Lecture_repo / Lectures_my / KT2_2017 / Lecture2 / mchrzasz.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 11 May 2017 49 KB lec 2 done
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% For shapo's formulas:
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\def\Br{{\rm Br}}
\def\fixme{{\color{red} FIXME!}}
\def\pdf{{\rm p.d.f.}}

\def\e{{\rm e}}
\def\Br{{\rm Br}}

\newcommand{\av}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
% particles                                                               
\def\LstFTTT      {\ensuremath{\PLambda^{*}(1520)^{0}}\xspace}            
\def\dll       {\ensuremath{\mathrm{DLL}}\xspace}                         
                                                                          \def\Lb          {\ensuremath{\PLambda_b}}

% useful decays                                                            
\def\BdToKpimm    {\decay{\Bd}{\Kp\pim\mumu}}                              
\def\BuToKmm    {\decay{\Bu}{\Kp\mumu}}                                    
\def\BsToJPsiKst  {\decay{\Bs}{\jpsi\Kstarz}}                              
\def\BdTopsitwosKst  {\decay{\Bd}{\psitwos\Kstarz}}                        
\def\LstFTTTT  {\decay{\LstFTTT}{p\Km}}                                 
%\def\LbToLstmm    {\decay{\Lb}{\PLambda^{*}(1520)^{0}  \mumu}}                             
\def\LbTopKmm     {\decay{\Lb}{p\Km\mumu}}                                 
\def\BuToKmm      {\decay{\Bu}{\Kp\mumu}}                                  
\def\BsTophimm    {\decay{\Bs}{\Pphi\mumu}}                                
% interesting variables                                                    
\def\mkpi  {\ensuremath{m_{K\pi}}\xspace}                                  
%% peaking background mass hypotheses                                      
\def\mkmm  {\ensuremath{m_{K\mu\mu}}\xspace}                               
\def\mSwappKmm {\ensuremath{m_{(\pi\to p)K\mu\mu}}\xspace}                 
\def\mSwappiK {\ensuremath{m_{(\pi\to K)K}}\xspace}                        
\def\mSwappiKmm {\ensuremath{m_{(\pi\to K)K\mu\mu}}\xspace}                
\def\mSwappK   {\ensuremath{m_{(\pi\to p)K}}\xspace}                       
\def\mDoubleSwappKmm {\ensuremath{m_{(K\to p)(\pi\to K)\mu\mu}}\xspace}    
\def\mDoubleSwappK {\ensuremath{m_{(K\to p)(\pi\to K)}}\xspace}            
\def\mSwapKst {\ensuremath{m_{K\leftrightarrow\pi}}\xspace}                
%% some other decays                                                       
\def\BsToPhimm    {\decay{\Bs}{\phi\mumu}}                                 
\def\BsToPhimmFULL {\decay{\Bs}{\phi(\to\!K^{+}K^{-})\mumu}}               
\def\BsToKKmm {\decay{\Bs}{\Kp\Km\mumu}}                                   

% For shapo's formulas:


\newcommand{\re}{{\rm Re}}
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\newcommand{\eqa}[1]{\begin{eqnarray} #1 \end{eqnarray}}

\newcommand{\delC}[1]{\delta {\cal C}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\dC}[1]{{\cal C}_{#1}^{\rm NP}}
\newcommand{\dCp}[1]{{\cal C}_{#1^\prime}^{\rm NP}}

\renewcommand{\C}[1]{{\cal C}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\Ceff}[1]{{\cal C}^{\rm eff}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\Cpeff}[1]{{\cal C}^{\rm eff\prime}_{#1}}
\newcommand{\Cp}[1]{{\cal C}^{\prime}_{#1}}
\def\FL       {\ensuremath{F_{\mathrm{L}}}\xspace}
\def\ATDPH    {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T,PR}}^{(2)}}\xspace}
\def\ATImPH     {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T,PR}}^{\mathrm{Im}}}\xspace}
\def\ATRePH     {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T,PR}}^{\mathrm{Re}}}\xspace}
\def\FLPH      {\ensuremath{F_{\mathrm{L,PR}}}\xspace}
\def\ATDKG    {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T,\Kstarz \gamma}}^{(2)}}\xspace}
\def\ATImKG     {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T,\Kstarz \gamma}}^{\mathrm{Im}}}\xspace}
\def\ATReKG     {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T,\Kstarz \gamma}}^{\mathrm{Re}}}\xspace}
\def\FLKG       {\ensuremath{F_{\mathrm{L,\Kstarz \gamma}}}\xspace}
\def\ATD     {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T}}^{(2)}}\xspace}
\def\ATIm     {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Im}}}\xspace}
\def\ATRe     {\ensuremath{A_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Re}}}\xspace}



