1_to_1_multi_layer: Some minor changes to full_save and full_load to optionally include the train and test data and load it accordingly
1_to_1_multi_layer: Added a function to test the rnn

1_to_1_multi_compact: A shortened version which loads all the modules, my functions and helperfunctions and the RNNPlacePrediction class with requirements.py and just does the training and testing of the rnn
requriements.py: Loads all modules, does the preprocessing and defines all functions and helperfunctions (to be loaded into 1_to_1_multi_compact)
1 parent 0a9796e commit 8817d01d76a9080dbe3b23a60cc2da4d7d3d85fe
@saslie saslie authored on 30 Apr 2018
Showing 4 changed files
1_to_1_multi_compact.ipynb 0 → 100644
Requiremements.ipynb 0 → 100644
requiremements.py 0 → 100644