Presentations / Kstarmumu_Run2 / P5prim_QuaVadis / mchrzasz.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 4 Apr 2017 18 KB udapte
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\author{ M.Chrzaszcz (UZH)}
\title[Quo Vadis $P^{\prime}_5$~?]{Quo Vadis $P^{\prime}_5$~?}
\date{30 January 2017}

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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}}
			\flushright\bfseries \Huge {Quo Vadis $\P5prime$~?}
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\flushright \vspace{-1.8em} { \Large Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}  \vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}}




on behalf of the $\PB \to \PKstar \Pmu \Pmu$ team




	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{Analysis and software week, CERN\\April 28, 2017}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{The road (towards NP ?)}


\ARROW Several theory authors proposed to measure a ''clean'' observable:
\P5prime= \frac{S_5}{F_L(1-F_L)}
\ARROW At leading order of $\alpha_s$ and $m_b$ expansion the form factor cancel \href{}{arxiv::1207.2753}


\ARROW  LHCb: \href{}{arXiv::1308.1707}

What we were promised:\\
What we got:\\\vspace{0.5em}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{The history of $\P5prime$}


\only<1>{{\color{black}{\ARROW 2013 LHCb: \href{}{arXiv::1308.1707}}}\\}
\only<2,3,4,5>{{\color{gray}{\ARROW 2013 LHCb: \href{}{arXiv::1308.1707}}}\\}
\only<2,3,4,5>{\ARROW 2015 LHCb: \href{}{arXiv::1512.0444}\\}
\only<4,5>{{\color{red}{\ARROW 2016 Belle: \href{}{arXiv::1604.04042}}}\\}
\only<5>{\ARROW 2017: {\color{blue}{\href{}{ATLAS-CONF-2017-023}}} and {\color{OliveGreen}{\href{}{CMS-PAS-BPH-15-008}}}}

\ARROW Theory: 
~~DHMV: \href{}{arXiv::1407.8526}
~~ASZB: \href{}{arXiv::1411.3161}


\ARROWR We generated a lot of interests :) The paper has now 115 citations!\\
\ARROWR Two alliances were formed:\\
\ARROWR We have new physics:
\ARROWR We have QCD effects:\\



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Details about their ATLAS $\&$ CMS analysis 1/2}

\ARROW The results are based on Run1 data.\\
\ARROW The measurement of $\P5prime$ is possible knowing the $\PB$ flavour.\\
\ARROW In LHCb we have RICH, but ATLAS and CMS don't, so the flavour is assigned by checking two possible mass hypothesis for $\PKstar$ and choosing the one closer to the SM value ($13\%$ for CMS and $11\%$ for CMS).\\
\ARROW The analysis follows our LHCb results from $1~\rm fb^{-1}$:
\item {\color{red}{Not enough events to perform the full angular fit.}}
\item {\color{OliveGreen}{Fold the angles to reduce the number of observables}}
\item {\color{red}{In this procedure you lose correlations between the observables}}
\ARROW The acceptance corrections both in CMS and ATLAS paramterized as $\epsilon(\cos \theta_l, \cos \theta_k, \phi, m)$ in each of the $q^2$ bin.\\
%\ARROWR ATLAS uses the normal polynomial, while CMS uses KDE and histogram binning.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Details about their ATLAS $\&$ CMS analysis 2/2}

\ARROW Angular acceptance parametrized by polynomial functions.\\
\ARROW Determination of $F_L$, $P_1$, $P^{\prime}_4$, $P^{\prime}_5$, $P^{\prime}_6$, $P^{\prime}_8$ and/or $S_i$ $i=3,4,5,7,8$.\\
\ARROW Systematic for S-wave (small)\\
\ARROW Main systematics: background: charm, partRECO, fake $\PKstar$.\\
\ARROW $\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$  used ONLY for mass PDF.


