Presentations / FCCee / France_Annecy_2021 / mchrzasz.tex
@Marcin Chrzaszcz Marcin Chrzaszcz on 1 Dec 2021 14 KB Annecy FCC slides
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\author{Marcin Chrzaszcz (IFJ PAN)}
\institute{IF JPAN}
\title[LLP at FCC]{LLP at FCC}

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\begin{frame}[c]%{\phantom{title page}}
			\flushright \bfseries \Large {Searches for LLP at FCC-ee}

\flushright \vspace{-2.8em} {\href{}\\  \Large Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em} \href{}{}}

%\flushright \vspace{-2.8em} {  Marcin Chrzaszcz\\\vspace{-0.1em}\small \href{}{}}



	\textcolor{normal text.fg!50!Comment}{3rd FCC-France, Higgs \& ElectroWeak Factory Workshop, \\Annecy, 1st Dec 2021}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Lifetimes of Particles}
\ARROW Not all particles of SM have the same 



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Identifying particles in the detector}

\ARROW Long Living particles are not like SM particles. Detector doesn't see them

\begin{frame}\frametitle{LLP are weirdos}

\item Displaced tracks/vertices
\item Disappearing/kinded tracks
\item Anomalous tracks (dE/dX)
\item Slow/stopped particles (out of time)
\item Emerging signatures
\ARROW But this also means:
\item Non or small background.
\item Need dedicated techniques.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Weirdos are getting attenchion}



\begin{exampleblock}{All have something in common:}
They need to fit into existing infrastructure.


\begin{frame}\frametitle{We need to think ahead}
\includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{images/Oliver.png}\\{\small arxiv::1604.02420}

\ARROW We can tackle this problem in 2 ways:
\item Kick the can down the road as we did with LHC.\\
From LHC we know this is not ideal. Lots of "lumi" was lost for LLP this way.
\item Be smart and creative and design the detectors to be able to detect LLP.


\begin{exampleblock}{HErmetic CAvern
TrackEr (HECATE), arxi::2011.01005, Jan Hajer, Marco Drewes, MC}
\item Use the HUGE FCC caverns and cover them detectors.
\item Most space \& cost efficient design.



\begin{alertblock}{The sweat spot}
\item Hermetic $4\pi$ detector.
\item No additional civil engineering.
\item Cheap: $10 \rm MCHF$.
\item Needs timing.
\item Scintilators, RPC 
\item Discussion with Imad Laktine started




\begin{frame}\frametitle{HECATE fits between other experiments}

Credit to Ryu Sawada

\begin{frame}\frametitle{HNL sensitivity}

\ARROW Simple SM extension:
 \mathcal L &\supset \\- \frac{m_W}{v} \overline N \theta^*_a \gamma^\mu e_{L a} W^+_\mu \\ - \frac{m_Z}{\sqrt 2 v} \overline N \theta^*_a \gamma^\mu \nu_{L a} Z_\mu &\\- \frac{M}{v} \theta_a h \overline{\nu_L}_\alpha N + \text{h.c.} \ ,




\begin{frame}\frametitle{Dirac - Majorana neturinos? Credit: arxiv::2105.06576 }

\ARROW The nature of neutrinos boils down to distinction:
\ARROW One can just look at th energy spectra of the decay:


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Other LLP at FCCee}

\ARROW There number of models with LLP that can be discovered at FCC is enormous:
\item  Hidden Valley models with neutral, long-lived particles that the Higgs boson can decay to (arXiv:1812.05588) .
\item Higgs portal, dark glueball(arXiv:1911.08721)
\item Neutral naturalness (arXiv:1506.06141)
\item Folded SUSY (arXiv:1911.08721)
\item Neutralinos (arXiv:1904.10661) 
\item ALPs (arxiv:1808.10323)
\item Dark photon (arxiv:1906.10608)


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Complementarity with FCChh}





\begin{frame}\frametitle{Other LLP at FCCee}

\ARROW There number of models with LLP that can be discovered at FCC is enormous:
\item  Hidden Valley models with neutral, long-lived particles that the Higgs boson can decay to (arXiv:1812.05588) .
\item Higgs portal, dark glueball(arXiv:1911.08721)
\item Neutral naturalness (arXiv:1506.06141)
\item Folded SUSY (arXiv:1911.08721)
\item Neutralinos (arXiv:1904.10661) 
\item ALPs (arxiv:1808.10323)
\item Dark photon (arxiv:1906.10608)


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Take home msg}

\ARROW FCC is an ideal environment to look for LLP.\\
\ARROW We are in unique spot to start thinking about them ahead of time.\\
\ARROW Possible Majorana - Dirac distinction.\\
\ARROW Complementarity with hadron machines.\\
\ARROW We cannot waste this opportunity!!






