Master_thesis / .ipynb_checkpoints / raremodel-nb-checkpoint.ipynb
@Sascha Liechti Sascha Liechti on 27 Nov 2019 97 KB ...
 "cells": [
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "# Import"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "import os\n",
    "# os.environ[\"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES\"] = \"-1\"\n",
    "import random\n",
    "import numpy as np\n",
    "from pdg_const1 import pdg\n",
    "import matplotlib\n",
    "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
    "import pickle as pkl\n",
    "import sys\n",
    "import time\n",
    "from helperfunctions import display_time, prepare_plot\n",
    "import cmath as c\n",
    "import scipy.integrate as integrate\n",
    "from scipy.optimize import fminbound\n",
    "from array import array as arr\n",
    "import collections\n",
    "from itertools import compress\n",
    "import tensorflow as tf\n",
    "import zfit\n",
    "from zfit import ztf\n",
    "# from IPython.display import clear_output\n",
    "import os\n",
    "import tensorflow_probability as tfp\n",
    "tfd = tfp.distributions\n",
    "from matplotlib.pyplot import figure"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# chunksize = 10000\n",
    "# = True\n",
    "# = chunksize"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "# Build model and graphs\n",
    "## Create graphs"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": []
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def formfactor(q2, subscript, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2): #returns real value\n",
    "    #check if subscript is viable\n",
    "    if subscript != \"0\" and subscript != \"+\" and subscript != \"T\":\n",
    "        raise ValueError('Wrong subscript entered, choose either 0, + or T')\n",
    "    #get constants\n",
    "    mK = ztf.constant(pdg['Ks_M'])\n",
    "    mbstar0 = ztf.constant(pdg[\"mbstar0\"])\n",
    "    mbstar = ztf.constant(pdg[\"mbstar\"])\n",
    "    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])\n",
    "    mb = ztf.constant(pdg['bquark_M'])\n",
    "    ms = ztf.constant(pdg['squark_M'])\n",
    "    mB = ztf.constant(pdg['Bplus_M'])\n",
    "    #N comes from derivation in paper\n",
    "    N = 3\n",
    "    #some helperfunctions\n",
    "    tpos = (mB - mK)**2\n",
    "    tzero = (mB + mK)*(ztf.sqrt(mB)-ztf.sqrt(mK))**2\n",
    "    z_oben = ztf.sqrt(tpos - q2) - ztf.sqrt(tpos - tzero)\n",
    "    z_unten = ztf.sqrt(tpos - q2) + ztf.sqrt(tpos - tzero)\n",
    "    z = tf.divide(z_oben, z_unten)\n",
    "    #calculate f0\n",
    "    if subscript == \"0\":\n",
    "        prefactor = 1/(1 - q2/(mbstar0**2))\n",
    "        _sum = 0\n",
    "        b0 = [b0_0, b0_1, b0_2]\n",
    "        for i in range(N):\n",
    "            _sum += b0[i]*(tf.pow(z,i))\n",
    "        return ztf.to_complex(prefactor * _sum)\n",
    "    #calculate f+ or fT\n",
    "    else:\n",
    "        prefactor = 1/(1 - q2/(mbstar**2))\n",
    "        _sum = 0\n",
    "        if subscript == \"T\":\n",
    "            bT = [bT_0, bT_1, bT_2]\n",
    "            for i in range(N):\n",
    "                _sum += bT[i] * (tf.pow(z, i) - ((-1)**(i-N)) * (i/N) * tf.pow(z, N))\n",
    "        else:\n",
    "            bplus = [bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2]\n",
    "            for i in range(N):\n",
    "                _sum += bplus[i] * (tf.pow(z, i) - ((-1)**(i-N)) * (i/N) * tf.pow(z, N))\n",
    "        return ztf.to_complex(prefactor * _sum)\n",
    "def resonance(q, _mass, width, phase, scale):\n",
    "    q2 = tf.pow(q, 2)\n",
    "    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])\n",
    "    p = 0.5 * ztf.sqrt(q2 - 4*(mmu**2))\n",
    "    p0 =  0.5 * ztf.sqrt(_mass**2 - 4*mmu**2)\n",
    "    gamma_j = tf.divide(p, q) * _mass * width / p0\n",
    "    #Calculate the resonance\n",
    "    _top = tf.complex(_mass * width, ztf.constant(0.0))\n",
    "    _bottom = tf.complex(_mass**2 - q2, -_mass*gamma_j)\n",
    "    com = _top/_bottom\n",
    "    #Rotate by the phase\n",
    "    r = ztf.to_complex(scale*tf.abs(com))\n",
    "    _phase = tf.angle(com)\n",
    "    _phase += phase\n",
    "    com = r * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), _phase))\n",
    "    return com\n",
    "def axiv_nonres(q, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2):\n",
    "    GF = ztf.constant(pdg['GF'])\n",
    "    alpha_ew = ztf.constant(pdg['alpha_ew'])\n",
    "    Vtb = ztf.constant(pdg['Vtb'])\n",
    "    Vts = ztf.constant(pdg['Vts'])\n",
    "    C10eff = ztf.constant(pdg['C10eff'])\n",
    "    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])\n",
    "    mb = ztf.constant(pdg['bquark_M'])\n",
    "    ms = ztf.constant(pdg['squark_M'])\n",
    "    mK = ztf.constant(pdg['Ks_M'])\n",
    "    mB = ztf.constant(pdg['Bplus_M'])\n",
    "    q2 = tf.pow(q, 2)\n",
    "    #Some helperfunctions\n",
    "    beta = 1. - 4. * mmu**2. / q2\n",
    "    kabs = ztf.sqrt(mB**2. + tf.pow(q2, 2)/mB**2. + mK**4./mB**2. - 2. * (mB**2. * mK**2. + mK**2. * q2 + mB**2. * q2) / mB**2.)\n",
    "    #prefactor in front of whole bracket\n",
    "    prefactor1 = GF**2. *alpha_ew**2. * (tf.abs(Vtb*Vts))**2. * kabs * beta / (128. * np.pi**5.)\n",
    "    #left term in bracket\n",
    "    bracket_left = 2./3. * tf.pow(kabs,2) * tf.pow(beta,2) * tf.pow(tf.abs(ztf.to_complex(C10eff)*formfactor(q2, \"+\", b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2)),2)\n",
    "    #middle term in bracket\n",
    "    _top = 4. * mmu**2. * (mB**2. - mK**2.) * (mB**2. - mK**2.)\n",
    "    _under = q2 * mB**2.\n",
    "    bracket_middle = _top/_under *tf.pow(tf.abs(ztf.to_complex(C10eff) * formfactor(q2, \"0\", b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2)), 2)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    #Note sqrt(q2) comes from derivation as we use q2 and plot q\n",
    "    return prefactor1 * (bracket_left + bracket_middle) * 2 * q\n",
    "def vec(q, funcs, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2):\n",
    "    \n",
    "    q2 = tf.pow(q, 2)\n",
    "    GF = ztf.constant(pdg['GF'])\n",
    "    alpha_ew = ztf.constant(pdg['alpha_ew'])\n",
    "    Vtb = ztf.constant(pdg['Vtb'])\n",
    "    Vts = ztf.constant(pdg['Vts'])\n",
    "    C7eff = ztf.constant(pdg['C7eff'])\n",
    "    mmu = ztf.constant(pdg['muon_M'])\n",
    "    mb = ztf.constant(pdg['bquark_M'])\n",
    "    ms = ztf.constant(pdg['squark_M'])\n",
    "    mK = ztf.constant(pdg['Ks_M'])\n",
    "    mB = ztf.constant(pdg['Bplus_M'])\n",
    "    #Some helperfunctions\n",
    "    beta = 1. - 4. * mmu**2. / q2\n",
    "    kabs = ztf.sqrt(mB**2. + tf.pow(q2, 2)/mB**2. + mK**4./mB**2. - 2 * (mB**2 * mK**2 + mK**2 * q2 + mB**2 * q2) / mB**2)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    #prefactor in front of whole bracket\n",
    "    prefactor1 = GF**2. *alpha_ew**2. * (tf.abs(Vtb*Vts))**2 * kabs * beta / (128. * np.pi**5.)\n",
    "    #right term in bracket\n",
    "    prefactor2 = tf.pow(kabs,2) * (1. - 1./3. * beta)\n",
    "    abs_bracket = tf.pow(tf.abs(c9eff(q, funcs) * formfactor(q2, \"+\", b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2) + ztf.to_complex(2.0 * C7eff * (mb + ms)/(mB + mK)) * formfactor(q2, \"T\", b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2)),2)\n",
    "    bracket_right = prefactor2 * abs_bracket\n",
    "    #Note sqrt(q2) comes from derivation as we use q2 and plot q\n",
    "    return prefactor1 * bracket_right * 2 * q\n",
    "def c9eff(q, funcs):\n",
    "    C9eff_nr = ztf.to_complex(ztf.constant(pdg['C9eff']))\n",
    "    c9 = C9eff_nr + funcs\n",
    "    return c9"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def G(y):\n",
    "    \n",
    "    def inner_rect_bracket(q):\n",
    "        return tf.log(ztf.to_complex((1+tf.sqrt(q))/(1-tf.sqrt(q)))-tf.complex(ztf.constant(0), -1*ztf.constant(np.pi)))    \n",
    "    \n",
    "    def inner_right(q):\n",
    "        return ztf.to_complex(2 * tf.atan(1/tf.sqrt(tf.math.real(-q))))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    big_bracket = tf.where(tf.math.real(y) > ztf.constant(0.0), inner_rect_bracket(y), inner_right(y))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return ztf.to_complex(tf.sqrt(tf.abs(y))) * big_bracket\n",
    "def h_S(m, q):\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return ztf.to_complex(2) - G(ztf.to_complex(1) - ztf.to_complex(4*tf.pow(m, 2)) / ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2)))\n",
    "def h_P(m, q):\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return ztf.to_complex(2/3) + (ztf.to_complex(1) - ztf.to_complex(4*tf.pow(m, 2)) / ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2))) * h_S(m,q)\n",
    "def two_p_ccbar(mD, m_D_bar, m_D_star, q):\n",
    "    \n",
    "    \n",
    "    #Load constants\n",
    "    nu_D_bar = ztf.to_complex(pdg[\"nu_D_bar\"])\n",
    "    nu_D = ztf.to_complex(pdg[\"nu_D\"])\n",
    "    nu_D_star = ztf.to_complex(pdg[\"nu_D_star\"])\n",
    "    \n",
    "    phase_D_bar = ztf.to_complex(pdg[\"phase_D_bar\"])\n",
    "    phase_D = ztf.to_complex(pdg[\"phase_D\"])\n",
    "    phase_D_star = ztf.to_complex(pdg[\"phase_D_star\"])\n",
    "    \n",
    "    #Calculation\n",
    "    left_part =  nu_D_bar * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), phase_D_bar)) * h_S(m_D_bar, q) \n",
    "    \n",
    "    right_part_D = nu_D * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), phase_D)) * h_P(m_D, q) \n",
    "    \n",
    "    right_part_D_star = nu_D_star * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), phase_D_star)) * h_P(m_D_star, q) \n",
    "    return left_part + right_part_D + right_part_D_star"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Build pdf"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "class total_pdf_cut(zfit.pdf.ZPDF):\n",
    "    _N_OBS = 1  # dimension, can be omitted\n",
    "    _PARAMS = ['b0_0', 'b0_1', 'b0_2', \n",
    "               'bplus_0', 'bplus_1', 'bplus_2', \n",
    "               'bT_0', 'bT_1', 'bT_2', \n",
    "               'rho_mass', 'rho_scale', 'rho_phase', 'rho_width',\n",
    "               'jpsi_mass', 'jpsi_scale', 'jpsi_phase', 'jpsi_width',\n",
    "               'psi2s_mass', 'psi2s_scale', 'psi2s_phase', 'psi2s_width',\n",
    "               'p3770_mass', 'p3770_scale', 'p3770_phase', 'p3770_width',\n",
    "               'p4040_mass', 'p4040_scale', 'p4040_phase', 'p4040_width',\n",
    "               'p4160_mass', 'p4160_scale', 'p4160_phase', 'p4160_width',\n",
    "               'p4415_mass', 'p4415_scale', 'p4415_phase', 'p4415_width',\n",
    "               'omega_mass', 'omega_scale', 'omega_phase', 'omega_width',\n",
    "               'phi_mass', 'phi_scale', 'phi_phase', 'phi_width',\n",
    "               'Dbar_mass', 'Dbar_scale', 'Dbar_phase',\n",
    "               'Dstar_mass', 'DDstar_scale', 'DDstar_phase', 'D_mass',\n",
    "               'tau_mass', 'C_tt']\n",
    "# the name of the parameters\n",
    "    def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x):\n",