\author{ {Marcin Chrzaszcz} (Universit\"{a}t Z\"{u}rich)}
\title[B(eautiful) Physics]{B(eautiful) Physics}

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\setbeamertemplate{sidebar right}{\llap{\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight]{bubble2}}}
\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}} 
			\flushright \bfseries \Huge {B(eautiful) Physics II}
\flushright \vspace{-1.8em} { \Large Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}}


%		\footnotesize\textcolor{gray}{With N. Serra, B. Storaci\\Thanks to the theory support from M. Shaposhnikov, D. Gorbunov}\normalsize\\
	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{Kern- und Teilchenphysik II, \\ 12 May, 2017}

\only<1>{\frametitle{LHCb detector - tracking}

\item Excellent Impact Parameter (IP) resolution ($20~\rm \mu m$).\\
$\Rightarrow$ Identify secondary vertices from heavy flavour decays
\item Proper time resolution $\sim~40~\rm fs$.\\
$\Rightarrow$ Good separation of primary and secondary vertices.
\item Excellent momentum ($\delta p/p \sim 0.4 - 0.6\%$) and inv. mass resolution.\\
$\Rightarrow$ Low combinatorial background.



\only<2>{\frametitle{LHCb detector - particle identification}

\item Excellent Muon identification $\epsilon_{\mu \to \mu} \sim 97\%$, $\epsilon_{\pi \to \mu} \sim 1-3\%$
\item Good $\PK-\Ppi$ separation via RICH detectors, $\epsilon_{\PK \to \PK} \sim 95\%$,  $\epsilon_{\Ppi \to \PK} \sim 5\%$.\\
$\Rightarrow$ Reject peaking backgrounds.
\item High trigger efficiencies, low momentum thresholds.
Muons: $p_T > 1.76 \GeV$ at L0, $p_T > 1.0 \GeV$ at HLT1,\\
$B \to \PJpsi X $: Trigger $\sim 90\%$.



\begin{frame}{Legacy of B-factories}


\begin{frame}{CP violation in $\PBzero$ system from B factories}




\begin{frame}{$\gamma$ from $\PB \to \PD \PK$}


\begin{frame}{$\gamma$ from $\PB \to \PD \PK$}


\begin{frame}{$\vert V_{ub}$ from $\Lambda_b$}


\begin{frame}{$\vert V_{ub}\vert $ from $\Lambda_b$}


\begin{frame}{$\vert V_{ub}\vert$ from $\Lambda_b$}


\begin{frame}{$\vert V_{ub}\vert$ Puzzle}


\begin{frame}{$\Delta m_s$ and $\Delta m_d$}


\begin{frame}{$\PB_{s/d} \to \mu \mu$}



\ARROW Golden channel for LHCb.\\
\ARROW Normalized to the $\PB \to \PK \Ppi$ and $\PB \to \PK \PJpsi$.\\
\ARROW The selection is achived by BDT trained on MC and calibrated on data. \\
%\ARROW $\Br(\PBs \to \mu \mu) = 3.0 \pm 0.6^{+0.3}_{-0.2}$,\\
\begin{exampleblock}{\begin{small}\ARROWR $\Br(\PBs \to \mu \mu) =( 3.0 \pm 0.6^{+0.3}_{-0.2})10^{-9}$\end{small}
$7.8~\sigma$ significant! 
\begin{small}\ARROWR $\Br(\PBd \to \mu \mu) < 3.4 \times 10^{-10}$, $90\%\rm CL$\end{small}

