Presentations / SuperB_IFR_Status / superb_computing.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 9 Jan 2013 6 KB first commit
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\title{Prototype performances}  
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}



\institute{Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN}

\institute{IFJ PAN}

%tutaj mamy pierwsza strone


%normal slides
\section{Soft update}

\subsection{What's in SVN}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{What's in SVN}


\item Desampler(will give details laiter).
\item Fitter. $Pol(2)$.   
\item Swiches to control: TDC, Jarek's clusteriser.
\item Calcute: $\chi ^{2}$ of fit, Continuity, First layers, Last layer,  Fit Parameters + NDOF.






The BIRO takes measurements 10 times. 
Let's take an example: 0011001110
Now the desampler will split the hit into two hits. 
The first hit will have saved in varaiable 2 and the second one 6. ($HIT_LENSAMPLE$).
Second wariable $HIT_FSAMPLE$ will be filled with 2 and 6.



\subsection{Radiation lenght}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Radiation lenght}



\subsection{Hit multilecity}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Hit multilecity}



\subsection{Other codes in svn}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Other codes in svn}

In SVN you can find a script that does the refiting. 




\begin{frame}\frametitle{Efficiencies FULL STATISTICS}

Efficiency X on layer 0 = 0.902936 +/-(naive) 0.000951668 +/-(correct) 0.000951676
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 0 = 0.960887 +/-(naive) 0.000623195 +/-(correct) 0.000623225
\newline Efficiency X on layer 1 = 0.859669 +/-(naive) 0.00111653 +/-(correct) 0.00111653
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 1 = 0.859669 +/-(naive) 0.00111653 +/-(correct) 0.00111653
\newline Efficiency X on layer 2 = 0.827769 +/-(naive) 0.00121377 +/-(correct) 0.00121377
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 2 = 0.827882 +/-(naive) 0.00121346 +/-(correct) 0.00121345
\newline Efficiency X on layer 3 = 0.962633 +/-(naive) 0.000609676 +/-(correct) 0.000609708
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 3 = 0.962633 +/-(naive) 0.000609676 +/-(correct) 0.000609708
\newline Efficiency X on layer 4 = 0.893253 +/-(naive) 0.000992641 +/-(correct) 0.000992647
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 4 = 0.772204 +/-(naive) 0.00134824 +/-(correct) 0.00134823
\newline Efficiency X on layer 5 = 0.943754 +/-(naive) 0.000740633 +/-(correct) 0.000740654
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 5 = 0.943754 +/-(naive) 0.000740633 +/-(correct) 0.000740654
\newline Efficiency X on layer 6 = 0.978103 +/-(naive) 0.000470449 +/-(correct) 0.000470496
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 6 = 0.974383 +/-(naive) 0.000507876 +/-(correct) 0.000507918
\newline Efficiency X on layer 7 = 0.470224 +/-(naive) 0.00160445 +/-(correct) 0.00160443
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 7 = 0.470224 +/-(naive) 0.00160445 +/-(correct) 0.00160443
\newline Efficiency X on layer 8 = 0.940891 +/-(naive) 0.000758093 +/-(correct) 0.000758113
\newline Efficiency Y on layer 8 = 0.975489 +/-(naive) 0.000497076 +/-(correct) 0.00049712



\subsection{Look out}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Look out X view}

Cuts for all following plots: s1>0+s2>0+sm>0+c1>0+c2=0
\newline Runs: 475, 517



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Look out Y view}
Runs: 475, 517



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 0}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 1}




\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 2}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 3}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 4}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 5}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 6}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 7}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Let's look closer, Layer 8}

\newline Layers:475,476,477,487,488,489,491,496,497,500,517,525,527,528