    "        \n",
    "        x = x.unstack_x()\n",
    "        \n",
    "        b0 = [self.params['b0_0'], self.params['b0_1'], self.params['b0_2']]\n",
    "        bplus = [self.params['bplus_0'], self.params['bplus_1'], self.params['bplus_2']]\n",
    "        bT = [self.params['bT_0'], self.params['bT_1'], self.params['bT_2']]\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def rho_res(q):\n",
    "            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['rho_mass'], scale = self.params['rho_scale'],\n",
    "                             phase = self.params['rho_phase'], width = self.params['rho_width'])\n",
    "    \n",
    "        def omega_res(q):\n",
    "            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['omega_mass'], scale = self.params['omega_scale'],\n",
    "                             phase = self.params['omega_phase'], width = self.params['omega_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def phi_res(q):\n",
    "            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['phi_mass'], scale = self.params['phi_scale'],\n",
    "                             phase = self.params['phi_phase'], width = self.params['phi_width'])\n",
    "        def jpsi_res(q):\n",
    "            return  ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['jpsi_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['jpsi_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                  scale = self.params['jpsi_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                  phase = self.params['jpsi_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                  width = self.params['jpsi_width'])\n",
    "        def psi2s_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['psi2s_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['psi2s_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['psi2s_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['psi2s_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['psi2s_width'])\n",
    "        def p3770_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p3770_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p3770_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p3770_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p3770_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p3770_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def p4040_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p4040_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p4040_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p4040_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p4040_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p4040_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def p4160_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p4160_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p4160_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p4160_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p4160_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p4160_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def p4415_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p4415_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p4415_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p4415_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p4415_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p4415_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def P2_D(q):\n",
    "            Dbar_contrib = ztf.to_complex(self.params['Dbar_scale'])*tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), self.params['Dbar_phase']))*ztf.to_complex(h_S(self.params['Dbar_mass'], q))\n",
    "            DDstar_contrib = ztf.to_complex(self.params['DDstar_scale'])*tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), self.params['DDstar_phase']))*(ztf.to_complex(h_P(self.params['Dstar_mass'], q)) + ztf.to_complex(h_P(self.params['D_mass'], q)))\n",
    "            return Dbar_contrib + DDstar_contrib\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def ttau_cusp(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(self.params['C_tt'])*(ztf.to_complex((h_S(self.params['tau_mass'], q))) - ztf.to_complex(h_P(self.params['tau_mass'], q)))\n",
    "        \n",
    "        funcs = rho_res(x) + omega_res(x) + phi_res(x) + jpsi_res(x) + psi2s_res(x) + p3770_res(x) + p4040_res(x)+ p4160_res(x) + p4415_res(x) + P2_D(x) + ttau_cusp(x)\n",
    "        vec_f = vec(x, funcs, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2)\n",
    "        axiv_nr = axiv_nonres(x, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2)\n",
    "        tot = vec_f + axiv_nr\n",
    "        \n",
    "        #Cut out jpsi and psi2s\n",
    "        \n",
    "        tot = tf.where(tf.math.logical_or(x < ztf.constant(jpsi_mass-60.), x > ztf.constant(jpsi_mass+70.)), tot, 0.0*tot)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        tot = tf.where(tf.math.logical_or(x < ztf.constant(psi2s_mass-50.), x > ztf.constant(psi2s_mass+50.)), tot, 0.0*tot)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        return tot\n",
    "    \n",
    "class total_pdf_full(zfit.pdf.ZPDF):\n",
    "    _N_OBS = 1  # dimension, can be omitted\n",
    "    _PARAMS = ['b0_0', 'b0_1', 'b0_2', \n",
    "               'bplus_0', 'bplus_1', 'bplus_2', \n",
    "               'bT_0', 'bT_1', 'bT_2', \n",
    "               'rho_mass', 'rho_scale', 'rho_phase', 'rho_width',\n",
    "               'jpsi_mass', 'jpsi_scale', 'jpsi_phase', 'jpsi_width',\n",
    "               'psi2s_mass', 'psi2s_scale', 'psi2s_phase', 'psi2s_width',\n",
    "               'p3770_mass', 'p3770_scale', 'p3770_phase', 'p3770_width',\n",
    "               'p4040_mass', 'p4040_scale', 'p4040_phase', 'p4040_width',\n",
    "               'p4160_mass', 'p4160_scale', 'p4160_phase', 'p4160_width',\n",
    "               'p4415_mass', 'p4415_scale', 'p4415_phase', 'p4415_width',\n",
    "               'omega_mass', 'omega_scale', 'omega_phase', 'omega_width',\n",
    "               'phi_mass', 'phi_scale', 'phi_phase', 'phi_width',\n",
    "               'Dbar_mass', 'Dbar_scale', 'Dbar_phase',\n",
    "               'Dstar_mass', 'DDstar_scale', 'DDstar_phase', 'D_mass',\n",
    "               'tau_mass', 'C_tt']\n",
    "# the name of the parameters\n",
    "    def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x):\n",
    "        \n",
    "        x = x.unstack_x()\n",
    "        \n",
    "        b0 = [self.params['b0_0'], self.params['b0_1'], self.params['b0_2']]\n",
    "        bplus = [self.params['bplus_0'], self.params['bplus_1'], self.params['bplus_2']]\n",
    "        bT = [self.params['bT_0'], self.params['bT_1'], self.params['bT_2']]\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def rho_res(q):\n",
    "            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['rho_mass'], scale = self.params['rho_scale'],\n",
    "                             phase = self.params['rho_phase'], width = self.params['rho_width'])\n",
    "    \n",
    "        def omega_res(q):\n",
    "            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['omega_mass'], scale = self.params['omega_scale'],\n",
    "                             phase = self.params['omega_phase'], width = self.params['omega_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def phi_res(q):\n",
    "            return resonance(q, _mass = self.params['phi_mass'], scale = self.params['phi_scale'],\n",
    "                             phase = self.params['phi_phase'], width = self.params['phi_width'])\n",
    "        def jpsi_res(q):\n",
    "            return  ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['jpsi_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['jpsi_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                  scale = self.params['jpsi_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                  phase = self.params['jpsi_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                  width = self.params['jpsi_width'])\n",
    "        def psi2s_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['psi2s_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['psi2s_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['psi2s_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['psi2s_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['psi2s_width'])\n",
    "        def p3770_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p3770_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p3770_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p3770_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p3770_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p3770_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def p4040_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p4040_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p4040_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p4040_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p4040_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p4040_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def p4160_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p4160_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p4160_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p4160_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p4160_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p4160_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def p4415_res(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(tf.pow(q, 2) / tf.pow(self.params['p4415_mass'], 2)) * resonance(q, _mass = self.params['p4415_mass'], \n",
    "                                                                                   scale = self.params['p4415_scale'],\n",
    "                                                                                   phase = self.params['p4415_phase'], \n",
    "                                                                                   width = self.params['p4415_width'])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def P2_D(q):\n",
    "            Dbar_contrib = ztf.to_complex(self.params['Dbar_scale'])*tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), self.params['Dbar_phase']))*ztf.to_complex(h_S(self.params['Dbar_mass'], q))\n",
    "            DDstar_contrib = ztf.to_complex(self.params['DDstar_scale'])*tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), self.params['DDstar_phase']))*(ztf.to_complex(h_P(self.params['Dstar_mass'], q)) + ztf.to_complex(h_P(self.params['D_mass'], q)))\n",
    "            return Dbar_contrib + DDstar_contrib\n",
    "        \n",
    "        def ttau_cusp(q):\n",
    "            return ztf.to_complex(self.params['C_tt'])*(ztf.to_complex((h_S(self.params['tau_mass'], q))) - ztf.to_complex(h_P(self.params['tau_mass'], q)))\n",
    "        \n",
    "        funcs = rho_res(x) + omega_res(x) + phi_res(x) + jpsi_res(x) + psi2s_res(x) + p3770_res(x) + p4040_res(x)+ p4160_res(x) + p4415_res(x) + P2_D(x) + ttau_cusp(x)\n",
    "        vec_f = vec(x, funcs, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2)\n",