\ARROW Angular acceptance parametrized by KDE and sampled histograms.\\
\ARROW Determination of only $P_1$ and $P^{\prime}_5$.\\
\ARROW Swave fraction inferred from other analysis.\\
\ARROW Main systematics: Control channel differences.\\
\ARROW $\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$ used for systematics.




\begin{frame}\frametitle{So what is the significance? J. Matias, et. al.}
\ARROW LHCb ($3\rm~fb^{-1}$):\\
Coefficient & Best Fit & Pull$_{\rm SM}$  \\
$C_9$ & $-1.09$ & $4.5$ \\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ & $-0.68$ & $4.2$\\
$C_9=-C^{\prime}_9$ & $-1.06$ & $4.8$ \\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ and $C^{\prime}_9=-C^{\prime}_{10}$  & $-0.69$ & $4.1$ \\
\ARROW LHCb ($3\rm~fb^{-1}$) + Belle:
Coefficient & Best Fit & Pull$_{\rm SM}$ \\
$C_9$ & $-1.12$ & $5.0$ (!!!)\\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ & $-0.61$ & $4.4$\\
$C_9=-C^{\prime}_9$ & $-1.05$ & $4.5$\\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ and $C^{\prime}_9=-C^{\prime}_{10}$  & $-0.66$ & $4.6$\\
\ARROW LHCb ($3\rm~fb^{-1}$) + Belle + ATLAS:
Coefficient & Best Fit & Pull$_{\rm SM}$ \\
$C_9$ & $-1.14$ & $5.2$ (!!!) \\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ & $-0.60$ & $4.4$\\
$C_9=-C^{\prime}_9$ & $-1.08$ & $4.9$\\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ and $C^{\prime}_9=-C^{\prime}_{10}$  & $-0.67$ & $4.6$\\
\ARROW LHCb ($3\rm~fb^{-1}$) + Belle + ATLAS + CMS:
Coefficient & Best Fit & Pull$_{\rm SM}$ \\
$C_9$ & $-1.07$ & $4.9$  \\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ & $-0.58$ & $4.3$\\
$C_9=-C^{\prime}_9$ & $-1.01$ & $4.6$\\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ and $C^{\prime}_9=-C^{\prime}_{10}$  & $-0.61$ & $4.3$\\






\begin{frame}\frametitle{So what is the significance? D. Straub, et. al. \href{}{[1703.09189]}}
\ARROW LHCb ($3\rm~fb^{-1}$) + CDF + ATLAS + CMS:
Coefficient & Best Fit & Pull$_{\rm SM}$ \\
$C_9$ & $-1.21$ & $4.9$  \\
$C_9=-C_{10}$ & $-0.62$ & $4.2$\\


\ARROW Both groups came to the similar conclusion!



\sout{Quo Vadis} $\P5prime$ ?
Status Quo $\P5prime$ !
\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{images/Status Quo.jpg}



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Comments about the CMS result 1/3}
\ARROW Both ATLAS and CMS use our folding technique that was used in $1~\rm fb^{-1}$ analysis. %CMS does not cite us for the method...\\
\ARROW CMS when performing the angular fit fixes the $F_L$, $F_S$ and $A_s$ from the previous analysis on the same data!\\
\ARROWR They claim that they check with TOYMC it is correct. However some doubts remain.\\
\ARROWR Feldman-Cousin procedure can underestimate the errors in this case.\\
\ARROW More details on toy validation and or bootstrapping the data would be nice!




\begin{frame}\frametitle{Comments about the CMS result 2/3}
\ARROW There seems to be a structure in the $\cos \theta_l$ distribution.\\
\ARROWR A.Bevan suggested this might be due to existence of a $\PB \to \PD(\PK \pi \pi) \pi$\\
\ARROW Can be easily checked with MC.




\begin{frame}\frametitle{Comments about the CMS result 3/3}
\ARROW In the decay of $\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$ they fail to reproduce the value of $F_L$.\\
\ARROW They assign the difference as a systematic uncertainty.\\
\ARROWR There is no guaranty that this has no $q^2$ dependence.\\
\ARROW They tag the $\PKstar$ via which of the configurations: $\PK^+ \pi^-$, $\PK^- \pi^+$ is closer to nominal $\PKstar$ mass.\\
\ARROW They model the miss-tag fractions from MC.\\
\ARROWR The mistag is modelled by MC. Systematic assign from $\PB \to \PKstar \PJpsi$ (no $q^2$ dependence assumed).




\ARROW The anomaly is alive and well!\\
\ARROW New results overall increase the significance.\\
\ARROW Tension with SM seen in $\P5prime$ by Atlas, Belle and LHCb. CMS result in good agreement with SM, but consistent with our results.\\
\ARROW Some discussion on aspects of the CMS analysis ongoing.\\
\ARROW Run2 data will shade definite light if the anomaly is there or not (of course the nature of the anomaly is different question). 





