Master_thesis / Group meeting presentations / 16.04.19 / presentation.tex


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%Document info
\title[B_s B_s_bar]{Search for $Z'$ in the dimuon spectrum of $B \rightarrow K \mu \mu$ }
%\subtitle{Subtitle here}
\author{Sascha Liechti}
\institute{University of Zurich - LHCb group}





\item Decay
\item Search
\item $Z'$ cusp
\item Outlook

\begin{frame}[t]{Decay} \vspace{4pt}

\item Anomalies gave rise to new search for possible lepton flavor universality violation
\item Different coupling to leptons of different generations \\
$\triangleright$ Most to $\tau$, least to $e$
\item[$\triangleright$] How can we observe different generations at once?
\includegraphics[width = 0.9\textwidth]{img/full_decay.png}
\includegraphics[width = 0.9\textwidth]{img/b_to_s.png}


\begin{frame}[t]{Search} \vspace{4pt}

\item According to SM the $\tau$ contribution should not be visible in the dimuon spectrum
\item Dependent on Wilson coefficients ($C7$), $C9$, $C10$
\item[$\triangleright$] Some SUSY models predict an amplification of the $\tau$ contribution:
\item[$\triangleright$] Amplification due to new channel
\item[$\triangleright$] Amplification factor: \textbf{10 - 1000}
\item[$\Rightarrow$] $\tau$ contribution should become visible
\item Cusp like shape in between $J/\Psi$ and $\Psi(2S)$ resonances


\begin{frame}[t]{Search} \vspace{4pt}



\begin{frame}[standout] \vspace{4pt}
\includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{img/questions.jpg}