    "        axiv_nr = axiv_nonres(x, b0_0, b0_1, b0_2, bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2, bT_0, bT_1, bT_2)\n",
    "        tot = vec_f + axiv_nr\n",
    "        \n",
    "        #Cut out jpsi and psi2s\n",
    "        \n",
    "#         tot = tf.where(tf.math.logical_or(x < ztf.constant(jpsi_mass-60.), x > ztf.constant(jpsi_mass+70.)), tot, 0.0*tot)\n",
    "        \n",
    "#         tot = tf.where(tf.math.logical_or(x < ztf.constant(psi2s_mass-50.), x > ztf.constant(psi2s_mass+50.)), tot, 0.0*tot)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        return tot"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Setup parameters"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# formfactors\n",
    "b0_0 = zfit.Parameter(\"b0_0\", ztf.constant(0.292), floating = False) #, lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "b0_1 = zfit.Parameter(\"b0_1\", ztf.constant(0.281), floating = False) #, lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "b0_2 = zfit.Parameter(\"b0_2\", ztf.constant(0.150), floating = False) #, lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "bplus_0 = zfit.Parameter(\"bplus_0\", ztf.constant(0.466), lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "bplus_1 = zfit.Parameter(\"bplus_1\", ztf.constant(-0.885), lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "bplus_2 = zfit.Parameter(\"bplus_2\", ztf.constant(-0.213), lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "bT_0 = zfit.Parameter(\"bT_0\", ztf.constant(0.460), floating = False) #, lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "bT_1 = zfit.Parameter(\"bT_1\", ztf.constant(-1.089), floating = False) #, lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "bT_2 = zfit.Parameter(\"bT_2\", ztf.constant(-1.114), floating = False) #, lower_limit = -2.0, upper_limit= 2.0)\n",
    "rho_mass, rho_width, rho_phase, rho_scale = pdg[\"rho\"]\n",
    "rho_m = zfit.Parameter(\"rho_m\", ztf.constant(rho_mass), floating = False) #lower_limit = rho_mass - rho_width, upper_limit = rho_mass + rho_width)\n",
    "rho_w = zfit.Parameter(\"rho_w\", ztf.constant(rho_width), floating = False)\n",
    "rho_p = zfit.Parameter(\"rho_p\", ztf.constant(rho_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "rho_s = zfit.Parameter(\"rho_s\", ztf.constant(rho_scale), lower_limit=rho_scale-np.sqrt(rho_scale), upper_limit=rho_scale+np.sqrt(rho_scale))\n",
    "omega_mass, omega_width, omega_phase, omega_scale = pdg[\"omega\"]\n",
    "omega_m = zfit.Parameter(\"omega_m\", ztf.constant(omega_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "omega_w = zfit.Parameter(\"omega_w\", ztf.constant(omega_width), floating = False)\n",
    "omega_p = zfit.Parameter(\"omega_p\", ztf.constant(omega_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "omega_s = zfit.Parameter(\"omega_s\", ztf.constant(omega_scale), lower_limit=omega_scale-np.sqrt(omega_scale), upper_limit=omega_scale+np.sqrt(omega_scale))\n",
    "phi_mass, phi_width, phi_phase, phi_scale = pdg[\"phi\"]\n",
    "phi_m = zfit.Parameter(\"phi_m\", ztf.constant(phi_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "phi_w = zfit.Parameter(\"phi_w\", ztf.constant(phi_width), floating = False)\n",
    "phi_p = zfit.Parameter(\"phi_p\", ztf.constant(phi_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "phi_s = zfit.Parameter(\"phi_s\", ztf.constant(phi_scale), lower_limit=phi_scale-np.sqrt(phi_scale), upper_limit=phi_scale+np.sqrt(phi_scale))\n",
    "jpsi_mass, jpsi_width, jpsi_phase, jpsi_scale = pdg[\"jpsi\"]\n",
    "jpsi_m = zfit.Parameter(\"jpsi_m\", ztf.constant(jpsi_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "jpsi_w = zfit.Parameter(\"jpsi_w\", ztf.constant(jpsi_width), floating = False)\n",
    "jpsi_p = zfit.Parameter(\"jpsi_p\", ztf.constant(jpsi_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "jpsi_s = zfit.Parameter(\"jpsi_s\", ztf.constant(jpsi_scale), floating = False) #, lower_limit=jpsi_scale-np.sqrt(jpsi_scale), upper_limit=jpsi_scale+np.sqrt(jpsi_scale))\n",
    "psi2s_mass, psi2s_width, psi2s_phase, psi2s_scale = pdg[\"psi2s\"]\n",
    "psi2s_m = zfit.Parameter(\"psi2s_m\", ztf.constant(psi2s_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "psi2s_w = zfit.Parameter(\"psi2s_w\", ztf.constant(psi2s_width), floating = False)\n",
    "psi2s_p = zfit.Parameter(\"psi2s_p\", ztf.constant(psi2s_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "psi2s_s = zfit.Parameter(\"psi2s_s\", ztf.constant(psi2s_scale), floating = False) #, lower_limit=psi2s_scale-np.sqrt(psi2s_scale), upper_limit=psi2s_scale+np.sqrt(psi2s_scale))\n",
    "p3770_mass, p3770_width, p3770_phase, p3770_scale = pdg[\"p3770\"]\n",
    "p3770_m = zfit.Parameter(\"p3770_m\", ztf.constant(p3770_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "p3770_w = zfit.Parameter(\"p3770_w\", ztf.constant(p3770_width), floating = False)\n",
    "p3770_p = zfit.Parameter(\"p3770_p\", ztf.constant(p3770_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "p3770_s = zfit.Parameter(\"p3770_s\", ztf.constant(p3770_scale), lower_limit=p3770_scale-np.sqrt(p3770_scale), upper_limit=p3770_scale+np.sqrt(p3770_scale))\n",
    "p4040_mass, p4040_width, p4040_phase, p4040_scale = pdg[\"p4040\"]\n",
    "p4040_m = zfit.Parameter(\"p4040_m\", ztf.constant(p4040_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "p4040_w = zfit.Parameter(\"p4040_w\", ztf.constant(p4040_width), floating = False)\n",
    "p4040_p = zfit.Parameter(\"p4040_p\", ztf.constant(p4040_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "p4040_s = zfit.Parameter(\"p4040_s\", ztf.constant(p4040_scale), lower_limit=p4040_scale-np.sqrt(p4040_scale), upper_limit=p4040_scale+np.sqrt(p4040_scale))\n",
    "p4160_mass, p4160_width, p4160_phase, p4160_scale = pdg[\"p4160\"]\n",
    "p4160_m = zfit.Parameter(\"p4160_m\", ztf.constant(p4160_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "p4160_w = zfit.Parameter(\"p4160_w\", ztf.constant(p4160_width), floating = False)\n",
    "p4160_p = zfit.Parameter(\"p4160_p\", ztf.constant(p4160_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "p4160_s = zfit.Parameter(\"p4160_s\", ztf.constant(p4160_scale), lower_limit=p4160_scale-np.sqrt(p4160_scale), upper_limit=p4160_scale+np.sqrt(p4160_scale))\n",
    "p4415_mass, p4415_width, p4415_phase, p4415_scale = pdg[\"p4415\"]\n",
    "p4415_m = zfit.Parameter(\"p4415_m\", ztf.constant(p4415_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "p4415_w = zfit.Parameter(\"p4415_w\", ztf.constant(p4415_width), floating = False)\n",
    "p4415_p = zfit.Parameter(\"p4415_p\", ztf.constant(p4415_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)\n",
    "p4415_s = zfit.Parameter(\"p4415_s\", ztf.constant(p4415_scale), lower_limit=p4415_scale-np.sqrt(p4415_scale), upper_limit=p4415_scale+np.sqrt(p4415_scale))"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Dynamic generation of 2 particle contribution"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "m_c = 1300\n",
    "Dbar_phase = 0.0\n",
    "DDstar_phase = 0.0\n",
    "Dstar_mass = pdg['Dst_M']\n",
    "Dbar_mass = pdg['D0_M']\n",
    "D_mass = pdg['D0_M']\n",
    "Dbar_s = zfit.Parameter(\"Dbar_s\", ztf.constant(0.0), lower_limit=-0.3, upper_limit=0.3)\n",
    "Dbar_m = zfit.Parameter(\"Dbar_m\", ztf.constant(Dbar_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "Dbar_p = zfit.Parameter(\"Dbar_p\", ztf.constant(Dbar_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)#, floating = False)\n",
    "DDstar_s = zfit.Parameter(\"DDstar_s\", ztf.constant(0.0), lower_limit=-0.3, upper_limit=0.3)#, floating = False)\n",
    "Dstar_m = zfit.Parameter(\"Dstar_m\", ztf.constant(Dstar_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "D_m = zfit.Parameter(\"D_m\", ztf.constant(D_mass), floating = False)\n",
    "DDstar_p = zfit.Parameter(\"DDstar_p\", ztf.constant(DDstar_phase), lower_limit=-2*np.pi, upper_limit=2*np.pi)#, floating = False)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Tau parameters"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "tau_m = zfit.Parameter(\"tau_m\", ztf.constant(pdg['tau_M']), floating = False)\n",
    "Ctt = zfit.Parameter(\"Ctt\", ztf.constant(0.0), lower_limit=-2.5, upper_limit=2.5)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Load data"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "x_min = 2*pdg['muon_M']\n",
    "x_max = (pdg[\"Bplus_M\"]-pdg[\"Ks_M\"]-0.1)\n",
    "# # Full spectrum\n",
    "obs_toy = zfit.Space('q', limits = (x_min, x_max))\n",
    "# Jpsi and Psi2s cut out\n",
    "obs1 = zfit.Space('q', limits = (x_min, jpsi_mass - 60.))\n",
    "obs2 = zfit.Space('q', limits = (jpsi_mass + 70., psi2s_mass - 50.))\n",
    "obs3 = zfit.Space('q', limits = (psi2s_mass + 50., x_max))\n",
    "obs_fit = obs1 + obs2 + obs3\n",
    "# with open(r\"./data/slim_points/slim_points_toy_0_range({0}-{1}).pkl\".format(int(x_min), int(x_max)), \"rb\") as input_file:\n",
    "#     part_set = pkl.load(input_file)\n",
    "# x_part = part_set['x_part']\n",
    "# x_part = x_part.astype('float64')\n",
    "# data =, obs=obs)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Setup pdf"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "total_f = total_pdf_cut(obs=obs_toy, jpsi_mass = jpsi_m, jpsi_scale = jpsi_s, jpsi_phase = jpsi_p, jpsi_width = jpsi_w,\n",
    "                    psi2s_mass = psi2s_m, psi2s_scale = psi2s_s, psi2s_phase = psi2s_p, psi2s_width = psi2s_w,\n",
    "                    p3770_mass = p3770_m, p3770_scale = p3770_s, p3770_phase = p3770_p, p3770_width = p3770_w,\n",
    "                    p4040_mass = p4040_m, p4040_scale = p4040_s, p4040_phase = p4040_p, p4040_width = p4040_w,\n",
    "                    p4160_mass = p4160_m, p4160_scale = p4160_s, p4160_phase = p4160_p, p4160_width = p4160_w,\n",
    "                    p4415_mass = p4415_m, p4415_scale = p4415_s, p4415_phase = p4415_p, p4415_width = p4415_w,\n",
    "                    rho_mass = rho_m, rho_scale = rho_s, rho_phase = rho_p, rho_width = rho_w,\n",
    "                    omega_mass = omega_m, omega_scale = omega_s, omega_phase = omega_p, omega_width = omega_w,\n",
    "                    phi_mass = phi_m, phi_scale = phi_s, phi_phase = phi_p, phi_width = phi_w,\n",
    "                    Dstar_mass = Dstar_m, DDstar_scale = DDstar_s, DDstar_phase = DDstar_p, D_mass = D_m,\n",
    "                    Dbar_mass = Dbar_m, Dbar_scale = Dbar_s, Dbar_phase = Dbar_p,\n",
    "                    tau_mass = tau_m, C_tt = Ctt, b0_0 = b0_0, b0_1 = b0_1, b0_2 = b0_2,\n",
    "                    bplus_0 = bplus_0, bplus_1 = bplus_1, bplus_2 = bplus_2,\n",
    "                    bT_0 = bT_0, bT_1 = bT_1, bT_2 = bT_2)\n",
    "total_f_fit = total_pdf_full(obs=obs_fit, jpsi_mass = jpsi_m, jpsi_scale = jpsi_s, jpsi_phase = jpsi_p, jpsi_width = jpsi_w,\n",
    "                    psi2s_mass = psi2s_m, psi2s_scale = psi2s_s, psi2s_phase = psi2s_p, psi2s_width = psi2s_w,\n",
    "                    p3770_mass = p3770_m, p3770_scale = p3770_s, p3770_phase = p3770_p, p3770_width = p3770_w,\n",
    "                    p4040_mass = p4040_m, p4040_scale = p4040_s, p4040_phase = p4040_p, p4040_width = p4040_w,\n",
