Presentations / Zurich_group / 30_04_2015 / mchrzasz_BEC.tex



\title[1D Bose-Einstein correlations]{1D Bose-Einstein correlations}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1}$}
\institute{$^1$~University of Zurich}

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\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz{~}}
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\begin{frame}\frametitle{Fast reminder}

\item HBT interferometry can be used to study the diameters of source.
\item For indistinguishable particles the phenomena is know as Bose-Einstein Correlations(BEC).
\item BEC correlations occur as enhancement of same particles in the low $Q$ region.
\item We already observed the effects.
\item For now I want to make BEC for pions, kaons are for future(less statistics).
\item Use 2011 sample.




 &  Cut \\
track $\chi^{2}$ & $< 2.6$ GeV \\
track momentum & $> 3.0$ GeV \\
track $p_{T}$ & $> 0.1$ GeV \\
track IP & $< 0.2 \rm ~mm$ \\
track IP $\chi^{2}$ & $< 2.6$ \\
PID NN (pion, kaon) & $> 0.25$ \\
track probability to be a ghost  & $< 0.3$ \\



Hard cuts, as we have enough statistics.


 &  Cut \\
PID NN (pion, kaon)\footnote{No double counting with this cut} & $> 0.9$ \\
track IP & $< 0.05 \rm ~mm$ \\
track IP $\chi^2$ & $< 2$ \\
track probability to be a ghost  & $< 0.2$ \\
n. PV  & $== 1$ \\



\begin{frame}\frametitle{How to measure correlations?}

\item Define a correlations function:
C(q_1, q_2) = \dfrac{\rho(q_1, q_2)}{\rho(q_1) \rho(q_2)}
\item There are many kinematic variables where BEC can occur. Canonical choice $Q=\sqrt{-(q_1 -q_2)^2}$.
\item $\rho(q_1, q_2)$ is easy. For each pair of same sign particles calculate Q and plot.
\item $\rho(q_1) \rho(q_2)$ is a bit more tricky. One way is to take opposite sign particles or mix events. Both by construction kill the BEC effects.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Opposite sign}

$Q$ Distribution.

$C(q_1, q_2)$ Distribution.


\item Here I just took $1\%$ of data not to bias myself afterwards.
\item The same sign sample is not the perfect one as it has resonances inside.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Mix sample}

$Q$ Distribution.

$C(q_1, q_2)$ Distribution.


\item Here I just took $1\%$ of data not to bias myself afterwards.
\item Correlation looks much much better.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{To Do}

\item Do double ration(take into account detector effects).
\item DO systematics.
