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Palutan (INFN Frascati), F. Teubert (CERN), R. Vazquez Gomez (CERN)} \vspace{0.5em} \textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{VRD meeting, CERN\\October 4, 2017} \end{center} \end{frame} } \begin{frame}\frametitle{Lepton Flavour/Number Violation} \begin{small} Lepton Flavour Violation(LFV): \end{small} \begin{footnotesize} After $\Pmuon$ was discovered it was logical to think of it as an excited $\Pelectron$. \begin{columns} \column{3in} \begin{itemize} \item Expected: $B(\mu\to\Pe\gamma) \approx 10^{-4}$ \item Unless another $\Pnu$, in intermediate vector boson loop cancels. \end{itemize} \column{2in} {~}\includegraphics[width=0.98\textwidth]{rabi.png} \end{columns} \begin{columns} \column{1in} {~} \column{3in} \begin{block}{I.I.Rabi:} "Who ordered that?" \end{block} \column{2in} {~}{~}{~}\includegraphics[scale=0.08]{II_Rabi.jpg} \end{columns} \begin{itemize} \item Up to this day charged LFV is being searched for in various decay modes. \item LFV was already found in neutrino sector. \end{itemize} \end{footnotesize} \begin{footnotesize} \begin{columns} \column{3.5in} \begin{small} Lepton Number Violation (LNV) \end{small} \begin{itemize} \item Even with LFV, lepton number is a conserved quantity. \item Many new thesis predict it violation(Majorana neutrinos) \item Searched in so called Neutrinoless double $\beta$ decays. \end{itemize} \column{1.5in} \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{Double_beta_decay_feynman.png} \end{columns} \end{footnotesize} %Double_beta_decay_feynman.png \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{"The Rule of Three"} \ARROW Since 4 years thee experiments are chasing the $\tau \to \mu \mu \mu$ decay: \begin{columns} % \column{2.5in} \begin{column}{2.1in} \begin{alertblock}{ $\Ptau \to \Pmu \Pmu \Pmu$ limits ($ \color{white} 90\,\%$ CL)} \begin{description} \item[BaBar(FC)] $3.3\times 10^{-8}$ \item[Belle(FC)] $2.1\times 10^{-8}$ \item[LHCb(CLs)] $4.6\times 10^{-8}~(3 {\rm fb}^{-1})$ \item[HFAG(CLs)] $1.2 \times 10^{-8}$ \end{description} \end{alertblock} \end{column} \begin{column}{2.5in} \includegraphics[width=1\textwidth]{zom.png}\\ \end{column} \end{columns} {~}\\ \begin{itemize} \item Thanks to 3 experiments we have a world limit: $\mathcal{B}(\Ptau \to \Pmu \Pmu \Pmu)< 1.2 \times 10^{-8}$ at 90\% CL. \item Would be nice to put LHCb ahead of the game! \item We are getting close to B-factories with the Run2 data but still would be nice to have some boost! \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{Extra Gain ? } \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \ARROW The stripping that we are using takes 3 \texttt{StdLooseMuons} and construct a $\tau$ candidate. \\ \ARROW Now the stripping is loose in other variables. \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{| c || c | c |} \hline & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Gain wrt. 3 isM $[\%]$ }\\ Category & 2 isM & 2isM + 3AccM \\ \hline $ B \to \tau$ & $44.53$ & $12.67$ \\ $ B \to D_s \to \tau$ & $44.37$ & $12.44$ \\ $ D_s \to \tau $ & $43.78$ & $12.34$ \\ $ B \to D \to \tau $ & $46.31$ & $13.97$\\ $ D \to \tau$ & $43.70$ & $11.87$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} Legend: \begin{itemize} \item isM -IsMuon. \item AccM - Muon in Acceptance. \end{itemize} \ARROW There is extra gain $\mathcal{O}(40~\%)$ that could be included!\\ \ARROW We have already modified the Stripping line and will be run in the S28 restripping. \end{minipage}\end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{Can we trigger?} \begin{center} \begin{Huge} Initial trigger study \end{Huge} \end{center} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{IsMuon == 3 WITH TOS BUG FIXED!!} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c || c | c|} \hline Name & Eff & Gain wrt. to previous \\ \hline Hlt2TriMuonTau23Mu & 0.76343 & 0.763439 \\ Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT & 0.764768 & 0.001328\\ Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo & 0.76515 & 0.00038\\ Hlt2RareCharmD02KPi & 0.76528 & 0.00012\\ Hlt2SingleMuon & 0.765369 & 0.00008\\ Hlt2LowMultDiMuon & 0.765454 & 0.00006\\ Hlt2XcMuXForTauB2XcMu & 0.765454 & 0.0\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{alertblock}{How to read table} Example: Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo, 0.76444, 0.00071\\ {\color{green}Eff. of }Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo || Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT || Hlt2TriMuonTau23Mu is $0.76444$.\\ {\color{green}Gain of adding } Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo to previous Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT || Hlt2TriMuonTau23Mu is $0.00071$. \end{alertblock} \end{minipage} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{IsMuon == 2 WITH TOS BUG FIXED!!} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c || c | c|} \hline Name & Eff & Gain wrt. to previous \\ \hline Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo & $0.22792$ & $0.22792$ \\ Hlt2SingleMuon & $0.28015$ & $0.052231$ \\ Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT & $0.28975$ & $0.00960$ \\ Hlt2RareCharmD02KPi & $0.293869$ & $0.004115$ \\ Hlt2CharmHadDspToKpPimPipTurbo& $0.297034$ & $0.003165$\\ Hlt2CharmHadInclSigc2PiLc2HHX & $0.29946$ & $0.00242$ \\ Hlt2RareCharmD02MuMu & $0.30115$ & $0.00168$\\ Hlt2LowMultDiMuon & $0.302732$ & $0.001582$\\ Hlt2TopoMu3Body & $0.303999$ & $0.001266$ \\ Hlt2CharmHadDspToKmPipPipTurbo & $0.30452$ & $0.00052$ \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{minipage} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{Trigger conclusion} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{itemize} \item For the 3 \texttt{ISMuon} case we are safe. \item The 2 \texttt{ISMuon} : \begin{itemize} \item Problem will be fixed in 2017 data after bug fix of the Hlt2DiMuonDetached line. \item For 2015, 2016 we will define our strategy later. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{minipage} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{MC filtering} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \ARROW Producing MC becomes more and more a problem.\\ \ARROW Need a smart way to reduce the data set at the production level: \begin{alertblock}{MC Filtering:} Select only the events that are needed for the analysis \ARROW Saving disk space.\\ Caveat: once lost events cannot be recovered. \end{alertblock} \begin{exampleblock}{What to filter on?} \ARROWR Stripping?\\ \ARROWR Trigger?\\ \ARROWR Reconstruction! \end{exampleblock} \ARROW Filtering on MCTRUTHMACHED is the safest thing to do! \end{minipage}\end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{How does this work?} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \ARROW You check that the Particle lists (ex. \texttt{Phys/StdAllNoPIDsMuons/Particles}) contain all particles from the decay (ex. $\tau \to 3 \mu$).\\ \ARROW Very robust! Sensitive only to bugs in reconstruction and TruthMaching.\\ \ARROW Already tested this in $\PB \to \PKstar \mu \mu$ with success.\\ \ARROW Now implemented for $\tau \to \mu\mu\mu$ analysis. \end{minipage}\end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{Filter efficiency} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline Channel & Fraction of save events\\ \hline $\tau \to 3 \mu$ & $0.553$ \\ $D_s \to \phi \pi$ & $0.481$ \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \ARROW FILTER IS IMMUNE TO ANY \texttt{isMuon} REQUIREMENT.\\ \ARROW We save around $50~\%$ of disk space! \end{minipage}\end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{Cross check} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \ARROW As a cross-check is performed: \begin{itemize} \item Strip the filtered dst. \item Strip the non filtered dst. \end{itemize} \ARROW After truthmaching they both should be identical.\\ \ARROW And they are:\\ \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\textwidth]{Ds.pdf} \includegraphics[angle=-90,width=0.49\textwidth]{tau23mu.pdf} (Yes there are two IDENTICAL histograms on each plot :) ) \end{minipage}\end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{Conclusions} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \ARROW There is a potential $40~\%$ gain of the signal!\\ \ARROW Stripping implemented.\\ \ARROW Filter for MC production developed and tested!\\ \ARROW We gain $50~\%$ on disk space!\\ \ARROW Trigger strategy on the way.\\ \ARROW We would like to ask for 2015,2016,2017 Filtered signal MC. \end{minipage} \end{frame} \backupbegin \begin{frame}[c]{IsMuon == 3 WITH TOS BUG!!} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c || c | c|} \hline Name & Eff & Gain wrt. to previous \\ \hline Hlt2TriMuonTau23MuDecision & 0.76343 & 0.76343 \\ Hlt2SingleMuonLowPTDecision& 0.76372 & 0.00136\\ Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo & 0.76444 & 0.00071\\ Hlt2SingleMuonDecision & 0.76459 & 0.00015\\ Hlt2RareCharmD02KPiDecision &0.76474 & 0.00015\\ Hlt2LowMultDiMuon & 0.76482 & 0.00008\\ Hlt2XcMuXForTauB2XcMuDecision & 0.76482 & 0.0\\ %Hlt2XcMuXForTauB2XcFakeMuDecision & 0.76482 & 0.0\\ %Hlt2TriMuonDetachedDecision & 0.76482 & 0.0\\ %Hlt2TransparentDecision & 0.76482 & 0.0\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{alertblock}{How to read table} Example: Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo, 0.76444, 0.00071\\ {\color{green}Eff. of }Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo || Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT || Hlt2TriMuonTau23Mu is $0.76444$.\\ {\color{green}Gain of adding } Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPipTurbo to previous Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT || Hlt2TriMuonTau23Mu is $0.00071$. \end{alertblock} \end{minipage} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[c]{IsMuon == 2 WITH TOS BUG!!} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c || c | c|} \hline Name & Eff & Gain wrt. to previous \\ \hline Hlt2CharmHadDpToPimPipPip & $0.18769$ & $0.18769$\\ Hlt2SingleMuonD & $0.25864$ & $0.07095$ \\ Hlt2SingleMuonLowPT & $0.27076$ & $0.01212$\\ Hlt2RareCharmD02KPi & $0.27431$ & $0.003543$\\ Hlt2CharmHadDspToKpPimPip & $0.27738$ & $0.00307$\\ Hlt2CharmHadInclSigc2Pi & $0.279347$ & $0.00195$ \\ Hlt2RareCharmD02MuMu & $0.28121$ & $0.00186$ \\ Hlt2LowMultDiMuon\_PS & $0.28279$ & $0.00158$ \\ Hlt2TopoMu3Body & $0.28400$ & $0.001212$\\ Hlt2PIDKs2PiPiLLTurboCalib & $0.284568$ & $0.00055$\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{minipage} \end{frame} \backupend \end{document}