    "                    p4160_mass = p4160_m, p4160_scale = p4160_s, p4160_phase = p4160_p, p4160_width = p4160_w,\n",
    "                    p4415_mass = p4415_m, p4415_scale = p4415_s, p4415_phase = p4415_p, p4415_width = p4415_w,\n",
    "                    rho_mass = rho_m, rho_scale = rho_s, rho_phase = rho_p, rho_width = rho_w,\n",
    "                    omega_mass = omega_m, omega_scale = omega_s, omega_phase = omega_p, omega_width = omega_w,\n",
    "                    phi_mass = phi_m, phi_scale = phi_s, phi_phase = phi_p, phi_width = phi_w,\n",
    "                    Dstar_mass = Dstar_m, DDstar_scale = DDstar_s, DDstar_phase = DDstar_p, D_mass = D_m,\n",
    "                    Dbar_mass = Dbar_m, Dbar_scale = Dbar_s, Dbar_phase = Dbar_p,\n",
    "                    tau_mass = tau_m, C_tt = Ctt, b0_0 = b0_0, b0_1 = b0_1, b0_2 = b0_2,\n",
    "                    bplus_0 = bplus_0, bplus_1 = bplus_1, bplus_2 = bplus_2,\n",
    "                    bT_0 = bT_0, bT_1 = bT_1, bT_2 = bT_2)\n",
    "                   \n",
    "# print(total_pdf.obs)\n",
    "# print(calcs_test)\n",
    "# for param in total_f.get_dependents():\n",
    "#     print("
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# total_f_fit.normalization(obs_fit)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Test if graphs actually work and compute values"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# def total_test_tf(xq):\n",
    "#     def jpsi_res(q):\n",
    "#         return resonance(q, jpsi_m, jpsi_s, jpsi_p, jpsi_w)\n",
    "#     def psi2s_res(q):\n",
    "#         return resonance(q, psi2s_m, psi2s_s, psi2s_p, psi2s_w)\n",
    "#     def cusp(q):\n",
    "#         return bifur_gauss(q, cusp_m, sig_L, sig_R, cusp_s)\n",
    "#     funcs = jpsi_res(xq) + psi2s_res(xq) + cusp(xq)\n",
    "#     vec_f = vec(xq, funcs)\n",
    "#     axiv_nr = axiv_nonres(xq)\n",
    "#     tot = vec_f + axiv_nr\n",
    "    \n",
    "#     return tot\n",
    "# def jpsi_res(q):\n",
    "#     return resonance(q, jpsi_m, jpsi_s, jpsi_p, jpsi_w)\n",
    "# calcs =\n",
    "test_q = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, int(2e6))\n",
    "probs = total_f_fit.pdf(test_q, norm_range=False)\n",
    "calcs_test =\n",
    "calcs_test1 =\n",
    "calcs_test2 =\n",
    "# res_y =\n",
    "# b0 = [b0_0, b0_1, b0_2]\n",
    "# bplus = [bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2]\n",
    "# bT = [bT_0, bT_1, bT_2]\n",
    "# f0_y =,\"0\", b0, bplus, bT)))\n",
    "# fplus_y =,\"+\", b0, bplus, bT)))\n",
    "# fT_y =,\"T\", b0, bplus, bT)))"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "figure(dpi = 250)\n",
    "# plt.plot(x_part, calcs, '.')\n",
    "plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test)#, label = r'$C_9^\\tau = 0.0$')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test1, label = r'$C_9^\\tau = 0.5$')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test2, label = r'$\\eta_{\\overline{D},DD^*} = 0.2$')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, f0_y, label = '0')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, fT_y, label = 'T')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, fplus_y, label = '+')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, res_y, label = 'res')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass -70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass +70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass -50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass +50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "# plt.legend()\n",
    "plt.ylim(0.0, 1.5e-6)\n",
    "plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "plt.ylabel(r'$\\mathcal{B} (B^+ \\to K^+ \\mu^+ \\mu^- ) / dq^2$')\n",
    "# plt.yscale('log')\n",
    "# plt.xlim(770, 785)\n",
    "# print(jpsi_width)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# probs = mixture.prob(test_q)\n",
    "# probs_np =\n",
    "# probs_np *= np.max(calcs_test) / np.max(probs_np)\n",
    "# plt.figure()\n",
    "# plt.semilogy(test_q, probs_np,label=\"importance sampling\")\n",
    "# plt.semilogy(test_q, calcs_test, label = 'pdf')\n"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# 0.213/(0.00133+0.213+0.015)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Adjust scaling of different parts"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "total_f.update_integration_options(draws_per_dim=2000000, mc_sampler=None)\n",
    "# total_f_fit.update_integration_options(draws_per_dim=2000000, mc_sampler=None)\n",
    "# inte = total_f.integrate(limits = (950., 1050.), norm_range=False)\n",
    "# inte_fl =\n",
    "# print(inte_fl/4500)\n",
    "# print(pdg[\"jpsi_BR\"]/pdg[\"NR_BR\"], inte_fl*pdg[\"psi2s_auc\"]/pdg[\"NR_auc\"])"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# # print(\"jpsi:\", inte_fl)\n",
    "# # print(\"Increase am by factor:\", np.sqrt(pdg[\"jpsi_BR\"]/pdg[\"NR_BR\"]*pdg[\"NR_auc\"]/inte_fl))\n",
    "# # print(\"New amp:\", pdg[\"jpsi\"][3]*np.sqrt(pdg[\"jpsi_BR\"]/pdg[\"NR_BR\"]*pdg[\"NR_auc\"]/inte_fl))\n",
    "# # print(\"psi2s:\", inte_fl)\n",
    "# # print(\"Increase am by factor:\", np.sqrt(pdg[\"psi2s_BR\"]/pdg[\"NR_BR\"]*pdg[\"NR_auc\"]/inte_fl))\n",
    "# # print(\"New amp:\", pdg[\"psi2s\"][3]*np.sqrt(pdg[\"psi2s_BR\"]/pdg[\"NR_BR\"]*pdg[\"NR_auc\"]/inte_fl))\n",
    "# name = \"phi\"\n",
    "# print(name+\":\", inte_fl)\n",
    "# print(\"Increase am by factor:\", np.sqrt(pdg[name+\"_BR\"]/pdg[\"NR_BR\"]*pdg[\"NR_auc\"]/inte_fl))\n",
    "# print(\"New amp:\", pdg[name][0]*np.sqrt(pdg[name+\"_BR\"]/pdg[\"NR_BR\"]*pdg[\"NR_auc\"]/inte_fl))\n",
    "# print(x_min)\n",
    "# print(x_max)\n",
    "# # total_f.update_integration_options(draws_per_dim=2000000, mc_sampler=None)\n",
    "# total_f.update_integration_options(mc_sampler=lambda dim, num_results,\n",
    "#                                     dtype: tf.random_uniform(maxval=1., shape=(num_results, dim), dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                    draws_per_dim=1000000)\n",
    "# # _ = []\n",
    "# # for i in range(10):\n",
    "# #     inte = total_f.integrate(limits = (x_min, x_max))\n",
    "# #     inte_fl =\n",
    "# #     print(inte_fl)\n",
    "# #     _.append(inte_fl)\n",
    "# # print(\"mean:\", np.mean(_))\n",
    "# _ = time.time()\n",
    "# inte = total_f.integrate(limits = (x_min, x_max))\n",
    "# inte_fl =\n",
    "# print(inte_fl)\n",
    "# print(\"Time taken: {}\".format(display_time(int(time.time() - _))))\n",
    "# print(pdg['NR_BR']/pdg['NR_auc']*inte_fl)\n",
    "# print(0.25**2*4.2/1000)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "# Sampling\n",
    "## Mixture distribution for sampling"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "    \n",
    "# print(list_of_borders[:9])\n",
    "# print(list_of_borders[-9:])\n",
    "class UniformSampleAndWeights(zfit.util.execution.SessionHolderMixin):\n",
    "    def __call__(self, limits, dtype, n_to_produce):\n",
    "        # n_to_produce = tf.cast(n_to_produce, dtype=tf.int32)\n",
    "        low, high = limits.limit1d\n",
    "        low = tf.cast(low, dtype=dtype)\n",
    "        high = tf.cast(high, dtype=dtype)\n",
    "#         uniform = tfd.Uniform(low=low, high=high)\n",
    "#         uniformjpsi = tfd.Uniform(low=tf.constant(3080, dtype=dtype), high=tf.constant(3112, dtype=dtype))\n",
    "#         uniformpsi2s = tfd.Uniform(low=tf.constant(3670, dtype=dtype), high=tf.constant(3702, dtype=dtype))\n",
    "#         list_of_borders = []\n",
    "#         _p = []\n",
    "#         splits = 10\n",
    "#         _ = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, splits)\n",
    "#         for i in range(splits):\n",
    "#             list_of_borders.append(tf.constant(_[i], dtype=dtype))\n",
    "#             _p.append(tf.constant(1/splits, dtype=dtype))\n",
    "    \n",
    "#         mixture = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=_p[:(splits-1)]),\n",
    "#                                         components_distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=list_of_borders[:(splits-1)], \n",
    "#                                                                             high=list_of_borders[-(splits-1):]))\n",
    "        mixture = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=[tf.constant(0.05, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                    tf.constant(0.93, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                    tf.constant(0.05, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                    tf.constant(0.065, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                    tf.constant(0.04, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                    tf.constant(0.05, dtype=dtype)]),\n",
    "                                        components_distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=[tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), \n",
    "                                                                                 tf.constant(3090, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                 tf.constant(3681, dtype=dtype), \n",
    "                                                                                 tf.constant(3070, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                 tf.constant(1000, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                 tf.constant(3660, dtype=dtype)], \n",
    "                                                                            high=[tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                  tf.constant(3102, dtype=dtype), \n",
    "                                                                                  tf.constant(3691, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                  tf.constant(3110, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                  tf.constant(1040, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "                                                                                  tf.constant(3710, dtype=dtype)]))\n",
    "#         dtype = tf.float64\n",
    "#         mixture = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=[tf.constant(0.04, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                     tf.constant(0.90, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                     tf.constant(0.02, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                     tf.constant(0.07, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                     tf.constant(0.02, dtype=dtype)]),\n",
    "#                                         components_distribution=tfd.Uniform(low=[tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), \n",
    "#                                                                                  tf.constant(3089, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                  tf.constant(3103, dtype=dtype), \n",
