Presentations / Zurich_group / 30_06_2014 / MMatrix.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 13 Aug 2014 11 KB update



\title[Unfolding for counting experiments]{Unfolding for counting experiments}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1,2}$, Nicola Serra$^{1}$}
\institute{$^1$~University of Zurich,\\ $^2$~Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow}
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\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}
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\institute{~(UZH, IFJ)}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Reminder 1 - Constructing Matrix unfolding}
\item We don't know explicate 
\item I have proven some time ago that the matrix exist
\epsilon(\cos \theta_k, \cos \theta_l,\phi) 
\item I have proven some time ago that the matrix exist
\item Now a systemic way to produce it. 
\item Let's use PHSP MC.
\item Moments for PHSP MC are:\\
$v^{T}_{gen}=(2/3 ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)$ 
\item After reconstruction we get(full $q^2$ range):
$v^{T}_{rec}=( 0.7069,0.0077,-0.00236466,0.0005,0.0007,0.0011,0.0011,-0.0012)$


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Reminder 2 - Constructing Matrix unfolding}
\item We got first column of the unfolding matrix $(\dfrac{3}{2} v_{gen})$.
$ \begin{pmatrix}
  1.06  & \cdots & a_{1,8} \\
  0.01157  &  \cdots & a_{2,8} \\
 -0.003547  &  \ddots & \vdots  \\
 0.0007841 &  \ddots & \vdots  \\ 
  0.001126 &  \ddots & \vdots  \\ 
  0.001766 &  \ddots & \vdots  \\ 
   0.001664  &  \ddots & \vdots  \\ 
  -0.001937  &  \cdots & a_{8,8}

\item How about the others?
\item We can reweight accordingly to $f_x$.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Reminder 3 - Constructing Matrix unfolding}
\item To get $S_3$ each event $i^{th}$ has has weight $f_{S_3}(\cos \theta_{k_i},\cos \theta_{l_i},\phi_i) $
\item One can calculate on MC the reweighed moments in PHPS:
\int PDF*f_{S_3}=\dfrac{32}{225}
\item Our base vector now is:$v^{T}_{gen}=(0 ,\frac{32}{225},0,0,0,0,0,0)$ 
\item So lets see what do we get as reconstructed vector(after multiplying by $\frac{225}{32}$.
\small{$v^{T}_{rec}=(  0.042, 1.105,-0.005,0.003,-0.0023,-0.005,-0.005,-0.006)$ }
\item Please notice that weights are negative, but this is not a problem for the mean.
\item Also we are avoiding the negative PDF problem :)


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Reminder 4 - Constructing Matrix unfolding}
\item Now the matrix looks like:
$ \begin{pmatrix}
  1.06 & 0.042  & \cdots & a_{1,8} \\
  0.01157 & 1.105  &  \cdots & a_{2,8} \\
 -0.003547 & -0.005  &  \ddots & \vdots  \\
 0.0007841 &-0.005  & \ddots & \vdots  \\ 
  0.001126 & 0.003 &\ddots & \vdots  \\ 
  0.001766 & -0.0023 &\ddots & \vdots  \\ 
   0.001664  & -0.005 &\ddots & \vdots  \\ 
  -0.001937  & -0.006 &\cdots & a_{8,8}

\item The others go in the same way.
\item Repenting this exercise from $1^{st}$ year algebra we can get the full matrix


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Reminder 5}
For now:
\item We have proven that there has to exists unfolding matrix.
\item Shown how to construct transformation matrix: $Gen \to Reco$.
\item Inverting it we can have transformation matrix of $Reco \to Gen$.
\item For details: \href{}{LINK}


What is missing?
\item ERROR!


\begin{frame}\frametitle{How to?}
\item So lets say that transformation matrix:$Gen \to Reco$ is $\epsilon_{i,j}$.
\item Each element has an error:$\delta \epsilon_{i,j}$.
\item Then we can calculate the matrix: $\epsilon_{i,j}^{-1}$(assuming it exists).
\item The million dollar question is what is the error on inverted matrix?


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Answer to 1M dolar quesion}
\item One can toy it.
\item But toying is good for kids and Frequentist. 


\item One can toy it.
\item But toying is good for kids and Frequentist. 

\item Solution comes from $\tau$ physics :) \href{}{hep-ex/9909031}
\item One can derive(prove in the paper) the general equation:
\delta \epsilon^{-1}_{\alpha ~ \beta}= [\epsilon^{-1}]^2_{\alpha  i}[\delta \epsilon ]^2_{ij} [\epsilon^{-1}]^2_{j \beta}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Matrix, $1.1-2~GeV$}
$ A_{reco\rightarrow gen}=\begin{pmatrix}                                                    
 0.9519 & -0.02665 & -0.01432 & 0.002356 & 0.02539 & 0.009878 & -0.01551 & -0.01874 \\
-0.006272 & 0.8122 & -0.00351 & -0.00719 & 0.003585 & 6.784e-05 & 0.02445 & 0.008515 \\ 
-0.005315 & -0.003716 & 1.048 & 0.01242 & 0.01209 & -0.01478 & -0.001956 & 0.01429  \\
0.003237 & -0.007177 & 0.01533 & 0.9184 & -0.007548 & -0.0009818 & -0.01874 & 0.009407  \\ 
0.01002 & 0.004084 & 0.01391 & -0.006509 & 1.194 & -0.006516 & 0.001536 & -0.02882  \\
0.002695 & -0.001042 & -0.01721 & -0.001842 & -0.005643 & 0.9264 & 0.02106 & 0.006755  \\
-0.004736 & 0.02346 & -0.002335 & -0.01446 & 0.001169 & 0.01697 & 1.072 & -0.003191 \\
-0.004157 & 0.007576 & 0.01377 & 0.008058 & -0.02219 & 0.005354 & -0.0008608 & 0.8304  