\begin{exampleblock}{Effective lifetime}
\ARROWR Sensitivity to non-scalar NP.\\
\ARROWR $\tau(\PBs \to \mu\mu)=2.04\pm0.44\pm0.05 \rm ps$






\begin{frame}{$\PB_{s/d} \to \tau \tau$}



\ARROW NP sensitivity enhanced due to the high $\tau$ mass.\\
\ARROW More challenging: at least 2$\nu$ are escaping.\\
\ARROW Selecting $\tau \to 3\pi \nu$, $\rightarrow~9.31~\%$\\
\ARROW Normalization channel: $\PB \to \PD(\PK \pi \pi) \PDs(\PK \PK \pi)$.\\
\ARROW No peak in the $\PB$ mass window $\rightarrow$ fit the NN output.





\begin{frame}{$\Lambda_b \to p \pi \mu \mu$}



\ARROW First observation of $b \to d$ in baryon system!\\
\ARROW BDT selection trained on MC\\
\ARROW Normalized to $\Lambda_b \to  p \pi \PJpsi$\\
\ARROW With futher QCD improvements we will be able to to measure $\frac{\vert V_{ts}\vert }{\vert V_{td}\vert}$.

\begin{exampleblock}{\begin{small}\ARROWR $\frac{\Br(\Lambda_b \to p \pi \mu \mu)}{\Br(\Lambda_b \to  p \pi \PJpsi)} =0.044 \pm 0.012 \pm 0.007$\end{small}
\ARROWR $5.5~\sigma$ significance! \ARROWR First observation.\\



$\Br(\Lambda_b \to p \pi \mu \mu) = (6.9 \pm 1.9 \pm 1.1^{+1.3}_{-1.0} ) \times 10^{-8}$

%\textref{J. High Energy Phys. 04 (2017) 029}

\begin{frame}{Search for light scalars}


\ARROW Hidden sector models are gathering more and more attention.\\
\ARROW Inflaton model: new scalar then mixes with the Higgs.\\
\ARROW $\PB$ decays are sensitive as the inflaton might be light.\\
\ARROW Searched for long living particle $\chi$ produced in: $\PB \to \chi(\mu\mu) \PK$.\\
\ARROW Analysis performed blindly as a peak search.\\
\ARROW Light inflaton essentially ruled out:\\





%\textref{Phys. Rev. D 95, 071101 (2017)}

\begin{frame}{$\PKshort \to \mu \mu$}


\ARROW $\Pproton \Pproton$ collisions create enormous amount of strange mesons.\\
\ARROW Can be used to search for $\PKshort \to \mu \mu$.\\
\ARROW SM prediction: $\Br(\PKshort \to \mu \mu)= (5.0 \pm 1.5) \times 10^{-12}$\\
\ARROW Dominated by the long distance effects.\\
\ARROW We used two types of triggers: TIS and TOS.\\
\ARROW Bkg dominated by $\PKshort \to \pi \pi$.



\ARROWR No significant enhanced of signal has been observed and UL was set:
$\Br(\PKshort \to \mu \mu) <6.9 (5.8) \times 10^{-9}$ at $95 (90)\%$ CL 



\begin{frame}{$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ decay }


\ARROW $\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ is a smoking gun for NP hunting!\\
\ARROW Reach angular observables makes is sensitive to different NP models\\
\ARROW In addition one can construct less form factor dependent observables:
\ARROW In single analysis observed $3.4~\sigma$ discrepancy in the $C_9$ WC.

\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.9\textwidth]{images/P5p.pdf}  \\


%	\textref{JHEP 02 (2016) 104, CMS-PAS-BPH-15-008,\\ ATLAS-CONF-2017-023, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017)}


\begin{frame}{Branching fraction measurements of $\PBs \to \Pphi \Pmu \Pmu$}

\item Recent LHCb measurement, \href{}{{\color{blue}{JHEP09 (2015) 179}}}.
\item Suppressed by $\frac{f_s}{f_d}$.
\item Cleaner because of narrow $\Pphi$ resonance.
\item $3.3~\sigma$ deviation in SM in the $1-6\GeV^2$ bin.
\item Angular part in agreement with SM ($S_5$ is not accessible).