    "#                                                                                  tf.constant(3681, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                  tf.constant(3691, dtype=dtype)], \n",
    "#                                                                             high=[tf.constant(3089, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                   tf.constant(3103, dtype=dtype), \n",
    "#                                                                                   tf.constant(3681, dtype=dtype),\n",
    "#                                                                                   tf.constant(3691, dtype=dtype), \n",
    "#                                                                                   tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype)]))\n",
    "#         mixture = tfd.Uniform(tf.constant(x_min, dtype=dtype), tf.constant(x_max, dtype=dtype))\n",
    "#         sample = tf.random.uniform((n_to_produce, 1), dtype=dtype)\n",
    "        sample = mixture.sample((n_to_produce, 1))\n",
    "#         sample = tf.random.uniform((n_to_produce, 1), dtype=dtype)\n",
    "        weights = mixture.prob(sample)[:,0]\n",
    "#         weights = tf.broadcast_to(tf.constant(1., dtype=dtype), shape=(n_to_produce,))\n",
    "        # sample = tf.expand_dims(sample, axis=-1)\n",
    "#         print(sample, weights)\n",
    "        \n",
    "#         weights = tf.ones(shape=(n_to_produce,), dtype=dtype)\n",
    "        weights_max = None\n",
    "        thresholds = tf.random_uniform(shape=(n_to_produce,), dtype=dtype)\n",
    "        return sample, thresholds, weights, weights_max, n_to_produce"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# total_f._sample_and_weights = UniformSampleAndWeights"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Constraints"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# 1. Constraint - Real part of sum of Psi contrib and D contribs\n",
    "sum_list = []\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(jpsi_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), jpsi_p)) * ztf.to_complex(jpsi_w / (tf.pow(jpsi_m,3))))\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(psi2s_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), psi2s_p)) * ztf.to_complex(psi2s_w / (tf.pow(psi2s_m,3))))\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(p3770_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), p3770_p)) * ztf.to_complex(p3770_w / (tf.pow(p3770_m,3))))\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(p4040_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), p4040_p)) * ztf.to_complex(p4040_w / (tf.pow(p4040_m,3))))\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(p4160_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), p4160_p)) * ztf.to_complex(p4160_w / (tf.pow(p4160_m,3))))\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(p4415_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), p4415_p)) * ztf.to_complex(p4415_w / (tf.pow(p4415_m,3))))\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(DDstar_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), DDstar_p)) * (ztf.to_complex(1.0 / (10.0*tf.pow(Dstar_m,2)) + 1.0 / (10.0*tf.pow(D_m,2)))))\n",
    "sum_list.append(ztf.to_complex(Dbar_s) * tf.exp(tf.complex(ztf.constant(0.0), Dbar_p)) * ztf.to_complex(1.0 / (6.0*tf.pow(Dbar_m,2))))\n",
    "sum_ru_1 = ztf.to_complex(ztf.constant(0.0))\n",
    "for part in sum_list:\n",
    "    sum_ru_1 += part\n",
    "sum_1 = tf.math.real(sum_ru_1)\n",
    "# constraint1 = zfit.constraint.GaussianConstraint(params = sum_1, mu = ztf.constant(1.7*10**-8), \n",
    "#                                                  sigma = ztf.constant(2.2*10**-8))\n",
    "constraint1 = tf.pow((sum_1-ztf.constant(1.7*10**-8))/ztf.constant(2.2*10**-8),2)/ztf.constant(2.)\n",
    "# 2. Constraint - Abs. of sum of Psi contribs and D contribs\n",
    "sum_2 = tf.abs(sum_ru_1)\n",
    "constraint2 = tf.cond(tf.greater_equal(sum_2, 5.0e-8), lambda: 100000., lambda: 0.)\n",
    "# 3. Constraint - Maximum eta of D contribs\n",
    "constraint3_0 = tf.cond(tf.greater_equal(tf.abs(Dbar_s), 0.2), lambda: 100000., lambda: 0.)\n",
    "constraint3_1 = tf.cond(tf.greater_equal(tf.abs(DDstar_s), 0.2), lambda: 100000., lambda: 0.)\n",
    "# 4. Constraint - Formfactor multivariant gaussian covariance fplus\n",
    "Cov_matrix = [[ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant( 0.45), ztf.constant( 0.19), ztf.constant(0.857), ztf.constant(0.598), ztf.constant(0.531), ztf.constant(0.752), ztf.constant(0.229), ztf.constant(0.117)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant( 0.45), ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant(0.677), ztf.constant(0.708), ztf.constant(0.958), ztf.constant(0.927), ztf.constant(0.227), ztf.constant(0.443), ztf.constant(0.287)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant( 0.19), ztf.constant(0.677), ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant(0.595), ztf.constant(0.770), ztf.constant(0.819),ztf.constant(-0.023), ztf.constant( 0.07), ztf.constant(0.196)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant(0.857), ztf.constant(0.708), ztf.constant(0.595), ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant( 0.83), ztf.constant(0.766), ztf.constant(0.582), ztf.constant(0.237), ztf.constant(0.192)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant(0.598), ztf.constant(0.958), ztf.constant(0.770), ztf.constant( 0.83), ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant(0.973), ztf.constant(0.324), ztf.constant(0.372), ztf.constant(0.272)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant(0.531), ztf.constant(0.927), ztf.constant(0.819), ztf.constant(0.766), ztf.constant(0.973), ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant(0.268), ztf.constant(0.332), ztf.constant(0.269)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant(0.752), ztf.constant(0.227),ztf.constant(-0.023), ztf.constant(0.582), ztf.constant(0.324), ztf.constant(0.268), ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant( 0.59), ztf.constant(0.515)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant(0.229), ztf.constant(0.443), ztf.constant( 0.07), ztf.constant(0.237), ztf.constant(0.372), ztf.constant(0.332), ztf.constant( 0.59), ztf.constant(   1.), ztf.constant(0.897)],\n",
    "              [ztf.constant(0.117), ztf.constant(0.287), ztf.constant(0.196), ztf.constant(0.192), ztf.constant(0.272), ztf.constant(0.269), ztf.constant(0.515), ztf.constant(0.897), ztf.constant(   1.)]]\n",
    "def triGauss(val1,val2,val3,m = Cov_matrix):\n",
    "    mean1 = ztf.constant(0.466)\n",
    "    mean2 = ztf.constant(-0.885)\n",
    "    mean3 = ztf.constant(-0.213)\n",
    "    sigma1 = ztf.constant(0.014/3.)\n",
    "    sigma2 = ztf.constant(0.128/3.)\n",
    "    sigma3 = ztf.constant(0.548/3.)\n",
    "    x1 = (val1-mean1)/sigma1\n",
    "    x2 = (val2-mean2)/sigma2\n",
    "    x3 = (val3-mean3)/sigma3\n",
    "    rho12 = m[0][1]\n",
    "    rho13 = m[0][2]\n",
    "    rho23 = m[1][2]\n",
    "    w = x1*x1*(rho23*rho23-1) + x2*x2*(rho13*rho13-1)+x3*x3*(rho12*rho12-1)+2*(x1*x2*(rho12-rho13*rho23)+x1*x3*(rho13-rho12*rho23)+x2*x3*(rho23-rho12*rho13))\n",
    "    d = 2*(rho12*rho12+rho13*rho13+rho23*rho23-2*rho12*rho13*rho23-1)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    fcn = -w/d\n",
    "    chisq = -2*fcn\n",
    "    return chisq\n",
    "constraint4 = triGauss(bplus_0, bplus_1, bplus_2)\n",
    "# mean1 = ztf.constant(0.466)\n",
    "# mean2 = ztf.constant(-0.885)\n",
    "# mean3 = ztf.constant(-0.213)\n",
    "# sigma1 = ztf.constant(0.014)\n",
    "# sigma2 = ztf.constant(0.128)\n",
    "# sigma3 = ztf.constant(0.548)\n",
    "# constraint4_0 = tf.pow((bplus_0-mean1)/sigma1,2)/ztf.constant(2.)\n",
    "# constraint4_1 = tf.pow((bplus_1-mean2)/sigma2,2)/ztf.constant(2.)\n",
    "# constraint4_2 = tf.pow((bplus_2-mean3)/sigma3,2)/ztf.constant(2.)\n",
    "# 5. Constraint - Abs. of sum of light contribs\n",
    "sum_list_5 = []\n",
    "sum_ru_5 = ztf.constant(0.0)\n",
    "for part in sum_list_5:\n",
    "    sum_ru_5 += part\n",
    "constraint5 = tf.cond(tf.greater_equal(tf.abs(sum_ru_5), ztf.constant(0.02)), lambda: 100000., lambda: 0.)\n",
    "# 6. Constraint on phases of Jpsi and Psi2s for cut out fit\n",
    "# constraint6_0 = zfit.constraint.GaussianConstraint(params = jpsi_p, mu = ztf.constant(pdg[\"jpsi_phase_unc\"]),\n",
    "#                                                    sigma = ztf.constant(jpsi_phase))\n",
    "# constraint6_1 = zfit.constraint.GaussianConstraint(params = psi2s_p, mu = ztf.constant(pdg[\"psi2s_phase_unc\"]),\n",
    "#                                                    sigma = ztf.constant(psi2s_phase))\n",
    "constraint6_0  =  tf.pow((jpsi_p-ztf.constant(jpsi_phase))/ztf.constant(pdg[\"jpsi_phase_unc\"]),2)/ztf.constant(2.)\n",
    "constraint6_1  =  tf.pow((psi2s_p-ztf.constant(psi2s_phase))/ztf.constant(pdg[\"psi2s_phase_unc\"]),2)/ztf.constant(2.)\n",
    "# 7. Constraint on Ctt with higher limits\n",
    "constraint7 = tf.cond(tf.greater_equal(Ctt*Ctt, 0.25), lambda: 100000., lambda: 0.)\n",
    "constraint7dtype = tf.float64\n",
    "# ztf.convert_to_tensor(constraint6_0)\n",
    "#List of all constraints\n",
    "constraints = [constraint1, constraint2, constraint3_0, constraint3_1, constraint4, #constraint4_0, constraint4_1, constraint4_2,\n",
    "               constraint6_0, constraint6_1]#, constraint7]"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Reset params"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "param_values_dic = {\n",
    "    'jpsi_m': jpsi_mass,\n",
    "    'jpsi_s': jpsi_scale,\n",
    "    'jpsi_p': jpsi_phase,\n",
    "    'jpsi_w': jpsi_width,\n",
    "    'psi2s_m': psi2s_mass,\n",
    "    'psi2s_s': psi2s_scale,\n",
    "    'psi2s_p': psi2s_phase,\n",
    "    'psi2s_w': psi2s_width,\n",
    "    'p3770_m': p3770_mass,\n",
    "    'p3770_s': p3770_scale,\n",
    "    'p3770_p': p3770_phase,\n",
    "    'p3770_w': p3770_width,\n",
    "    'p4040_m': p4040_mass,\n",
    "    'p4040_s': p4040_scale,\n",
    "    'p4040_p': p4040_phase,\n",
    "    'p4040_w': p4040_width,\n",
    "    'p4160_m': p4160_mass,\n",
    "    'p4160_s': p4160_scale,\n",
    "    'p4160_p': p4160_phase,\n",
    "    'p4160_w': p4160_width,\n",
    "    'p4415_m': p4415_mass,\n",
    "    'p4415_s': p4415_scale,\n",
    "    'p4415_p': p4415_phase,\n",
    "    'p4415_w': p4415_width,\n",
    "    'rho_m': rho_mass,\n",
    "    'rho_s': rho_scale,\n",
    "    'rho_p': rho_phase,\n",
    "    'rho_w': rho_width,\n",
    "    'omega_m': omega_mass,\n",
    "    'omega_s': omega_scale,\n",
    "    'omega_p': omega_phase,\n",
    "    'omega_w': omega_width,\n",
    "    'phi_m': phi_mass,\n",
    "    'phi_s': phi_scale,\n",
    "    'phi_p': phi_phase,\n",
    "    'phi_w': phi_width,\n",
    "    'Dstar_m': Dstar_mass,\n",
    "    'DDstar_s': 0.0,\n",
    "    'DDstar_p': 0.0,\n",
    "    'D_m': D_mass,\n",
    "    'Dbar_m': Dbar_mass,\n",
    "    'Dbar_s': 0.0,\n",
    "    'Dbar_p': 0.0,\n",
    "    'tau_m': pdg['tau_M'],\n",
    "    'Ctt': 0.0,\n",
    "    'b0_0': 0.292,\n",
