Lecture_repo / Lectures_my / NumMet / 2016 / Lecture9 / lecture9.tex
@Danny van Dyk Danny van Dyk on 13 Nov 2016 18 KB Added final lecture9
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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}} 
			\flushright%\fontspec{Trebuchet MS}
			\bfseries \Huge {Ordinary Differential Equations (I)}
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    \large Marcin Chrzaszcz, Danny van Dyk\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}, \href{}{}}


	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{Numerical Methods, \\ 07. November, 2016}

\begin{frame}{Plan for today}
        \item \alert{General problem of estimating the solution to an equation that involves some unknown
            function and its derivatives}\\
                \item What do we need to know to do this?
        \item \alert{Specific problems in which we know the initial condition for our function}\\

\begin{frame}{Nomenclature and Preliminaries}
    We will discuss \alert{ordinary} \alert{differential equation}s, or \alert{systems} of
    \alert{linear} ordinary differential equations:
        \item<1->[differential equation] Any equation of the form
            F(x; y, y', y^{(2)}, \dots, y^{(n)}) = 0
        with $x\in \mathbb{R}$ and $y(x): \mathbb{R} \mapsto \mathbb{R}^m$
        is called a system of ordinary differential equations of \alert{order $n$}.\\
        If $m=1$, it is only \alert{one} ordinary diff.\ equation (ODE).\\
        \item[linear] If we can write
            F(x; y, \dots, y^{(n)}) = A(x) \cdot \vec{y}(x) + r(x)
        with $A(x) \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times (n+1)}$, $\vec{y}(x) = (y(x), \dots y^{(n)}(x))^T$
        and $r(x) \in \mathbb{R}^m$, then
        $F$ describes a \alert{linear} system of ODEs.
        \item[ordinary] The quality \alert{ordinary} hinges on the fact that $y$ only
        depends on $x\in\mathbb{R}$. As soon as $x\in \mathbb{R}^{k}$, and we need to
        consider partial derivatives of $y$, we have a \alert{partial} differential equation.
        \item[explicit] If for an $n$th order ODE we can write
            y^{(n)} = f(x; y, \dots, y^{(n - 1)})
        then we call this an \alert{explicit} ODE. Otherwise, the ODE is \alert{implicit}.

\begin{frame}{Explicit linear ODEs of order $n=1$/Initial value problem}
    Let's use a well-known linear ODE of 2nd order as an example:
        y' = f(x; y) = -y(x)

    Solving it, regardless of method, poses an \alert{initial value problem}:
        \frac{y(x)}{y(x_0)} = \exp(-(x - x_0))
    We need to know the initial value $y_0\equiv y(x_0)$ to solve this problem.
    It must be provided \alert{externally}.

\begin{frame}{Single Step Methods}
    We want to increment by one \alert{step}, i.e. from the point $(x_n, y_n)$ to the
    point $(x_n + h, y_{n + 1})$.
    The increment is defined by the incremental function $\Phi$:
        y_{n+1} = y_n + \Phi(F; x_n, h; y_n, y_{n+1});
    with a step size $h$. This is an implicit method. If $\Phi$ does not depend on
    $y_{n+1}$, we have an explicit method.
    Whatever the choice of $\Phi$, for an implicit method we will need, in general,
    to solve a non-linear equation ($\rightarrow$ see lecture on root finding). That
    means that an implicit method is computationally more expensive than a similar
    explicit method.

\begin{frame}{Explicit Single Step Methods: Euler Method}
    \begin{block}{First order ODE}
        y'      & = f(x, y) &
        y_{n+1} & = y_n + \Phi(f; x_n, h; y_n)
    Standard procedure for an unknown function: Taylor expand!
        y(x_n + h) & = y(x_n) + h y'(x_n) + \frac{h^2}{2} y''(x_n) + O(h^3)
    Keeping only terms of order $h$, and substituting $y'(x_n) = f(x_n = x_0 + n\cdot h, y_n)$
    we obtain
    \begin{block}{Euler method}
        y_{n+1} & = y_n + \underbrace{h\,f(x_n, y_n)}_{=\Phi_\text{Euler}(f; x_n, h; y_n)}