\begin{frame}{Theory implications of $b \to s \ell \ell$}                                                                           
\item A fit prepared by \texttt{S. Descotes-Genon, L. Hofer, J. Matias, J. Virto}.                           
\item The data can be explained by modifying the $C_9$ Wilson coefficient.                                   
\item Overall there is $>4~\sigma$ discrepancy wrt. the SM prediction.                                       
%\textref{JHEP 06 (2016) 092}                                                                                 
\ARROW LHCb is the new $\PB$-factory.\\
\ARROW A lot of consistent anomalies have been observed!\\
\ARROW Until Belle2 starts to produce results LHCb will dominate the heavy flavour physics.
%\textref{JHEP 06 (2016) 092}                                                                                 




\begin{frame}{Theory implications of $b \to s \ell \ell$}                                                                           
\item A fit prepared by \texttt{S. Descotes-Genon, L. Hofer, J. Matias, J. Virto}.                           
\item The data can be explained by modifying the $C_9$ Wilson coefficient.                                   
\item Overall there is $>4~\sigma$ discrepancy wrt. the SM prediction.                                       
%\textref{JHEP 06 (2016) 092}                                                                                 


\item \textbf{Operator Product Expansion and Effective Field Theory}

H_{eff} = - \dfrac{4G_f}{\sqrt{2}} V V^{\prime \ast}\ \sum_i \left[\underbrace{C_i(\mu)O_i(\mu)}_\text{left-handed} +\
                \item[i=1,2] Tree
                \item[i=3-6,8] Gluon penguin
                \item[i=7] Photon penguin
                                \item[i=9.10] EW penguin
                                \item[i=S] Scalar penguin
                                \item[i=P] Pseudoscalar penguin

where $C_i$ are the Wilson coefficients and $O_i$ are the corresponding effective operators.



\begin{frame}{Analysis of Rare decays}

%{\Large Since a long time ago...} \\ \medskip 
%\hspace*{1.4cm}$\Rightarrow$ $b \to s \gamma$ and $b \to s \ell\ell $ {\bf Flavour Changing Neutral Currents} have been used as {\bf \cred Our  Portal} \\ to explore the fundamental theory beyond SM. \\ 
%\hfill....... with not much success till 2013.\hspace*{1cm}

Analysis of FCNC in a model-independent approach, effective Hamiltonian:
b\to s\gamma(^*): {\mathcal H}^{SM}_{\Delta F=1} \propto
  \sum_{i=1}^{10} V_{ts}^* V_{tb} {\cgreen \C{i}} \alert{  {\cal O}_i} + \ldots


\item $\alert{ {\cal O}_7} = \frac{e}{16 \pi^2}m_b\, 
        (\bar s\sigma^{\mu\nu} P_R b) F_{\mu\nu}\,$ %\quad [real or soft photon]
\item $\alert{ {\cal O}_9}=\frac{e^2}{16 \pi^2}(\bar{s}\gamma_\mu P_L b)\  (\bar\ell\gamma_\mu\ell)$
 %\quad [$b\to s\mu\mu$ via $Z$/hard $\gamma$]
\item $\alert{ {\cal O}_{10}}=\frac{e^2}{16 \pi^2}(\bar{s}\gamma_\mu P_L b) \  (\bar\ell\gamma_\mu\gamma_5\ell)$, ...
%\quad [$b\to s\mu\mu$ via $Z$]

%\hspace*{5cm} with no clear success yet...

%\centerline{{\bf Goal}: \underline{Decode the short distance physics to find a smoking gun of BSM}\hspace*{2cm}}

\hspace*{0.0cm} $\bullet$ {\bf SM} Wilson coefficients up to NNLO + e.m. corrections at $\mu_{ref}=4.8$ GeV [{\cgreen Misiak et al.}]: $${\cal C}_7^{\rm SM}=-0.29,\, {\cal C}_9^{\rm SM}=4.1,\, {\cal C}_{10}^{\rm SM}=-4.3$$
%BUT, like in the film there is always the good, the bad and the ugly.
$\bullet$ {\bf NP} changes short distance ${\cal C}_i-{\cal C}_i^{\rm SM}={\cal C}_i^{\rm NP}$ and induce new operators, like ${\cal O}^\prime_{7,9,10}={\cal O}_{7,9,10}\,\, (P_L \leftrightarrow P_R)$ ... also scalars, pseudoescalar, tensor operators...%\bigskip



\begin{frame}{$\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ kinematics}

$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ The kinematics of $\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$ decay is described by three angles $\thetal$, $\thetak$, $\phi$ and invariant mass of the dimuon system ($q^2)$.


