Presentations / Tauola_2013 / tauola_2013.tex
@mchrzasz mchrzasz on 10 Oct 2013 20 KB update before changing laptops
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\title{Search for LFV decays at LHCb}
\author{Marcin Chrz\k{a}szcz}
\institute[Institute of Nuclear Physics]
Institute of Nuclear Physics,
\newline University of Zurich


\date{$19^{th}$ September 2013}

%                           Introduction




    \includegraphics[height=.8cm,keepaspectratio ]{pic/ifj.png}

%                          OUTLINE


%                          Introduction
% Set the background for the rest of the slides.
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\begin{frame}\frametitle{LFV hunting, "Who ordered that?" I. Rabi}

The history of LFV dates back to the discovery of muon:

\item After discovery of $\mu$ it was natural to think about it as an excited electron.
\item Unless you have an other neutrino.

\item Analogy to GIM mechanism.


	\textref { M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

%\section{Lepton Flavour Violation}
\section{$\tau$ decays}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{$\tau$ decays}
%{\Huge{$\tau$ decays}}

        \circled{1} $\Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon$ \\
        \circled{2} $\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$       

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Curent status}

\frametitle{LFV in $\Ptauon$ sector}%$\PBminus\to h^{+}\ell^{-}\ell^{-}$}

		\circled{1} In SM small   $\mathcal{B}( \Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon ) \sim 10^{-50} $    \\
	    \circled{2} NP can enhance  $\mathcal{B}$.  \\			
        \circled{3} Nature still hides $\Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon$ from us.\\
        \circled{4} Current limits:
              \begin{tabular}{| l | l |}
	\hline   Experiment & $90\%$ CL limit \\      
  	\hline   BaBar & $3.3 \times 10^{-8}$ \\              
   	\hline   Belle & $2.1 \times 10^{-8}$ \\   	
	\circled{5} Can a hadron collider change the picture? \\

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Analysis approach}
$\mathcal{B}$ factories

LHCb, ($7 TeV$, 2011 data)


		\circled{1} Clean signal: $\APelectron\Pelectron\to\APtauon\Ptauon$    \\
		\circled{2} Calculate the thrust axis   \\
		\circled{3} "Partial tag" the other $\tau$    \\
		\circled{4} Small cross section $0.919nb$     \\

		\circled{1} Inclusive $\tau$ cross section: \newline $79.5\pm\unit{8.3}{\micro\barn}$.   \\
		\circled{2} $8 \times 10^{10} \tau$ produced. \\
		\circled{3} Dominant contribution: \newline $\PDs\to\Ptau\Pnut$ ($78\%$)   \\
		\circled{4} No tag possible.   \\


\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\item Loose cut based selection
\item Classification in 3D space:
\item invariant mass
\item decay topology\newline (multivariate)
\item particle identification\newline (multivariate)
\item Classifier trained on simulation
\item Calibration with control channel
\item Normalization with $\PDs \to \phi(\mu \mu) \pi$
\item CLs method to extract the result

\begin{block}{Signal \& Calibration \& Background channel}
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\frametitle{Signal likelihoods}
\begin{block}{particle identification}
\item hits in muon chambers
\item energy in calorimeters
\item compatible with MIP
\item RICH response


\begin{block}{3 body decay likelihood}
\item vertex properties
\item vertex fit, pointing
\item track quality
\item isolation


\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\frametitle{Signal likelihoods}
\begin{block}{particle identification}
\item hits in muon chambers
\item energy in calorimeters
\item compatible with MIP
\item RICH response


\begin{block}{3 body decay likelihood}
\item vertex properties
\item vertex fit, pointing
\item track quality
\item isolation


\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

%  \underbrace{•}

\frametitle{Normalization channel $\PDs^{+}\to\Pphi(\APmuon\Pmuon)\Ppiplus$}
\begin{block}{Produced $\tau$ leptons}
\mathcal{B}(\tau\to\mu\mu\mu)=\underbrace{\frac{\sigma(pp\to\PDs\to\Ptau)}{\sigma(pp\to\Ptau)}}_\text{$77.9\%$} \frac{\mathcal{B}(\PDs\to\Pphi(\Pmu\Pmu)\Ppi)}{\mathcal{B}(\PDs\to\Ptau\Pnut)}    \frac{\varepsilon_{norm}}{\varepsilon_{sig}}\frac{N_{\tau\to\mu\mu\mu}}{N_{\PDs\to\Pphi(\Pmu\Pmu)\Ppi}}



\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\frametitle{Invariant mass}

\item background estimation in sidebands
\item different signal likelihood inside signal region


\item Mass resolution and mass scale calibrated on data
\item \textcolor{yellow}{Blinded window}
\item \textcolor{orange}{Mass window}
\item Mass resolution: $9.16 MeV$
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\frametitle{$D_s \to \eta(\mu\mu\gamma)\mu\nu$ background}

\item One of the main source of irreducible background for$3\mu$ is $D_s \to \eta(\mu\mu\gamma)\mu\nu$
\item We simulated sample corresponding to $5fb^{-1}$ to get the corresponding pdfs.



\item $\frac{1}{3}$ of events in the sensitive bins are coming from this decay.
\item Pdfs looked to much like combinatorial background.
\item We decided to cut this background away by using di-muon cut $M(\mu\mu)>480MeV$.
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\frametitle{$D \to K \pi \pi$ background}

\item In the lowest PID bin we saw $D \to K \pi \pi$ with 3 miss-ID.
\item Bins that suffer from this background are not taken into account in limit calculations.
\item Negligible impact on the limit.




