Master_thesis / f1d1 / plots /
Ctt Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
DDstar_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
DDstar_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
Dbar_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
Dbar_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
bplus_0 Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
bplus_1 Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
bplus_2 Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
jpsi_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
omega_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
omega_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p3770_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p3770_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p4040_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p4040_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p4160_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p4160_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p4415_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
p4415_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
phi_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
phi_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
psi2s_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
rho_p Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
rho_s Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(197).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(250).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(277).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(293).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(331).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(365).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(392).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(396).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(424).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(451).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(476).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(481).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(500).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(523).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(545).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(555).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(567).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(587).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(607).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(620).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(626).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(644).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(662).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago
CLs-Ctt(680).png Compare weird results of f3d1 and f1d1 4 years ago