$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ $\cos \thetak$: the angle between the direction of the kaon in the $\PKstar$ ($\overline{\PKstar}$) rest frame and the direction of the $\PKstar$ ($\overline{\PKstar}$) in the $\PBzero$ ($\APBzero$) rest frame.\\
$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ $\cos \thetal$: the angle between the direction of the $\Pmuon$ ($\APmuon$) in the dimuon rest frame and the direction of the dimuon in the $\PBzero$ ($\APBzero$) rest frame.\\
$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ $\phi$: the angle between the plane containing the $\Pmuon$ and $\APmuon$ and the plane containing the kaon and pion from the $\PKstar$.


\frac{d^4\Gamma}{dq^2\,d\!\cos\theta_K\,d\!\cos\theta_l\,d\phi}&=&\frac9{32\pi} \bigg[
J_{1s} \sin^2\theta_K + J_{1c} \cos^2\theta_K + (J_{2s} \sin^2\theta_K + J_{2c} \cos^2\theta_K) \cos 2\theta_l\nn\\[1.5mm]
&&\hspace{-2.7cm}+ J_3 \sin^2\theta_K \sin^2\theta_l \cos 2\phi + J_4 \sin 2\theta_K \sin 2\theta_l \cos\phi  + J_5 \sin 2\theta_K \sin\theta_l \cos\phi \nn\\[1.5mm]
&&\hspace{-2.7cm}+ (J_{6s} \sin^2\theta_K +  {J_{6c} \cos^2\theta_K})  \cos\theta_l
+ J_7 \sin 2\theta_K \sin\theta_l \sin\phi  + J_8 \sin 2\theta_K \sin 2\theta_l \sin\phi \nn\\[1.5mm]
&&\hspace{-2.7cm}+ J_9 \sin^2\theta_K \sin^2\theta_l \sin 2\phi \bigg]\,,
$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ This is the most general expression of this kind of decay.


\begin{frame}{Transversity amplitudes }

$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ One can link the angular observables to transversity amplitudes
J_{1s}  & = & \frac{(2+\beta_\ell^2)}{4} \left[|\apeL|^2 + |\apaL|^2 +|\apeR|^2 + |\apaR|^2 \right]
    + \frac{4 m_\ell^2}{q^2} \re\left(\apeL\apeR^* + \apaL\apaR^*\right)\,,\nn\\[1mm]
J_{1c}  & = &  |\azeL|^2 +|\azeR|^2  + \frac{4m_\ell^2}{q^2} \left[|A_t|^2 + 2\re(\azeL^{}\azeR^*) \right] + \beta_\ell^2\, |A_S|^2 \,,\nn\\[1mm]
J_{2s} & = & \frac{ \beta_\ell^2}{4}\left[ |\apeL|^2+ |\apaL|^2 + |\apeR|^2+ |\apaR|^2\right],
\hspace{0.92cm}    J_{2c}  = - \beta_\ell^2\left[|\azeL|^2 + |\azeR|^2 \right]\,,\nn\\[1mm]
J_3 & = & \frac{1}{2}\beta_\ell^2\left[ |\apeL|^2 - |\apaL|^2  + |\apeR|^2 - |\apaR|^2\right],
\qquad   J_4  = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\beta_\ell^2\left[\re (\azeL\apaL^* + \azeR\apaR^* )\right],\nn \\[1mm]
J_5 & = & \sqrt{2}\beta_\ell\,\Big[\re(\azeL\apeL^* - \azeR\apeR^* ) - \frac{m_\ell}{\sqrt{q^2}}\,
\re(\apaL A_S^*+ \apaR^* A_S) \Big]\,,\nn\\[1mm]
J_{6s} & = &  2\beta_\ell\left[\re (\apaL\apeL^* - \apaR\apeR^*) \right]\,,
\hspace{2.25cm} J_{6c} = 4\beta_\ell\, \frac{m_\ell}{\sqrt{q^2}}\, \re (\azeL A_S^*+ \azeR^* A_S)\,,\nn\\[1mm]
J_7 & = & \sqrt{2} \beta_\ell\, \Big[\im (\azeL\apaL^* - \azeR\apaR^* ) +
\frac{m_\ell}{\sqrt{q^2}}\, \im (\apeL A_S^* - \apeR^* A_S)) \Big]\,,\nn\\[1mm]
J_8 & = & \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\beta_\ell^2\left[\im(\azeL\apeL^* + \azeR\apeR^*)\right]\,,
\hspace{1.9cm} J_9 = \beta_\ell^2\left[\im (\apaL^{*}\apeL + \apaR^{*}\apeR)\right] \,,


