Presentations / LBD_meeting / Review_04_05_2018 / mchrzasz.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 6 Aug 2019 13 KB large updatE
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\author{ {Marcin Chrzaszcz} (CERN)}
\title[Review of $B_s \to \bar{D^0} K K$ ]{Review of $B_s \to \bar{D^0} K K$}

\date{25 September 2014}

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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}}
			\flushright \bfseries \Large {Observation of the  $\PBs \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^-$}
                 % \hspace*{}

\flushright \vspace{-2.8em} {  Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}}

%\flushright \vspace{-2.8em} {  Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}}


	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{LBT meeting, CERN\\May 4, 2018}

\begin{frame}{Yellow pages}
	\ARROW Proponents: Vincent Tisserand, Stephane T'Jampens, Wenbin Qian, Nicolas Déléage\\
	\ARROW Reviewers:  Mark Whitehead (chair), Anton Poluektov\\
	\ARROW EB: Fred Blanc\\
\ARROW EB readers:  Franco Bedeschi, Mitesh Patel\\
\ARROW Twiki:  \href{}{\url{}}\\
\ARROW Jurnal: PRD.\\


\ARROW Deadline for comments: $9^{\rm th}$ May.\\
\ARROW Please send me comments before: $8^{\rm th}$ May.\\

\begin{frame}{Physics in the paper}
\ARROW Observation of $\PBs \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^-$.\\
\ARROW Precise determination of $\PB \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^-$.\\
\ARROW Limited physics applications so far. \\
\ARROW Future possible measurement of $\gamma$ angle.



\begin{frame}{Analysis strategy}
%	\begin{minipage}{\textwidth}
\ARROW We look for $\PBs/\PBzero \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^-$.\\
\ARROW Normalize the decay to: $\PBzero \to \APDzero \Ppi^+ \Ppi^-$.\\
\ARROW Run1 analysis ($3~\rm fb^{-1}$).\\
\ARROWR The branching fraction is relativity well known: \\
$\mathcal{B}(\PBzero \to \APDzero \Ppi^+ \Ppi^- )= (8.8 \pm 0.5) \times 10^{-4}$~\footnote{The decay normally is dominated by $\PB \to \PDstar \pi$, which is vetod. }\\
\ARROW For $\PBs$ us $f_s/f_d$.

%	\end{minipage}


\ARROW Data driven method to get MVA: $\PB \to \APD \pi \pi$ as signal proxy sweighted. (the good).\\
\ARROW The bad: 

%	\end{minipage}


\ARROW The good: they identified at the beginning 14 ''standard'' variables for MVA.\\
\ARROW Removed the lest sensitive variables and ended up 5 variables with minimal loose of discriminating power.\\
\ARROW BDT, MLP tried. Fisher has similar performance and was used.


%	\end{minipage}


\ARROW PID used to discriminate the control channel over signal channel.\\
\ARROW PID selection is optimized. \\
\ARROW The description is very vague in paper. In ANA note: optimized on $\dfrac{s}{\sqrt{s+b}}$ on NONresampled MC. \\
\ARROW They found that the optimum point is very shallow so it might be ok.


%	\end{minipage}


\ARROW Some can be defeted with PID cuts.\\
\ARROW Other remain in the fit.\\
\ARROW They used KDE on MC samples.\\
\ARROW The most dangerous one is fitted on data using correct mass hypothesis to get the yield.\\
\ARROW One problem that is observed is the $\PBs \to \PDstar \PK^- \Ppi^+$: They expected 540 events however the fit resulted in $-2167 \pm 1514$ events. They assign a systematic.
%	\end{minipage}



\ARROW $14~\sigma$ for the $\PBs$ mode.












\ARROW $\dfrac{\mathcal{B} (\PBzero \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^-}{\PBzero \to \APDzero \Ppi^+ \Ppi^-} = (6.9 \pm 0.4 \pm 0.3)~\%$\\
\ARROW $\dfrac{\mathcal{B} (\PBs \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^-}{\PBzero \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^-} = (94.1 \pm 8.9 \pm 8.5)~\%$\\
\ARROW $\mathcal{B} (\PBzero \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^- = (6.1 \pm 0.4 \pm 0.3 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{-5}$\\
\ARROW $\mathcal{B} (\PBs \to \APDzero \PK^+ \PK^- = (5.7 \pm 0.5 \pm 0.5 \pm 0.5)  \times 10^{-5}$\\