\begin{frame}{Local Truncation Error for Euler Method}
    The local trunction error (LTE) is introduced as:
        y(x_0 + h) - y_0 \equiv \text{LTE} = \frac{h^2}{2} y''(x_0) + O(h^3)
    The ODE at hand reads:
        y'  & = -y\,, &
        y_0 & = 0.5
    The analytic solution is:
        y(x) = y_0 \, \exp(-x)
                axis x line=center,
                axis y line=left,
            \addplot[ultra thick,gray,domain=0:+1] {
                0.5 * exp(-x)
            \addplot[thick,red,only marks,mark size=3pt] coordinates {
                (0.25, 0.375) % h = 0.25
                (0.50, 0.250) % h = 0.50
                (1.00, 0.000) % h = 1.00
            \addplot[thin,red,mark=none] {
                0.5 - 0.5 * x

\begin{frame}{Explicit Single Step Methods: Runge-Kutta Methods}
    For Runge-Kutta methods an alternative derivation for the determination $y_{n+1}$
    uses an integral representation:
        y_{n+1} = y_n + \int_{x_n}^{x_n + h} \mathrm{d}x\, f(x, y(x))\,.
    The \alert{$s$}-stage Runge-Kutta method then estimates this integral
        y_{n+1} = y_n + \sum_{i=1}^{\alert{s}} \hl{b_i} k_i
        k_1 & = f(x_n        ,& y_n &                                                                     & )\\
        k_2 & = f(x_n + \hl{c_2} h,& y_n & + h\, \hl{a_{2,1}} k_1                                         & )\\
        k_3 & = f(x_n + \hl{c_3} h,& y_n & + h\, \hl{a_{3,1}} k_1 + h\,\hl{a_{3,2}} k_2                   & )\\
            & \quad\vdots     &     & \vdots\\
        k_s & = (fx_n + \hl{c_s} h,& y_n & + h\, \hl{a_{s,1}} k_1 + \dots + h\,\hl{a_{s,(s-1)}} k_{s-1}   & )
    Now to determine the coefficients $\lbrace \hl{a_{i,j}} \rbrace$, $\lbrace \hl{b_i} \rbrace$,
    and $\lbrace \hl{c_i} \rbrace$.

\begin{frame}{Explicit Single Step Methods: Runge-Kutta (cont'd)}
    Usual presentation of the necessary coefficients in a \alert{Butcher tableau}:
        $0$      &                                                         \\
        $c_2$    & $a_{2,1}$                                               \\
        $c_3$    & $a_{3,1}$ & $a_{3,2}$                                   \\
        $\vdots$ & $\vdots$  &           & $\ddots$                        \\
        $c_s$    & $a_{s,1}$ & $a_{s,2}$ & $\dots$   & $a_{s,s-1}$         \\
                 & $b_1$     & $b_2$     & $\dots$   & $b_{s-1}$   & $b_s$ \\

    To take away:
        \item a method of stage $s$ requires \alert{in general} $s$ evaluations of
        \item the LTE is of order $p$, i.e.: $\text{LTE} = O(h^{p + 1})$
        \item in general $s > p$
        \item up to $s = 4$ there are methods known with $s \geq p$

\begin{frame}{Explicit Single Step Methods: Runge-Kutta (cont'd)}
    \begin{block}{Euler's method}
        $0$      &            \\
                 & $b_1$      \\
        \item method of stage 1 and order 1

    \begin{block}{Ralston's method}
        $0$      &               \\
        $2/3$    & $2/3$         \\
                 & $1/4$ & $3/4$ \\
        \item method of stage 2 and order 2

    \begin{block}{RK4 (\emph{The} Runge-Kutta method)}
        $0$      &                               \\
        $1/2$    & $1/2$                         \\
        $1/2$    & $0$   & $1/2$                 \\
        $1$      & $0$   & $0$   & $1$   & $0$   \\
                 & $1/6$ & $1/3$ & $1/3$ & $1/6$ \\
        \item method of stage 4 and order 4

\begin{frame}{Global Truncation Error/Accumulated Error}
                axis x line=center,
                axis y line=left,
            \addplot[ultra thick,gray,domain=0:+1] {
                ln(0.5) - x
            % Euler, h = 0.125
            \addplot[thick,blue,mark=x,only marks,mark size=3pt] coordinates {
                (0.125, -0.82668) % ln(0.43750)
                (0.250, -0.96022) % ln(0.38281)
                (0.375, -1.09370) % ln(0.33496)
            % Runge-Kutta, h = 0.125
            \addplot[thick,red,mark=+,only marks,mark size=3pt] coordinates {
                (0.125, -0.81814) % ln(0.44125)
                (0.250, -0.94314) % ln(0.38940)
                (0.375, -1.06810) % ln(0.34364)
        \item[{\color{blue} x}] Euler method\\
            $h = 0.125$\\
            order $p = 1$
        \item[{\color{red} +}] Runge-Kutta 4\\
            $h = 0.125$\\
            order $p = 4$
    The differences in accumulated trunction errors is clearly visible