    "    'b0_1': 0.281,\n",
    "    'b0_2': 0.150,\n",
    "    'bplus_0': 0.466,\n",
    "    'bplus_1': -0.885,\n",
    "    'bplus_2': -0.213,\n",
    "    'bT_0': 0.460,\n",
    "    'bT_1': -1.089,\n",
    "    'bT_2': -1.114}\n",
    "def reset_param_values(variation = 0.05):\n",
    "    for param in total_f_fit.get_dependents():\n",
    "        if param.floating:\n",
    "            param.set_value(param_values_dic[] + random.uniform(-1, 1) * param_values_dic[]* variation)\n",
    "#             print(\n",
    "#     for param in totalf.get_dependents():\n",
    "#         param.set_value()"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Pull dictionary"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# BR_steps = np.linspace(0.0, 1e-3, 11)\n",
    "pull_dic = {}\n",
    "mi = 1e-4\n",
    "ma = 3e-3\n",
    "ste = 20\n",
    "# mi = 0e-4\n",
    "# ma = 4e-4\n",
    "# ste = 4\n",
    "for param in total_f_fit.get_dependents():\n",
    "    if param.floating:\n",
    "        pull_dic[] = []\n",
    "        for step in range(2*ste):\n",
    "            pull_dic[].append([])\n",
    "            \n",
    "def save_pulls(step):\n",
    "    for param in total_f_fit.get_dependents():\n",
    "        if param.floating:\n",
    "            pull_dic[][step].append((params[param]['value'] - param_values_dic[])/params[param]['minuit_hesse']['error'])\n",
    "# for key in pull_dic.keys():\n",
    "#     print(np.shape(pull_dic[key]))\n",
    "# save_pulls(New_step=True)\n",
    "# params[Ctt]['value']"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# for param in total_f_fit.get_dependents():\n",
    "#     if param.floating:\n",
    "#         print(\n",
    "# print(params[Ctt])\n",
    "total_BR = 1.7e-10 + 4.9e-10 + 2.5e-9 + 6.02e-5 + 4.97e-6 + 1.38e-9 + 4.2e-10 + 2.6e-9 + 6.1e-10 + 4.37e-7\n",
    "cut_BR = 1.0 - (6.02e-5 + 4.97e-6)/total_BR\n",
    "nevents = int(pdg[\"number_of_decays\"]*cut_BR)\n",
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "# CLS Code"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "BR_steps = np.linspace(mi, ma, ste)\n",
    "BR_steps[0] = 0.0\n",
    "Ctt_steps = np.sqrt(BR_steps/4.2*1000)\n",
    "Ctt_steps *= 128*2*np.pi\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {
    "scrolled": true
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# = False   \n",
    "load = True\n",
    "bo = True\n",
    "D_contribs = True\n",
    "if not D_contribs:\n",
    "    Dbar_s.floating = False\n",
    "    Dbar_p.floating = False\n",
    "    DDstar_s.floating = False\n",
    "    DDstar_p.floating = False\n",
    "bo_set = 1\n",
    "fitting_range = 'cut'\n",
    "total_BR = 1.7e-10 + 4.9e-10 + 2.5e-9 + 6.02e-5 + 4.97e-6 + 1.38e-9 + 4.2e-10 + 2.6e-9 + 6.1e-10 + 4.37e-7\n",
    "cut_BR = 1.0 - (6.02e-5 + 4.97e-6)/total_BR\n",
    "Ctt_list = []\n",
    "Ctt_error_list = []\n",
    "nr_of_toys = 1\n",
    "nevents = int(pdg[\"number_of_decays\"]*cut_BR)\n",
    "# nevents = pdg[\"number_of_decays\"]\n",
    "event_stack = 1000000\n",
    "# nevents *= 41\n",
    "# zfit.settings.set_verbosity(10)\n",
    "# mi = 0.0\n",
    "# ma = 4e-4\n",
    "# ste = 4\n",
    "# mi = 0\n",
    "# ma = 3e-3\n",
    "# ste = 7\n",
    "BR_steps = np.linspace(mi, ma, ste)\n",
    "BR_steps[0] = 0.0\n",
    "Ctt_steps = np.sqrt(BR_steps/4.2*1000)\n",
    "# Ctt_steps = [0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5]\n",
    "# total_samp = []\n",
    "start = time.time()\n",
    "Nll_list = []\n",
    "sampler = total_f.create_sampler(n=nevents, fixed_params = False)\n",
    "__ = -1\n",
    "pause = False\n",
    "if not load:\n",
    "    for Ctt_step in Ctt_steps:\n",
    "        if pause:\n",
    "            break\n",
    "        \n",
    "        __ += 1\n",
    "        \n",
    "        for i in range(2):\n",
    "            Ctt_list.append([])\n",
    "            Ctt_error_list.append([])\n",
    "            Nll_list.append([])\n",
    "            for param in total_f_fit.get_dependents():\n",
    "                if param.floating:\n",
    "                    pull_dic[].append([])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        for toy in range(nr_of_toys):        \n",
    "            \n",
    "            if pause:\n",
    "                break\n",
    "            \n",
    "            newset = True\n",
    "            \n",
    "            while newset:\n",
    "                \n",
    "                for floaty in [True, False]:\n",
    "                    Ctt.floating = floaty\n",
    "                    \n",
    "                    if pause and not floaty:\n",
    "                        break\n",
    "                    \n",
    "                    for bo_step in range(bo_set):\n",
    "                        print('Step: {0}/{1}'.format(int(__), ste))\n",
    "                        print('Current Ctt: {0}'.format(Ctt_step))\n",
    "                        print('Ctt floating: {0}'.format(floaty))\n",
    "                    \n",
    "                        reset_param_values(variation = 0.0)\n",
    "                        if floaty:\n",
    "                            print('Toy {0}/{1} - Fit {2}/{3}'.format(toy, nr_of_toys, bo_step, bo_set))\n",
    "                            Ctt.set_value(Ctt_step)\n",
    "                        else:\n",
    "                            Ctt.set_value(0.0)\n",
    "                            print('Toy {0}/{1} - Fit {2}/{3}'.format(toy, nr_of_toys, bo_step, bo_set))\n",
    "                        if newset:\n",
    "                            sampler.resample(n=nevents)\n",
    "                            data = sampler\n",
    "                            newset = False\n",
    "                        ### Fit data\n",
    "                        \n",
    "                        if floaty:\n",
    "                            plt.clf()\n",
    "                            figure(dpi=250)\n",
    "                            plt.title(r'$C_9^\\tau = $'+'{:.2f}'.format(int(Ctt_step*128*2*np.pi)))\n",
    "                            plt.hist(, bins = int((x_max-x_min)/7), range = (x_min, x_max))\n",
    "                            plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "                            plt.ylabel('# Events')\n",
    "                            plt.savefig('data/CLs/plots/set_histo{}.png'.format(__))\n",
    "                            _step = 2*__\n",
    "                        else:\n",
    "                            _step = 2*__+1\n",
    "                        nll = zfit.loss.UnbinnedNLL(model=total_f_fit, data=data, constraints = constraints)\n",
    "                        minimizer = zfit.minimize.MinuitMinimizer(verbosity = 5)\n",
    "                        # minimizer._use_tfgrad = False\n",
    "                        result = minimizer.minimize(nll)\n",
    "                        print(\"Function minimum:\", result.fmin)\n",
    "                        print(\"Hesse errors:\", result.hesse())\n",
    "                        params = result.params\n",
    "                        if result.converged:\n",
    "                            \n",
    "                            save_pulls(step = _step)\n",
    "                            \n",
    "                            pause = True\n",
    "                            if floaty:\n",
    "                                Nll_list[-2].append(result.fmin)\n",
    "                                Ctt_list[-2].append(params[Ctt]['value'])\n",
    "                                Ctt_error_list[-2].append(params[Ctt]['minuit_hesse']['error'])\n",
    "                            else:\n",
    "                                Nll_list[-1].append(result.fmin)\n",
    "                                Ctt_list[-1].append(0.0)\n",
    "                                Ctt_error_list[-1].append(0.0)\n",
    "                                \n",
    "                        else:\n",
    "                            for _ in [1,2]:\n",
    "                                del Nll_list[-_][toy*bo_set:]\n",
    "#                                 print(np.shape(Nll_list[-_]))\n",
    "                                del Ctt_list[-_][toy*bo_set:]\n",
    "                                del Ctt_error_list[-_][toy*bo_set:]\n",
    "                                for param in total_f_fit.get_dependents():\n",
    "                                    if param.floating:\n",
    "                                        del pull_dic[][_step+1-_][toy*bo_set:]\n",
    "                            newset = True\n",
    "                            break\n",
    "                            \n",
    "                    if not result.converged:\n",
    "                        break\n",
    "            \n",
    "            print()\n",
    "            print('Time taken: {}'.format(display_time(int(time.time()-start))))\n",
    "            print('Estimated time left: {}'.format(display_time(int((time.time()-start)/(__+(toy+1)/nr_of_toys)*(ste-__-(nr_of_toys-toy-1)/nr_of_toys)))))"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "if load:\n",
    "    \n",
    "    phase_combi = '-+'\n",
    "    \n",
    "    scen = 'f1d1'\n",
    "    \n",
    "    if D_contribs:\n",
    "        D_dir = 'D-True'\n",
    "    else:\n",
    "        D_dir = 'D-False'\n",
    "    _dir = 'data/CLs/finished/{}/{}/{}/'.format(scen, phase_combi, D_dir)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    jobs = os.listdir(_dir)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    First = True\n",
    "    \n",
    "    print('Number of jobs: {}'.format(len(jobs)))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    for job in jobs:\n",
    "        \n",
    "        dirName = _dir + str(job) + '/data/CLs'\n",
    "        \n",
    "        if not os.path.exists(\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--CLs_Nll_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys)):\n",
    "            print(\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--CLs_Nll_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys))\n",
    "            print(job)\n",
    "            continue\n",
    "        \n",
    "        with open(r\"{}/variab.pkl\".format(dirName), \"rb\") as input_file:\n",
    "            variab = pkl.load(input_file)\n",
    "#             print(variab)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        ### sanity check:\n",
    "        if variab['mi'] != mi or variab['ma'] != ma or variab['ste'] != ste or bo_set != bo_set:\n",
    "            print('Fitting parameters of data dont equal the ones given -- Job {} skipped!'.format(job))\n",
    "            continue\n",
    "        \n",
    "        with open(r\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--CLs_Nll_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"rb\") as input_file:\n",
    "            _Nll_list = pkl.load(input_file)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        with open(r\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--Ctt_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"rb\") as input_file:\n",
    "            _Ctt_list = pkl.load(input_file)\n",
