Presentations / Zurich_group / 14_07_2014 / slides.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 13 Aug 2014 8 KB update



\title[Tauola development]{Tauola development}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1,2}$}
\institute{$^1$~University of Zurich,\\ $^2$~Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow}
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\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}
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\institute{~(UZH, IFJ)}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{TAUOLA - $\Ptau$ generator}
\item TAUOLA is a specific generator for $\Ptau$ decays.
\item The only one that takes all the spin correlation into account. 
\item For few months I have been working on new release.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays}
\item Till now TAUOLA was focused on precise SM decays.
\item Added ALL LFV channels ever searched(now we have $\sim 200$ channels.
\item Especially for $\tau \to \Plepton \Plepton \Plepton$ added different NP models.
\item Needed to do hacking: TAUOLA wants always matrix elements...
\item From some time also available in LHCb(although not extensively used).


\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays: $\tau \to 3\mu$ }


$\tau^{-} \to \mu^{-}_{1} \mu^{-}_{2} \mu^{+}_{3}$\\
$m_{--}=m_{12}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{-}_{2}})^2$\\
$m_{+-}m_{23}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{2}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$\\
$m_{13}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$

\Gamma_{LLLL} = Const \dfrac{ (m_{\tau}^2-m_{\mu}^2)^2  }{256 \pi m_{\tau}^3} \nonumber\\ -\dfrac{ (2m_{12}^{2}-m_{\tau}^2 -3 m_{\mu}^2)^2}{256 \pi m_{\tau}^3}


See \href{}{0707.0988}. I don't want to latex all the equations here :P



\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays: $\tau \to 3\mu$ }


$\tau^{-} \to \mu^{-}_{1} \mu^{-}_{2} \mu^{+}_{3}$\\
$m_{--}=m_{12}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{-}_{2}})^2$\\
$m_{+-}m_{23}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{2}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$\\
$m_{13}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$

See \href{}{0707.0988}. I don't want to latex all the equations here :P



\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays: $\tau \to 3\mu$ }

$\tau^{-} \to \mu^{-}_{1} \mu^{-}_{2} \mu^{+}_{3}$\\
$m_{--}=m_{12}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{-}_{2}})^2$\\
$m_{+-}m_{23}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{2}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$\\
$m_{13}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$

See \href{}{0707.0988}. I don't want to latex all the equations here :P



\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays: $\tau^{-} \to e^{-} \mu^{-} \mu^{+} $ }

$\tau^{-} \to e^{-}_{1} \mu^{-}_{2} \mu^{+}_{3}$\\
$m_{--}=m_{12}=(p_{e^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{-}_{2}})^2$\\
$m_{+-}m_{23}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{2}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$\\
$m_{13}=(p_{e^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$

See \href{}{0707.0988}. I don't want to latex all the equations here :P



\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays: $\tau^{-} \to e^{-} \mu^{-} \mu^{+} $ }

$\tau^{-} \to e^{-}_{1} \mu^{-}_{2} \mu^{+}_{3}$\\
$m_{--}=m_{12}=(p_{e^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{-}_{2}})^2$\\
$m_{+-}m_{23}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{2}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$\\
$m_{13}=(p_{e^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$

See \href{}{0707.0988}. I don't want to latex all the equations here :P



\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays: $\tau^{-} \to e^{-} \mu^{-} \mu^{+} $ }

$\tau^{-} \to e^{-}_{1} \mu^{-}_{2} \mu^{+}_{3}$\\
$m_{--}=m_{12}=(p_{e^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{-}_{2}})^2$\\
$m_{+-}m_{23}=(p_{\mu^{-}_{2}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$\\
$m_{13}=(p_{e^{-}_{1}} + p_{\mu^{+}_{3}})^2$

See \href{}{0707.0988}. I don't want to latex all the equations here :P



\begin{frame}\frametitle{New decays: $\tau^{-} \to e^{-} \mu^{-} \mu^{+} $ }

\item This grey plots produced by theorists are next to useless. 
\item Can't really compare them with my nice ones :P
\item I would say there might be disagreement in some tails.
\item Let's check.
\item Yes! this should be there!
\Gamma^{LLLL}_{Rad} = Const (\dfrac{m_{12}^2 - 2m_{\mu}^2}{126 \pi^3 m_{\tau}^2}+\frac{m_{\mu}^2}{128\pi^3 \textcolor{red}{m_{23}^2}})


\item Does it make sense?


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Updates SM physics }
\item Both Babar and Belle had their own versions of TAUOLA where they put theirs FF, Br etc.
\item It would be good if now their knowledge could be merged and be accessible to public.
\item Since Babar was more advanced in this I started from there.
\item Ported all FF from Babar to current framework.
\item Need to be sure I am doing things the correct way(this if FORTRAN code, so hard core dark side of the force).



\begin{frame}\frametitle{X-checking understanding of FORTRAN}
\item Generate things with my implementation and take official Babar MC production :)
\item Use \href{}{MC-tester} to test if the simulations are compatible.
\item And do it with 95 decays.
\item This software produces a pdf file with histograms. Just had to compare 500 pages of histograms :)
\item I don't want to bore you so just one example:


\item Starting to prepare a new update and publication of TAUOLA.
\item Work will be shown on TAU 2014 conference.