\begin{frame}{Link to effective operators}
$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ So here is where the magic happens. At leading order the amplitudes can be written as:
\apeLR &=&\sqrt{2} N m_B(1- \hat s)\bigg[  (\Ceff9 + \Cpeff9) \mp (\C{10} + \Cp{10})
+\frac{2\hat{m}_b}{\hat s} (\Ceff7 + \Cpeff7) \bigg]\xi_{\bot}(E_{K^*})  \nn \\[2mm]
\apaLR &=& -\sqrt{2} N m_B (1-\hat s)\bigg[(\Ceff9 - \Cpeff9) \mp (\C{10} - \Cp{10})
+\frac{2\hat{m}_b}{\hat s}(\Ceff7 - \Cpeff7) \bigg] \xi_{\bot}(E_{K^*}) \nn \\[2mm]
\azeLR  &=& -\frac{N m_B (1-\hat s)^2}{2 \hat{m}_{K^*} \sqrt{\hat s}} \bigg[ (\Ceff9 - \Cpeff9)  \mp (\C{10} - \Cp{10}) + 2\hat{m}_b (\Ceff7 - \Cpeff7) \bigg]\xi_{\|}(E_{K^*}),
where $\hat s = q^2 /m_B^2$, $\hat{m}_i = m_i/m_B$. The $\xi_{\|,\bot }$ are the form factors. \\

\ARROW In practice one measures normalized $J$ by branching fractions:
S_i/A_i = \frac{J_i \pm \overline{J}_i}{d\Gamma + d \overline{\Gamma}/dq^2}

$\color{JungleGreen}{\Rrightarrow}$ Now we can construct observables that cancel the $\xi$ form factors at leading order:
\eq{P_5^{\prime} = \dfrac{J_5+\bar{J}_5}{2\sqrt{-(J_2^c+\bar{J}_2^c)(J_2^s+\bar{J}_2^s)} }\nonumber

LHCb measurement of $\PBd \to \PKstar \Pmu \Pmu$


\begin{frame}{Multivariate simulation}

\item PID, kinematics and isolation variables used in a Boosted Decision Tree (BDT) to discriminate signal and background.
\item BDT with k-Folding technique.
\item Completely data driven. 


\includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.82\textwidth]{images/Fig1.pdf} \\



\begin{frame}{Multivariate simulation, efficiency}


\ARROW BDT was also checked in order not to bias our angular distribution:
\ARROW The BDT has small impact on our angular observables. We will correct for these effects later on.


\begin{frame}{Detector acceptance}


\item Detector distorts our angular distribution.
\item We need to model this effect.
\item 4D function is used:
\epsilon (\cos \thetal, \cos \thetak, \phi, q^2) = \\\sum_{ijkl} P_i(\cos \thetal) P_j(\cos \thetak ) P_k(\phi) P_l(q^2),
where $P_i$ is the Legendre polynomial of order $i$.
\item We use up to $4^{th}, 5^{th}, 6^{th}, 5^{th}$ order for the $\cos \thetal, \cos \thetak, \phi, q^2$.
\item The coefficients were determined using Method of Moments, with a huge simulation sample.
\item The simulation was done assuming a flat phase space and reweighing the $q^2$ distribution to make is flat.
\item To make this work the $q^2$ distribution needs to be reweighted to be flat.




\begin{frame}{Control channel}
\item We tested our unfolding procedure on $\PB \to \PJpsi \PKstar$.
\item The result is in perfect agreement with other experiments and our different analysis of this decay.