$ \delta A_{reco\rightarrow gen}=\begin{pmatrix}                                                    
0.005202 & 0.01911 & 0.03258 & 0.02103 & 0.02252 & 0.02145 & 0.03366 & 0.01948 \\
0.006648 & 0.04654 & 0.03227 & 0.02451 & 0.03602 & 0.02464 & 0.03298 & 0.03397 \\
0.007557 & 0.03197 & 0.07845 & 0.04272 & 0.04744 & 0.03057 & 0.05698 & 0.03287 \\
0.007902 & 0.03885 & 0.0678 & 0.04839 & 0.0384 & 0.03464 & 0.04925 & 0.03989 \\
0.009015 & 0.04122 & 0.06374 & 0.03254 & 0.07349 & 0.03269 & 0.0649 & 0.04202 \\ 
0.007939 & 0.0389 & 0.04793 & 0.03433 & 0.03828 & 0.04937 & 0.06985 & 0.04023 \\
0.007651 & 0.03234 & 0.05611 & 0.03062 & 0.04776 & 0.04388 & 0.08157 & 0.03342 \\ 
0.006719 & 0.03345 & 0.03868 & 0.02953 & 0.03633 & 0.03002 & 0.03989 & 0.04827 


\begin{frame}\frametitle{What did go wrong?}
\item The errors are $2-3\%$, which is very worrying.
\item WG got very worried what is going on with the errors :(
\item Started debugging.
\item After sleeping with the problem found a stupid:
\textbf{  for(int i=0;i $<$  entries/10;++i)   }
\item Ok, I am an idiot, and used $10\%$ of statistics.

\begin{frame}\frametitle{What did go wrong 2 ?}
\item The errors are tricky. When you re-weight you have negative weights. 
\item So I change the normal error
\Hat\sigma^2 = \dfrac{\sum w_i}{(\sum w_i)^2 - \sum w_i^2} 
                \sum w_i (x_i - \Hat\mu)^2
\item to:
\Hat\sigma^2 = \dfrac{\sum  |w_i|  }{(\sum |w_i|)^2 - \sum w_i^2} 
                \sum |w_i| (x_i - \Hat\mu)^2
\item And this I am not $100\%$ sure if I is ok =(

\begin{frame}\frametitle{What did go wrong 3 ?}
\item There is a hack of this method:
\item "You can cheat on your gf, you can cheat on tax, but you can't cheat on $\sqrt{n}$ "\footnote{All rights reserved! }.
\item We can use this:
\item Divide the MC in 10. Then calculate the variance of each matrix element. And divide/multiply by $\sqrt{10}$ and see if the errors are ok.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{What did go wrong 3 ?}
\tiny{    OLD (can be wrong): \\                                                                                   
$ \delta A_{gen\rightarrow reco}=\begin{pmatrix}                                                    
  0.005477  &   0.02348  &   0.03125  &   0.02305 &    0.01871  & 0.02307  &   0.03124   &  0.02339 \\
  0.008142  &   0.06734  &   0.03621  &   0.03126 &     0.0352  &  0.03131 &    0.03624  &   0.04767 \\
  0.007168  &    0.0359  &   0.06856  &    0.0423 &    0.03619  & 0.02995  &   0.04856   &  0.03585 \\
  0.008573  &   0.04966  &   0.06736  &   0.05471 &    0.03332 & 0.03886  &   0.04784    & 0.04973 \\
  0.007599  &   0.04063  &   0.04926  &   0.02847 &    0.04998 & 0.02841  &   0.04923    & 0.04059 \\
  0.008582  &   0.04977  &   0.04768  &   0.03878 &    0.03323 & 0.05499  &    0.0676    & 0.04974 \\
  0.007136  &   0.03571  &   0.04833  &   0.02987 &      0.036 & 0.04225  &   0.06843    &  0.0358  \\
  0.008162  &   0.04782  &   0.04294  &   0.03731 &    0.03527 &  0.03738  &   0.04306   &  0.06736 


\tiny{    New: \\                                                                                   
$ \delta A_{gen\rightarrow reco}=\begin{pmatrix}                                                    
  0.006659   &   0.0299  &   0.02207  &   0.01802  &   0.02657  &  0.02196  &   0.02851  &   0.02507 \\
   0.00708   &  0.02046 &   0.007998  &    0.0133  &  0.008828  &  0.01236  &   0.01505  &    0.0149\\
  0.008469   &  0.00845 &    0.01806  &   0.01442  &  0.009856  &  0.008895 &    0.01389 &    0.01155\\
  0.008938   &  0.01569 &    0.01798  &   0.01801  &  0.009195  &  0.01097  &   0.01108  &   0.02068\\
  0.007867   &   0.0109 &    0.01248  &    0.0088  &   0.01104  &  0.0114  &   0.01256   &  0.01097\\
  0.008078   &  0.01582 &    0.01117  &   0.01093  &   0.01135  &  0.01215 &    0.02122  &   0.01774 \\
  0.008368   &  0.01521 &    0.01391  &  0.008972  &  0.009797  &  0.01702 &     0.0147  &   0.01086\\
  0.005745   &  0.01561 &     0.0114  &   0.01649  &  0.008631 &  0.01373  &   0.01051   &  0.01792 


\item I really fu.. this thing ...
\item No coding after 3 am form now!