    "            \n",
    "        with open(r\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--Ctt_error_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"rb\") as input_file:\n",
    "            _Ctt_error_list = pkl.load(input_file)\n",
    "            \n",
    "        with open(r\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--pull_dic.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"rb\") as input_file:\n",
    "            _pull_dic = pkl.load(input_file)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        with open(r\"{}/{}-{}_{}s--CLs_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste), \"rb\") as input_file:\n",
    "            _CLs_list = pkl.load(input_file)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        if First:\n",
    "            Nll_list = _Nll_list\n",
    "            Ctt_list = _Ctt_list\n",
    "            Ctt_error_list = _Ctt_error_list\n",
    "            pull_dic = _pull_dic\n",
    "#             print(_pull_dic)\n",
    "            CLs_list = _CLs_list\n",
    "            First = False\n",
    "        else:\n",
    "            for step in range(2*ste):\n",
    "#                 print(Nll_list[step], step)\n",
    "                Nll_list[step].extend(_Nll_list[step])\n",
    "                Ctt_list[step].extend(_Ctt_list[step])\n",
    "                Ctt_error_list[step].extend(_Ctt_error_list[step])\n",
    "                for key in pull_dic.keys():\n",
    "#                     print(key, np.shape(pull_dic[key]))\n",
    "                    pull_dic[key][step].extend(_pull_dic[key][step])\n",
    "            for step in range(ste):\n",
    "                CLs_list[step].extend(_CLs_list[step])\n",
    "                \n",
    "#             print(_CLs_list)\n",
    "#         print('----------------------')\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "dirName = 'data/CLs'\n",
    "# if bo and not load:\n",
    "#     for s in range(2*ste):\n",
    "#         Nll_list[s] = [np.min(Nll_list[s])]\n",
    "if not load:\n",
    "        \n",
    "    if not os.path.exists(dirName):\n",
    "        os.mkdir(dirName)\n",
    "        print(\"Directory \" , dirName ,  \" Created \")\n",
    "    with open(\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--CLs_Nll_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"wb\") as f:\n",
    "        pkl.dump(Nll_list, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    with open(\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--Ctt_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"wb\") as f:\n",
    "        pkl.dump(Ctt_list, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    with open(\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--Ctt_error_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"wb\") as f:\n",
    "        pkl.dump(Ctt_error_list, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)\n",
    " \n",
    "    with open(\"{}/{}-{}_{}s{}b{}t--pull_dic.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste,bo_set,nr_of_toys), \"wb\") as f:\n",
    "        pkl.dump(pull_dic, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)\n",
    "        \n",
    "    variab = {'mi': mi,\n",
    "             'ma': ma,\n",
    "             'ste': ste,\n",
    "             'bo_set': bo_set,\n",
    "             'nr_of_toys': nr_of_toys}\n",
    "    \n",
    "    with open(\"{}/variab.pkl\".format(dirName), \"wb\") as f:\n",
    "        pkl.dump(variab, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    CLs_values = []\n",
    "    \n",
    "    toy_size = bo_set\n",
    "    print(np.shape(Nll_list))\n",
    "    print(Nll_list[0:1])\n",
    "    \n",
    "    for step in range(ste):\n",
    "        CLs_values.append([])\n",
    "        for toy in range(nr_of_toys):\n",
    "            float_min = np.min(Nll_list[2*step][toy*bo_set:(toy+1)*bo_set])\n",
    "            fix_min = np.min(Nll_list[2*step+1][toy*bo_set:(toy+1)*bo_set])\n",
    "            CLs_values[step].append(float_min-fix_min)\n",
    "        \n",
    "    \n",
    "    print(np.shape(CLs_values))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    with open(\"{}/{}-{}_{}s--CLs_list.pkl\".format(dirName, mi,ma,ste), \"wb\") as f:\n",
    "        pkl.dump(CLs_values, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "Ctt_steps = np.array(Ctt_steps)\n",
    "Ctt_steps = Ctt_steps*128*2*np.pi"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Plot"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "l = []\n",
    "sensitivity = []\n",
    "if load:\n",
    "    CLs_values = -1*np.array(CLs_list)\n",
    "if not os.path.exists('data/CLs/plots'):\n",
    "    os.mkdir('data/CLs/plots')\n",
    "    print(\"Directory \" , 'data/CLs/plots' ,  \" Created \")\n",
    "figure(figsize=(3.7, 6), dpi=120)\n",
    "for step in range(1,ste):\n",
    "    l.append(len(np.where(np.array(CLs_values[step]) < np.mean(CLs_values[0]))[0]))\n",
    "    sensitivity.append(l[-1]/len(np.where(np.array(CLs_values[0]) < np.mean(CLs_values[0]))[0]))\n",
    "    plt.clf()\n",
    "    plt.title('Sensitivity: {:.1f}%'.format(sensitivity[-1]*100))\n",
    "    plt.hist(CLs_values[0], bins = 40, range = (-5, 15), label = r'$C_9^\\tau$' + ' = 0', alpha = 0.8)\n",
    "    plt.hist(CLs_values[step], bins = 40, range = (-5, 15), label = r'$C_9^\\tau$' + ' = {}'.format(int(np.around(Ctt_steps[step]))), alpha = 0.7)\n",
    "#     plt.hist(CLs_values[0][np.where(np.array(CLs_values[0]) > np.mean(CLs_values[0]))[0]], bins = 40, range = (-5, 15), alpha = 0.9)\n",
    "#     plt.hist(CLs_values[step][np.where(np.array(CLs_values[step]) < np.mean(CLs_values[0]))[0]], bins = 40, range = (-5, 15), alpha = 0.9)\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=np.mean(CLs_values[0]),color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.xlabel(r'$\\Delta NLL$')\n",
    "    plt.ylabel('# Toys')\n",
    "    plt.legend()    \n",
    "    plt.tight_layout()\n",
    "    plt.savefig('data/CLs/plots/CLs-Ctt({}).png'.format(int(np.around(Ctt_steps[step]))))\n",
    "if scen == 'f3d41' or scen == 'f1d41':\n",
    "    plt.clf()\n",
    "    plt.title('Sensitivity: {:.1f}%'.format(sensitivity[-1]*100))\n",
    "    plt.hist(CLs_values[0], bins = 120, range = (-5, 55), label = r'$C_9^\\tau$' + ' = 0', alpha = 0.8)\n",
    "    plt.hist(CLs_values[step], bins = 120, range = (-5, 55), label = r'$C_9^\\tau$' + ' = {}'.format(int(np.around(Ctt_steps[-1]))), alpha = 0.7)\n",
    "    #     plt.hist(CLs_values[0][np.where(np.array(CLs_values[0]) > np.mean(CLs_values[0]))[0]], bins = 40, range = (-5, 15), alpha = 0.9)\n",
    "    #     plt.hist(CLs_values[step][np.where(np.array(CLs_values[step]) < np.mean(CLs_values[0]))[0]], bins = 40, range = (-5, 15), alpha = 0.9)\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=np.mean(CLs_values[0]),color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.xlabel(r'$\\Delta NLL$')\n",
    "    plt.ylabel('# Toys')\n",
    "    plt.legend()\n",
    "    plt.tight_layout()\n",
    "    plt.savefig('data/CLs/plots/CLs-Ctt({}).png'.format(int(np.around(Ctt_steps[step]))))\n",
    "figure()    \n",
    "    \n",
    "for step in range(2*ste):\n",
    "    if step%2 == 0:\n",
    "        floaty = True\n",
    "    else:\n",
    "        floaty = False\n",
    "    for key in pull_dic.keys():\n",
    "        if not os.path.exists('data/CLs/plots/{}'.format(key)):\n",
    "            os.mkdir('data/CLs/plots/{}'.format(key))\n",
    "        plt.clf()\n",
    "        plt.title(('Pull {} - ' + r'$C_9^\\tau = $' + ' {} - floating {}').format(key, np.around(Ctt_steps[int(step/2)]), floaty))\n",
    "        plt.hist(pull_dic[key][step], bins = 50, range = (-5,5))\n",
    "        plt.xlabel('Pull')\n",
    "        plt.ylabel('# Toys')\n",
    "        plt.savefig('data/CLs/plots/{}/{}Ctt{}s{}f.png'.format(key, np.around(Ctt_steps[int(step/2)]), step, floaty))"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {
    "scrolled": false
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "for s in range(len(l)):\n",
    "    print('BR: {:.4f}'.format(Ctt_steps[s+1]))\n",
    "    print(sensitivity[s])\n",
    "    print()\n",
    "Ctt_top = Ctt_steps[-2]\n",
    "Ctt_low = Ctt_steps[-1]\n",
    "sens_top = sensitivity[-2]\n",
    "sens_low = sensitivity[-1]\n",
    "Ctt_ampli = Ctt_steps /4.2\n",
    "# Ctt_10 = 532/4.2\n",
    "# Ctt_5 = 585/4.2\n",
    "Ctt_10 =( Ctt_low + (Ctt_top-Ctt_low)/(sens_top-sens_low)*(0.1-sens_low))\n",
    "Ctt_5 = ( Ctt_low + (Ctt_top-Ctt_low)/(sens_top-sens_low)*(0.05-sens_low))\n",
    "# figure(dpi=120)\n",
    "plt.title(r'$C_9^\\tau$' + ' sensitivity')\n",
    "plt.plot(Ctt_ampli[1:], sensitivity)\n",
    "plt.plot(Ctt_ampli[1:], sensitivity, '.')\n",
    "plt.axhline(y = 0.05 ,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axhline(y = 0.1 ,color='green', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x = Ctt_5/4.2 ,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x = Ctt_10/4.2,color='green', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "# plt.axhline(x = 0.1 ,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.text(80, 0.11, r'$10\\%$')\n",
    "plt.text(80, 0.025, r'$5\\%$')\n",
    "plt.xlabel(r'$C_9^\\tau$' + ' Amplification')\n",
    "if scen == 'f1d1':\n",
    "    plt.savefig('sensitivity_current.png')\n",
    "    \n",
    "    plt.savefig('sensitivity_upgraded.png')\n",
    "print('5% sensitivity: {}'.format(Ctt_5))\n",
    "print('10% sensitivity: {}'.format(Ctt_10))"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# a = (sensitivity[-8]-sensitivity[-9])/(Ctt_steps[-8]-Ctt_steps[-9])\n",
    "# print(sensitivity[-9])"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# Ctt_steps[-9]+(0.1-sensitivity[-9])/a"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Nice plots of pulls for D contribs"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {
    "scrolled": false
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "for step in range(2*ste):\n",
    "    if step%2 == 0:\n",
    "        floaty = True\n",
    "    else:\n",
    "        floaty = False\n",
    "    for key in pull_dic.keys():\n",
    "        if not key == 'Dbar_s':\n",
    "            continue\n",
    "        if not os.path.exists('data/CLs/plots/{}'.format(key)):\n",
    "            os.mkdir('data/CLs/plots/{}'.format(key))\n",
    "        plt.clf()\n",
    "        figure(dpi=120)\n",
    "        plt.title('Pull ' + r'$\\overline{D}$' + ' amplitude - ' + r'$C_9^\\tau = $' + ' {} - '.format(np.around(Ctt_steps[int(step/2)])) + r'$C_9^\\tau$' + ' floating')\n",
    "        plt.hist(pull_dic[key][step], bins = 50, range = (-5,5))\n",
    "        plt.xlabel('Pull')\n",
    "        plt.ylabel('# Toys')\n",
    "        plt.tight_layout()\n",
    "        plt.savefig('data/CLs/plots/{}/Dbar_s-{}Ctt{}s{}f.png'.format(key, int(np.around(Ctt_steps[int(step/2)])), step, floaty))"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# for param in total_f_fit.get_dependents():\n",
    "#     if param.floating:\n",