\begin{frame}{Wastefulness of Single-Step Methods}
    In order to achieve a single step, the previously shown methods
    of stage $s$ evaluate the function $f(x; y)$ in at least $s$ points.\\
    However, all the information obtained from these evaluations is
    thrown away before the next step.\\
    It would be efficient to reuse this information, which gives
    rise to the \alert{multiple step methods}.

\begin{frame}{Multiple Step Methods}
    An explicit \alert{multiple step method} of \alert{length $m$} follows from:
        y_{n+1} = -\sum_{j=0}^{m - 1} \hl{a_{j}} \, y_{n - j} + h\,\sum_{j=0}^{m - 1} \hl{b_{j}} \, f(x_{n - j}, y_{n - j})

    Again, one strives to choose the coefficients $\lbrace \hl{a_i}\rbrace$ and $\lbrace \hl{b_i}\rbrace$
    such that the LTE is of high order in $h$.

\begin{frame}{Adams-Bashforth methods}
    In Adams-Bashforth methods one chooses $\hl{a_0} = -1$, and $\hl{a_i} = 0$ for $i\geq 1$.
    The coefficients $\lbrace \hl{b_i} \rbrace$ are chosen such that $y(x)$ is interpolated
    in the last $m$ steps:
        \hl{b_{m - j - 1}} = \frac{(-1)^j}{j!\, (m - j - 1)!} \int_0^1 \prod_{i=0,i\neq j}^{s - 1} \mathrm{d}u\, (u + i)\,.
    for $j = 0, \dots, m - 1$.\\[\medskipamount]

    The order $p$ of any Adams-Bashforth method is $p=m$.

\begin{frame}{Stiff ODEs}
    \begin{block}{Example ODE}
        y' = -15\, y\qquad \text{with} \quad y(x_0) = y_0 = 1.0\,.
        ~\hfill{\tiny shamelessly taken from Wikipedia}
            \item a stiff ODE forces you to go to \alert{unreasonably small}
                step size $h$ in order to have reasonable convergence of the method
            \item in general, \alert{explicit} methods demand smaller step sizes
                than computationally reasonable
            \item implicit methods solve this problem at the expense of additional
                evaluations of the generation function $F$ when solving for the

\begin{frame}{Implicit Euler Method}
    (Also known as the backward Euler method)
        y_{n + 1} = y_n + h\cdot f(x_{n+1}, y_{n+1})
    \begin{block}{Example with stiff ODE}
        y' = -y,\qquad \text{with} \quad y_0 = y(x_0) = 0.5
                axis x line=center,
                axis y line=left,
            \addplot[ultra thick,black,domain=0:+1] {
                0.5 * exp(-x)
            % Euler, h = 0.125
            \addplot[thick,blue,mark=x,only marks,mark size=3pt] coordinates {
                (0.125, 0.43750)
                (0.250, 0.38281)
                (0.375, 0.33496)
            % Implict Euler, h = 0.125
            \addplot[thick,red,mark=+,only marks,mark size=3pt] coordinates {
                (0.125, 0.444)
                (0.250, 0.395)
                (0.375, 0.351)
            \item[{\color{blue} x}] regular Euler\\
                $h = 0.125$
            \item<3>[{\color{red} +}] implicit Euler\\
                $h = 0.125$
        y_{n + 1} & = y_n + h\, f(x_{n+1}, y_{n +1})\\
                  & = y_n - h\, y_{\hl{n + 1}}\\
        y_{n + 1} & = \frac{y_n}{1 + h}
        This yields the analytic result in the limit $h\to 0$ ($h = h_0 / n$, $n \to \infty$), since:
        \lim_{n\to \infty} \frac{y_0}{(1 + \frac{x}{n})^n} = y_0 \exp(-x)

\begin{frame}{Next time on Ordinary Differential Equations}
        \item \alert{implicit} Runge-Kutta methods
        \item how to turn an $n$-order ODE into an $n$-size \alert{system} of
            first-order ODEs
        \item a glimpse at \alert{boundary problems}



