Presentations / Zurich_group / Mountain_hut_2015 / QEE / images /
@mchrzasz mchrzasz authored on 26 Aug 2015
.DS_Store added EW talk 9 years ago
13000_14000_y_bin_2_4.5.pdf finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
2gamma.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
2pomeron.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
450px-Drell-Yan.svg.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
AFB_11.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
BG_both.png added EW talk 9 years ago
BG_lower.png added EW talk 9 years ago
BG_upper.png added EW talk 9 years ago
DibosonGeneric.eps.jpg finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
Q_x.png added EW talk 9 years ago
ST_logo.gif added EW talk 9 years ago
ST_logo.png added EW talk 9 years ago
ST_logosmall.gif added EW talk 9 years ago
Z_rich_18.jpg added EW talk 9 years ago
Z_rich_24.jpg added EW talk 9 years ago
Z_rich_30.jpg added EW talk 9 years ago
bubble2.jpg added EW talk 9 years ago
chi2.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago added EW talk 9 years ago
diagrams.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
gammapomeron.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago added EW talk 9 years ago
lhcb-logo-bad.pdf added EW talk 9 years ago
lhcb-logo.pdf added EW talk 9 years ago
lhcb-logo.svg added EW talk 9 years ago
melt.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
smog.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
upgrade.png finished the fucking presentations 9 years ago
uzh-transp.pdf added EW talk 9 years ago
uzh.pdf added EW talk 9 years ago
uzh_logo_e_pos.eps added EW talk 9 years ago
uzh_logo_e_pos_gross.tif added EW talk 9 years ago
xsection.png added EW talk 9 years ago