continuous function $f(x)$ on a finite support}\\
        \item \alert{Specific problems in which properties of the integrand can be used to our advantage}\\
            What properties of $f(x)$ can we use make our live easier?


\begin{frame}{Constant approximation}

\begin{frame}{Linear approximation}

\begin{frame}{Wait a minute, I know this!}
    Integrate the interpolating polynomial!


        \sum_k \omega_k = 1\,.

\begin{frame}{Pathological example 1}
            axis x line=center,
            axis y line=left,
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=-1:0] {
                1 / (1 + 25 * x * x)
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=0:+1] {
                1 / (1 + 25 * x * x)
            \addplot[thick,red,  domain=-1:0] {
                1.0 - 16.8552 * x^2 + 123.36 * x^4 - 381.434 * x^6 + 494.91 * x^8 - 220.942 * x^(10)
            \addplot[thick,red,  domain=0:+1] {
                1.0 - 16.8552 * x^2 + 123.36 * x^4 - 381.434 * x^6 + 494.91 * x^8 - 220.942 * x^(10)
            \addplot[thick,red,only marks,mark=*,mark size=3pt] coordinates {
                (-1.0, 0.0384615)
                (-0.8, 0.0588235)
                (-0.6, 0.1)
                (-0.4, 0.2)
                (-0.2, 0.5)
                ( 0.0, 1.0)
                ( 0.2, 0.5)
                ( 0.4, 0.2)
                ( 0.6, 0.1)
                ( 0.8, 0.0588235)
                ( 1.0, 0.0384615)

\begin{frame}{Conclusion 1: We know how to fix it!}
    When interpolating a function, we saw that using splines fixes
    the problem of oscillating interpolating polynomials.\\

    We can now use this to stabilise our interpolation formula as well.\\

        \item Let $M$ be the number of intervals in which we want to integrate.
        \item Let $N$ be the degree of the interpolating polynomial in each interval.
        \item Enforce that the interpolating function is continous, but not differentiable
            at the interval boundaries.
    The integral can then be approximated as
        I \approx \sum_{k=0}^{N \cdot M + 1} \omega_k f(x_k)
    with $x_k = a + (b - a) \frac{k}{N\cdot M}$\,.
            axis x line=center,
            axis y line=left,
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=-1:0] {
                1 / (1 + 25 * x * x)
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=0:+1] {
                1 / (1 + 25 * x * x)
                \addplot+[smooth,red,name path=A1,domain=-1:-0.6,mark=none] {
                    0.348416 + 0.570136 * x + 0.260181 * x^2
                \addplot+[draw=none,mark=none,name path=B1] {0};
                \addplot+[gray] fill between[of=A1 and B1,soft clip={domain=-1:-0.6}];
                \addplot+[smooth,red,name path=A2,domain=-0.6:-0.2,mark=none] {
                    1. + 3. * x + 2.5 * x^2
                \addplot+[draw=none,mark=none,name path=B2] {0};
                \addplot+[gray] fill between[of=A2 and B2,soft clip={domain=-0.6:-0.2}];
                \addplot+[smooth,red,name path=A3,domain=-0.2:+0.2,mark=none] {
                    1. - 12.5 * x^2
                \addplot+[draw=none,mark=none,name path=B3] {0};
                \addplot+[gray] fill between[of=A3 and B3,soft clip={domain=-0.2:+0.2}];
                \addplot+[smooth,red,name path=A4,domain=+0.2:+0.6,mark=none] {
                    1. - 3. * x + 2.5 * x^2
                \addplot+[draw=none,mark=none,name path=B4] {0};
                \addplot+[gray] fill between[of=A4 and B4,soft clip={domain=+0.2:0.6}];
                \addplot+[smooth,red,name path=A5,domain=+0.6:+1,mark=none] {
                    0.348416 - 0.570136 * x + 0.260181 * x^2
                \addplot+[draw=none,mark=none,name path=B5,domain=+0.6:+1] {0};
                \addplot+[gray] fill between[of=A5 and B5,soft clip={domain=0.6:1}];
            \addplot[thick,red,only marks,mark=*,mark size=3pt] coordinates {
                (-1.0, 0.0384615)
                (-0.8, 0.0588235)
                (-0.6, 0.1)
                (-0.4, 0.2)
                (-0.2, 0.5)
                ( 0.0, 1.0)
                ( 0.2, 0.5)
                ( 0.4, 0.2)
                ( 0.6, 0.1)
                ( 0.8, 0.0588235)
                ( 1.0, 0.0384615)
        \omega_k = \begin{cases}
            \frac{1}{6}   & k = 0 \lor k = N \cdot M + 1\\
            \frac{4}{6}   & k\,\text{even}\\
            \frac{2}{6}   & k\,\text{odd}


\begin{frame}{Pathological example 2}
        I \equiv \int_{-3}^{+4} \mathrm{d}x\, \left[1 - \frac{\eps}{x^2 + \eps}\right]
        \, \quad \text{with }\eps = \frac{1}{9}
            axis x line=center,
            axis y line=left,
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=-3:0] {
                1 - 1/9 / (x^2 + 1/9)
            \addplot[thick,black,domain=0:+4] {
                1 - 1/9 / (x^2 + 1/9)
            \addplot[thick,blue,only marks,mark=+,mark size=5pt] coordinates {
                ( 1, 0.54030 )
        \begin{block}{Exact result}
                I      & = 5.57396
        \begin{block}{Entire range, 7 data points}
                I_7      & = 6.25746 &
                \delta_7 & = 12.26\%
        \begin{block}{Two integration, 5 data points}
                I_5      & = 5.65645 &
                \delta_5 & = 1.47\%