    "#         print(params[param]['value'])"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "# Smearing"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "test_q = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, int(2e6))\n",
    "probs = total_f_fit.pdf(test_q, norm_range=False)\n",
    "calcs_test =\n",
    "# plt.plot(x_part, calcs, '.')\n",
    "plt.title('Fitted curve before smearing')\n",
    "plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test)#, label = 'pdf (Ctt = 0.0)')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test1, label = 'pdf (Ctt = 0.5)')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test2, label = 'pdf (D-contribs = 0.3)')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, f0_y, label = '0')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, fT_y, label = 'T')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, fplus_y, label = '+')\n",
    "# plt.plot(test_q, res_y, label = 'res')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass -70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass +70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass -50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass +50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "# plt.legend()\n",
    "plt.ylim(0.0, 1.5e-6)\n",
    "plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "plt.ylabel(r'$\\mathcal{B} (B^+ \\to K^+ \\mu^+ \\mu^- ) / dq^2$')\n",
    "# plt.yscale('log')\n",
    "# plt.xlim(770, 785)\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "integrate = True\n",
    "if integrate:\n",
    "    probs = total_f_fit.pdf(test_q, norm_range=False)\n",
    "    calcs_test1 =\n",
    "    \n",
    "    plt.clf()\n",
    "    plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test1)\n",
    "    plt.title('Fitted curve before smearing')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass -70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass +70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass -50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass +50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.ylim(0.0, 1.5e-6)\n",
    "    plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "    plt.ylabel(r'$\\mathcal{B} (B^+ \\to K^+ \\mu^+ \\mu^- ) / dq^2$')\n",
    "    plt.tight_layout()\n",
    "    plt.savefig('test.png')"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# if integrate:\n",
    "#     plt.clf()\n",
    "#     plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test1)\n",
    "#     plt.title('Fitted curve before smearing')\n",
    "#     plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass -70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "#     plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass +70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "#     plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass -50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "#     plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass +50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "#     plt.ylim(0.0, 1.5e-6)\n",
    "#     plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "#     plt.savefig('test.png')"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Integration"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# total_f_fit.update_integration_options(draws_per_dim=2000000, mc_sampler=None)\n",
    "if integrate:\n",
    "    start = time.time()\n",
    "    _max_size = 2000000\n",
    "    step_size = 2000\n",
    "    steps = np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.1/step_size)\n",
    "    l = len(steps)\n",
    "    parts = int(l/_max_size)\n",
    "    print(l)\n",
    "    start_ = time.time()\n",
    "    _list = []\n",
    "    for j in range(parts):\n",
    "        print(j, parts)\n",
    "        _c = total_f_fit.pdf(steps[j*_max_size:(j+1)*_max_size], norm_range=False)\n",
    "        inte_fl =\n",
    "        for i in range(int(_max_size/step_size)):\n",
    "            _list.append(np.mean(inte_fl[int(i*step_size):int((i+1)*step_size)]))\n",
    "    _c = total_f_fit.pdf(steps[(parts)*_max_size:], norm_range=False)\n",
    "    inte_fl =\n",
    "    \n",
    "    rest = l%_max_size\n",
    "    for i in range(int(rest/step_size)):\n",
    "        _list.append(np.mean(inte_fl[int(i*step_size):int((i+1)*step_size)]))\n",
    "    print('Full integration finished in {}'.format(display_time(int(time.time()-start))))\n",
    "    print(len(_list))"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "if integrate:\n",
    "    dirName = 'data/CLs'\n",
    "    with open(\"{}/inte_100keV_steps.pkl\".format(dirName), \"wb\") as f:\n",
    "        pkl.dump(_list, f, pkl.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)\n",
    "if integrate:\n",
    "    \n",
    "    center = np.arange(x_min+0.05, x_max, 0.1)\n",
    "    probs = total_f_fit.pdf(test_q, norm_range=False)\n",
    "    calcs_test1 =\n",
    "    \n",
    "    plt.clf()\n",
    "    figure(dpi = 250)\n",
    "    plt.title('Integrated curve before smearing')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass -70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass +70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass -50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass +50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "    plt.ylim(0.0, 1.6e-6)\n",
    "    plt.plot(center,_list)\n",
    "    plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "    plt.ylabel(r'$\\mathcal{B} (B^+ \\to K^+ \\mu^+ \\mu^- ) / dq^2$')\n",
    "    plt.tight_layout()\n",
    "    plt.savefig('integrated_before_smearing.png')\n",
    "# plt.plot(inte_fl)"
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Smearing"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "def gauss(x, area, m, sig = 7, step_s = 0.1):\n",
    "    \n",
    "    prefac = 1/(sig*np.sqrt(np.pi))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    y = np.zeros(np.shape(x))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    start = time.time()\n",
    "    \n",
    "    for i in range(len(area)):\n",
    "        \n",
    "        y += prefac*area[i]*np.exp(-1/2*((x-m[i])/sig)**2)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        t = time.time()\n",
    "        \n",
    "        j = i+1\n",
    "        \n",
    "        if i % 500 == 0:\n",
    "            print(display_time(int((t-start)/(j)*(len(area)-j))))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    return y*step_s\n",
    "        \n",
    "        \n",
    "    \n",
    "#             _y += prefac*area*np.exp(-1/2*((x-_m)/sig)**2)   \n",
    "# gauss(scan_x, _list)\n",
    "# print(np.shape(_list)[0], np.shape(center)[0])\n",
    "# print(int(1.25/0.1)*0.1)\n",
    "# print((1.25-1.25%0.1)/0.1)\n",
    "# print((x_max-x_min)*10)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "scan_x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, 1e5)\n",
    "center = np.arange(x_min+0.05, x_max, 0.1)\n",
    "# for i in range(len(steps)/step_size):\n",
    "#     center.append(i)\n",
    "sum_y = gauss(x =scan_x, m = center, area = _list)\n",
    "    "
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# plt.clf()\n",
    "# plt.title('Fitted curve after smearing')\n",
    "# plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass -70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "# plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass +70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "# plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass -50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "# plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass +50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "# plt.ylim(0.0, 2.5e-6)\n",
    "# plt.plot(scan_x,sum_y)\n",
    "# plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "# plt.savefig('curve_after_smearing.png')"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "plt.title('Fitted curve after convolution')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass -70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=jpsi_mass +70,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass -50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.axvline(x=psi2s_mass +50,color='red', linewidth=1.0, linestyle = 'dotted')\n",
    "plt.ylim(0.0, 1.6e-6)\n",
    "plt.plot(test_q, calcs_test, label = 'inf. precision')\n",
    "plt.plot(scan_x,sum_y*0.7, label = 'smeared')\n",
    "plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "plt.ylabel(r'$\\mathcal{B} (B^+ \\to K^+ \\mu^+ \\mu^- ) / dq^2$')\n",
    "# plt.xlim(jpsi_mass, psi2s_mass)\n",
   "cell_type": "markdown",
   "metadata": {},
   "source": [
    "## Create convonluted data"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "nbins = 50\n",
    "b_w = int(len(scan_x)/nbins)\n",
    "conv_data = []\n",
    "means = []\n",
    "_ = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, nbins+1)\n",
    "bin_centers = []\n",
    "_area = np.mean(sum_y)#*(x_max-x_min)\n",
    "# print(_area)\n",
    "_sum_y = sum_y/_area*pdg[\"number_of_decays\"]/100\n",
    "# print(np.mean(_sum_y))\n",
    "for i in range(nbins):\n",
    "    bin_centers.append((_[i]+_[i+1])/2.)\n",
    "    means.append(np.mean(_sum_y[i*b_w:(i+1)*b_w]))\n",
    "    _width = np.sqrt(means[-1])\n",
    "    conv_data.append(np.around(np.random.normal(means[-1], _width)))\n",
    "    \n",
    "figure(num=None, dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')\n",
    "# plt.hist(x = bin_centers, bins = nbins, range = (x_min, x_max), weights = conv_data, histtype = 'step', label = 'Example data')\n",
    "# plt.plot(bin_centers, conv_data, '.',, color = 'r')\n",
    "plt.plot(scan_x,_sum_y, label = 'Convoluted fit', color = 'darkorange')\n",
    "plt.errorbar(bin_centers, conv_data,yerr = np.sqrt(conv_data), elinewidth=1, fmt = '.', ecolor = 'forestgreen', color = 'forestgreen', label = 'Example data')\n",
    "plt.xlabel(r'$q^2 [MeV^2]$')\n",
    "plt.ylabel('# Events')\n",
    "plt.title('Convoluted fit with possible data set')\n",
    "# plt.xlim(jpsi_mass, psi2s_mass)\n",
    "# print(conv_data)\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "# figure(num=None, dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')\n",
    "# plt.clf()\n",
    "# # plt.hist(x = bin_centers, bins = nbins, range = (x_min, x_max), weights = conv_data, histtype = 'step', label = 'Example data')\n",
    "# # plt.plot(bin_centers, conv_data, '.',, color = 'r')\n",
    "# plt.plot(scan_x,_sum_y, label = 'Convoluted fit', color = 'darkorange')\n",
    "# plt.errorbar(bin_centers, conv_data,yerr = np.sqrt(conv_data), elinewidth=1, fmt = '.', ecolor = 'forestgreen', color = 'forestgreen', label = 'Example data')\n",
    "# plt.ylim(0.,1200)\n",
    "# plt.legend()\n",
    "# plt.title('Convoluted fit with possible data set')\n",
    "# # plt.xlim(jpsi_mass, psi2s_mass)\n",
    "# # print(conv_data)\n",
    "# plt.savefig('smeared_fit_with_data.png')"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "print "
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": []
 "metadata": {
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