rnn_bachelor_thesis / Report / New Version / text / efficiencies.tex

		%\small %captions should be a little bit smaller than main text
		Efficiencies of the different cuts. For every cut, the above ones are applied as well. The relative efficiency refers to the loss because of this cut with respect to the previous cut.}
		Number of events 	& Cut added	& Relative efficiency \\
		$2,065,330$			& No cuts		& $100\%$ \\
		$66,185$			& Stripping		& $3.20\%$ \\
		$25,622$			& \hlt			& $38.7\%$ \\
		$14,192$			& \qsq region	& $55.4\%$ \\				
		$11,254$			& \nameref{sec:preselection}		& $79.3\%$ \\
This yields a total efficiency of $0.545\%$