Presentations / DIS2015 / CPV / mchrzasz.tex



%                           Introduction                                                    
\title[Recent BaBar results on CP violation in B-meson decays]{ Recent BaBar results on CP violation in B-meson decays}        
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz$^{1}$ \\ \footnotesize{on behalf of the BaBar collaboration}}   
\institute{$^1$~University of Zurich \\{~}\\  Deep-Inelastic Scattering 2015 }              
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\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}                                                               
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\section{BaBar Detector}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{BaBar Detector}

\item PEP-II, an asymmetric $\Pelectron \APelectron$ collider.
\item Operating mostly at $\PUpsilon(4S)$ threshold.



\begin{frame}\frametitle{B factories}


\item $\PB$ mesons produced in a clean environment.
\item Just above the $m(\PB \PB)$ threshold.


\section{CP violation in $\PB \APB$ mixing}       
\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\PBzero \APBzero$ mixing}

\item Neutral mesons couple to their anti particles via weak interactions.



\item $\PBzero \Leftrightarrow \APBzero$, $\PB s\Leftrightarrow \APBs$, $\PK \Leftrightarrow \APK$.
\item We can writhe the weak eigenstates as:
\ket{B_{L/H}} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{p^2+q^2}} (p \ket{\PBzero} \pm q \ket{\APBzero})
\item Then the CP asymmetry can can be written as:
A_{CP} = \dfrac{\mathcal{P}(\APBzero \to \PBzero) - \mathcal{P}(\PBzero \to \APBzero) }{\mathcal{P}(\APBzero \to \PBzero) + \mathcal{P}(\PBzero \to \APBzero)}\approx 2(1-|\frac{q}{p}|)

\item $\PUpsilon(4S)$ has an anti-symmetric state: $\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (\PBzero(t_1) \APBzero(t_2) -  \APBzero(t_1) \PBzero(t_2)$
\item One $\PB$ is a specific flavour state tags the other one.

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Inclusive dilepton measurement}
\item $\PB$ mesons decay in $\sim 10\%$ semileptonicaly. 
\item Charge of lepton determines the $\PB$ meson flavour.
\item If one observes same sign leptons $\to$ mixing occurred:

\item $\Plepton^- \Plepton^{+}$: no mixing
\item $\Plepton^- \Plepton^{-}$: $\PBzero \to \APBzero$.
\item $\Plepton^+ \Plepton^{+}$: $\APBzero \to \PBzero$.

\item Writing down the mixing provabilities~(time integrated):
\mathcal{P}^{\pm \pm} \propto (1 \pm A_{CP}) \chi_d
\mathcal{P}^{\pm \mp} \propto (1 -\chi_d)

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Detector effects}

\item Detector is not a perfect device $\to$ Introduced charge asymmetries $a_{\Plepton_j}$ for each $\Plepton_j$.
\item $\PUpsilon(4S)$ also goes to $\PBplus \PBminus$. Contribution: $r_B = N_{\PB^+ \PB^-}/N_{\PBzero \APBzero}$.
\item Time integrated probability gets modified:

\mathcal{P}^{\pm \pm} \propto (1 \pm a_{\Plepton_1} \pm a_{\Plepton_2} \pm A_{CP}) \chi_d \\
\mathcal{P}^{\pm \mp} \propto (1 -\chi_d + r_B)(1 \pm a_{\Plepton_1} \mp a_{\Plepton_2} )
\item Summing over all events in $\Plepton_1 \Plepton_2 \in \lbrace \Pe \Pe, \Pe \Pmu, \Pmu \Pe, \Pmu \Pmu \rbrace$ categories:

N^{\pm \pm}_{\Plepton_1 \Plepton_2} = 1/2 N^0_{\Plepton_1 \Plepton_2} (1 \pm a_{\Plepton_1} \pm a_{\Plepton_2} \pm A_{CP}) \chi_d^{\Plepton_1 \Plepton_2}\\
N^{\pm \mp}_{\Plepton_1 \Plepton_2}= 1/2 N^0_{\Plepton_1 \Plepton_2} (1 -\chi_d^{\Plepton_1 \Plepton_2} + r_B)(1 \pm a_{\Plepton_1} \mp a_{\Plepton_2} )

\item We got 16 observables, and 13 unknowns. $a_{\Plepton_j}$ highly correlated.
\item Adding events containing only single electron for $a_{\Pe}$ constrain.
\item 17 observables as input to $\chi^2$ fit, extracting: $A_{CP}$, 4 signal yields,\\ 4 efficiency asymmetries,  4 mixing probabilities.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Fit results}

\begin{tabular}{c c c c}
\hline \hline  
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$A_{CP} = (-3.9 \pm 3.5)\times 10^{-3}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{ \includegraphics[height=0.5cm]{images/Babar_with_banner.jpg}~\href{}{PRL 114, 081801 (2015)} }\\ \hline %\hline
$N^0_{\Pe\Pe}$ & $N^0_{\Pe\Pmu}$ & $N^0_{\Pmu\Pe}$ & $N^0_{\Pmu\Pmu}$ \\ 
$430875 \pm 515$ & $365343 \pm 429$ & $458200 \pm 480$ & $268077 \pm 381$ \\
$\chi_d^{\Pe\Pe}$ & $\chi_d^{\Pe\Pmu}$ & $\chi_d^{\Pmu\Pe}$ & $\chi_d^{\Pmu\Pmu}$ \\ 
$0.2248 \pm 0.0006$ & $0.1769 \pm 0.0006$ & $0.1754 \pm 0.0005$ &  $0.2032 \pm 0.0007$ \\
$a^{\Pe 1}$ & $a^{\Pe 2}$ & $a^{\Pmu 1}$ & $a^{\Pmu 2}$ \\ 
$0.0034 \pm 0.0006$ & $0.0030 \pm 0.006$ & $-0.0056 \pm 0.0011$ & $-0.0065 \pm 0.0011$ \\ \hline
\item Result $A_{CP} = (-3.9 \pm 3.5 \pm 1.9 )\times 10^{-3}$ in agreement with SM.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Flavour-changing neutral current}
\item CKM structure in SM allows only the charged interactions to change flavour.
\item One can escape the CKM structure and produce $\Pbottom \to \Pstrange$ and $\Pbottom \to \Pdown$ only at loop level.
\item This kind of processes are suppressed by the GIM in SM $\to$~Rare decays.
\item LHCb already sees a $3.7~\sigma$ deviation in the angular observables in $\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$. See my talk LINK.
\item Here we present CP observables in $b \to s \Pphoton$ and $b \to s \Plepton \Plepton$ decays.
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Flavour-changing neutral current}
\item CKM structure in SM allows only the charged interactions to change flavour.
\item One can escape the CKM structure and produce $\Pbottom \to \Pstrange$ and $\Pbottom \to \Pdown$ only at loop level.
\item This kind of processes are suppressed by the GIM in SM $\to$~Rare decays.
\item LHCb already sees a $3.7~\sigma$ deviation in the angular observables in $\PBzero \to \PKstar \Pmuon \APmuon$. See my talk LINK.
\item Here we present CP observables in $b \to s \Pphoton$ and $b \to s \Plepton \Plepton$ decays.