\documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{braket} \usepackage{tikz-feynman} % Theme \usetheme[progressbar = frametitle]{metropolis} \setbeamertemplate{frame numbering}[number] \useoutertheme{metropolis} \useinnertheme{metropolis} \usefonttheme{metropolis} % Colors \usecolortheme{seahorse} %Colortheme \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg = white} %Color of pages \usepackage{multicol} %allow multicolumns \setbeamercovered{transparent =5} %transparency of covered things (with online) % Font \usepackage{times} \fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont %Define own color %\definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{.125,.5,.25} %\usecolortheme[named = mygreen]{structure} %Document info \title[$B\rightarrow K\tau\tau$ search in $b\rightarrow K \mu\mu$ decays ]{$B\rightarrow K\tau\tau$ search in $B\rightarrow K \mu\mu$ decays} %\subtitle{Subtitle here} \author{Sascha Liechti\\ Supervisors: Nicola Serra, Patrick Owen} \institute{University of Zurich - LHCb group} \date{} %Document \begin{document} \metroset{block=fill} \addtocounter{framenumber}{-2} \begin{frame}[plain] \titlepage \end{frame} \begin{frame}[plain]{Overview}\vspace{4pt} \begin{enumerate} \item Decay \item Search \begin{itemize} \item Theory \item Pdf and its parts \item Where are we now \end{itemize} \item Outlook \end{enumerate} \vspace{80pt} \tiny{All results and plots are very preliminary} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Decay} \vspace{4pt} \begin{itemize} \item Anomalies gave rise to new search for possible lepton flavor universality violation \begin{itemize} \item Different coupling to leptons of different generations \\ $\triangleright$ Most to $\tau$, least to $e$ \end{itemize} \item[$\triangleright$] How can we observe different generations at once? \end{itemize} \begin{columns} \column{0.49\textwidth}{ \includegraphics[width = 0.9\textwidth]{img/full_decay.png} } \column{0.49\textwidth}{ \includegraphics[width = 0.9\textwidth]{img/b_to_s.png} } \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Search} \vspace{4pt} \begin{itemize} \item According to SM the $\tau$ contribution should not be visible in the dimuon spectrum \begin{itemize} \item Dependent on Wilson coefficients ($C7$), $C9$, $C10$ \end{itemize} \item[$\triangleright$] Some SUSY models predict an amplification of the $\tau$ contribution: \begin{itemize} \item[$\triangleright$] Amplification due to new channel \item[$\triangleright$] Amplification factor: \textbf{10 - 1000} \end{itemize} \item[$\Rightarrow$] $\tau$ contribution should become visible \begin{itemize} \item Cusp like shape in between $J/\Psi$ and $\Psi(2S)$ resonances \item At the moment still a bifurkated gaussian (shape will slightly change as we get the exact shape) \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Search} \vspace{4pt} \includegraphics[width = 0.9\textwidth]{img/pdf_and_parts-full.png} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Search} \vspace{4pt} \begin{columns} \column{1.06\textwidth}{ Extremely sensitive to cusp amplitude\vspace{10pt} } \end{columns} \begin{columns} \column{0.5\textwidth}{ Cusp amplitude: $6\cdot 10^{-7}$\vspace{4pt} \includegraphics[width = 1.0\textwidth]{img/histo.png}} \column{0.5\textwidth}{ Cusp amplitude: $4\cdot 10^{-7}$\vspace{4pt} \includegraphics[width = 1.0\textwidth]{img/histo-low-cusp.png}} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Search} \vspace{4pt} What can we do for now: \begin{itemize} \item Generate toys (equivalent size of data taken in run I and II) \item Running model of the dimuon spectrum and the relevant contributions for this search \begin{itemize} \item Rare nonresonant \item $J/\Psi$ \item $\Psi(2S)$ \item $Cusp$ \item Will be added in the future: $cc$, $B \rightarrow DDK$, $DD^*K$, $ D^*D^*K$ \end{itemize} \item Binned fit pdf to the data and calculate likelihood \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Outlook} \vspace{4pt} Next steps: \begin{itemize} \item Integrate true shape of the cusp \item Add $cc$, $B \rightarrow DDK$, $DD^*K$, $ D^*D^*K$\\ $\triangleright$ Only $B \rightarrow DD^*K$ nonresonant \item Implement additional crosschecks \item Analyze resolution \item Low energy regime fit: \begin{itemize} \item[$\triangleright$] Improve sensitivity on charm part and tau tail by including a constraint from low $q^2$ \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \addtocounter{framenumber}{1} \begin{frame}[standout] \vspace{4pt} \includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{img/questions.jpg} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Backup Slides} \vspace{4pt} \includegraphics[width = 1.0\textwidth]{img/histo-full.png} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t]{Backup Slides} \vspace{4pt} \includegraphics[width = 1.0\textwidth]{img/pdf_and_parts-center.png} \end{frame} \end{document}