\ARROW Method of Moments allowed us to measure for the first time a new observable:


\begin{frame}{Compatibility with SM}


\ARROW Use \texttt{EOS} software package to test compatibility with SM.\\
\ARROW Perform the $\chi^2$ fit to the measured:
F_L, A_{FB}, S_{3,..., 9} .
\ARROW Float a vector coupling: $\Re(C_9)$.\\
\ARROW Best fit is found to be $3.4~\sigma$ away from the SM.

\Delta \Re (C_9) \equiv \Re(C_9)^{{\rm fit}} - \Re(C_9)^{{\rm SM}} = -1.03



\begin{frame}{Branching fraction measurements of $\PB \to \PKstar^{\pm} \Pmu \Pmu$}


\item Despite large theoretical errors the results are consistently smaller than SM prediction.



\begin{frame}{Branching fraction measurements of $\PBs \to \Pphi \Pmu \Pmu$}

\item Recent LHCb measurement [JHEPP09 (2015) 179].
\item Suppressed by $\frac{f_s}{f_d}$.
\item Cleaner because of narrow $\Pphi$ resonance.
\item $3.3~\sigma$ deviation in SM in the $1-6\GeV^2$ bin.


\begin{frame}{Branching fraction measurements of $\PLambdab \to \PLambda \Pmu \Pmu$}




\item This years LHCb measurement [JHEP 06 (2015) 115]].
\item In total $\sim 300$ candidates in data set.
\item Decay not present in the low $q^2$.



\begin{frame}{Lepton universality test}

\item Challenging analysis due to bremsstrahlung.
\item Migration of events modeled by MC.
\item Correct for bremsstrahlung.
\item Take double ratio with $\PBplus \to \PJpsi \PKplus$ to cancel systematics.
\item In $3\invfb$, LHCb measures $R_K=0.745^{+0.090}_{-0.074}(stat.)^{+0.036}_{-0.036}(syst.)$
\item Consistent with SM at $2.6\sigma$.

\item \href{}{Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 151601 (2014)}



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Grab it While it's Hot!}
\ARROW Yesterday(18.04) we shown a new preliminary result: \href{}{{\color{blue}CERN Seminar}}\\
\ARROW We measured the ratio:
R_{\PKstar}= \frac{\mathcal{B}( \PB \to \PKstar \Pmu \Pmu)}{\mathcal{B}( \PB \to \PKstar \Pe \Pe)}

\ARROW Measurement performed in two $q^2$ bins. \\
\ARROW Normalized in double ratio to $\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$.\\




\begin{frame}{There is more!}                                                                                        
\item There is one other LUV decay recently measured by LHCb.                                                        
\item $R(\PDstar)=\dfrac{\mathcal{B}(\PB \to \PDstar \Ptau \Pnu)}{\mathcal{B}(\PB \to \PDstar \Pmu \Pnu)}$           
\item Clean SM prediction: $R(\PDstar)=0.252(3)$, PRD 85 094025 (2012)                                               
\item LHCb result: $R(\PDstar)= 0.336 \pm 0.027 \pm 0.030$, HFAG average: $R(\PDstar)=0.322 \pm 0.022$               
\item $3.9~\sigma$ discrepancy wrt. SM prediction                                                                    

Global fit to $\Pbeauty \to \Pstrange \ell \ell$ measurements


\begin{frame}{Theory implications}

\item The data can be explained by modifying the $C_9$ Wilson coefficient.
\item Overall there is around $4.5~\sigma$ discrepancy wrt. SM.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Grab it While it's Hotter!}
\ARROW Today(19.04) there was already first paper with the phenomenological work about this measurement: \href{}{arxiv::1704.05340} J. Matias, et. al.\\




