Presentations / ACFI_2017 / FCC / images / README
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 16 Jul 2017 1 KB uff
This ZIP file contains supplemetary material for the publication LHCb-PAPER-2015-036. The files are:

supp.pdf: An overview of the extra figures.

*.pdf, *.png, *.eps, *.C: The figures in variuous formats.

Along with a simple macro for obtaining the upper limits (UL) for any value of mass and lifetime for LHCb-PAPER-2015-036 which uses files:

lhcb_2015_036.root: ROOT file containing splines from which the limit can be obtained for any value of tau.

getUL.C: ROOT macro defining getUL function.

test.C: ROOT macro for testing the code locally.


It is recommended that you first try and do the following in ROOT (in the directory where this package is located): 

.L test.C

The first command loads test.C.  The second should produce a relative UL plot for tau = 100ps similar to Fig 2 of the Supplemental Material.  The third command produces the same plot but for absolute limits.  

Please check a few of these to make sure that the file is being read in properly in ROOT.  You should be able to ignore any streamer warnings from ROOT.  

Then, you can obtain the UL for any value of mass and lifetime by doing:

.L getUL.C


Please send any bug reports or requests to