\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\frametitle{Signal likelihoods}
\begin{block}{combined signal distribution}
\item events distributed over 25 likelihood bins
\item background estimate from mass sidebands

Signal efficiency in 3-BODY BDT vs PID BDT plane.



\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\frametitle{Observed events}


\item Analysis performed blinded.
\item No evidence of signal seen after unbinding.
\item Used Cls method for limit extraction.


\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\frametitle{Extracted upper limit}


          &   \text{observed}   &  \text{expected} & \text{CL} \\
$\mathcal{B}(\Ptau\to\Pmu\Pmu\Pmu)$  & $8.0\times 10 ^{-8}$ & $8.3\times 10^{-8}$  & $90\%$\\
          &   $  8.0\times 10 ^{-8}$ & $10.2\times 10^{-8}$  & $95\%$ \\ 


\texttt{arxiv:} \texttt{1304.4518}


\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}
% tau2pmumu

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Curent status}

\frametitle{LNV \& BNV in $\Ptauon$ sector}%$\PBminus\to h^{+}\ell^{-}\ell^{-}$}
\newline \Large{$\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$}
        \circled{1}  Search for baryon number violation processes so far unsuccessful, but must have occurred in the early universe \\
        \circled{2}  Decay fall into $\vert B -L \vert =0$ category, which is predicted by many NP models.\\
      \circled{3}  Similar decays $\Ptauon \to \Lambda \Plepton^{-}$, previous studied in $\mathcal{B}$ factories. \\
        \circled{4}  Two possible decay and new physics modes:  $\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$, $\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$. \\
        \circled{5}  Analysis adopted from  $\Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon$ \\

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Curent status}

\frametitle{Differences}%$\PBminus\to h^{+}\ell^{-}\ell^{-}$}

 Mass distribution 
\newline \includegraphics[scale=0.18]{mass_bins}
\item Use the same $\mathcal{M}_{3body}$ BDT as for $\Ptauon\to\Pmuon\Pmuon\APmuon$
\item Insead of PID BDT use hard PID cut optimised on MC and Data.
\item Worse normalization factor, due to hard PID cuts.
\item Only combinatorical background expected.


 3-body BDT distribution for $\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$
\newline \includegraphics[scale=0.22]{BDTbins_postPID_OS}
\newline 3-body BDT distributiion for $\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$
\newline \includegraphics[scale=0.22]{BDTbins_postPID_SS}
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}



\begin{frame}\frametitle{Background Fits}
\Large $\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$
\small \newline 3-body BDT $(0.4,0.7)$
 \small \newline 3-body BDT $(0.7,1.0)$

 \Large $\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$
 \small \newline 3-body BDT $(0.4,0.7)$
 \small \newline 3-body BDT $(0.7,1.0)$
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


\begin{frame}\frametitle{Limits on \textcolor{green}{$\Ptauon\to\APproton\Pmuon\APmuon$} and \textcolor{red}{$\Ptauon\to\Pproton\Pmuon\Pmuon$}}

 CL         &   \text{Observed}   &  \text{Expected} \\
$90\%$  & \textcolor{green}{$3.3 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $4.4 \times 10^{-7}$} & \textcolor{green}{$4.6 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $5.4 \times 10^{-7}$}  \\
$95\%$  & \textcolor{green}{$4.3 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $5.9 \times 10^{-7}$} & \textcolor{green}{$5.9 \times 10^{-7}$} \textcolor{red}{ $6.9 \times 10^{-7}$}  \\

\Large First time measured!!

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\section{Model dependence}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{Plans for future}
\item Almost all LFV models are based on flat phase space simulation.
\begin{exampleblock}{Minimal Lepton Flavour Violation Model\footnote{arXiv:0707.0988}}
\item In effective-field-theory we introduce new operators that at electro-weak scale are compatible with $SU(2)_L \times U(1)$.
\item Left handed lepton doublets add right handed lepton singlets follow the group symmetry: $G_{LF} = SU(3)_L \times SU(3)_E$.
\item LFV arises from breaking this group.
\item We focus on three operators that have dominant contribution to NP:
\item Purely left handed iterations: $(\overline{L} \gamma_{\mu} L)(\overline{L} \gamma^{\mu} L)$
\item Mix term: $(\overline{R}\gamma_{\mu} R)(\overline{L} \gamma^{\mu} L)$
\item Radiative operator: $g'(\overline{L}H\sigma_{\mu\nu}R)B^{\mu\nu}$

\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Dalitz plot for different scenarios}

{~}$(\overline{L} \gamma_{\mu} L)(\overline{L} \gamma^{\mu} L)$\\

$(\overline{R}\gamma_{\mu} R)(\overline{L} \gamma^{\mu} L)$\\



        \circled{1}  LFV and BNV still hidden from us. \\
        \circled{2}  First upper limits for $\tau$ LFV and LNV in hadron colliders. \\
        \circled{3} LHCb catching up $\mathcal{B}$ factories. \\
        \circled{4} First search for $\mathcal{B}(\tau \to \Pproton \mu \mu)$ .
		 \circled{5} Very interesting studies about model dependence ongoing.

\begin{center} \center Thank you for your attention. \end{center}
\begin{small} Work partially funded by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the "Diamond Grant"  \end{small}
%\center \Large Thank you for attention.
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


 \center \Huge{Backup Slides}

%\center \Large Thank you for attention.
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}


 \center \Huge{Backup Slides}

%\center \Large Thank you for attention.
\textref{M.Chrz\k{a}szcz 2013}
